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Title: count your total exp based on total troop [Print this page]

Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-5 15:08
Title: count your total exp based on total troop
Edited by Lim at 2015-10-5 15:15

How to count ur exp u get by amount ur troop?
I give u all the correct calculation :
Example ur zhouyu troop on hero table 10.000
So total ur zhou yu is 10.000 x 4line x 3column = 120.000 troop
Exp u get when ur zhou yu die is
120.000 x 0.1680 = 20160 exp
If all ur 5hero contain 10.000 each general than total troop all general is 600.000
Total exp u get when all ur 5gen die is
600.000 x 0.1680 = 100.800
If u have buy 30%bonus exp it count as this
600.000 x (0.168+0.03) = 118.800
If u have buy 30%bonus exp and die on +15%exp enemy area it count as
600.000 x (0.168+0.03+0.015)= 127.800
Same like above but die in 30%exp enemy area it count
600.000 x (0.168+0.03+0.03)= 1360.800
Same like above but die in 50%exp enemy area it count
600.000 x (0.168+0.03+0.05)= 148.800
So the bonus 30% isnt actually 30%added from base exp,the point 0.168 i found from my experiment calculation base on 21/125 without añy bonus exp and the 30% is actually only 0.03 instead of 0.300.if its say bonus 30% it should be 30% added from basic with no bonus exp which mean (21/125 + 30%*21/125) but the actuall count is (21/125 + 3.75/125).
3.75/125 is 0.03 just i mention as bonus exp..so 3.75/125 is just only 17.8% bonus exp from basic exp

Conclusion its not 30% bonus exp u buy but actually only 17.8% bonus exp u buy and 15% exp bonus area is 8.9% and 50% bonus exp area only 29.5% from basict exp u die in normal area without any bonus exp u buy

Note i count my exp with vip 9 bonus exp.maybe for vip 11 or lower can add more data

Author: valium    Time: 2015-10-5 18:47

Wat if the scenario is you have fragile country. At enemy cap you will have xtra 15 percent. beside that I shadow and have the 10 pcnt bonus from the parade? will it help? thnks
Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-7 03:28
Well if u less than vip 8 the actuall bonus exp 15% is maybe around 4-6% only from basic exp die in neutral area..fragile or combo kill still same count as it count from amount ur troop die..are shadow got bonus parade?i think shadow only got bonus from enemy area bonus exp only
Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2015-10-7 05:55
Amazing thank you for your post
Author: RamRav    Time: 2015-11-10 21:36
yeah GM should explain about detail this game.. i see very little explaination in this game.. thats make newbie or other players confuse
Author: preetthaten    Time: 2015-11-10 23:42
cool info..
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-11-11 05:25
So, are you stating that developers of the game provide the misleading information about its products to its customers?
Author: alibaba    Time: 2015-11-11 14:08
They can simply say its how they interpret the bonus exp, can be misrepresentation. when they say bonus exp 30%, it could be 30% of 20% that they are giving out when there is a case of stacked exp bonus going on. Definitely not 30% + 20% of the total exp earned from fighting.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-11-11 18:18
i forgot it's from reading somewhere,or from country chats or maybe my delusions is that true to fast level our hero we can simply reduce or maybe removing gems from troops armaments?

Author: alibaba    Time: 2015-11-11 23:38
definitely delusions bro. haha
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-11-12 04:22
alibaba replied at 2015-11-11 23:38
definitely delusions bro. haha

no it is not,it happens in my sweetest dreams i want to post the link but i found difficulties copying the address from my dream
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-11-12 06:18
alibaba replied at 2015-11-11 14:08
They can simply say its how they interpret the bonus exp, can be misrepresentation. when they say bo ...

That is not the way it works. They are violating consumer rights. They cannot simply state whatever they want. If it says 30% exp it has to be interpreted as 30% exp. This is called false marketing. Easy case to win in the court and easy to prove. If you have time and reasonable amount of money, sue them and get back some of your money from recharge.
Author: husni12    Time: 2015-11-12 10:42
Jus dun rc will do. Sue them???where to sue..
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-11-12 10:45
husni12 replied at 2015-11-12 10:42
Jus dun rc will do. Sue them???where to sue..

Well, it depends on your and their location, more likely that you will need international court of justice.

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