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Title: Introduction--Featuring System--Strategy [Print this page]

Author: Tank_Shawn    Time: 2015-8-31 10:18
Title: Introduction--Featuring System--Strategy
Edited by Tank_Shawn at 2015-9-9 15:38


[Open Condition]
Hiring counselor Donitz

Featuring strategy system gives each counselor Mountain Thunder, Travelling Dune, Defend and Trap strategy and so on.
You can appoint counselors to equip chariots, and strategies of counselors will be activated.
Strategies are much powerful, which can strike enemies firmly. All kinds of strategies make battles wonderful.

After hiring counselors, you can see that each counselor owns an strategy, which differs in level.
Putting them to use in cities can produce buffs for cities.

[6 Strategies and Introduction]
●      Mountain Thunder: Used on plains, decrease the enemy’s life slightly.
●      Travelling Dune: Used on deserts, decrease the enemy’s life slightly
●      Mountain Bomb: Used on mountains, decrease the enemy’s life slightly
●      Trap: Set traps at target places(except cities), and the enemy’ life reduces when the enemy reaches those traps
●      Defend: Enemies can not attack our appointed places
●      Block: Stop enemies from moving to battlefields(except cities)

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