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Title: Result from the merger s38 And 40 [Print this page]

Author: manu    Time: 2015-12-10 22:54
Title: Result from the merger s38 And 40
Dear GM
U already look at the result from the merger,.?? u can see the world map now,its totally green for shu,Why u insist do the merger after u have respond many people refuse This merge?and look at the result???s40 become s38 (full dominance of shu)..This game not interest Anymore..
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2015-12-11 10:18
Please merger to s1 , we need more shu for hold wei
Author: COTK-Darwin~!    Time: 2015-12-11 10:46
Dear player, this merger has already be done and can't be canceled. Pls don't worry, next time when we do merger again, we'll consider more, hope u could understand, thanks for your support.
Author: clark    Time: 2016-1-5 15:06
dont like merger then dont play
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-1-9 00:40
Hi ,

Im confuse with wu and wei..when wei n wu alliance and every night farm 50% at shu especially at S40, we are the shu from S40 never asked to merger..just fight and fight until our ro and food critical..
and we never asked merger or help from GM..

before who asked to merger, we (shu 40)..no and never asked merger cause we played just for fun not for win..
we are pride to fight u all, even wei n wu almost all VIP 7 above..its our pride can win to u all..

U know shu S40 thats VIP just only moon and he just child with 13 years old..but he never asked or need mercy from u all..
thats why we all full support to him even he just a little kid, we learn from him that he never surrender and keep fight wei and wu..

with respect keep fight, at we i homble and respect to Ming2 and Katak that always try to fight us with what they have..
if we have Ming2 and Katak at Shu S40, i cant imagine how strong we are..

than once again u all need teamwork and play for fun not for win..
thats all form me..

Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-1-9 08:37
Amen brother.

Shu40 grew respect to each other and learn to play in teamwork.

Even as we merged to s38, but shu38 players mostly live in western part of world,
In afternoon, mostly online players in shu38 are players from shu40.

So in noon event and harvest, shu40 faces wu wei alliance from s38 AND s40.
We fight 4 parties every noon.

Do we whine about this?

We strengthen our teamwork and use resources, including some player from shu38.

Let us all play for fun, although things may not going as we expect to be.

And manu, im not vip, u r clearly a high vip, but u dont see me protesting,
I play for fun and not afraid to face those strong players.

Come on wei wu s40 and s38, keep ur spirit!
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-9 08:40
Let drink coffeee
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-1-9 09:50
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-9 17:00
Or drink beer
Author: manu    Time: 2016-1-10 22:54
Wwowowow...thanks for all of comment, I thinks it's different situations to compare S40 with s38 now,and it's still balance when still s40 when we fight each other,each country have advantages of their own,and it's make the game interest,..are u agree with that bro?? it's just my opinion when S40 no need to merger but GM still do that...it's not to ask mercy from GM or Others...
And after the merger...
don..it's what Wei did..keep fight no matter all of Wei city turn to green, and no matter how about so many gen of shu block our path..Wei still fight..
and Also when so many additional ppl active player from shu when merge (top arena), if compare to Wei? U know what Wei got the active player when merge?jus a few maybe 2-3 ppl,so it make Wei give up?? No brothers...u can still look how about Wei always try to fight...and until now Wei still eksist at S38..

Anyway thanks for all of attention bro...and we don't know what will happens at future, and yesterday is history,we just have today,so agree about u all..just enjoy Ur day Today..

Lets Toast....

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-11 08:52
Cheers !!!!!!!!!
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-1-11 11:25
Thats the spirit, Manu!

I praise players like Ming22, you, DheDhee and others that still show fighting spirit.

I personally dislike this merger, i prefer our fight at s40, more challenging.
But it has been done...we can only wait for the future...
Author: 1111111    Time: 2016-1-17 14:56

now wei dont have pride again..when wei already make 15 id clone now..
they just suck player with low of pride cause wei just start make clone..

GM Please ban the clone wei S38/S40..

Author: Ming22    Time: 2016-1-18 05:58
Dear gm,

Many clone raise at wei s38-40 yesterday.
We re in wei not happy siege with this condition.
I ask you to ban these clone immediately.
What i mean is permanent ban and publish immediately

Mingaming22 - wei s38/40

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-1-18 11:07
Ming22 replied at 2016-1-18 05:58
Dear gm,

Many clone raise at wei s38-40 yesterday.

Thank you for your information and support.
Author: MzB2u    Time: 2016-1-18 12:40
Dear gm , please do something about clones in wei s 40/38! I know if you ban them, they will just make more. I saw a post that someone said if you take away the auto off option  in the game it would stop the clones from taking over the server and killing it. Please consider that. With clones doing auto off and jumping to next cities it is extremely difficult to stop them. Please remove this feature from game. You are looking at some ppl that are already speaking of quitting the game due to clones. I know you enjoy the money you make from us there. So please do something fast. Thank you gm.
Author: shack    Time: 2016-1-18 17:39
Dear GM,

Please take a look at s38. Clones are rising and will overflow this server and make it unplayable. Please do something now before that happens and people start quitting the game. You dont need another dead server and we do not want it to go dead. Please find ID of people responsible for it and bann it for good.
All clones are in Wei but wei players dont want them there either.

Erza Shu s38
Author: Imadude    Time: 2016-1-18 22:47
Or at least consider removing auto-off function from country war only.  It is a helpful function for instance and arena.  Especially confronting generals like Jia.

Author: MzB2u    Time: 2016-1-20 13:00
Gm, why don't you respond to our requests? I know you get paid pretty good from s38/40 so if you want to keep the money you are making off of us I would advise you to respond quickly before it gets worse there and we all quit the game. Wei now has even more clones then they had 2 days ago! If your not careful our silence will be louder then yours when we quit this game.
Author: Fox    Time: 2016-1-28 17:06
Imadude replied at 2016-1-18 22:47
Or at least consider removing auto-off function from country war only.  It is a helpful function for ...

I agree with lmadude ,removing auto off.... before merger s38 dint have this problem, after merger like hell
Author: Freewu    Time: 2016-1-31 00:17
please merge GM with ass
Author: free--wu    Time: 2016-2-2 11:05
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.

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