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Title: truth s32 [Print this page]

Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 19:22
Title: truth s32
dear all.
am writing here cos of need to let world knows abt what is happening.

treated all as friends in s32. had numerous appeals to shu 32 to stop using clones but situation got worse

told shu not to use clones in case id gets banned but reply was "not happy report gm!!!"

this is a very powerful shu with world No. 1 HakilMilo. i am very disappointed seeing shu using yellow gens when in events.

for the sake of the game and fairness and to the upmost respect to world no 1, stop cloning..........

Author: Owenlee    Time: 2016-1-26 19:36
i dont know if we use yellow general but i do know one shu admitted wear yellow underwear.. lolz does it count??
Author: zzs    Time: 2016-1-26 19:37
Ckckck, don't open our secret lah
Author: StarS    Time: 2016-1-26 19:37
Lol so funny.. u just said shu s32 use clone just because you can't beat them.. and so funny u use hakilmilo's name to report.. why don't you just said who the clones and prove that to gm... it's better than a childish complaint and use hakilmilo's name to complaint..
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 19:38
not need to be corny owen.... i just stating fact. thanks for joke
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 19:41
all friends.... if shown proof all looks bad bro
Author: zzs    Time: 2016-1-26 19:41
We don't he yellow, could u use red color eve?
Author: Hendryanchoky    Time: 2016-1-26 19:44
Yeah,, too bad for no : 1 world Hakilmilo at shu bcause they are using many clone for hide inside hakilmilo hole..lolz
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 19:49
we only appeal for good and fair game. not targeting anybody. win lose no prob..... shu already strongest, no need for clones....
Author: asnstar    Time: 2016-1-26 19:55
Maybe all shu s32 is clone, so...??? Masalah buat lo...???
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 19:58
well, u can see why i posted in forum which i was very reluctant too.... no use doing in own server..... players using clones and they think its fine lol
Author: Hendryanchoky    Time: 2016-1-26 20:25
Salute for no 1 hakilmilo,
Salute for no 1 clones shu s32,
I think that same words..lolz
Author: 12jk    Time: 2016-1-26 20:28
wanna win for event use ur brain.. not use cheat( clones)...
Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-1-26 20:39
Team work is very very useless in this server..
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-26 20:56
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-26 20:58
lots of negative things being said abt gm. i am beginning to believe. gm, going to say comment?
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-1-26 20:59
Be very careful shu s32 and GM especially... no smoke without fire. This is not just small complaint but more things and proof are to come...
Author: Bruiser    Time: 2016-1-26 21:13
Hate the clones and auto off......please be fair......for all of us....respect your self....
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-26 22:00
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Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-26 22:02
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Author: WoWoWoW    Time: 2016-1-26 23:44
who said "Not happy report gm?
Author: TaiLo    Time: 2016-1-27 00:34
Dear all VIPs and Free Players (just like me), I don't know if me ( Id: TaiLo, Shu) and my brother (Id: PsyLo, Shu) both free players in s32/36 need to be verified by who ever thinks that me and brother are clones. The below is my login screen shoot. If needed my brother too, I will ask him personally to post up. And to those who don't use brain before complaint, stop being childish. Is really difficult of being a free player in this game. Thanks too all Shu32/36 senior for guidance.
Author: TaiLo    Time: 2016-1-27 00:38
Addition to that, I apologize if my message distrub your thought or you don't feel nice. Just my voice of a free gamer.
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-1-27 00:42
Not talking about personal strength , s32 shu is total trash , jokers sieging everywhere before event and cannot defend , so always wu/wei take it. Poor teamwork and pathetic to the stage when they have to use their s36 alts owenlee36 ,bach36 bich36. Selfish players that oni auto fight farm all the time. Talk about real plays , wu has it. Shame on shu
Author: NDV    Time: 2016-1-27 00:44
hey Tailo. Why u hv 6 money ha?
Author: NDV    Time: 2016-1-27 00:45
Wow. I Hv 30 Money to. Lolz. This money for what?
Author: TaiLo    Time: 2016-1-27 01:57
What money?
Author: nguyenstar    Time: 2016-1-27 02:28
If you wu are as great as you say why do you auto off even your strongest play the auto off games.
Author: ryuzenkai    Time: 2016-1-27 07:43
evefie replied at 2016-1-26 19:41
all friends.... if shown proof all looks bad bro

every report about clones or etc  and complain needs evident .looks bad or not ..its a consequence of his/her action .
just show it in this thread and let us know how it going on  
Author: Owenlee    Time: 2016-1-27 11:20
Btw, owenlee36 is server 36 account. Is not my fault if gm decided to merge s36 with s32. If gm merge s40/41/42/43/44/45/46/47/48, u will see owenlee40 to owenlee48 Lolz.
Author: StarS    Time: 2016-1-27 11:31
teamwork? what team work? just like wei & wu ally and give points to each other? that make you proud youyou? i feel shame on you then
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 11:34
quite interesting...... can play multi account..... create id b4 merge than becomes legal.... smart owen
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-1-27 11:55
Hahha...when shu32 becomes so polite? Enough talking evefie, show them the proofs so GM will start comment here and prove to us that GM is not only talk but no action...
Author: LeeShee    Time: 2016-1-27 18:12
If you want to tell the truth, tell the whole story, not your version only. That's called whining, childish and downright embarassing.

A king should LEAD not WHINE!

When s32 & s36 merged, wu and wei allied and gave each other winnings, and no shu complained especially at world chat. When time to mind out own business like guard borders, wu always disturbing shu, yet we didn't complain.

When shu is winning, you make up your excuses. First you complained hakilmilo won the events for shu. Now you ACCUSE shu using clones, when weaker players also defending? And you call them clones?

Reclamation times, you simply forgotten how you took over shu mines and snatch our slaves? And we're not allowed to do the same?

After this, what else do you want? You want all winnings for you? Losses for shu? Then create your own game, play on your own server. By then you don't have to shout at world chat everytime shu achieved something! Every world chat consisted with hakilmilo's name. Are obsessed with him? Jealous of him? Or what?

You wanna shame shu by accusing us with your clones theory, fine. You wanna tell the world shu is using clones, fine. Proof it then. Or do you want me to share MY proof that wu is the one using clones?
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 18:24
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 19:36

1st of all, i need thank all 32 wu for the great team effort when in event. events will have wins or losses. think why u lost in events like guard border..... not a difficult event..... shu slaves total equal or more than wei wu combined. cannot defend barbs?why?.....

i, even though a king, am not a king. just title. i have all my friends playing and supporting each other in this 32 wu. we play together and we share our thoughts.

i am against clones. why not ask gm do a check and clear all wu clones as well? good for shu?
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 19:44
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 19:46
milo..... i just think shu should not use clones when u hv a world no 1 there..... strong and very strong..... no need to do such things...... thats why i reminded shu to hv some respect for ur world no 1. wu winning events, and we lost too. all fine and we not far behind shu in country points. why should i whine? i hv a bunch of good buddies behind. its a happy environment even some players left (it's common). i just want a good playing server that's all. this is why i started this thread.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 19:51
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 19:53
lol. this is the other way round. we did not use clones to slow milo. auto off yes. including me. thats to slow him down
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 19:57
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Author: LeeShee    Time: 2016-1-27 20:23
evefie replied at 2016-1-27 19:36

1st of all, i need thank all 32 wu for the great team effort when in event. events will ha ...

Please do ask gm to check us. I'm okay with that. All i know, weak or strong, in shu 32, we are all comrades & friends & family, and we also welcome spies or players from other servers to join or even just to check things out. We are not only depending on 1 person, and it's simply not cool accusing others by blindly shouting everytime you see weaker clones. That's all. You wanna work together with wei, fine, i don't mind. But by wildly accusing others, no way.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-27 20:30
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Author: LeeShee    Time: 2016-1-27 20:31
evefie replied at 2016-1-27 19:36

1st of all, i need thank all 32 wu for the great team effort when in event. events will ha ...

Ah, forgot one more point. Defend barb, hmm let's see. Not gonna make any excuses, if we lose in barb event, so be it. Not gonna shout in world chat either. If you wanna to insult shu by sneakily adding this comment, also fine by me. ^_^

One friendly suggestion, more you talk, more you sneer, more colors you show. Continue, please
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 20:39
LeeShee replied at 2016-1-27 20:31
Ah, forgot one more point. Defend barb, hmm let's see. Not gonna make any excuses, if we lose in b ...

i only reply to what u posted. from start till now i have not said anything bad. guard border is what u mentioned, maybe dont get emotional. vet thru b4 post
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-1-27 21:07
Ongis replied at 2016-1-26 20:39
Team work is very very useless in this server..

oh i see, but it looks usefull when wei and wu united to hold shu along CS

Author: Aris1    Time: 2016-1-27 21:14
HakilMilo, S32, Shu is using hack software and GM needs to ban this person.
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 21:19
i am not accusing anybody here. my vip lvl not high. its vip 8, close to 9. i will quit and retire for good from cotk if gm cant find any clones in shu. i will be too ashamed to stay if found accusing an innocent party.

gm chen. hope u reading this. pls help do a check and release your findings in this thread. i will not dispute your the results.
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 21:23
evefie replied at 2016-1-27 21:19
i am not accusing anybody here. my vip lvl not high. its vip 8, close to 9. i will quit and retire f ...

oh pls aris1. stop talking nonsense. hakilmilo really put in effort. proof if if u can. dont just type
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-1-27 21:28
evefie replied at 2016-1-27 21:19
i am not accusing anybody here. my vip lvl not high. its vip 8, close to 9. i will quit and retire f ...

u said u not accusing anybody, im free player..
many wei players complaint before the server is merge done, and said will retired or stop recharge..
so lets cut that baby cry.
u all know what u done, u know what u said, so before u post this thread fix your attitude in world chat.
please continue..

Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-27 21:31
thank you. i go oscar this year
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-1-28 01:05
In s32 every day yellow gens take birth but their parents now deny to recognize them? Lol
Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 09:48
Edited by Scanner at 2016-1-28 09:50
WoWoWoW replied at 2016-1-26 23:44
who said "Not happy report gm?

King of SHU said so
Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 10:02
Edited by Scanner at 2016-1-28 11:37
StarS replied at 2016-1-26 19:37
Lol so funny.. u just said shu s32 use clone just because you can't beat them.. and so funny u use h ...

I assume you are ShinyStarS aka FantasySky

Tell me both accounts are not you playing

Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 10:35
Edited by Scanner at 2016-1-28 10:37
evefie replied at 2016-1-26 19:41
all friends.... if shown proof all looks bad bro

They want proof? Give to them since they asked.

Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 10:42
Edited by Scanner at 2016-1-28 10:43
Hendryanchoky replied at 2016-1-26 20:25
Salute for no 1 hakilmilo,
Salute for no 1 clones shu s32,
I think that same words..lolz

Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 10:45
looks like gm need to give an explanation here. is it true that gm inform players abt clone checking b4 they start doing it?
Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-1-28 11:00
Similar to Suwandi(bot master , apparently all banned so he retired) , top players tend to be pussies and resort to cheating and splitting cash and people's faces. Utterly shameless
Author: lionman    Time: 2016-1-28 11:07
If there is fair play country category, surely shu32 is the champion as the worst country and Aris is the worst king

Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 12:10
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1

aris..... thats a good way to have gold without rc.... create and report
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 12:19
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Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 12:24
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 12:25
think lets not jump into conclusion abt gm. but gm need let us know what is happening......
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 12:32
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 12:35
wow. how many? in shu wei or wu?

maybe next one is me :p
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 12:37
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Author: COTK-Chen-Clone    Time: 2016-1-28 12:38
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Author: hark    Time: 2016-1-28 12:40
This haki use fake recharge and exp boost hack? That's what I am hearing from sources
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 12:44
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Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 12:51
er..... think dont accused others of fake gold etc...... this is gm job......
we only talk clones here.....
Author: Lude    Time: 2016-1-28 12:53
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-28 12:44
you look like warz from shu s8, complaint about other people

before simaa got gjia and zyu he com ...

Do you mean World No 1 Recharge ?
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-1-28 12:56
Edited by Xixi778 at 2016-1-28 13:00
COTK-Chen-Clone replied at 2016-1-28 12:38
I am not obliged to reveal much but as all players know WORLD NO. 1 means RC a lot thus there's shou ...

But most of us here also recharge quite a lot although not as much as milo individually. Shouldn't we also be respected and protected too? I am only a vip 7...not worth GM time to even read my reply.
Author: COTK-Chen-Clone    Time: 2016-1-28 12:58
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Author: COTK-Chen-Clone    Time: 2016-1-28 13:04
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Author: Riders    Time: 2016-1-28 13:15
Popcorn anyone ?
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 13:20
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Author: COTK-Chen-Clone    Time: 2016-1-28 13:24
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Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-1-28 14:58
Scanner replied at 2016-1-28 10:42

Your info is noted down. Thank you.
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-28 15:10
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Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 15:16
Edited by Scanner at 2016-1-28 15:49
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-1-28 14:58
Your info is noted down. Thank you.

How about checking this too since BachLong admitted it

Author: Lude    Time: 2016-1-28 15:21
I am from S32 WEI and since there is a check on Clone. I would need GM to check on WEI's new ID too. They were new IDs created this morning. Kindly delete it since we expect fair play. Thanks

Author: Hmilo.v2    Time: 2016-1-28 15:26
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Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-1-28 16:45
Dear eve,
Thank u for proofing that u always read my post at the forum. I'm truly flattered. U can call me worst king or whatever, still thanking u.
Ur jealousy n hatred toward shu, is a compliment for me.
And one more thing, u must create multiple id on 1 server to spying on our country chat. I didnt know that u really want to know what we talking everyday. And u could ask me personally, rather using clone to spy. I really dont want u to get banned by GM.

U only post part of ss that makes me & hakilmilo look guilty. why wont u post ss of that 100 clones? i believe u cant because we never have it
Defaming on me & hakilmilo to ruin our reputation is not good.
But i and hakilmilo personally forgive u. like i did to whiteotto this morning.
whiteotto from wu32 said a few days ago that he would retired after my wc posted. but this morning he denied all that. and my answer is.. Its okay Otto..
Same goes to u.. I forgive u

I will ask dave to post here saying he forgive u too
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-1-28 16:55
Aris3479 replied at 2016-1-28 16:45
Dear eve,
Thank u for proofing that u always read my post at the forum. I'm truly flattered. U can c ...

Is thr anything to be jealous of 32shu other than watching how city sieges are lost jokingly?
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 17:23

if u read from beginning till now in this forum, when did i show hatred or jealousy? i only appeal for no cloning. i do not have any id in shu s32. these screen shots are not from me. nobody can ban me for having multi id cos i dont have.
yes, i started the thread but i dont need any forgiveness from you and hakilmilo cos i did not do anything to damage your reputation. in fact i was asking not to accuse hakilmilo here for fake gold. save it for somebody else who ask for it and dont just forgive for the sake of forgiving (or maybe try to forget). anybody beg for forgiveness here?.........
i world chat with good intention for no cloning and you know what ur replies were. they are identical to what you said to WhiteOtto. asking people to retire for good once your dark side revealed? maybe you should ask Otto for forgiveness instead.
i still stick to my objective here as to stop using clones. and also my promise to retire if no clones found in shu.
lets wait for gm chen reply. enjoy your day ahead.
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 17:27
youyou replied at 2016-1-28 16:55
Is thr anything to be jealous of 32shu other than watching how city sieges are lost jokingly?

youyou is right. i dont envy or jealous shu. wu 36 is better when in events. we are all at country lvl 7. whats there to envy?
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-1-28 17:44
evefie replied at 2016-1-28 17:23

if u read from beginning till now in this forum, when did i show hatred or jealousy? i only a ...

I read from beginning till this page..
Those SS posted by scanner only chats..
If ur objective is using clone, please post the proof by yourself and dont crying in world chat like a little puppy when lost event
In events we surely can win wuthout any interference wei and wu coalition even with clones or not. So we dont envy or suprised u start this thread. U look funny when u said u dont accused ur words totally different with ur actions. Pls continue
Author: Ovaltine    Time: 2016-1-28 17:59
Aris3479 replied at 2016-1-28 16:45
Dear eve,
Thank u for proofing that u always read my post at the forum. I'm truly flattered. U can c ...

maybe scanner already knew that it will be useless, since people also posting 300 shu clones in shu s7 but GM do nothing ?
Author: Lude    Time: 2016-1-28 18:05
GM had make it very cleared that only 1 account can be played at all time. Especially those merged accounts that happened to be in the same country. So if you are using like abcdefg and abcdefg.36 in the same country still considered as clone as it is consider more than 1 account. Maybe GM would like to make it clear to everybody that not more than 1 account can be play per IP address. With that, i believe alot of "clone" accounts will be locked down.
Author: Ovaltine    Time: 2016-1-28 18:17
No Argue in here until Shu S7 clones got banned.

End !
Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 18:20
Aris3479 replied at 2016-1-28 16:45
Dear eve,
Thank u for proofing that u always read my post at the forum. I'm truly flattered. U can c ...


“The tongue like a sharp knife kills without drawing blood”  

From the bottom of the hearts of all the players who have endured these hollow words, I urge you perpetrators to be more careful of what you are saying- check yourself, before you wreck yourself… and the person your words reached of course.
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-1-28 18:24
Lude replied at 2016-1-28 18:05
GM had make it very cleared that only 1 account can be played at all time. Especially those merged a ...

True. If players have id but merged and could be played, u cant assume it as clones because its legal. If that forbidden to be done, gm will take any consideration about this.
So far i read this thread cornered HM as fake player, clone master(even its dont directly said)
If want accuse other please gather ur proof and facts
Author: Scanner    Time: 2016-1-28 18:30
Hendry replied at 2016-1-28 18:24
True. If players have id but merged and could be played, u cant assume it as clones because its le ...

well if GM takes action, then Bachlong will not be using so many accounts
Author: Lude    Time: 2016-1-28 18:31
GM should come out and say something.... where are you GM?
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-1-28 18:38
Scanner replied at 2016-1-28 18:30
well if GM takes action, then Bachlong will not be using so many accounts

How do u know bachlong using many id?
Please give specific number
Author: nguyenstar    Time: 2016-1-28 18:56
If you want to show that we admit to cloning, why don't you show the entire chat, instead of just one or 2 sentences. Or are you afraid to show the truth of the matter. And beofre you start blaming gm for letting us know ahead of time of clone checking, why don't you ask your king if Chen pm them or not.
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 19:15
Hendry replied at 2016-1-28 17:44
I read from beginning till this page..
Those SS posted by scanner only chats..
If ur objective is  ...

hendry. think u need think b4 u post. dont make yourself a laughing stock. my last to u. dont understand, check with ur friends......
Author: Ovaltine    Time: 2016-1-28 19:34
Scanner replied at 2016-1-28 18:30
well if GM takes action, then Bachlong will not be using so many accounts

GM pretend nothing happen if you're the highest recharged country
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-1-28 19:50
GM Chen we expect your fairest action to this matter... because we are all your paying customers...
Author: evefie    Time: 2016-1-28 20:12
nguyenstar replied at 2016-1-28 18:56
If you want to show that we admit to cloning, why don't you show the entire chat, instead of just on ...

i am king of wu s32. do u think i will ask gm to let us know what is happening if they also pm me? pls for goodness sake, ask proper questions.

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