Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Need to merge s31 pls [Print this page]

Author: HiImLee    Time: 2015-9-7 20:50
Title: Need to merge s31 pls
GM pls look , nobody plays it , palace 1person only...  we need strong wei/wu either s30 or 32 pls..

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-7 21:07
does they invincible?
Author: Declan    Time: 2015-9-7 23:07
s33 wei is very strong and s33 wu have strong wu too.. maybe good choice if can merge with them
Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-9-7 23:28
S32 just merger, bro
Author: Lagrator    Time: 2015-9-8 00:56
Whaat ? Someone pls tell me that this is a joke, my memory is still fresh from the oven, i remember that someone has posted a thread with title "pls do not ever merge s31"
Author: Tonberrt    Time: 2015-9-8 22:08
S31 no need la... a lot of clone already
Author: MyCupOfTea    Time: 2015-9-8 22:47
we dont need them in s33 , Yes Wei have strongest player Reed, Wu a have 1 highes lvl player DC, but shu is still strong and have larges numbers of players in s33.
a pretty nice balance ^_^ if you merge with s31 you get the same problem they had b4.
Author: Lagrator    Time: 2015-9-9 12:13
MyCupOfTea replied at 2015-9-8 22:47
we dont need them in s33 , Yes Wei have strongest player Reed, Wu a have 1 highes lvl player DC, but ...

And who are u ?
Author: Wumin    Time: 2015-9-9 16:00
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... 82&fromuid=3572

Author: Chantt    Time: 2016-12-2 23:57
welcome all new ppl!!!

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