Heyshell Games Forum

Title: CLONES ANTI BAN [Print this page]

Author: queenofclones    Time: 2015-11-23 23:49
Edited by queenofclones at 2015-11-30 16:09

helo all player cotk,  i will share how to make clones anti ban on server cotk tonight, i play at shu s7 and we has so many master clone with vip8+ to silent big mouth GM to ban us. ok lets see it thanks

Author: testas    Time: 2015-11-24 03:17
please ban all shu clones.. they are slowing down our clones to level and reaching 30% and 50%
Author: god1983    Time: 2015-11-24 09:20
As long it's Shu clones, GM won't bother lah. They monthly send money inside GM pocket, so GM would pretend saw nothing even they know it
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-11-25 17:12
hahahahaha..... other country cannot say that they are clone, multi or bot to shu. But shu can say anything about other country.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-11-25 23:36
Edited by MaChao at 2015-11-25 23:37

That Chen not even reply in here ?


For New Server just choose SHU, all your ID "IMMUNE" to BANNED.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-11-26 10:28
bibon replied at 2015-11-25 17:12
hahahahaha..... other country cannot say that they are clone, multi or bot to shu. But shu ca ...

The measures taken are not based on what players said in forum or other channels. We have data to refer to. As for ss above, we will check it.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-11-26 11:12
Edited by MaChao at 2015-11-26 12:06
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-11-26 10:28
The measures taken are not based on what players said in forum or other channels. We have data to  ...

Do you believe that simaaaaaaa in there with yellow heroes not clone ?
Do you believe that NARAZAYNA1 in there is not clone ?

Many others with yellow turn RED and NOW TURN PURPLE.


That ONE DEFINITELY is A CLONES, BUT NOT BANNED, Our real player that only played by others got BANNED !!!

Your action is just like #PapaMintaSaham case in Indonesia.

And you also already know how many times that pictures show in Forum but nothing happen. Just check check and check.


Author: queenofclones    Time: 2015-11-26 17:56
up up up up
Author: werwe    Time: 2015-11-26 22:16
what would GM do? NOTHING AGAIN??????
Author: richardt75    Time: 2015-11-27 22:50
where are u GM whos make regulation of clones?
Author: Wumin    Time: 2015-11-28 07:03
hmmm .. thought cannot register for new acct.. seems like all this is new acct .. is it ONLY SHU s7 able to cr8 account?? wondering..
Author: iron    Time: 2015-11-28 09:19
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-11-26 10:28
The measures taken are not based on what players said in forum or other channels. We have data to  ...

It took how long to check this problem??
1 day?1month?1year?
Author: god1983    Time: 2015-11-28 09:55
old and new would be the same as long clones, but I don't think GM dare to banned shu clones. They already receive weekly, at the end only said checked and not clone as long shu acct
Author: zhugezai    Time: 2015-11-28 14:41
i think this gm even dont know play this game, plz make us believe u gm can do what u said as regulation of clones. if u gentlemen gm do it now clear clones shu now
Author: Rioricat    Time: 2015-11-29 13:39
Where is kingofclone? I miss his repetitive-bot-like words saying "without clones you are nothing"
Author: KGB    Time: 2015-11-29 14:20
hahahaha.. lemme help

you are nothing without the help of clones and bot Wei S7. Doesnt matter you deny using all your dramatical alibis to show how good you are. With or without the cheat you use, you know better.

i can clearly say no matter how strong or good the characters you built in this game, you get it with many cheats you applied. And that includes all the top wei players there. Without the help of the BOT and cheats, do you think you will reach today level? Even when 1 day one of you are able to reach stongest of all, you still earn it with cheats. Make sure you are proud with it

You have the right to say whatever you want, Shu clones Wu clones and only Wei no clones. Said it to S7 players and see how they respond

Enjoy the cheat while you still can. We are looking forward to a day when that illegal support gone for good from this game which i believe will be coming very soon
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-29 14:33
Edited by Aptknack at 2015-11-29 14:37
KGB replied at 2015-11-29 14:20
hahahaha.. lemme help

you are nothing without the help of clones and bot Wei S7. Doesnt matter you  ...

You have any back up evidence besides ss to show top Wei players queue with other players who uses bots and is in no way indicative of cheating? Do you know u need PC to cheat and not with either IPAD or iPhones? Do you further know that GM do have the machine code and IP addresses to prove all these?

Your lengthy post is merely just trying to say "yes I have no proof and I know Chen has no proof of the top players cheating, but I feel they are." Because this is the internet you say anything you like but if you are made to be responsible for a claim, you have nothing to back it up. Which is why an anonymous ID is used for such posts. Enuff said
Author: KGB    Time: 2015-11-29 16:11
well if so, you are telling everyone you never enjoy farming exp after the clones and BOT do the job and you only need to jump to destination city? or probably you as an honest player can say loudly there is no clones and BOT in Wei S7? can you?

Hahaha, if heyshell really have the technology and resource to stop all the cheats, will Wei still able to talk like this today?

Wei has any proof that Shu using clones? bring it up then. Maybe we can learn from you beside SS as you said
Anonymous does not matter for me, better than I dont cheat but i enjoy it ID. Hahahaha
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-29 17:55
KGB replied at 2015-11-29 16:11
well if so, you are telling everyone you never enjoy farming exp after the clones and BOT do the job ...

Your post totally makes no sense because what you seem to say is that people who don't cheat should stop playing because there are others who does. Are you saying that? Or are you saying honest Wei players should stay in YeCheng? When Shu clones bad and sima jumps or wu clones and Fero jumps? Are they cheating? Don't make stupid posts.
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-29 17:59
And yes I can tell you I don't cheat. If you feel strongly I do and you are sure of what you are saying? Don't beat around the bush and tell me what cheat program am I personally using? And if you cannot name the program it is okay just tell me what advantage does it EXACTLY gives me.. Stop spouting rubbish if your claim is others are cheating and good players are enjoying it. Then what play arena or trial tower? Really use some brain when u post because i don't have to stop playing because of others. Same as sima or Fero. We don't need to stop when other do their thing. The next post I expect u make some sense more than this otherwise just shut up
Author: KGB    Time: 2015-11-29 20:17
Aptknack replied at 2015-11-29 17:59
And yes I can tell you I don't cheat. If you feel strongly I do and you are sure of what you are say ...

Hahaha.. Which part did you read that stated i say you have been cheating? I did say you enjoy the cheat
The advantage is typed clearly. if you find yourself can't read then you might need bigger spectacles.

I never ask you to stop playing. Where did I type it? You are the one that talk rubbish. Show me which words? If you can't, then stop acting like you are the big boss around here that can demand me to shut up. Who the hell you think you are? Billionaire that can shut people mouth? So arrogant. Never in here i post a reply to your comments before you started it just now.

At the end, can you say Wei S7 without clones and BOT? Come on, don't just skip the most important question here

Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-29 21:11
KGB replied at 2015-11-29 20:17
Hahaha.. Which part did you read that stated i say you have been cheating? I did say you enjoy the ...

Your post no 16 already make direct accusations at Wei top players. You are falling short of naming names. Now u did not say we cheat in post #16? Talking to a slime like you who weasels out of questions is like a talking to a foul wreck of a low life. No talk in you conveniently retracting from what u said.

If u say generally, based on the pictures shown, there are clones, I just don't know who did it. Ok no problem. It is a fair statement but then it applies to every country now. Pictures can only tell the GM there are clones but he needs to find out who. If not Chen will just say, thanks for showing me Wanz is in the queue for Shu clones we will ban him now. Or CharlesLim is in the queue with Wu clones, we will ban him now. Obviously this is not a proof of any individual committing an offense so your far reaching conclusions on specific individuals from Wei cheating and gaining advantage is stupid.

On another angle, are you saying if you are in Wei you will out level me? A loser often points to matters that cannot be proven to add weight to justify his inferiority. Much like what you are doing. And don't you dare tell me i cannot tell you this or that after you dare assume I "enjoyed" bots. You dare assume an unseen quality having not seen or know me so don't tell me what I cannot say about you. As far as I can see you are just a troll in the posts.

It is clear every country has clones. Not just Wei. Unless one picture counts and not others, you are arguing flagrantly. So what is your point? You are proud to say that u did not get any advantage with clones? Tell me your real ign and I will tell you if you advantaged from it. If you are hiding behind that Nick no need to argue because you are probably doing what u are accusing others of now.
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-29 21:13
And don't skip my question. Do you think I cheat? You spent post #16 strongly implying so. Then in later posts you say I don't cheat. So what are you exactly saying? Make one answer and stick to it. Don't be a weasels or a worm that digs and drill to where there is no obstacles
Author: KGB    Time: 2015-11-30 02:09
Aptknack replied at 2015-11-29 21:11
Your post no 16 already make direct accusations at Wei top players. You are falling short of namin ...

Haha. Surely not as low as some people that need cheat so badly or enjoy the benefits. Moreover people who read this can judge whether I am low life or not for standing out to speak what I have in mind. They can also see who is lower between me or the cheaters. One thing i am a bit curious now, by saying so, does that mean human are not equal? Or probably you are different and hereby need to promote your status as the special rare one who are greater than others? if you want to be different so badly, do so rather than talk.

I don't think I need to retype what i already did. My opinion is out there unless they are banned. You can read it again and again if you still not sure what I said. Wei S7 is cheating and enjoying advantages over it or not, readers and especially players from same server and probably some in other servers have their thoughts. Not you who talk so much to conclude it.

If you are asking if I play Wei bla bla bla, I easily answer right here right now, that will be impossible. Hell no to be among cheaters in Wei S7. To out level you, i honestly answer i can't. Hahaha. Wei got eternal guardian that do not sleep, do not work, do not eat, do not SHIT. I don't want to put myself into long term hospital customer. But I really wonder how the real players in Wei S7 able to stay in fit condition after doing so. They need to share some tips so many people around the world can be as healthy as they are. Maybe they will be Nobel winner for that as well. Hahahahaha

You write a good essay. Every country has clones. But please name which country is supported by the illegal third party software? Don't just skip the most vital part. You are asking for proof, if any of us have, do you think the bot will still work and the clones will still around? Unless heyshell makes exception of course
If you wanna define loser, then don't forget to look around you. They are very close to you. Play together everyday. You are with them now . There are also 1 more type of loser. Those who can't accept losing and then choose to use cheat to get something he desires so much. Which one worse?

By saying some honest players, you already refer to there are those cheaters in S7 Wei. You simply falling short of naming names too. If you claim I am stupid, then you the genius one, how come you do not know who play the clones after you admit it. Genius usually know everything right? Or you are more worry to be label eh hem, trait** rather than to tell the truth?

Last of all, sorry i am not born with arguing quality plus talent as you do. And I was not and am not here to argue with you too. I just share some opinion that out of no where lured you into having such a big reaction. I understand maybe you are very shy now with what happened. Don't worry. It is not the first day. Many already knew this since a while ago. That also show you i dare to speak or not if you have any doubt.
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-30 04:46
KGB replied at 2015-11-30 02:09
Haha. Surely not as low as some people that need cheat so badly or enjoy the benefits. Moreover pe ...

You have written 6 paragraphs none of which logically answered anything with regards to your stand which you initially state in post 16# and your follow up trials which are incoherent in your train of thoughts with regards to your basic stand what you define as cheating.

You have made so many assumptions that you are never going to proof but you state it like leaves from the law book. You have blurred lines between cheating and playing the game. You CHOSED to accuse specific players even though you have zero proof on your side.

Just because a player fights with the country, you opportunistically linked everything bad to do with the game together. If I have to do that everyday to players who jump pass Luoyang or Langya along with clones & "enjoy" it I can name them anew everyday with this weak conclusion to your no stronger analysis.

The only reason why I will not let you get away with weaseling your comment is you did not keep your accusation for clones general as rightfully so it should. The moment you CHOSED to go specific on individuals you must back it up and not continue down that path with the same so called evidences that is applied for a general accusation.

on the other hand, I have made zero accusations to any individuals, and heck not even a group. This is NOT because there isn't similar screenshots of Shu cloning but I will not know which player owns the program. So I avoid stupidities as such, a logic you are unable to digest as yet seeing you are sincerely believing you can know who without proof.

If you really know something or really sure about something, you would have been equally specific to bring it up to GM and ask him to investigate this player for this crime etc. not sitting around making posts how top players from other countries "enjoy" botting and claiming GM has no technology to detect and ban players. All of which only amounts to weather talking with zero substance spiced up by peppering who you think to be some specific individuals involved and you allow yourself to fall from that comment by conveniently adding another stand of "not involved but you enjoy!" When confronted.

If you are my lawyer hired to handle a case, it will be time + 10 with the way you definitively come to conclusions. This is probably not worth my time but you will not be allowed to continue this nonsense since your post 16# challenged my response directly.
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-30 04:57
Edited by Aptknack at 2015-11-30 05:06

Paragraph 4 of your last post 24#. You called me a loser for playing with loser with clones and "make use of advantage". Compare that with your own post 21# paragraph 2. You said u did not tell me to stop playing. And you have to do that blatantly  after a warning shot made over your earlier implication.

self unmodulated piece of trash troll. Seriously.
Author: KGB    Time: 2015-11-30 06:19
Aptknack replied at 2015-11-30 04:57
Paragraph 4 of your last post 24#. You called me a loser for playing with loser with clones and "mak ...

This might be my last reply of wasting time.

Wei S7 players have "special ability". I don't need to prove anything since it is not my job or business. But let's flash back a bit. Which country ids are permanently banned and locked for a certain of time? That itself already show clearly how most of you are i clearly remember before the banned and locked, most of you talked like not guilty. After the banned, as always AGAIN shouting where are the proofs, followed with series of drama though actions were taken of course with solid proofs and data. Let's wait till a day like that comes and then I will try to be here to reply to your comments. Be patience.
If you start to talk about law. Then you surely remember, a rotten meat can be covered with papers, but there will be time when it can't cover the rotten smell of it. I hope you are not retired before that time comes
You asked me to prove when you surely know I have no access toward it. You should probably address it to the authorized one. Make sure everyday though. Thanks.

Did I mention aptknack as a loser? I said look around you. Plenty play with you and unless you already moved somewhere else, then yes you are with them

Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-11-30 10:44
Edited by Aptknack at 2015-11-30 10:50
KGB replied at 2015-11-30 06:19
This might be my last reply of wasting time.

Wei S7 players have "special ability". I don't need  ...

So what you are saying is that I need to stop playing right (last paragraph 27#)? And only when I stop playing then I am honest player in your definition correct? But you said in 21# you did not ask me to stop playing but yet if I play now you say I am equally guilty so to speak? You are making a judgement call on me over what I have little control over is that not? And don't say you are not asking for that because there is seriously no other choice if I want to keep playing then to find myself fighting in front with other accounts. it is really weird how to call a player cheat when he is just playing his own game in a server he cannot switch anyways.

Should Fero stop playing when wu clones? Should I see the honest foxxavie account disappear from Luoyang when 200 accounts queue? Am I expecting to see Wanz not jump past Luoyang and get an "advantage" when bots quickly queue on Luoyang? So far I have never expected them NOT to play normally because it is very normal you March and xp where you should. Moving your troops around YeCheng and collect country events isn't my idea of playing this game. If there someone who plays like they when they have bots and clones to their advantage let me know who this player is. Because I will hold your word for it publicly.

If you tell me Wanz is honest man and he will not play and jump and "enjoy" after 200 accounts stack up Luoyang, great. Don't give me a chance to capture such a screenshot. But I tell you there will always be other accounts jump with stacked queues. If I am to label them dishonest then the list is aplenty.

So pls.... Don't make such childish accusations when there is nothing else to accuse. There maybe high crimes in a city does not mean every citizen is a criminal much less every citizen enjoys crimes. The accusations is way pushing logical limits.
Author: testas    Time: 2015-12-1 01:16
if RW beats ASUwandi again tommorrow.. i am pretty sure S15 will be loaded with BOTS and auto off

long live wei7 , we win and you suck..
Author: testas    Time: 2015-12-1 01:38
we now have 7-9players on top 20. before special ability we only have 4 players. you shu crying bitches babies just jealous because we have "special ability" that can make us playing 24/7. running the same path, jumping from cities to cities, auto off, and most importantly we do not need to press duel so we can save some silvers. GM gives you 30minutes special ability to you so just shut up and consider your are lucky enaugh. stop asking more you shu7 crying babies
Author: Rioricat    Time: 2015-12-1 22:59
Still missing kingofclone saying repetitive-bot-like words "without clones you are nothing"

Base on SS here, surely no one in shu s7 get advantage of this clone...

Duhhh.. Who am i kidding?
Author: queenofclones    Time: 2015-12-5 00:17
where is my kingofclones ?
Author: T100    Time: 2015-12-15 22:58
Lol,  useless you complaint in here, just make your id get banned.

Soon you all dead, no more wei.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-16 03:02
queenofclones replied at 2015-12-5 00:17
where is my kingofclones ?

really sorry to inform you
i think i slit his throat already
now if don't mind give me your address i will send 2 pieces of him
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-16 03:03
T100 replied at 2015-12-15 22:58
Lol,  useless you complaint in here, just make your id get banned.

Soon you all dead, no more wei. ...

after wei extinction which country will be the next target of extinction?
Author: MaChau    Time: 2015-12-16 12:44

Where is Wei s7? its gone from map after tourney.. to balance this server, maybe its time for GM to merge S7 with s15, please consider.. tq

Author: T100    Time: 2015-12-16 14:35
MaChau replied at 2015-12-16 12:44
Where is Wei s7? its gone from map after tourney.. to balance this server, maybe its time for GM t ...

Yes Machau, it will be wasted if merged to s15, shu already dominate in there, should merge with strong wei so I can kick their ass.

Im controlling sima now,  it easier to make this wei dead.  If merge s15 we will have 2 world no. 1,  not challenging anymore.

Nevermind,  in 2 month i make sure all Wei retired.

But if you insist I can ask Chen to merge s15.

Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 10:46
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 10:46
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: KGB    Time: 2016-1-23 12:59
Some Wei players are always good at cheating and creating drama the true talent and real quality as someone claimed before.

Can't win, then use cheat. Still can't win, make opponents retire. After so long, still not a winner yet
Probably they have a bigger vision now. Maybe in the server "almost" can be a winner after a series of retiring players. It is time to compete to be the best of all and It is time to remake this plot in whole cotk servers

Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 15:34
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: KGB    Time: 2016-1-23 19:16
1. Not pretend. Many already dead long ago. Surrounding YeCheng? sometimes maybe we can do it. and Maybe you need to ask yourself why so many players hate Wei and like to do this.

2. That fucking testas already fuck anybody from Wei? who? would like to know his anus condition after the tragedy. Please send him my condolence.

3. Does asking to remove auto off will give wei any disadvantage? Since you said all Shu and Wu are also using means you also support this action right? so you also do not need to face auto off troops during war
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 21:04
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-23 21:19
Yes keep fight please, need knife?
Author: testas    Time: 2016-1-23 23:38
drama??? idiot?? why the F**K you call me that?? we all have agreement in our grp to not using our real IGN on forum. we all have agreement to start flaming and trash talking on forum because we are and have been very good at it.. we are in the same team you dumb f**k.. even YunFei xzel simaa wumin and the rest of the guys are all using fake name to trash talking and talking shit here.

you are a traitor you asshole !!!
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 11:03
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: KGB    Time: 2016-1-24 15:54
dare to do.. got guts
too bad, too coward to admit... pussy

keep doing what you are so good at and let's see what result you will get in the end.

for me i still admire you to be one of the top cheaters

Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 16:20
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-1-24 16:58
Cry baby cry baby cry..... bot program user is cry baby cry...hahahahayam

Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 20:50
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: testas    Time: 2016-1-24 22:56
becarefull when selecting SS to post here.. some SS show our wei clones doing an auto off there.. please remove it..before gm read it.. beside you should have edited some of them especially on medal of honor icon. it does tell that they are old SS.. do not back fire on our own...
Author: hardfrank    Time: 2016-1-24 23:56
hanya anak kecil yg menangis klo tidak bisa mendapatkan keinginannya, bahkan memaksa dengan nangis sekeras2nya. ini realita pada pemain shu s7 yg juga mengajak wu s7 ikutan bersama untuk tidak main fair play. anak kecil jg hanya berani klo berame2 membuli yg lemah, anak kecil itu jg cemburu dan ego nya tinggi saat hanya bisa melihat yg lain mempunya mainan tapi dianya tidak punya maka dia akan menangis ke bapaknya(GM-Chen) untuk memberikan yg lebih baik kepadanya. ini lah gambaran paling cocok buat anak 2 sekolahan , orang tua dan kakek2 di shu s7. mereka tidak sanggup melawan maka hanya bisa mengadu ke bapaknya dgn alasan omong kosong
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-25 08:17
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-25 08:18
In english please
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-1-25 10:13
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-24 20:50
Haha King Alexis DonKan shu S8 hiding behind new id now ?

pls dont change people name, is not King Alexis DonKan But King Don Alexis Kan.

Next time pls spell carefully, or he will sue u..

=Spokesman of Don Alexis Kan=
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-25 12:51
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-26 20:57
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 06:09
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-28 06:54
What is that name?
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-1-29 14:27
round 2 Fight!. Flawless victory. Finish him!
Author: KGB    Time: 2016-1-29 14:34
only pussy player dare to throw a challange to a non active players or  a caretaker player.
During their active time, you hide like a turtle. Not even the biggest player in your server ever throw that kind of challange and prove can win. Dont talk too much la. Only show us how desperate and small you are. You are disgusting !!
Author: Rioricat    Time: 2016-1-30 10:48
KGB replied at 2016-1-29 14:34
only pussy player dare to throw a challange to a non active players or  a caretaker player.
During t ...

Lol.. Enjoy the benefits of your clone. Jump.. Jump.
Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-1-30 23:42
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-24 20:50
**** Author was banned or deleted ****

Hahahahahahaaaaaa Hmilo has been banned because use bot program and clone and always provocate other player.........please make game environment

Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-1-31 00:08
Rioricat replied at 2016-1-30 10:48
Lol.. Enjoy the benefits of your clone. Jump.. Jump.

Please dont provocate other player if you want still playing cotk. Like Hmilo you will be die

Author: Rioricat    Time: 2016-1-31 09:10
KingOfBot replied at 2016-1-31 00:08
Please dont provocate other player if you want still playing cotk. Like Hmilo you will be die

Mm.. I dont understand the meaning of "provocate".. Cant find the meaning on google translate
Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-1-31 11:43
Edited by KingOfBot at 2016-1-31 11:44
Rioricat replied at 2016-1-31 09:10
Mm.. I dont understand the meaning of "provocate".. Cant find the meaning on google translate

Bego amat lu hahahaha gak school ya?

Author: Rioricat    Time: 2016-1-31 11:54
let the people here to judge who is stupid one. Learn your english better la..
Author: KGB    Time: 2016-1-31 15:47
Rioricat replied at 2016-1-30 10:48
Lol.. Enjoy the benefits of your clone. Jump.. Jump.

Please respect this player. He tries very hard recharging to high vip plus already very diligent sending the squads to battle 24 hours a day with the cheat but yet still keep losing. Or probably the caretaker too stupid to play cotk who only know how to send gens to war to stuck active players.

Please confirm you are real player please

Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-1-31 17:18
Without bot program and clone you are nothing

Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-1-31 18:26
PROVOCATE???? LMAOOOO...correct form is PROVOKE! Or maybe u meant FORNICATE???
Author: hark    Time: 2016-1-31 18:26
Author: KingOfBot    Time: 2016-2-2 12:25
Without clone and bot and auto off yiu are nothing

Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-2-10 15:37
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-11-26 10:28
The measures taken are not based on what players said in forum or other channels. We have data to  ...

so your saying you wont ban? there is no need to check they openly admit it . lol

i dont care either way but your reply does leave much to be desired. no wonder people are not happy lol
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-2-10 15:38
MaChao replied at 2015-11-26 11:12
Do you believe that simaaaaaaa in there with yellow heroes not clone ?
Do you believe that NARAZAYN ...

clones in my server are purple now lol
Author: MaChao    Time: 2016-2-10 21:18
HouseVT89 replied at 2016-2-10 15:38
clones in my server are purple now lol

Even Yellow Heroes this GM not Banned. No use complaint
Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-2-11 13:55
MaChao replied at 2016-2-10 21:18
Even Yellow Heroes this GM not Banned. No use complaint

This one really true.

I still see the yellow heroes till now.
Only Wei side got banned, because you all Wei not paid Chen
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-2-12 11:02
wait the clones out guys . clone masters soon get sick of no competition. because clones allow countrys to overpower enemy , after time its boring.
Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-2-12 11:21
MaChao replied at 2016-2-10 21:18
Even Yellow Heroes this GM not Banned. No use complaint

Simaaaaa is not a clone just a visitor get it?

Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-2-23 23:17


Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-3-3 13:06




Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-3-3 15:15

Author: KingOfClone    Time: 2016-3-3 16:02
Cry baby cry baby cry..... Hahahahaa.... Cannot go mianzhu??? Cry baby cry... Just shut up your mouth and go retired baby...

Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-3-3 17:27
KingOfClone replied at 2016-3-3 16:02
Cry baby cry baby cry..... Hahahahaa.... Cannot go mianzhu??? Cry baby cry... Just shut up your mout ...




Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-3 20:58

Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-3-3 23:02
Skuele replied at 2016-3-3 20:58

You not Mention Wu S3 who using BOT + CLONES BUT GM CAN'T TOUCH THEM ?

Author: KGB    Time: 2016-3-4 11:49
DirtyShu.v2 replied at 2016-3-3 23:02
You not Mention Wu S3 who using BOT + CLONES BUT GM CAN'T TOUCH THEM ?

GM SCARED WITH WU S3 :funk ...

How do you know Wu S3 using BOT? You must be very familiar with the function and how it works that you are so sure to say a sentence like this.

Or now you also aimed to make GM banned Wu S3 so you will have no problem to become best of all? You still do this dirty trick. Hahahaha. No wonder you are named dirty. Wonder you came out from which type of dirty pussy. Bitch pussy or neighbour pussy?
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2016-3-5 08:10

Author: Rioricat    Time: 2016-3-5 16:58
Antonsetya replied at 2016-3-5 08:10

Still crying eventough have GM backing you for  your winning by cheat? Poor soul
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-3-5 17:15
Sigh become gm so hard get complain in everywhere what ever not balance. So pitty. Be strong my gm
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-7 22:22
Birdwarne replied at 2016-3-5 17:15
Sigh become gm so hard get complain in everywhere what ever not balance. So pitty. Be strong my gm

A Clone user   Trying to lick GM butts
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-3-7 22:39
Yes i smart clone can talk like u
Author: testas    Time: 2016-9-11 23:01
please ban all shu clones.. they are slowing down our clones to level and reaching 30% and 50%

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