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Title: Ban Clones S26&S38 [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-1-19 20:41
Title: Ban Clones S26&S38
Let's go on Banning Clones! To meet players' demand and make better game environment, we decide to check clones again on S26 & S38 CLONES ! Hope all player can comply with our rules and help us to monitor this situation. We will ban the clones on Jan. 19th. If you have any problem, please contact us timely.



Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-1-19 23:10
Mr Chen, pls check S48, we reported too many times. The clones in s48 maybe the most clowding, about 70-80 accounts of clone and they're online all days, blocked us 24/24. We need u do somethings immedietly
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-1-19 23:12
Just sign in s48, take a look, u can understand everything at the first moment. Why u do not do anything when S48 become like that? I think each 10 servers need 1 GM or S.mode to check the situations
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2016-1-19 23:42
Amazing you block all wei clone and do nothing with shu clone

Very fair game
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-1-20 01:41
9a8b7c6e replied at 2016-1-19 23:42
Amazing you block all wei clone and do nothing with shu clone

Very fair game

they must be real people!
Author: Wei49    Time: 2016-1-20 07:38
9a8b7c6e replied at 2016-1-19 23:42
Amazing you block all wei clone and do nothing with shu clone

Very fair game

Shu give more money than Wei

Author: bankmalki    Time: 2016-1-20 07:58
I wish to express my thanks to GM for the prompt action. This will help to bring about a better playing environment in S26 and S38.

However, there is always the possibility that more clones can be created easily and this can kill a server and drive away the vip players. This problem is not isolated to these two servers alone but is spread all over the game. In fact, I think you should look at the possibility that these clones may be created by rival firms to drive spending players away from your game and therefore run you out of business. Who knows?

Thank you for your action but please take some more action for a permanent solution to this. A lot of olayers in S38 have been proposing the removal of 'auto off' function altogether. This will be a more or less permanent solution to clones. Even if there are a hundred clones they can be cleaned off with some effort.

What you are doing now is also good. I would encourage other servers to send snapshots of such clones and send them to GM.

Thank you.
Author: Gordon    Time: 2016-1-20 16:06
GM, in S26 you had banned clones 2 times in the past 1 week. However they had create new clones just after you banned them. Now is the 3rd round they creating clones in the past 1 week. How you going to resolve this matter permanently?
I suggest you banned the clones this 3rd time and stop new account registration in this server. So that no more clones in the future in this server. Actually this stop new account registration method also can be extended to other old server to stop clones issue. Hope you will act immediately on this matter. Attached is the latest clones screen shot.
By the way, the clones creator is challenging your authority as they keep on creating clones immediately after you banned them.

Author: Gordon    Time: 2016-1-20 16:14
GM, there are 2 more screen shot that i cannot up load here (over size limit), will post to you via PM when you reply my post above.
Author: Nickjay    Time: 2016-1-21 23:28
Dear Gm.....why u just ban s38 wei clone only ? Why dint ban shu clone?
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-1-22 10:54
Aint no shu clone in s38.

Even wei player asked gm to eliminate wei clones
Author: MingG    Time: 2016-1-22 11:25
Shu play clone of cos say they no clone , we always see shu parking clone in some area ...we also wan to see  gm will take action shu clone or not on this few day
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2016-1-22 12:41
Clones is legal only for shu
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-22 17:52
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Author: Nickjay    Time: 2016-1-22 21:58
Dear Gm...why only I see name list all s38 is wei only ? Where is shu name ? U sure shu no clone ?
Author: o0oo    Time: 2016-1-23 02:27
Edited by o0oo at 2016-1-23 02:31

S26/27 is very exciting now....
We have IGN sima.s7, XGuan.s1, RoyalWrath, testas, Suwandi.s1, ferocious9, MaChau.s8, HakilMilo, HeHemHemJr, DonKan.S8 and the best COTK-CHEN...
All the power players..

Author: Nickjay    Time: 2016-1-23 22:18
Dear Gm ....where is shu clone name list ? We all still waiting u ban and show shu name list , it is u don't want to ban shu clone or mean shu is legal to play clone ....
Author: Nickjay    Time: 2016-1-23 22:49
Hi Dear Gm

Message from Firefox s38 ...If shu legal to play clone ,we will ask all the player move from ur game or not rc anymore in ur game ..
Author: Anarchist    Time: 2016-1-24 09:44
Nickjay replied at 2016-1-23 22:49
Hi Dear Gm

Message from Firefox s38 ...If shu legal to play clone ,we will ask all the player move ...

Please take a snapshot of clones and post it to GM. If it is a clone, GM will certainly remove it.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 11:23
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Author: Anarchist    Time: 2016-1-24 13:39
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-24 11:23

that one not enou ...

I am referring to claims that there are shu clones in S38. Not S7 or S15.
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-1-24 13:42
WoW....s26/27 is very exciting hahaha.....someone hijack my IGN without paying royalty..
Author: Fox    Time: 2016-1-24 15:26
Dear Gm....it is s38 shu legal to playing clone ? Pls reply and we all player wait ur reply ..tq
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 15:29
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Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-24 19:01
Rc rc rc near angpao
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 21:06
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Author: testas    Time: 2016-1-24 23:06
correct..!! lets all wei players keep up the flame and trash talking and more insult to everyone on every post and every threads and everyday!!
Author: kapechen    Time: 2016-1-25 00:58
i dont know what happen to this fvckin game. but i think if clones problem GM doesnt fix it i ll QUIT WTF
Author: Ming22    Time: 2016-1-25 14:05
Hey MingG
who s your nickname at s38?
i never see u DOG at any siege
dont act like u part of s38 and use name Ming to complain
Author: kruf    Time: 2016-1-26 10:47
Check again s26.
Lot of clone
Cotk chen clone, suwandi, royalwrath.
Ban clone n freeze id who play it.
Show ur action on clones rule GM
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 09:34
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Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-1-27 12:25
U better to be carefull to banned use those ign because someone just duplicate that name and play on those server without the real one know.or maybe the real ign id is not play on those server
Author: o0oo    Time: 2016-1-27 17:03
Xguan replied at 2016-1-27 12:25
U better to be carefull to banned use those ign because someone just duplicate that name and play on ...

Ask for royalty bro..

Author: sunnyluo1688    Time: 2016-1-28 20:40
Hahaha. Good job. Ban all clones.

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