Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [News]Notice -- 9.15 [Print this page]

Author: Lucerne.Sun    Time: 2015-9-15 18:47
Title: [News]Notice -- 9.15
Edited by Lucerne.Sun at 2015-9-15 18:51

To All Players Using ios Devices:

Last Friday we fixed a really serious bug with the help of programmers and some of the players. Since this bug has involving essential parts of game system of ios version, we posted a notice on official website, forum & FB Fan Page asking all ios players reinstall the game to fix the bug completely.
Up to this morning, though, we have still found that some players had problems with the events or login because they did not reinstall the game. Therefore, here we would like to ask you again to double check whether you have reinstalled the game if there's problem on events (eg. Lucky Cat crashing the game) or login process (cannot login with account but can only use FastPlay).
We really appreciate your cooperation & support. Hope you enjoy our game.
P.S.: If you used a guest account, please make sure you have bound an email before reinstalling.

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