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Title: clones at s 48 wei [Print this page]

Author: eddysupr    Time: 2015-12-24 12:46
Title: clones at s 48 wei
Ign : LEXX
S 48 shu

Dear GM,

There is so many clones at wei 48, hope u concern about this.
So many player at our country bored playing the cause fighting clones.
We have to wait very long time cause they using auto off.
For me vip 5, i won't recharge anymore after you solve the problem.
Hope you banned the clones.

Author: CCB    Time: 2015-12-24 13:12
There's only have 2 reasons why bot and clones still exist even players already keep give evidence and they do nothing

1. All the actors behind this bots and clones is from the Developer its self ( maybe they are the one who sell the bot script )
2. Lame technical staff ( they only know how to suck $ )
Author: HahaGOd    Time: 2015-12-24 18:41
Edited by HahaGOd at 2015-12-24 18:53

in s43 you from wei also use clone and "auto off" why now complain about clones and auto off? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-12-25 11:32
Thank you for your feedback. We will check s48.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2015-12-25 11:35
Hahaha s48? S1 nothing can to do , until now too many retire,
Author: boboho    Time: 2015-12-26 01:06
Please make cotk fair to every one. Do something to bots. Auto off is very suck. Run off silver cause my auto battle system vip2 lure / strike them ( low level bots ) not get exp. 30minute only get 5.000 exp. I am vip 2. I can accept if the clone bot egal use vip2. Please make justice in here

Author: HahaGOd    Time: 2015-12-26 02:17
no need to check in st8 gm since shu most ex wei in s43 and they also play auto off, so let them taste face auto off in s48 also
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-26 04:46
road to the godlike starting from the simple way
auto off,spamming cities 24/7
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2015-12-26 06:29
I'm VIP 7 and i play on WU at S48 and i put up with these rediculous clones till now because i won't recharge no more as there is no more point to playing there if i am stuck fighting these clones i can log out of the game and come back an hour later to see if i can play and i still have generals on the same spot fighting these clones because they are all low level and auto off it takes over an hour sometimes to even get my generals killed so i'm not stuck there, what kind of fun on a game is that? If you don't do anything about it not only will i never recharge i won't even go to a new server because why should i spend money on a game i can't even play because of things like this
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2015-12-26 09:02
Best solution is auto on/off system must be destroyed in country war. Easy for Heyshell, also easy for players.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-26 12:13
dieucay555 replied at 2015-12-26 09:02
Best solution is auto on/off system must be destroyed in country war. Easy for Heyshell, also easy f ...

but hard for puppet master,and for me  
Author: Sarric    Time: 2016-1-18 18:23
Edited by Sarric at 2016-1-18 18:24

I know, this thread opened some while ago, but the topic is still up to date.

Im S48 Wei current King and you should check Wei for Clones/Bots. While we have most of the time not more than 30 generals in Battle from "known players", there are times when 200-250 Generals follow some offical order. Mostly "red named generals" and players who look like generic names. So either i dont use some official orders at important times or i unleash the zombies.

They are not strong, but its a massive wave. Its no fun when we get some victorys with this, at least for me.

Ingame Name : Sarric

Author: testas    Time: 2016-1-19 00:44
if you are wei king you should have support your fellow clone masters.. on wei7 everyone has the same voice.. even our highest level support it.. on s1 highest level in game ASUwanti also support cloners!!!
Author: 兵戎天下    Time: 2016-1-19 15:33

I come from the Chinese server & can share with you guys some things about the bot running here in COTK.

Apparently there are 2 kind of bot script that can attach to the game. One is call internal script, another is external script.

Internal script can only be assigned to 1 account at 1 time. Normally for the main account which you can access to many internal game features.
Is more risky & can be easily detect by GM. Look at this post created by GM.
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
The one GM caught is running a internal script so can be detected by GM.

Whereas the one posted here probably is running an external script which is hard for GM to detect.
The one can assign many accounts at 1 time suitable for clones to run.

This type of bot script/program can be easily created by own game developer or programmer.
Probably someone working in the English server & Chinese server who want to earn extra cash with it.
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-1-19 16:13
check daily usage pattern - suddenly spike of users in that server shd be weird right?
check mac address
add CAPTCHA upon login

Author: Kelmstorm    Time: 2016-1-23 07:01
Server 48 is still overrun with Wei clones. We are boycotting recharge until this is fixed. Please hurry we don't understand why it's taking so long. The clones are ruining the game.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 07:44
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-23 10:23
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
Author: burningice    Time: 2016-1-23 17:15
u can see it GM, there are several players barely chalenge u to do something, some of them iam sure, r puppet master, iam sure this situation is beyond your cotk team conceive abt the game... they will ruin this game, ur gold getter, we all can see whats in the future will happen, bots in all countries, no real player plays... but thankfuly some of them might still recharge... it needs imediate action for bot, n if not, for me, this game is doom
Author: testas    Time: 2016-1-23 23:41
you should have opened the troop windows you dumb fuck!! we are here using real name with fake name to trash talking.. not to turn the fact upside down.. now everyone knows all the 400 are mostly shadows..

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