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Title: Drop Dumpling [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-1-29 18:01
Title: Drop Dumpling
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2016-1-29 18:01

Collect Dumpling
Time: Jan. 30th – Feb. 1st (GMT+8)
Server: S1 – S50
During this event, all the troops (including NPC and enemies) will drop Dumpling. Defeat them and get their Dumpling. Good luck!
Players will get one Dumpling randomly when they defeat an enemy on World map. Dumpling can be converted into Festival Chests in the icon “Events”. Open Festival Chests and get lots of rewards.
The probability to get a Dumpling from enemies: 70%
Totally you need 700 Dumplings for 195 Festival Chests.

1. Lv. 60 is needed to join this event.
2. To get one Dumpling you have to defeat the last row troop of the enemy’s hero.
3. Players need to claim the chests during the event. When the event ends, chests will disappear.

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-29 18:07
Ah finally can eat dumpling.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-29 18:17
:-D I was afraid there will be no RO eating event together with server competition, I´m not afraid anymore..
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-1-29 23:49
Haha, all ppl in Shu and Wu s48 can easily get full dumpling, cos we face the swarn of bots from Wei, all is red and yeallow gens lvl 3x ). Easy to kill
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-30 16:29
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-29 18:17
:-D I was afraid there will be no RO eating event together with server competition, I´m not afraid  ...

Have to apologize for irony. I have more RO from event than i need for it.
Author: free--wu    Time: 2016-2-2 11:19
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.

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