Title: Siege bonus [Print this page] Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2015-12-24 22:18 Title: Siege bonus i m level 125 now and have not claim my siege bonus. Getting to level 126 in a day or 2. Can i still claim the siege bonus when i move to level 126 or it will be gone? Wanted to wait until level up event only claim but it seems this month there is no such event.
Appreciate the advice. Thanks. Author: HahaGOd Time: 2015-12-24 22:39
yes you still can claimAuthor: FockYerDodder Time: 2015-12-25 03:22
yes i did 2x instant claim for level up event Author: COTK-Chen Time: 2015-12-25 11:30
Could you please take a sreenshot before leveling up? It will be helpful to check.Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2015-12-25 12:26
Thanks to all who posted. To GM, I will take a screenshot before I level up and if the siege bonus disappears, I will post my ign and server with the screenshot for your checking. ThanksAuthor: DarkKaiser Time: 2015-12-26 18:20
As a closure, it is verified that the bonus will carry over to level 126. Thank you.
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