Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Didn't have point after RC [Print this page]

Author: Aris3479    Time: 2015-12-6 19:20
Title: Didn't have point after RC
Dear GM,
Pls check.
This afternoon, my friend rc through ur heyshell - point - fortumo(mobile) - indosat.
he rc for 30x01 point.
he did get the code from the operator, but the operator said, not enough balance, while his balance aldy get charged.
pls check it
His IGN : Yinkage/S32

he cant post it due language problem.
thank you,
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-12-6 23:45

Author: COTK-Darwin~!    Time: 2015-12-7 09:28
Dear player, for protecting the security, we'll contact you by private message, please pay attention. Thanks for your patience.

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