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Title: COTK Server Merger S41&S43 and S44&S46 on Feb.25th [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-2-24 15:31
Title: COTK Server Merger S41&S43 and S44&S46 on Feb.25th
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2016-2-24 15:30

To build good quality game environment and to promote interactions among players, we will carry out a server merger for COTK from 12:30 Feb.25th 2016 after maintenance. The merger will last about 2 hours and the servers involved are S41&S43; S44&S46. These four servers will be temporarily shut down during the merger. Your patience and understanding are highly appreciated.
S43 will be merged into S41 and S46 will be merged into S44. Players’ current game data will not be affected after the merger. Players can still log into the game like they used to.
I. Please be aware that the following will be completed during the merger.
1. Characters falling into the following three categories at the same time will be deleted:
a. Lower than Lv. 30
b. Offline for more than 30 days
c. No Gold recharge records
2. For duplicated names, here is the solution:
Duplicated character name will be added with the old server number as a suffix. For example, Arthur.S5
3. All events will be reset/deleted after the merger. Remember to claim all rewards available before the merger.
4. If players play in several servers and their different characters happen to be in those servers to be merged:
a. He/She will have to choose a character before logging in to game.
b. Need to choose a default character when recharging on Heyshell platform.
5. The data of cities and city guards on world map will be collected/copied from the targeted server (the old server).
6. The data of supplies will be collected/copied from the targeted server (the old server).
7.The data of country level and EXP will be collected/copied from the higher one of these two servers.
8. All heroes will be sent back to capital city.
9. All shadows on world map will be cleared and free shadow times will be returned to players.
10.Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11.Arena rank data will be cleared.
12.All the data in Rank (Kills, Duel Rank, Siege) will be kept and combined.
II. Free Merger Gift Pack
S43 launched later than S41 and S46 later than S44, so players higher than Lv. 75 from S43 and S46 will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (Gold*10, Lord EXP*30K and Food*100K)
And Gift pack for S43 and S46 is Gold*200, Lord EXP*600K and Food*2000K. (Max Day difference is set to be 20 days.)
III. Exciting Events
We have lots of fun and exciting events after the merger! Prepare to enjoy!
If you have any suggestion or expectations about the server merger, please E-mail us : cotk@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
COTK Team.

Author: HahaGOd    Time: 2016-2-24 16:26
hello s41 shu strong there,s43 shu also strong so what's the point merge?
Author: Vug    Time: 2016-2-24 16:30
HahaGOd replied at 2016-2-24 16:26
hello s41 shu strong there,s43 shu also strong so what's the point merge?

strong darimana bro? di top arena 20 s41 aja cuma ada 3 manusia shu. wei dan wu s41 dominan wkwk
Author: HahaGOd    Time: 2016-2-24 16:43
Vug replied at 2016-2-24 16:30
strong darimana bro? di top arena 20 s41 aja cuma ada 3 manusia shu. wei dan wu s41 dominan wkwk

loh bukannya tu hari dah merge ma s42 sebelumnya kan dan byk yg blg shu dominan situ
Author: Vug    Time: 2016-2-24 17:08
HahaGOd replied at 2016-2-24 16:43
loh bukannya tu hari dah merge ma s42 sebelumnya kan dan byk yg blg shu dominan situ

serius di s41 sekarang cuman ada 3 shu di top 20 arena nya
cek deh coba
Author: HahaGOd    Time: 2016-2-24 17:13
Vug replied at 2016-2-24 17:08
serius di s41 sekarang cuman ada 3 shu di top 20 arena nya
cek deh coba

gak bisa create id situ, tp seingat sy s41 kuat shu deh
Author: Kirana    Time: 2016-2-24 17:50
so..you choose to save s44 and abandon the s43.. congratulation s44
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-2-24 18:47
Hi, i'm Xixi from wu s43... hope that we could enjoy the game more after the merger. And s41, please be gentle to us...see you there
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-24 19:02
Hope you all merger server rechargeeeeeeeeee like milo.
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-2-24 19:03
Birdwarne replied at 2016-2-24 19:02
Hope you all merger server rechargeeeeeeeeee like milo.

Yes, we will...don't worry about that...lol
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-24 19:13
Tnx a lot GM for your consideration...
Nepolian s44
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-24 19:25
Yes that cotk player ciayoo!!!!
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-2-24 20:45
who is winning is s43?
Author: 3tn4    Time: 2016-2-24 21:15
nice merger,and time for wei n wu s41 retired LOL
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-24 21:41
Move la to s51
Author: Blanco    Time: 2016-2-24 21:45
Welcome to Shu 43. Hope we can fight and work together as a team. 1 thing u guys should to know. Wu and Wei are alliance here. So, it need a good cooperate to fight againts them
Author: pabuaran    Time: 2016-2-24 22:05
Aq wu s41. Selamat bergabung wu s43

Author: pabuaran    Time: 2016-2-24 22:05
Wu 41 dominan ppl strong
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-2-27 11:14
dear gm,
i'm from wei s46.....
in s46, we are glory and not balance, so some of our player decide to move to ather server to make balance...
and now we merger with s44, we cant fight after merger, the reason is : 1). we already loose player before merger, ......2). the lvl player between s 46 and s44 too far...... 3).if dipatch iron, u can see 550 up slave vs 180 slave....4). can u check bot in our server ?...5) we spend money to become vip off course bcs we want to be better in our server, but now after merger ? we r like non vip player......6). tq for compensation, but 200 g is it enough for rise up our performance ? i need ur answer soon.....
Best Regards,

Author: roxii    Time: 2016-2-27 13:52
Its only 3 days and Wei start complain. Very funny. In46 shu is completely dead and top 20 all wei players. Inshu 44, We have players left before merge also but not many since we r family here. And FYI S44 Shu never use clones. And as far as I see its wei players who keep auto off against us.  Our avg dispatch before merge is 350 380.

Author: roxii    Time: 2016-2-28 17:18
bejo replied at 2016-2-27 11:14
dear gm,
i'm from wei s46.....
in s46, we are glory and not balance, so some of our player decide to ...

180 Salves? I see 320 WEI slaves today dude. Please don't lie and seek for empathy.
Author: Jw57drag    Time: 2016-3-2 02:09
roxii replied at 2016-2-27 13:52
Its only 3 days and Wei start complain. Very funny. In46 shu is completely dead and top 20 all wei p ...

True shu in 46 was dead....but know after merger....shu is like Wei was befor merger....point is....this merger sucks....
Author: Jw57drag    Time: 2016-3-2 02:10
Jw57drag replied at 2016-3-2 02:09
True shu in 46 was dead....but know after merger....shu is like Wei was befor merger....point is.. ...

Just another reason to move countries around and not whole servers!......shu 44 should  with the 20's

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