Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [Forum Event] Strategy Solicitation of Defeating Lu Xun [Print this page]

Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2015-9-17 18:50
Title: [Forum Event] Strategy Solicitation of Defeating Lu Xun
Edited by COTK-LA at 2015-9-23 16:04

Lord and ladies, the solicitation of Defeating Lu Xun has ended with great achievements, sincerely thanks for all of you great support and brilliant ideas. Especially for your generosities of sharing this to all of players. Here, on behalf of our COTK team, thank you! And the award list are as follows.

Here is the choice strategy for defeating Lu Xun:

Recently, many players have been asking how could they defeat Lu Xun. So, we decided to launch this activity to collect excellent ideas from TOP players. We sincerely welcome YOUR participation on this event and at the same time, players who could put forward best suggestions willbe rewarded with generous gifts.
Here are some brief introduction about our incredible and handsome hero:
Hero Talent: Plains Capacity + 25%
Outstanding Skill: Burning Fire which attack 3 rows of enemies and setsfire 5 times to 1 row on the earth to burn enemies in the following round.
What's more, even reduce enemies in a row by 30% from afully-recruited size.
What are you waiting ? Come and get him!
[Time] Ends on Sep. 22nd, 2015
[Server] All servers
1. During the event, pls send your thread to the Game Discussion in our Forum ,and reply the link of your Strategy below this thread
2. Write about more than 200 words and if some pictures attached below,that would be preferred
3. The strategy in the reply link will be checked at the first.
4. The content you write should only relate to the information of how to defeat Lu Xun
5. Plagiarism is severely prohibited, if any resemblance, the first one would be adopted.
1.Standard format for Thread in Game Discussion:
[Strategy][Server IGN]Your Title
E.g.[Strategy][S1. XXXX]Easily defeating Lu Xun
2.Standard format for reply in this thread:
Server, IGN, link of strategy post
E.g.S17,xxxx, http://bbs.heyshell.com/xxxxxxxxx
Suggestions provided by players will be read carefully. In addition, We'll select top 5 as the most valuable articles who will receive 300 gold as rewards when the event ended. Meanwhile, these strategies will also be gathered and shared in our official website.
1.Any participants should reply strictly in accordance with the Format required by this event.
2.Any posts inconsistent with the requirement will be considered as disqualification.
3.Repeatedly posts could be permitted to submit for players using the same character, butthey will not be rewarded repeatedly, namely, each and every character could only obtain one gift

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-9-17 20:33
Edited by JianYi at 2015-9-17 20:34

LimKianGi S16

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2015-9-17 22:46

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: Hendry    Time: 2015-9-17 22:54
Edited by Hendry at 2015-9-17 22:58

This is my first thread, hope can help people there.. i ever read some guide that help me.
  Important :
- At least 6immu, if no immu think u need very good stat like "attack around average 5k and def 2500 and troops around 100k ", for 6 immu i think 4800-5000 is enough.
- 1 Lantern,3 slotted enough, but better create all s.slotted for those 3, because grant new stats.
- its better if u have more immu like 12 or more, because easier to beat luxun.

After see some guides, i realize immu is important for kind this instances.., 1 row could kill 4 rows. At least u can beat 2 gens with 1 gen xc. with full set immu.

1. Hero stats : for 6 immu, i think (att 5k, def 2,35k ,troops around 90-100k)
        Xuchu ( 6 immu & 1 lantern )
        Dwei  (3 att 2 def 1 troops) jade
        Zhou Yu (4 trick 2 att) s.slot
        Guojia troops 3, att 3 or 3 immu 2 att 1 troops slotted
        Machao need some 3 harm, 3 immu, or 3 att 3 immu. slotted
        when at city u need Z.tai & L.meng ( Make Them as strogn as u can, Lmeng lvl 80 enough )
2. req. Arma must full (113/ 114)
3. polish at least 24 stars ( storm 24%, def 16%, others 14%)
4. Foster at least 70% for all heroes.
5. Liegeman, suits the best for ur heroes capable of.. such dwei need atk and troops. give him atk troops.
7. Gem : 2 lvl 12, 3 lvl 11 , 1 lvl 10
NB : for polish, if u not high recharge dont chase stars too fast.. just focus on arma first, equip and then polish last one.

Line ups :
Lmeng is the hardest stage here.. need luck for this stage, if u have sxiang,wenji. its easier to beat him u can crush them with splash or blast by girls talent.
There is 10 stage:
4 J.qin
Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei   -  Guoja    - Zhou Yu (storm) - Machao.
for city : change with z.tai , lumeng for that stage. always put xuchu in front since u have 6 immu.

for line up, u can change it based on ur condition.. because every ID is different. because im not recharge player, so i use common heroes, and rely on luck.

for Lmeng stage :
Line Up : Xuchu Dwei Zhouyu - Guojia - Machao
Here u need xuchu block 2nd and Gjia rebound 5th

Luxun is easier, because city.
Guojia wear 6 immu.
dont ever think to put storm on gjia, because Luxun's skill cant rebounded by gjia, so put ur storm on dwei or z.yu to pass this stage. manage ur gens as good as possible to find suitable place for ur gens to eat luxun's skill.

good luck for Luxun..



Author: Magician    Time: 2015-9-17 23:16
S3 - KomandanWU

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... amp;extra=#pid23793

Another great shot from Heyshell to help each other in this game
Author: maul    Time: 2015-9-18 06:00
Edited by maul at 2015-9-18 06:18

mando s3
If u already lvl 113 but u init stil low I will share my experience when im at luxun
1.u need 6 eq full immu  for wearing on xuchu
2.dwei or zfei give many immu as u can (no need hiden eq) or many atack
3 zyu give atack and skil atacking
4 gj give immu many as u can or many atack or many harm
5 mchao imu or atak or harm will help u
GOOD IF Uhave lantern if not give u hero many super slotted or super jade final negation rate except zyu need atack n skil
Give xuchu lantern he need blocking enemy  another hero no worry to use super jade
Uneed combo like.ptong zren weiyan n hzong they have lead 3 force 3 than use at xuchu lead will help xuchu blocking and force will help xuchu immun enemy atack
Zyu need combo who have high atack and skill atack like gj,jiaxu,xunyu,xyou,cyu or tschi,ganning,sunce
Mchao ,gj,and dwei/zfei need combo who have troop atack and comonn atack absolute damage or mitigation
Gem armamen
Beteer u give high atack n troop last is defens.. like atack gem 12 12 defen 10 10 troop 11 11
Polish horcrux
Storm is use on zyu better if above 24% defens wearing dwei or zfei, resist cavalry at mchao,xchu need resist invantry,gj need resist mechanized or rebound damage  
Ins luxun have two hardest stage lmeng and luxun
Lmeng u need line up xuchu,dwei/zfei,zyu,gj,mchao
Try many moretime,find good time for xuchu block first npc and second npc try dwei/zfey can help blocking npc too,gj must reboun last enemy npc,than finished of by mchao
Stage luxun u need line up gj,lmeng/zthai,zyu,dwei and mchao
U need wearing dwei storm full eq atacking n skil ( in batalion u can change zyu eq liegemen tringket horcrux give to dwei)
Luxun troop will lose many if got skill dwei last troop than finished by mchao
Hope my exp can help or improve u strategy to defaet luxun
No need strong to much if u low vip u can try that strategy if u have enough soul and food lucky is needed the most so before start pray first
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-9-18 14:14
PercyMarsh S31

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: .007.    Time: 2015-9-18 15:42
GM you should put under the rule only those that has actually passed Luxun instance can enter this event. So many copy and paste guidelines and misguided one. It has to stop
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-18 16:03
.007. replied at 2015-9-18 15:42
GM you should put under the rule only those that has actually passed Luxun instance can enter this e ...

thanks for your suggestion, we will select based on our judgement and the time the player posted. btw, there is no definitely correct answer, the situation is widely differ from each player. So the strategy is for reference but can not guarantee getting LU Xun. anyway, thanks for all of the contribution of our players .
Author: cockroachsmells    Time: 2015-9-18 17:56
This is not about correct guide or not. But the actual player has already pass or not.

For example how do u know if this food delicious or not if u haven't even try it yet?
And can u be such expert in surgery if u are not a surgeon?

And not about guide being true or not! Misleading, cheating, in attempt to win some gold, is very low attitude!

This event has become a way to earn gold by lying!
Are u gonna support that also?
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-18 18:01
cockroachsmells replied at 2015-9-18 17:56
This is not about correct guide or not. But the actual player has already pass or not.

so we will judge carefully. do not worry.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-18 18:57
If this event didn't offer 300 gold, no one is gonna be so generous like LimKianGi from S16 sharing with us all Lu Xun elite instances guideline few months ago. Heck, he even surpassed himself sharing Sun Ce guideline with us recently. This is the type of player who is true believer in spirit of sharing

Whole idea is to share how you beat Lu Xun in this event.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-9-18 19:32
Edited by JianYi at 2015-9-18 19:35
BlueFire replied at 2015-9-18 18:57
If this event didn't offer 300 gold, no one is gonna be so generous like LimKianGi from S16 sharing  ...

Tq my friend...Bluefire...
Ur message make me feel very worth to sharing that thread...hehehhee .tq tq my bro..

and also let u know one thing..actualy many of our friend here want to share with us too..maybe they lazy  post only...as most of my elite, i also get info from here get info from there...
so at my last of those post, i always thank them too

and i hope gm choice mine to give me 300g...hehehehe..
Author: .007.    Time: 2015-9-18 19:42
I agree with previous post.

The one that deserve to be winner here is the one sharing their experience and strategy without asking anything in return.

Not like those fella that only copy and paste their strategy after hearing about rewards.

Just end the event now and rewards JianYi with 1000 gold. One vote from me.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-18 19:54
JianYi replied at 2015-9-18 19:32
Tq my friend...Bluefire...
Ur message make me feel very worth to sharing that thread...hehehhee .tq ...

Your most welcome Bro Lim, keep up the great work.

When you put up guideline like requiring 2x lantern (20/20), players who don't have this trinket is gonna recharge for gold to get more voucher from events. When they do that, developer is earning money. Don't worry bro, your Lu Xun guide is worth more than 300 gold. I don't think our GM(s) would be so cruel to deny your contribution to so many players in this game
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-9-18 21:07
greenharle-S3 wei

the hardest stage at luxun map is at l.meng stage so i will just write down my strategy how to beat l.meng

every people always talking about easy to get luxun if you have immu,,but what if you dont have immu at all..!!?

i just got this guy at lvl 119 and not using immu at all...(coz i dont have it hehe)

line up : z.yu-z.fei-xuchu-g.jia-m.chao
stats : 5300 attack 2300 defense and 10k troops
armament all full 119 and gem 13-10-11-12-10-11
horcrux : z.yu using storm 28% and s.slotted
                z.fei using resist cavalry 16% and lantern
                xuchu using resist mech 10% and s.jade
                g.jia using rebound damage 21% and s.jade
                m.chao using tactic resist 16% and s.jade
equipment better focus on att and troops coz your skill wont do big effect except your z.yu skill with storm it can kill 1st npc's troops left around 7000 each row so give 2 skill att to z.yu and the rest is attack.

here is the strategy
z.yu should block 1st and 2nd npc's skill and z.fei block 3rd npc's skill
its kinda hard to those gens to block thats why i put slotted and lantern to them at least it would give bigger probability to block and also blocking thing depend on luck to so keep try and try.

when you can get into that condition, your z.fei should die at last row of 3rd npc.

now its xuchu's turn
xuchu's skill hit last row of 3rd npc and 2 rows of 4th npc
but your xuchu will die at 2nd row of 4th npc coz this 4th npc is good at normal attack.

and then your g.jia coming and he kill 4th npc's 2nd row.the 4th npc's 3rd row coming to cast skill but it got rebound by g.jia

g.jia can kill 4th npc and left a few but its enough to rebound l.meng skill

just hope l.meng using attack tactic so your m.chao can use assault tactic and thats enough for m.chao to kill all l.meng troops
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-18 22:20
FanofBabes replied at 2015-9-18 20:53
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... 4583&extra=page%3D1

BEST Strategy Ever

i vote this post to be deleted and grant precious reward by banning his id
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-18 22:21
JianYi replied at 2015-9-18 19:32
Tq my friend...Bluefire...
Ur message make me feel very worth to sharing that thread...hehehhee .tq ...

yes i saw your post until i got bored i think JianYi the number one in my list as first winner for luxun
eventhough i am not yet get that brat yet
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-18 22:23
GM please give me 5 super hersbit and full purple 5stars liegeman,also 6 sets immune
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-9-18 22:54
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-18 22:20
i vote this post to be deleted and grant precious reward by banning his id

Says the one who should be banned for doing that since donkey years ago.
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-9-20 08:48
BlueFire replied at 2015-9-18 18:57
If this event didn't offer 300 gold, no one is gonna be so generous like LimKianGi from S16 sharing  ...

grats to BlueFire for getting luxun
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-20 10:55
greenharle replied at 2015-9-20 08:48
grats to BlueFire for getting luxun

Thanks GreenHarle
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-21 01:56
FanofBabes replied at 2015-9-18 22:54
Says the one who should be banned for doing that since donkey years ago.

noted down i will inform my teams A.S.A.P
Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-9-21 14:39
greenharle replied at 2015-9-18 21:07
greenharle-S3 wei

the hardest stage at luxun map is at l.meng stage so i will just write down my st ...

How about other stages bro? Aren't you worry that by providing a guide for one of the stages only may disqualify you from this contest? Since rest of the participants do write full strategy for all stages then probably you should follow that as well as to avoid disqualification by GM? Just a suggestion bro.....

S3 TiSa
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-9-21 21:27
TiSa replied at 2015-9-21 14:39
How about other stages bro? Aren't you worry that by providing a guide for one of the stages only  ...

thanks for your suggestion bro..by the way im not looking for this gold since i believe JianYi should win this event..im just so happy when i can pass l.meng and i believe everybody also stuck very long at this stage thats why i wrote my strategy so people with no immu can try it..the other reason was im already forget my strategy at the other stage
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 21:50
Hey guys..... nowdays so many player have luxun ... , buti think most of them high vip. So rare low vip can got luxun right? .. i’m nonvip player so i know how hard to beat luxun. Now im stuck at Lumeng , all genhave a terain talent . and if guojia rebound skill less dmg just 800-900 dmgthat make lumeng so hard and he have d.wei talent make def and atk like hellhaha.
I give you an advice for low vip or non vip like me bebetter you save soul till got z.fei then fos up all ur gen , because foster isthe one of the most important key to win . dont waste your soul so much becausewe just have very limited soul be better up star atlas hehe give good atribute, then after you have a good arma u can try luxun map .. usualy all ppl stuckat d.feng , xusheng , and lumeng. If luxun last stage vs luxun just use allcity terain like l meng z tai and guojia that easy one to clear map

Till nowi try lumeng last 2 row T.T my zhouyu didint block lumeng skill like xuchu

Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:18
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... id=23939&page=3
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:20
Edited by SaTelLiZeR at 2015-9-21 22:22

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... id=23939&page=3
SaTelLiZeR .s17 merged with s.16
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:23
Edited by SaTelLiZeR at 2015-9-21 22:34

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... id=23939&page=3

SaTelLiZeR s.17 merged to s.16

Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:34
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... id=23939&page=3
SaTelLiZeR s.17 merged to s.16

Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:35
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:34
SaTelLiZeR s. ...

dear gm i didint know why my text is eror... to open my link bzbzbz  must click restore... i didint know chinese languange TT
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:42
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:35
dear gm i didint know why my text is eror... to open my link bzbzbz  must click restore... i didin ...

after im restore all my picture appear but if not restore just a little word.. gm can u help me? 1.20 hour again event end i hope u know my conditions
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:51
Hey guys..... nowdays so many player have luxun ... , buti think most of them high vip. So rare low vip can got luxun right? .. i’m nonvip player so i know how hard to beat luxun. Now im stuck at Lumeng , all genhave a terain talent . and if guojia rebound skill less dmg just 800-900 dmgthat make lumeng so hard and he have d.wei talent make def and atk like hellhaha.
I give you an advice for low vip or non vip like me bebetter you save soul till got z.fei then fos up all ur gen , because foster isthe one of the most important key to win . dont waste your soul so much becausewe just have very limited soul be better up star atlas hehe give good atribute, then after you have a good arma u can try luxun map .. usualy all ppl stuckat d.feng , xusheng , and lumeng. If luxun last stage vs luxun just use allcity terain like l meng z tai and guojia that easy one to clear map

Till now i try lumeng last 2 row T.T my zhouyu didint block lumeng skill like xuchu
[url=]lumeng last 2 row.png[/url][url=]hmm but u know my arma very low.. so i'm proud with my char so many ppl all arma max still can win lumeng i nearly win i think just 1-2 week again
My arma arma edit.png[/url][url=]and myhorcux ... just focus up storm rebound tacitc 2% in my opinion tactic uselessbut all is up to you because all player have diff mind.

lucky i have 2 suitsi have 2suits.pngi'm playingcotk with my own style.. diff with the others so many ppl play full arma andstar horcux first , thats to expensive for me so i make dif way strategy withminimalism voc used to clear luxun .... if u want clear luxun with arma maxthat will be easier .... but not just arma max , u must arrange ur strategybecause this game not just playing with ur money ... ya so  many ppl usemoney to pump up his power , but for me can clear hard stage with now vip morecool than ppl use so much money to clear , and all char not same , so many pplsay to clear luxun map use all imune set u will win easy ... but all win withmax arma ... and to make max arma u must use all voc to buy iron , thats notcreative... if all ppl play with same strategy...[/url]all eq isgood ,u make 4* atk def or troop trick block all have a good side so dont justtrust strong / high vip ppl , play with ur style so you can proud with yourself

this mylineup strategy line up luxun.pngall mygen full max... except xuchu just 80% , with my line up and with my powernow... i must pray zhouyu can block 4th gen or 5th to win because my gen stillweak but if u have arma , horcux , or liege higher than me surely u will win

vip 0sorry my english so bad , gooooo beat luxun proud with ur self

[url=][/url][url=]luxun map.png[/url][url=][/url]
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-21 22:54
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:51
Hey guys..... nowdays so many player have luxun ... , buti think most of them high vip. So rare lo ...

dear gm that my strategy to beat luxun , sorry i didint know what the format form... make me confuse so many eror ..

IGN : SaTelLiZeR
server : S.17 merged to S.16
Author: ZeNts    Time: 2015-9-21 23:37
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:51
Hey guys..... nowdays so many player have luxun ... , buti think most of them high vip. So rare lo ...

ur equips seems good, but not good enough if xuchu no 6 immu set for luxun instances
is it ur xuchu use immu 6 set??,
all i know xuchu use 6 immu totaly different with atk def troops things..
thats only stats above.. but in the end.. u junked by NPC there..
ur xuchu cant take 4 rows with 1 row without 6 immu.. thats all i see along this time..

im not vip player.. but i think we have to play smart to get what we want..
find what we need, and what we do next..
happy gaming
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-9-22 08:15
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:54
dear gm that my strategy to beat luxun , sorry i didint know what the format form... make me c ...

im just vip 1 and your stats its better than mine.why dont you try my strategy
Author: sas    Time: 2015-9-22 10:20
Edited by sas at 2015-9-22 10:22
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-21 22:51
Hey guys..... nowdays so many player have luxun ... , buti think most of them high vip. So rare lo ...

bro, im also low vip , when at luxun map im vip2
my arma very low , alll mostly below lvl100
my star 24.
luckyly i have 6immu,coz i listen to people here , immu is important for elite.
my xuchu that time att only 4600 def 2200 like that, with 6immu
i get my luxun at level 116.
if u no immu, wait till get zyun at lvl123 1st, see ur gem is very high, my gem only 12 11 11 11 11 11

ur stat is much better then mine, the only reason u hvnt get is immu.
Author: BALARAMA    Time: 2015-9-22 14:01
cockroachsmells replied at 2015-9-18 17:56
This is not about correct guide or not. But the actual player has already pass or not.


Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-9-22 18:15
Someone is a VIP 0 got his luxun at lvl 119.

If xuchu no 4 stars immune equipment then try go for 3 stars with 2 immune mix with another skill is alright too.
Get as many 3 stars with 2 immune as possible if really cannot refine 4 stars immune equipments.
And try to have at least 2 lanterns also help alot. +20 lead force lantern is alright.

Those that are not high vip with no bottom 3 max armament, no special hero probably need lvl 118 and above to get luxun.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2015-9-22 18:39
Luxun is strong hero ma?
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-22 22:55
Lol haha im play with low arma..and never use imu... but lumeng stage have so high skill def make me hardto beat  
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-22 22:57
ChrisLim replied at 2015-9-22 18:15
Someone is a VIP 0 got his luxun at lvl 119.

If xuchu no 4 stars immune equipment then try go for 3 ...

Haha bro u lv 119? In server what? Im lv 120 i m always got evnt xp upgrade lol look my gen lvlow.. somany ppl lv chief low but lv gen high it because U NVE R pass xp upmision and just burn food for farming day
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-9-22 22:58
And one again how much he block?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-23 00:41
i am vip 0 i think after chief level reach 150+ i can beat luxun easily without max armaments
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-9-23 09:19
SaTelLiZeR replied at 2015-9-22 22:58
And one again how much he block?

Need 2 block.. Xc or zfei,, and zyu block.. And gjia must rebornd lmeng... Me not hv immu set.. Only hv 3 immu rest using half immu only... Hehe.. ..
Author: WuZeTian    Time: 2015-9-23 17:26
Wow I didnt know Andromeda S32 can get luxun at level 110..
GM did u even check on that?
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-10-6 18:56
Bro 3 days ago i gor luxun p
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-10-6 18:57
My fei can block 4th zhouyu no block win bro lol.... i win last machao hp 900 luck enmy wrong pick harm
Author: SaTelLiZeR    Time: 2015-10-15 01:30
WuZeTian replied at 2015-9-23 17:26
Wow I didnt know Andromeda S32 can get luxun at level 110..
GM did u even check on that?

Lol luxunmap open at lv 113 how can be lv 110got before._k.
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-15 06:53
Edited by boost at 2016-1-15 12:12
greenharle replied at 2015-9-18 21:07
greenharle-S3 wei

the hardest stage at luxun map is at l.meng stage so i will just write down my st ...
"i just got this guy at lvl 119 and not using immu at all...(coz i dont have it hehe)

line up : z.yu-z.fei-xuchu-g.jia-m.chao
stats : 5300 attack 2300 defense and 10k troops
armament all full 119 and gem 13-10-11-12-10-11
horcrux : z.yu using storm 28% and s.slotted
                z.fei using resist cavalry 16% and lantern
                xuchu using resist mech 10% and s.jade
                g.jia using rebound damage 21% and s.jade
                m.chao using tactic resist 16% and s.jade"

I got Lu Xun yesterday and thanks to all who posted their experience that allowed to research to mix and match my generals based on my eqps etc.  I posted my stats on another post by Corvinus.

Thanks also to greenharle - I tried your formation above last night on first try and finally pass Lu Meng using my gens.

Z.Yu (26% storm) - s.slot
Wenji (resist cav 14%) - s.lantern - SHE BLOCKED!
Xiang (resist mech 6%) - s.jade
g.jia (rebound 23%) - s.jade - standard rebound skill
ma.chao (resist tactic 10%) - s.jade

Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-16 05:47
boost replied at 2016-1-15 06:53
"i just got this guy at lvl 119 and not using immu at all...(coz i dont have it hehe)

line up : z.y ...

It's so wonderful bro , gratz u ! Pls post every thing more detail ( as Corvinus posted ) , will help many ppl a lot in this instance without use immu , if u can bro . have fun and enjoy ur game ! Hope can learn more things from u guys
Author: greenharle    Time: 2016-1-16 22:00
boost replied at 2016-1-15 06:53
"i just got this guy at lvl 119 and not using immu at all...(coz i dont have it hehe)

line up : z.y ...

grats boost
Author: Caylin46    Time: 2016-12-7 01:07
If you strive to become a high-paid and successful writer, the only thing you should always avoid is plagiarism, this source can tell you why it is not admissible for each good writer http://bigpaperwriter.com/blog/p ... emy-of-every-writer
Author: BenSmith    Time: 2016-12-20 20:28
That's an excellent comparison! You must remember one rule - plagiarism is an enemy of every writer, so avoiding stolen phrases and thoughts can be helpful for everyone:  

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