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Title: Compensation for Clones (Special Hero) [Print this page]

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-1-29 05:33
Title: Compensation for Clones (Special Hero)
Edited by Whalr at 2016-1-29 14:13

With the latest in game act of clones running the servers, making the game even more challenging to advance. I propose to all that we as player(s) VIP(s) or non, that there should be a compensation package for the lost time spent, resources, emotions (yes it is sad) and etc. Players above lvl 85 should be included. Inorder to fight back the "clones", we as players would need a special hero just for that purpose. if that is not too much to ask for. while the game developers can continue to sort of the mess. as far as i can understand the situation. this is a breach due to we as players, have or had pay for a service. We did not pay the clones to monoplize game play. We pay to show one another who has the fatter wallet, and to gain advantage over a non paying players.

Secondly, please have 3 iron mine during event, becasue it is unbalanced. it tends to be 1 nation taking over 2 iron mines  everynight (although the second mine is useless to them, just to stop other nation from advancing) and it makes the weak nation stay weak. overtime, it is impossible to catch up. I know there are worship for iron, but seriously, why would certain players have to pay for it while the dominating nation takes it free everynight?. and by the way, during harvest time, please make it so that U HAVE TO BE INSIDE THE MINE TO HARVEST. It is only fair.

the game is Clash Of the three Kingdom. If taking for granted, it may as well become Crash of the the three kingdom.
Just my input for gaming experience.

Author: alibaba    Time: 2016-1-29 13:02
nice english you have there.
Author: limits    Time: 2016-1-29 13:55

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-1-29 14:05
this game is about to be a part of history. it is heading that way. i am at the point of careless now. compensate or not means nothing anymore. . any recommendation for a new game?. im sexy
Author: WangLieHom    Time: 2016-1-30 15:27
Trying heroes of atlan or storm knight. Game better. Not different much vip or not
Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2016-1-31 16:08
Agree with you 100%
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-1-31 23:19
Restaurant city should be the most suitable for u..no clones
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-2-4 21:42
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-1-31 23:19
Restaurant city should be the most suitable for u..no clones

Restaurant city is so much better but there's hack though it doesn't affect normal players..

I miss that game LOL..If the game is still available I would quit this for that since this game is filled with clones that affect normal players.
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-2-4 22:26
FanofBabes replied at 2016-2-4 21:42
Restaurant city is so much better but there's hack though it doesn't affect normal players..

I mi ...

Yeah I love that game too haah
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-2-5 15:03
at least i dont auto off and lure everyone in every battle "shu bullies". how does it feel when sexy WuWu open a can of whoop a$$?. just kidding babycakes...iwhat game iis it you are recommending?. are you a master cheft in the game yet?. perhaps iron chef?.
Author: Fallenfeel    Time: 2016-2-9 00:09
Pou is the best game for u.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-2-11 22:52
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-2-4 22:26
Yeah I love that game too haah

Restaurant city is back!!
Author: kingTony    Time: 2016-4-10 15:14
Dear GM,
Why my account at Wu S3 cannot login from yesterday around 11 AM till now?
Please help...
KingTony VIP4 almost 5 there...

Author: ramboo    Time: 2016-4-10 22:41
Edited by ramboo at 2016-4-10 22:43

Nothing can be changed how amazing you spell your english, how perfect your grammar, how brilliant your idea the game will only develop based on their mindset. So why should put great effort giving suggestion and or solution. What done is done nothing and noone can change

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