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Title: [Strategy][S3~KomandanWu] Easily defeating Sun Ce for NonVIP and save Vouchers [Print this page]

Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-24 22:15
Title: [Strategy][S3~KomandanWu] Easily defeating Sun Ce for NonVIP and save Vouchers
Edited by Magician at 2016-1-24 22:30


I only have 1 suit (Dragon suit)
All common jade

1. Hero stats:  average 71xx def 30xx; troops average 100,000, only 1hero with dragon suit120,000++
2. Armament forged 134
3. Armament polished 29*
4. Gems lv1*2 / lv12 / lv 12      *2 / lv12 / *2

5. Horcrux def12%, storm at 28%, archers, cavalry, infantry at 10%, mechanization 2%

6. Chariot lv5
7. 4 immu all i put into Z.yu
8. dragon suit (free suit)

Enemy Formation:
*. J.Ling
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. Yuan Shi
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. T.S.Ci
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. H.Dang
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. H. Gai
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. C. Pu
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. X. Qiao
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. Z. Yu
Formation:  S.M.Yi - Liu Bei - G.Yu - Z.Yu - Zyun  or G.Jia - S.M.Yi - Gyu - Zyu - Zyun

*. Da. Qiao
Formation:  Liu Bei - G.Yu - Zyu - S.M.Yi - Zyun if you don't have special hero you can change LB with G.jia
I used my S.M.Yi to D. Qiao so she can't cast skill

*. Sunce
Formation:  S.M.Yi -  LiuBei - G.Yu - Dwei - Zyun or you can change LB with Z.Fei/Zyu and Dwei with Zyu
The main point is to use dwei/zyu skill hit Sunce. At this case my Dwei almost killed all sunce gen (left xxx troops)

nb: If you use S.M.Yi try to hit 2 first row. So they unable to cast skill.
     So you can easily pass


Best regard,
S3 - KomandanWu

Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-1-24 22:40
For none vip, how long will it take to reach lvl134?
1 year, 2 years?
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-1-24 22:59
lol.. Why arent u using Luxun?
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-24 23:02
Daveltl76 replied at 2016-1-24 22:40
For none vip, how long will it take to reach lvl134?
1 year, 2 years?

if you think you will use Sunce need not to wait until lvl 134.

Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-24 23:04
FanofBabes replied at 2016-1-24 22:59
lol.. Why arent u using Luxun?

Commonly high level people won't use G.Jia. so can save more soul
Maybe i will use him if I feel boring with the heroes that i already used
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-24 23:06
Well...with attack 7100 and hero king + Sima Yi it is unimportant what is your formation...
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-24 23:09
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-24 23:06
Well...with attack 7100 and hero king + Sima Yi it is unimportant what is your formation...

If you want fast way you can use your lord too.
But if you want to have fun you can try other formation without lord.
Btw what's the meaning of "unimportant what is your formation"
Sry i don't really get what do you mean.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-1-24 23:10
Magician replied at 2016-1-24 23:04
Commonly high level people won't use G.Jia. so can save more soul
Maybe i will use him if I feel b ...


Im talking about Luxun not GJia..
Your picture shows Lv1 Luxun and also..Your formation got no Luxun..
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-24 23:17
Edited by Magician at 2016-1-24 23:19
FanofBabes replied at 2016-1-24 23:10

Im talking about Luxun not GJia..

Sry, I mean high level players rarely use G.Jia thats why Luxun isn't very important.
Luxun isn't very strong against skill attack. Thats why i don't use Luxun.
If you have Zyun it much better than Luxun.
Its variation too, I saw people commonly use Luxun to pass Sunce inst, so i try other formation for fun
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-1-24 23:51
Magician replied at 2016-1-24 23:17
Sry, I mean high level players rarely use G.Jia thats why Luxun isn't very important.
Luxun isn't v ...

Icic..Thanks for the info
Nice guide
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-25 15:32
FanofBabes replied at 2016-1-24 23:51
Icic..Thanks for the info
Nice guide

thx to read buddy
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2016-1-25 16:50
wah bro brp lama save voc buat liubei..
Author: bladur    Time: 2016-1-25 18:58
Lama amat ndan lvl 134 baru dpt sunce

Btw nice info ndan
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2016-1-25 19:35
berapa lama save voc buat liubei bro..?
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-25 22:01
ukaman87 replied at 2016-1-25 16:50
wah bro brp lama save voc buat liubei..

semenjak insiden voucher terjadi bro. Lupa uda brp lama
Author: Beren    Time: 2016-1-26 13:32
your using sima yi , im level 124 . not very helpful
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-26 17:15
Beren replied at 2016-1-26 13:32
your using sima yi , im level 124 . not very helpful

This is exactly what I meant with my comment. I think most relevant strategies for us are from people who got Sun Ce before they were able to hire Guan Yu. With heroes like Sima Yi and Li Bei it´s not a strategy but spanking babies.
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-26 18:39
bladur replied at 2016-1-25 18:58
Lama amat ndan lvl 134 baru dpt sunce

Btw nice info ndan

sry terlewat, ga rencana pk Sunce soalnya
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-26 18:40
Beren replied at 2016-1-26 13:32
your using sima yi , im level 124 . not very helpful

dear, if you want fast way you need to rc more.
I think most review can't satisfy / guide all people.
Because the condition for each player are different each other.
Its for reference only
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-26 18:46
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-26 17:15
This is exactly what I meant with my comment. I think most relevant strategies for us are from peo ...

Thx for your comment.
If you want to get it faster only need to rc as much as you can.
Every review/guides are for reference only.
Each players have their own condition and its impossible to have the same power with other pelayer.
Thats why we have many guides and you can choose which one is the most similar with your condition.
I saw you make a guide too, do you think other people that read your guide will have the same condition with your heroes? (liegemen, equip,suit,arm,chariot, etc)
If this guide can help you, i will feel happy too.

Thx to read

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-26 20:06
Magician replied at 2016-1-26 18:46
Thx for your comment.
If you want to get it faster only need to rc as much as you can.
Every review ...

As for your question. If you have read my strategies, you can see I´m trying to be VERY systematic as I know it is stupidity to think that on lvl. 123 all players will have my stats. What I am trying to do is also to explain how did I PREPARE for getting these stats that made me to get hero in special instance. So they can prepare the same way and get closer to my stats or even above my stats.

No offense but this guide is not helpful to me (but it can be helpful for others no doubt) for obvious reasons. Heroes you used are 10 lvl and more above me and you have attack of 7100, while it should be sufficient to have average attack of 6100 to get Sun Ce. That´s why I called it spanking babies.
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-1-26 20:37
Edited by Magician at 2016-1-26 20:41
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-26 20:06
As for your question. If you have read my strategies, you can see I´m trying to be VERY systemati ...


If you think you can easily get Sunce with that attack and almost without immu and 1 suit only.
You can try to play sunce inst again when your attack reach 71xx and troops about 10k only.
For fun maybe.
Btw the main point isn't the level but how strong your heroes are.
For high vip they can easily got 71xx before 120 too.
if you rc alot sure you can easily get that.
Sry, i saw about your luxun strategy only, so i didn't know that you already got Sunce too.
Good luck for your guide too.
Hope that can help other people too.

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-26 20:47
Dear, i will get Sun Ce at lvl 125 latest. So then I write strategy helpful for people on lower lvls.
Author: Raavan    Time: 2016-2-7 15:21
What is the secret to have 7100+ attk!!!?
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-7 15:42
Non VIP using LuiBei? Lol
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-7 19:36
How can 7100 if low vip at low level.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-8 17:21
Birdwarne replied at 2016-2-7 19:36
How can 7100 if low vip at low level.

It is improbable, but possible if you have Guild lvl. 5 (upgrading gems very fast - I have at least one lvl. 6 gem every day) and heavily foster Chariot from the moment you get it on lower levels. But it is almost impossible for level 123 when Sun Ce instance opens. For example my average attack on lvl. 121 is 6074 if I have formation I will use for Sun Ce inst. But it would be impossible for me to get 7100 in 2 levels, that´s nonsense of course.
Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2016-2-8 19:51
Thank you for help I really appreciate.... I got sunce))))))
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-9 08:30
Are sunce usefull?
Author: husni12    Time: 2016-2-9 12:11
I am lvl 124. Vip 1. I hav rchd zyu stage. Its always. I hav 6 immu nw. It is difficult bt can try.
Author: Wees    Time: 2016-2-9 17:50
Birdwarne replied at 2016-2-9 08:30
Are sunce usefull?

at lvl 123, i prefer z.yu, l.xun, z.yun, z.fei, g.jia
i dont see how sunce can boost your strength
and can use gjia until 127 then u can replace with g.yu
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-9 19:05
I dont find guan yu  very useful hero. I plan to switch my Guo Jia tank with Sima Yi.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-3 15:41
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-3-3 15:44

Guys, my advice is simple, make a tank. My Guo Jia (Full Immu set, att 6325, Tiger 1 Star atlas, Superlantern, Force 93)  reflected 5 NPCs in two stages, 4 NPCs in 6 stages (Sun Ce stage including!) and 3 NPCs in 2 stages. I spent 350 k soul on this instance and had my Sun Ce after one hour of fight. I had to repeat Sun Ce and Da Xiao three times to pass. I will write detailed strategy in few days.

I entered lvl 123 at 11:30 CET, at 15:47 CET the same day I had Sun Ce. That goes for our dispute dear KomandanWu.
Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2016-3-3 23:35
Corvinus replied at 2016-3-3 15:41
Guys, my advice is simple, make a tank. My Guo Jia (Full Immu set, att 6325, Tiger 1 Star atlas, Sup ...

U had opened my mind, i forgot to make a g.jia tank..at sun ce stage my g.jia equipped tiger suit,lantern +20,infantri hrcrx just reflected 2npc and died. I had problem to beat fourth npc too
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-7 18:17
Wees replied at 2016-2-9 17:50
at lvl 123, i prefer z.yu, l.xun, z.yun, z.fei, g.jia
i dont see how sunce can boost your strengt ...

I would choose otherwise, if you have dragon suit. The main advantage of Iron fist is not only remove all tactics advantages of oponent, but also removing spliting effect. So if Sun Ce has a lot of troops, he is able to kill easily even splitters like Zhang Fei and Wenji. The main problem for Sun Ce is dodging ability of Zhao Yun.

So my choice is Guo Jia, Lu Xun, Sun Ce, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu.
Author: greenharle    Time: 2016-3-9 04:43
are you telling the truth? my stats better than you, how come your att can reach 71xx?.  i have tiger suit but the att just around 67xx
Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2016-3-9 12:33
finally i beat sun ce.. using g.jia (tiger suit, atk 61xx,inftry hrcx 20%), z.yun (5pcs immu atk 52xx,arch hrcx 10%),z.fei (4pcs immu atk 52xx,horse hrcx 20%), d.wei  (equip atk and trick combination, atk 56xx, storm 24%) last guan yu equip atk and troop combination, atk 52xx troops 94xx, rebound hrcx 21%)..but dissapointed after seeing sun ce stat, just a little stronger and have better lead than ma chao and of course..iron fist.
Author: TiSa    Time: 2016-3-9 13:18
greenharle replied at 2016-3-9 04:43
are you telling the truth? my stats better than you, how come your att can reach 71xx?.  i have tige ...

The catch is actually LiuBei (one of his generals)....if you have him, all of your generals attack will be boosted by another 10%.
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2016-3-10 00:13
Wah,,om komandan wu,,kuat loh...hehehehe,,hebat...
Nunggu strategy buat jiangwei ama sunjian nih om,,soalny equip immu cmn dikit,,,,
Author: greenharle    Time: 2016-3-10 18:08
TiSa replied at 2016-3-9 13:18
The catch is actually LiuBei (one of his generals)....if you have him, all of your generals attack ...

hmmm...interesting gen.need years to get him
Author: Joekennedy    Time: 2016-4-29 14:47
Edited by Joekennedy at 2016-4-29 14:55

Reaching his level 134 and get sunce or even save up for  Lord only take about a year. By this time next year I gonna try get my liubei.
corvinus this guide meant for people non VIP who save vouchers from ay one almost never spending vouchers for ironsiron trinket only for Lord. His reason for getting him so late cause noluxun made it so he had to wait tillhe got his Lord and simayi because before not strong enough immune and lower armaments polish gem levels probably.

This guides useless to me too but he wanted to share his experience because many people take different routes, some hardeer and more or less rewarding than others but still arrive at the same destinations
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-4-29 19:45
Joekennedy replied at 2016-4-29 14:47
Reaching his level 134 and get sunce or even save up for  Lord only take about a year. By this time  ...

Dear, thank for your opinion.
Actually i can get faster if i want but i choose not to use Sunce and Luxun.
Like you said everyone have their own style to play and if share = blame other people will think twice to share opinion.

Best regard,

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