Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Please merge S21 and S26 [Print this page]

Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-11-25 00:12
Title: Please merge S21 and S26
Please Merge S21 with s26.

Because shu over power , need strong Wu to fight back..

Wei s21.

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-11-25 01:21
No you should merge with S29
Author: queenofclones    Time: 2015-11-25 14:47
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-11-25 22:54
Merge with s20
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-11-30 11:07
GM ignored this again, please at least noted or something
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-11-30 12:20
suhuvent replied at 2015-11-30 11:07
GM ignored this again, please at least noted or something

We read that. Do not worry.
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2015-11-30 19:22
Merge s29 with s15. That would balance them well.
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-12-1 16:23
the prob is s21 alr gt 4servers , duno if gm will still merge it
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-12-2 23:25
fvcking crying baby... we r 4 server now... if merge again where r U???? i think all server never get balance as long u always spawn your clones
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-12-2 23:29
btw... for wei 21... where is "Cloud9" after merge? his gone now... where is "akvumauri" after merge??? his gone n spawn again last a month as a clone... n next merge i bet u will lose domdom or rainfellow.... coz as i know u always get retired man after merge
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-12-3 11:40
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-11-30 12:20
We read that. Do not worry.

Thanks Chen
Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2015-12-3 11:54
merging with s3 is best choice
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-12-4 21:10
arifin replied at 2015-12-2 23:25
fvcking crying baby... we r 4 server now... if merge again where r U???? i think all server never ge ...

Where r we?? In merged server of course... Dont worry bro akvum is back from holiday.. Me or rain, not planning to retire yet.. Please leave down your contact so we can let u know when we plan to retire from Cotk.  Anyway merger or not n with which server out of my control.. If u have the power, please ask gm to merge with s26... Thank u bro..
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-6 15:23
are you retarded? s21 already have 4 servers MERGED together, and now u want another merger?
Before you ask for merger, look at ur arena rank, another merge and it'll drop by 10-20
Shu overpower? Shu has been losing alot of events too.
Pls look at the condition first. If you want to merge, might as well merge all the servers together

Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-6 15:26
U said ur from wei, guess which country is the one farming wu everyday?
What a hypocrite
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-12-6 22:26
Edited by whowhoami at 2015-12-6 22:31

Hi Gm,

Please take a look at the attached screenshot. Do you still think that S21 need to merge? It's a balance server right now. Please do not spoil this server by merging.

Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-12-6 23:10
hehe. u all afraid merge with s26 i know.. nevermind let GM decide to merge or not
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-6 23:59
We're the one scared? Whose the one hiding behind a random name in the forum?
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-7 00:00
Why not merger with s15? See how s21 shu always got bullied by Wei and Wu...
Maybe s15 shu can help us
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-7 00:01
Come on, already 4 servers merged together, what more do u want, from s1 to s40? Maybe 40 servers merged together would be a nice idea.
Than we'll see which country is the strongest
Author: Frost926    Time: 2015-12-7 00:13
whowhoami replied at 2015-12-6 22:26
Hi Gm,

Please take a look at the attached screenshot. Do you still think that S21 need to merge? It ...

Nice OD at Handan and great play for the hold back to get this SS. This picture last for less than 30min
Well Played Shu
Author: NoShells    Time: 2015-12-7 03:21
Edited by NoShells at 2015-12-7 03:28
Frost926 replied at 2015-12-7 00:13
Nice OD at Handan and great play for the hold back to get this SS. This picture last for less than ...

Nice spam Shadows at Mianzhu/Wooyang and and quickly od every city and siege to get this SS. This picture last until guards out
Well Played Wei/Wu
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-12-7 08:26
Wenyuan replied at 2015-12-6 15:23
are you retarded? s21 already have 4 servers MERGED together, and now u want another merger?
Before  ...

Bro, dont scare n worried ya.  This page is just for suggestions. Please let me know if gm have a guideline said after 4 servers no more merger k. I heard wu s26 24/7 farming shu.. So that side wu overpower. S21 shu over power.  If merged, it will be balanced.  Dont be so selfish k..
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-12-7 08:29
whowhoami replied at 2015-12-6 22:26
Hi Gm,

Please take a look at the attached screenshot. Do you still think that S21 need to merge? It ...

Bro dont worry and scared lah.... Only 1 nite we did that n u post all with pictures. I know and understand you waited for that picture for at least 2 weeks and post it right.. 2 weeks once wei n wu can enjoy.  Please give us a chance k.  
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-7 12:51
Why not merge all the servers together?
Anyway every afternoon Wei and Wu will attack shu and most of the times you'll get to 50%
If we're overpowered, we won't be letting anyone farm our 50%
Look at events, how many times did shu lose already? If we're overpowered we won't even be losing any city siege
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-12-7 13:16
Wenyuan replied at 2015-12-7 12:51
Why not merge all the servers together?
Anyway every afternoon Wei and Wu will attack shu and most o ...

yeah shu always lose event and Country level ONLY "8"
Author: Hews    Time: 2015-12-7 16:59
GM can check who is bully who. He can see the system, Wu-Wei alliance and get more exp or Wei-Wu alliance in world map.
GM can check the record of winning in event, who is the many?
Then GM can merge with S26.
GM not stupid even if you give picture that is you edit.


S21 Hews
Author: Blazeboyz    Time: 2015-12-7 17:12
Gm wei S 21 SOS shu always farm us 1x 24 hour,we need merger ASAP

Author: Dom    Time: 2015-12-7 17:29
Wenyuan replied at 2015-12-7 12:51
Why not merge all the servers together?
Anyway every afternoon Wei and Wu will attack shu and most o ...

Merge all server not bad idea.. Gm sure will take note n consider that ya.. Be patience.. Yeah wei always win event... Wei s21 country lvl 6... Shu country lvl 8 n points now 764/1600.  Bro please think before you write lah.  Im sorry if i over doing it.
Author: xelox85    Time: 2015-12-7 17:39
Merge all the server lah so all can get daily 200 voc from arena
Author: IvensSpenc    Time: 2015-12-7 18:02
You need more clone or need more power .. Maybe this is just muthafvcka for me .. Need merge and you got lots clone again .. Lol my dick so sick read this post

Author: IvensSpenc    Time: 2015-12-7 18:07
Ohh ya i forget one thing .. About Domdom clones .. Lots ya .. Adore you bro
Gm i need your comment about that
Thank you very very much

Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-12-7 19:19
We had a very op shu before merged with s24
That's why our country level is so high
U can look at the events now, how many times did shu lose to Wei?
Right now the server is balanced so why merge again? Why not we all get 200 vouchers per day, maybe I'll be happy
Also u can check how many accounts each person have in Wei, right Domdom? aka ribena aka sandman
Author: IvensSpenc    Time: 2015-12-7 19:31
Wenyuan replied at 2015-12-7 19:19
We had a very op shu before merged with s24
That's why our country level is so high
U can look at th ...

You are the best my love
Author: Johnson88888    Time: 2015-12-7 19:42
Hello... dun unleash hurtful words la. Merger or not GM noted...
S21 SHU overpower? Too strong? Big bully? Did you all even notice that many of us at SHU, have be spending more money to RC and burning tons of midnight oil at farming? DID YOU ALL DO ALL THIS?
Admit that U r LAZY! Dun wanna spend money to RC! Want the best out of this GAME! HELLO... please spare a thought... Dun ever think you r the victim pls. Really am LMAO!
Just my point of view and I believe I have the right to speak! Cheers ^_^
Johnson888 - SHU S21
Author: IvensSpenc    Time: 2015-12-7 19:45
Johnson88888 replied at 2015-12-7 19:42
Hello... dun unleash hurtful words la. Merger or not GM noted...
S21 SHU overpower? Too strong? B ...

Lololololol #Supportjohn #justnow
Author: 美人计    Time: 2015-12-8 19:56
suhuvent replied at 2015-11-30 11:07
GM ignored this again, please at least noted or something

It is their job to read everything but finding the right answer for you is what they don't know how to do.
Author: 美人计    Time: 2015-12-8 20:03
Wenyuan replied at 2015-12-7 12:51
Why not merge all the servers together?
Anyway every afternoon Wei and Wu will attack shu and most o ...

Why Wu-Wei want ally against Shy? This seems like common in COTK.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2015-12-8 22:29
Merger all server
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2016-11-14 19:31

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