Heyshell Games Forum

Title: happy with new cross server competition [Print this page]

Author: MightyMen12    Time: 2016-2-24 22:31
Title: happy with new cross server competition
new competition and rewards are awesome. it should replace tourney.anyway good job cotk.well done

Author: youyou    Time: 2016-2-24 23:43
7months launch 1time. wait 7months later for the nex expedition
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-25 07:04
No need. Next week again
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-2-25 08:20
gm i love this event its great for gold buyers and free players , but it cant go on and i tell you why . clone and bot commanders just got all the vc's they will need to super charge all thier clones . super clones are coming . you just s h i t all over your big spenders . only way to beat a gold buyer is clones . so what do you think will happen ?????
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-25 08:30
Yes give more food , super iron and voucer. Give chest event

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