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Title: [System] Identify Code [Print this page]

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-5-9 17:20
Title: [System] Identify Code
Identify Code is a new system that helps us to monitor bot players.

·        Identify Code appears in 20 – 40 minutes if you keep online.
·        You should choose the right answer in 5 minutes.
·        Do not answer or choose the wrong answer will beforced off-line.
·        If you choose the right answer, you will get alittle rewards contain Food + 1200.

Identify Code


Author: BlueFire    Time: 2014-5-9 18:56
With the release of 5th gen, food has becomes a major struggle within this game. Even swop & hourly reward is not enough to keep old players playing as much as before. They usually saved their food for event. Once event is over, you hardly see much activity in the world map.

Now, you released a new system to counter bots which is really brilliant in my opinion but there is one problem: some player sometimes leave their game on to collect hourly reward. With this verification system, players actually need to be around every 20-40 minutes or face boot off from the servers but get rewarded with peasant 1.5k food ? Do you really think most players have the time to be around every 20-40 minutes, seriously ? Here's my suggestion in order to be fair to ALL legit players who need food:

a) Its about time you remove useless sachet from killing chest. Player need something useful not item that we'll sell it away.
b) Hourly reward should be minimum 80k the least. 50k is way too low after so many introduction in this game.
c) Each successful verification should be rewarded at least 10k food. So if i stay around for 1 hour, 2 verifications + hourly reward should net me around 70-100k food resource.
d) Consider letting us have triple swop feature, really.
e) Increase feast to 12 instead of current 6 if you can't let us have triple swop.

With liegeman card, foster system & gems, it's hard not to have 50k troop per hero. Imagine, if one hero with 50k troop completely get wiped out would need around 20k food to replenish. If 5 heroes died, that is 100k food just for purpose of one battle. How many battles of assault/defence in an event which runs for 2 hours ?

From what i noticed, you seem to solved bots problem but stepping yourself to a newer problem which food management. If you don't let us have more food, players will drop in numbers due to food issue. If you don't trust me, do yourself a favor, check all servers activity prior to release of 5th gen, make comparison & you'll see the difference. No matter how weak/strong your heroes, inadequate food is like having good/fast car with quarter fuel tank, just some simple analogy. You are punishing legit players & it seems very unfair to us especially when food is already considered low right now.

You want your loyal players to play more or less ? Of course more, and how to play more with limited food ? Think long & hard GM.
Author: Benromario    Time: 2014-5-9 21:08
Hahaha!!! U r right. s2 has guy with 100K troops.
Author: MaceWindu    Time: 2014-6-25 03:04
Please do not make the character overlap each other.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-6-25 09:12
this identification code really annoying
1 times successful identified only worth 1k ish food
holy crap
Author: AzlanDyNasTy    Time: 2014-6-25 20:14
Yes indeed, So annoying. On small screen like a laptop, it is so hard to see the letters. PFFFT
Author: BlackWhite    Time: 2014-8-17 22:41
please remove this feature its really annoying. i was glad that it was not used on s17 while it was used on s16. i stopped playing s16 and now it seems i'll stop s17 too and i wont try s18. this feature is so annoying, why do you care about our offline times ? I attack and leave machine for 10 minutes and i see that i'm off... its bad

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