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Title: merger s44 & s46 [Print this page]

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-25 17:36
Title: merger s44 & s46
Thank you very much GM..... Whatever shu and wei now being stronger then WU but we get few more ppl to suffer with us.... Now it's more enjoyable... Thank you very much GM.

Nepolian s44

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-25 18:03
Hope u never bored keep fight, ciayoooooo!  
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-25 18:56
Birdwarne replied at 2016-2-25 18:03
Hope u never bored keep fight, ciayoooooo!

yah i never being bored if i have scope to fight... tnx
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-2-26 15:01
ya ya ya... bonus only 200 Gold, to fight with diff 10 Lvl & Monster Shu... just wondering what is parameter for merge server.. im done. no recharge anymore.. real life more balance
Author: G.G    Time: 2016-2-26 15:22
hahahaha merger to fight Clones and Bot Shu S44???
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-26 16:08
i think it's good merger then other merger i have seen....... sometimes it's being more worst then previous... but here we have scope to survive.. at least

Author: G.G    Time: 2016-2-26 16:46
ya good merger if we fight with real players.. but this is robot SHU S44!!!!!BANZAIIII
Author: bulljoann    Time: 2016-2-26 19:32
Edited by bulljoann at 2016-2-26 19:38

marge It is NOT Balanced , check
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-26 23:10
Yah not balance but not bad yet.... Much better then other...
Author: sangarrr    Time: 2016-2-27 09:34
merger not fair for wei 46...not balanced..wei 44 will not active play..gm must be compansation voucher 50 - 100 k..
Author: dragoon    Time: 2016-2-27 10:07
sangarrr replied at 2016-2-27 09:34
merger not fair for wei 46...not balanced..wei 44 will not active play..gm must be compansation vouc ...

I agree....merger should be nations not whole servers.....and compensation should be more for lower level to help more.
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:08
Edited by Elixir2016 at 2016-2-27 10:19

My friend shahin,
In last discussion u ask to merge s44 with s46.  And now GM already hear your complain.
And u still complaining.  What do u want exactly?  Tel us in this forum.
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-2-27 10:13
Merger only bring active rc people on s46 left this game, please consider lvl & str of both server before merge... Not only nation lvl!!!
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:16
G.G replied at 2016-2-26 15:22
hahahaha merger to fight Clones and Bot Shu S44???

As a member of shu44,  i have objection on your statement.
We shu44 never use clones or bot.  Coz none of us got banned.
We play fair.  If u a player of s46,  don't talk like u know everything.
If have any complains,  just retire playing.  Don't talk rubbish here.
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:19
For bulljoan and sangar,
What are u talking about?
Are both of u can't accept of losing?
I know in s46,  wei are so unbeatable.  
Just learn to accept losing.
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:26
dragoon replied at 2016-2-27 10:07
I agree....merger should be nations not whole servers.....and compensation should be more for lowe ...

Are u dragon of shu46?
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:27
Yandi replied at 2016-2-27 10:13
Merger only bring active rc people on s46 left this game, please consider lvl & str of both server b ...

If they want to left,  just left.  
No one holding them.
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 10:33
For wei44 & 46, wu44 & 46,
All of u just jealous because we shu44 stronger then all of u.
If u guys want to beat us,  i suggest RECHARGE as many as u can.
Or,  u can change to play pou.
Author: Botiti    Time: 2016-2-27 10:56
Thanks GM to make shit merge

Where we fight with robots n huge difference of power
U made a new dead server
Good job GM for that

Author: bulljoann    Time: 2016-2-27 10:59
marge s44 - S46 was not fair , I recharge severely impaired , if only eventually to lose why this game was created

try to check GM Fools
Author: initialex    Time: 2016-2-27 11:34
Mr.GM, this merger not balance. Please reconsideration it or give us more helpfully compesation. 200g too little beside the mugged. Thx for your attention
Author: kurangganteng    Time: 2016-2-27 11:46
yeah agreed, give us from s46 more compensation, and dear GM please check how shu play at s44
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-2-27 11:52
elixir, recharge not solve this problem, i'm from weis46, before merger, most of our player quit and move to another server to make balance the server, and after that we merger with huge different level and player / bot active ? so we must recharge and become vip 13 ??? juat think about it, not only talk about recharge...

Author: senliong    Time: 2016-2-27 12:14
I'm from wei s46... I think MR.GM must check in this server about bot... Give us s46 compensation about that.. I agree with the another player in s46.. We were very disappointed with the game server bot active in this merger.. Please be reviewed.. Thx for u'r attention..
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-2-27 13:04
Wakakakakaakaka, u guys wei are funny, u always make the whole map blue in s46, is it fair for shu? Yet i never see shu46 complain to GM, then after merge, u guys worldchat to chalnge us shu. Now u loose and conplain again. What do u wei s46 really want? Merging server from only 2 different level is totally common. S46 and s44 is only 2 level difference. And now u r talking about shu44 use clone. Make the proof, be a gentleman. We never have bot or clone. U ask wei and wu44. Do we shu44 use clone, if u dont know the fact, dont just whine. Or maybe go play farmville or sim city. It will suit u better, cheers
Author: .XVT.    Time: 2016-2-27 13:43
Edited by .XVT. at 2016-2-27 13:44
OMIEKU replied at 2016-2-27 13:04
Wakakakakaakaka, u guys wei are funny, u always make the whole map blue in s46, is it fair for shu?  ...

hahahah u funny more broo.. if u so strong why ask merger to s46??? why not merger to 43/42/41/40/39/38 /etc ???s44 top lv 121 , s46 top lv 110.. the difference already huge broo.
Author: 阿修罗    Time: 2016-2-27 13:45
OMIEKU replied at 2016-2-27 13:04
Wakakakakaakaka, u guys wei are funny, u always make the whole map blue in s46, is it fair for shu?  ...

Nope, they are more suitable playing Hayday and Candy Crush. It ok for them to bully people, putting people down in WC, but not ok when they lose. Natural born losers who always whine, quit and blame on clones. Yet arrogant when win. Learn form your merge partners Wei46&Wu46. Wei44&Wu44, I salute them cos they are not quitters like you guys, who only knows quitting is an option after losing. If you hate losing so much, go make a game COOK. Thank you
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-2-27 13:46
Dear GM thanks for the merge

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-2-27 13:51
well we wanted to merge with all server from s 40 to s 49. But to complicated to be done.
Author: Condoring    Time: 2016-2-27 14:03
It is no longer winning or losing anymore when you merge two servers which started at near two months apart.
For God sake, s46 barely 4 months versus 6 months server.

Personally I joined this game and s46 one month late but i like this game hence I started to recharge and now I am done with almost vip8
GM Chen you dropped a bomb with the merge.
The issue is how you expect s46 to bridge the gap with s44 in terms of 10lvl which starts at level100
It is more than one billion exp point. You are kidding or out of your mind. By the way the top player and highest player in s46 not from Wei but rather from Wu. But they are also now in similar receiving end.

It is about fairness for those players who put in their time and effort to reach to current level and apparently you choose to let s46 become victim or meat for piranha of s44 shu.
If s44 all 3 nations are balance is fine but it is not. There is only one nation there.

I am a working adult with family and hence I don't care about the money I spent in this game if it brings me enjoyment and the balance challenges.

If nothing being rectified this game is breeding ground of worms

If you need translate to Chinese please let me know.
Yes Beijing Kaixin when spend money willingly to enjoy. Else I guess we just play for fun and no need recharge and look for other type of fair games

Author: greenht    Time: 2016-2-27 14:07
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-2-27 13:51
well we wanted to merge with all server from s 40 to s 49. But to complicated to be done.

Dear bro tcot,

I think it will useless to merge s40 to s49 as long the player just think to win.
When they dominate another nation, they will think like the winner and arrogant. Speak on World Chat about they victory on old Server.  But when they lose, they say GM "this is not fair". I think this will be repeat again and again every time GM merge the server.

About the difference level between s44 and s46, i think it can be a challenge for wu and wei. This game will be very bored if u on wining side. Try to be winner. From weakness to strongest. That is the art of play this game. Is there any wu or wei that can accept this challenge?

"Clones" on Shu S44? do you have any prove for this one? attach on this forum, Ask GM to investigate and give penalties for the player who do that. Easy right? don't make this as issue or reason for your current condition.

First time of Shu S44, every day we always "raped" by wu and wei. Even to go out from capital is the hardest think to do. But we just enjoy the game and try to growth. Remember guys this is just a game.
No need to be to serious.

Enjoy the game,


Shu S44

Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-2-27 14:07
Without us from wei 46, going to recharge. Are you sure server going to survive? With all bill, electricity, gm salary, lol. Just think about it.
Author: AdyDa    Time: 2016-2-27 14:09
you said that's not balance, did u feel we are in shu 46 every day always suffer
never see a map green, always under attack... this merger will be our rise from period dark days

Sebastian s46
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-2-27 14:12
Why recharge, if in the end, huge different in level & armament, you will be slaughter. No future here.
Author: LiuBeiServer44    Time: 2016-2-27 14:12
First time I read on this thread, some people begging for merger, now I can't believe some people begging for gold. But the main reason is, people love to beat and hate being beaten
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 14:16
.XVT. replied at 2016-2-27 13:43
hahahah u funny more broo.. if u so strong why ask merger to s46??? why not merger to 43/42/41/40/3 ...

Hey bro.. We shu44 never ask for merger.  Actually its wei44 and wu44 always ask for merger.
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 14:26
My dear wei44 & 46,  wu44 & 46,
We shu44 never ask for merger.  U can check in other thread.  
Its shahin aka nepolian from wu44,  zhugeke from wei44 and also zhouyu. Jr from wu46.
Now its already merge,  just accept it.  
And jon21,  why u said merge with s32?  Are u seeking protection
because u cant match us shu44?
U talk to much at world chat.  In fact u just like an empty can.
Arogant but no capability of helping your team...
Just dont talk to much.  Please..  U make shame of your self.
Author: Condoring    Time: 2016-2-27 14:38
When the game gives birth of the competition to start just like a new server, it is fair game by definition

What ever result of new server outcome, be it shu Wei Wu stronger it is still fair game as all started at same time. For those who joined late it is player own choice like mine

When the server is being merged, then the fairness kicks in
What system you use to gauge and compare servers to merge, please be transparent

Perhaps I don't have to say much this online game has no such system and still infancy

Author: bulljoann    Time: 2016-2-27 16:10
Elixir2016 replied at 2016-2-27 10:19
For bulljoan and sangar,
What are u talking about?
Are both of u can't accept of losing?

obviously it's called unfair , we start to lose the same 've shu44 , let startnya unison , what it is called fair
Author: bulljoann    Time: 2016-2-27 16:13
This game was created only to lose, why should win but eventually lose, this game name game defeat , if you want a fair start to be the same , the new server
Author: Elixir2016    Time: 2016-2-27 16:43
My friend wei44 & 46, wu44 & 46,
Actually, in my point of view,  we already balanced now.
It is fair or unfair,  we alreadu merge.  
I think now we just live with it.  If someone never ask for merger, it wont happen.
There is no use of complaining.
Once merged,  it cant be undo merge.
Just enjoy the game.
Thank u.
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-27 17:11
Elixir2016 replied at 2016-2-27 16:43
My friend wei44 & 46, wu44 & 46,
Actually, in my point of view,  we already balanced now.
It is fai ...

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-27 17:14
Edited by shahin at 2016-2-27 17:28
Elixir2016 replied at 2016-2-27 10:08
My friend shahin,
In last discussion u ask to merge s44 with s46.  And now GM already hear your com ...

sorry brother what I complaning? I never ask merger s44 with s46... I ask s44 with s26... lol.... and bro u guys from shu wantt s46.... not me... I never mention s46/s45.... in thread save s44 wu all shu guys want s46... even Goaaal mention s45&s46... brother read my posts I every time says not bad... thank you
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-2-27 17:45
Only shu s44 think this is fair merge, because they are owningggg...  With lvl, people, arma, and their money
Author: greenht    Time: 2016-2-27 17:56
Yandi replied at 2016-2-27 17:45
Only shu s44 think this is fair merge, because they are owningggg...  With lvl, people, arma, and th ...

Dear bro,

FYI, many of shu S44 play this suck game with no money, a.k.a Non VIP user but they are so strong and already get GJia or Zyu. We also  enjoy the game and can survive from WEI and WU in beginning time.

IMHO, if you move to new server, start from beginning and become owning. In sometime, GM will merge again and u will find this condition again and again.

Play the game not with the money but with the brain. If just wanna to win, maybe better play offline game with cheat engine.

Don't be so serious, take the challenge and win. We from SHU will respect for u.


Author: roxii    Time: 2016-2-28 14:59
G.G replied at 2016-2-26 16:46
ya good merger if we fight with real players.. but this is robot SHU S44!!!!!BANZAIIII

Watch what you are saying dude. Go show GM proof if you have one. Talk is cheap.

Author: roxii    Time: 2016-2-28 15:16
Yandi replied at 2016-2-27 17:45
Only shu s44 think this is fair merge, because they are owningggg...  With lvl, people, arma, and th ...

When wei 46 owning, no sounds on Forum. Funny.
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-2-28 19:03
G.G replied at 2016-2-26 16:46
ya good merger if we fight with real players.. but this is robot SHU S44!!!!!BANZAIIII

its just SHU living up for their natural habitat
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-2-29 13:20
youyou replied at 2016-2-28 19:03
its just SHU living up for their natural habitat

yeah you are loser and you will always say trash talk like this, flaming posts and all that. u dont even play in s44 and trash talk. TALK IS CHEAP SHOW THE PROVE LOSER!
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-2-29 19:49
Really i dun understand why so much talk about this? Server already merged... so no way complaining... just enjoy the game... sometime win sometime loose this is rules of life... Don't be serious... just play... in near future what will happens no one knows... no complaint from my self... i can say only, we all should respect each other... we r game enemy not in real life... just enjoy...

Nepolian S44 WU
Author: Jerlong    Time: 2016-2-29 21:22
hello Wei 46 if u want play by no competition ?
if want ok u can ask gm to merge Shu44 wit other sever n u can strong alone play alone. try to compare ur strategy wit us! how u play? what ur team work ? bye From Jerlong Shu44
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-3-1 12:54
shahin replied at 2016-2-29 19:49
Really i dun understand why so much talk about this? Server already merged... so no way complaining. ...

Agreed to that. We got beaten by Wu long time ago. And we tried to get up back. Though I hate many Wu players in game, in real life we can be friz!
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-1 13:00
Merge done . You Stay stuck in the past or you advance? your choice ?
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-1 13:06
roxii replied at 2016-3-1 12:54
Agreed to that. We got beaten by Wu long time ago. And we tried to get up back. Though I hate many ...

can be friends...
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-1 13:08
shahin don t push to much
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-1 13:09
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-3-1 13:08
shahin don t push to much

Author: Jerlong    Time: 2016-3-3 02:21
@@ Shu clone why I don't kno. I just know Shu have over 15 people online everyday. No wonder the player that say Shu 44 clone but it real player not like someone said ^^ just want to say if u don't kno can play in Shu a few day u will know. Don't make us say this words ( noob always say like that)
Author: Jerlong    Time: 2016-3-3 02:31
If just recharge much u can win! no wonder u can play alone n recharge for strong ^^ only player that don't know how to play can say like this. If u don't want to lose. Plz don't play game online^^
Author: Jerlong    Time: 2016-3-3 02:55
Everything Wei 46 say not like the first day of merger ! Who said in world chat to Wu that Wei will meet Wu in Mainzhu ?@@ really wonder. After cant do it n start lose again n again. Start to say it not fair it not fair Shu 44 clones hahaha that so funny. Ur mouth can say everthing but 4get the action not work. This is Wei 46? This game play recharge to win? No need teamwork? For us Shu 44 never scare lossing if don't have lose how can we win. This game need teamwork much! Even u high VIP poor teamwork how can u win us. This game like play football too if u play football u will know!
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-3 08:55
Author: sangarrr    Time: 2016-3-4 13:32
wei 46 want merger old server...wei 46 feel merger not fair..or stop playing
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-4 14:03
Ckckckckckck, namanya aja sangarrr, tp orgnya suka ngrengek, zzzzzz. Wei 46 is clearly stronger than wu46, but i didnt hear wu complain about the merger, only hear wei46 whining, sighhhhh......
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-4 14:04
In game wei46 always World Chat chalenging people, mocking people, some even use harsh words. But in forum they cry and whine and cry and whine. So fake!!!
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-4 14:06
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-3-4 14:23
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-3-4 15:50
This is what Wei call fair. And I didn't see any Shu46 complain. LOLZ
Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-3-4 16:06
of course fair. since we all start at same time
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-3-4 17:27
Yandi replied at 2016-3-4 16:06
of course fair. since we all start at same time

Oh Really? So, it's very very fair for Shu 46? That's what Wei46 think? Your server never need merge? Or you want only merge with Wei Dominance server? That's what Wei46 people thinking?
Author: Underground    Time: 2016-3-4 19:24
Roxii cry marge kwakkkkk

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-4 19:36
NOOO WEI GET SOME IRON sad day on earth
Author: bulljoann    Time: 2016-3-4 20:00
Elixir2016 replied at 2016-2-27 10:19
For bulljoan and sangar,
What are u talking about?
Are both of u can't accept of losing?

Kamu itu bego apa tolol kwkkakkaka
masak start beda 2 bulan itu namanya adil bego bego
Author: G.G    Time: 2016-3-4 20:30
roxii replied at 2016-3-4 17:27
Oh Really? So, it's very very fair for Shu 46? That's what Wei46 think? Your server never need mer ...

hahaha.. that is fair bro because  Shu/Wu/Wei 46 start at same time. if u says that is no balance?? i agree,like now s44 no balance... Shu > Wu+Wei...
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-4 20:43
Ya lu yang bego! Wei44 dan wu44 juga start bareng ama shu 44 begooooo, ah udah ah, susah ngomong ama org yg belum bisa pipis lurus, ckckckckc, mau quit? Quit aja bro, dengan senang hati kok.
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-4 21:10
Yg namanya merger dari dulu ada yg lbh muda ada yg lbh tua, kalau sama itu namanya satu server begooooooo?
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-3-4 21:33
OMIEKU replied at 2016-3-4 20:43
Ya lu yang bego! Wei44 dan wu44 juga start bareng ama shu 44 begooooo, ah udah ah, susah ngomong ama ...

perasaan omongan yg blm bisa pipis....... itu hanya omongan kami di wei ? kamu kok bisa tau ?

pasti ada spy ya ?

spy = clone, itu melanggar aturan.......

capex dech.................
Author: CapCayCoy    Time: 2016-3-5 00:50
Sangar, my best regards for your concubine Sangarwati from wu
Concubine? Spy? Clone? I dont care i will put her/him in my slave camp... lolz
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-5 07:53
Jelas ada donk acct spy kita di wei, jangan munafik bro, wei jg punya acct spy di shu, biasa aja, semua juga punya kok. Bedanya cuman, kita ngaku punya, wei ga ngaku. Seperti biasa, pengecut kayak kalian selalu sok suci. Ckckckckcck. Dan lagian ini fakta neh, ada beberapa anak wei44 yg udah males maen bareng wei46, sampe ada beberapa juga minta acct di shu karena sangking malesnya maen ma wei46. Lah kalian ama temen sendiri aja ga akur, gimana mau bisa negara kuat, zzzzzz
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-3-5 10:24
OMIEKU replied at 2016-3-5 07:53
Jelas ada donk acct spy kita di wei, jangan munafik bro, wei jg punya acct spy di shu, biasa aja, se ...

hahahah, akhirnya kamu ngaku juga ada spy di wei.....

sekali lagi ya , spy = clone = melanggar aturan.....

wkkkkkkkkkkkkk......ngaku nih yeeeeeeee.................

Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-3-5 12:32
Ya ngaku bro. Ada account anak wei yg dikasih ke saya dulu waktu dia belum pensi, trima kasih yaaaaa, bejoooo bejooo kamu kok lucu sihhhhhh......
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-3-5 12:38
OMIEKU replied at 2016-3-5 12:32
Ya ngaku bro. Ada account anak wei yg dikasih ke saya dulu waktu dia belum pensi, trima kasih yaaaaa ...

itu baru namanya sip mau mengakui kalo ada id di wei.......

nanti klo mau ngerumpi di wei...datang2 saja.........

ha ha ha.......sampai ketemu di map......
Author: greenht    Time: 2016-3-5 13:31
Udah2..susah debat sama orang mental tempe..

Hari pertama merge: nantang2 di WC sok2 an gaya, ketemu lawan susah langsung nangis minta cancel merge. Mau menang? merge sama s50 mau ga?
Jadi inget anak di rumah yang masih umur 3 tahun. maunya menang sendiri aja kalau main. Tp kalau diomongin masih bisa ngerti..nah ini, umur tua tp pikiran msh bocah.

Main offline game aja bro, kalau kalah tinggal restart, tinggal cheat engine. Itu juga kalau u punya otak untuk pake gituan..or paling mudah merengek ke momy minta supaya menang ya.

Kirain abis merge ketemu lawan hebat..eh malah ketemu sampah..Bravo Wei44  dan Wu44..anda lebih baik daripada sampah-sampah yang merengek seperti bocah minta permen di forum. Lu pikir GM mau dengerin sampah kayak u??? "PIKIR".

Author: kunullform    Time: 2016-3-5 15:31
Hi shu . saya tetap pengen bertarung sama kamu .......... tidak  akan pernah merengek . mungkin hanya waktu untuk wei bangkit . tidak peduli bisa menang atau tidak yang penting berttarung dulu.. oke back to map game. dont forum . saya tunggu.
Author: greenht    Time: 2016-3-5 15:52
kunullform replied at 2016-3-5 15:31
Hi shu . saya tetap pengen bertarung sama kamu .......... tidak  akan pernah merengek . mungkin hany ...

Dear bro kunul,

All the respect to player  who play this game with enjoy and fair like you, herb, etc.
Just enjoy the game, get strong together bro

Why not you or herb who become the king of wei? Not the "Whining Child".

Author: kunullform    Time: 2016-3-5 16:08
greenht replied at 2016-3-5 15:52
Dear bro kunul,

All the respect to player  who play this game with enjoy and fair like you, herb, ...

saya hanya bisa bertarung , menjadi raja itu berat . tanggung jawab sama rakyat nya . saya belom bisa membawa wei menuju kemenangan , lebih baik bertempur jadi rakyat biasa.

Author: friday    Time: 2016-3-22 16:02
Hello..im friday..nice to meet u all..
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-22 16:11
Hummm it s tuesday friday ....
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-22 18:13
KUNULLLLLLLLL say to linda she s not playing enough. she can answer pm too. i have improve my bahasa
Author: friday    Time: 2016-3-22 19:18
Ops..sorry tcott.continue to sleep.pls wake up me this friday.thanks.
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-22 19:19
I will wake you up Friday On Friday
cause FRIDAY I M IN LOVE  ( the Cure song )
Author: 1000master    Time: 2016-3-24 15:50
shu king is master clone lol
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-3-24 17:33
1000master replied at 2016-3-24 15:50
shu king is master clone lol

Shu King don't need clones. Shu active players 30+ each day. Shu King need slaves like you to lock up in his Camp. Lolzz!!!
Author: CapCayCoy    Time: 2016-3-24 20:10
Wakakakakakakakakakak..... obviously a runaway slave... trying to spread a misleading rumours
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-25 02:12
CapCayCoy replied at 2016-3-5 00:50
Sangar, my best regards for your concubine Sangarwati from wu
Concubine? Spy? Clone? I dont care i w ...

Sangarwati may not clone or spy...he regular player from s46 wu
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-28 10:27
No news from Linda ?

Shahin have you investigate to bring back elizabeth2000 ?

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-28 12:58
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-3-28 10:27
No news from Linda ?

Shahin have you investigate to bring back elizabeth2000 ?

Lol if u need her go behind... I dun need... Lol
She got muqua... Hahaha
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-29 09:34
OO you know so much. You have a photo of her ?
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-29 14:02
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-3-29 09:34
OO you know so much. You have a photo of her ?

hahaha bro i dun recognize her

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