Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [Forum Event] New Version--Want your suggestions [Print this page]

Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2016-3-25 19:57
Title: [Forum Event] New Version--Want your suggestions
Edited by COTK-LA at 2016-3-25 19:57

Dear all, The new version arrived! Come and share us what's your best suggestions for COTK., More bonus will be waited for you to take!

[Duration]  Ends on Mar.27th
[Servers] All Servers
1. Ign and Server
2. Sending suggestions or what's your expectations for the next version under this post.
3. The suggestions is required at least 50 words
1st prize : 3 players with the best suggestions will be rewarded with 70 gold
2nd prize: 12 other players with better suggestions will be randomly selected to be rewarded with 30 gold as encouragement.
1. If the suggestions are same, the first one posted in the first time will be adopted.
2. The final explanation will be reserved by COTK team

Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-3-25 20:46
ign/ server : andromeda/s32

my suggestions :
1. please ban all bots, hack systems, or duplicate players.
2. please fix summon systems to get better liege, at least rare could be given in normal summon.
3. please open more sources for s.iron. high levels tormented because low s.iron.

i guess thats all my suggestions, so far cotk got better and better keep the good work
its nice to play this game for years,

andromeda /s32
Author: Owenlee    Time: 2016-3-25 20:48
Edited by Owenlee at 2016-3-25 20:50

Hi cotk,

I would like to have more food. The barbarian plunder is one of the best update. How about you do barbarian plunder for food as well. Eg 3 X for barb plunder experience and 3 X for Barb plunder for food each day? Also we will also need to double our kill chest and feat chest. For more higher lvl player, everyday we probably get 2k feat n 60-70millions kill. So double the chest pls

Shu s32
Author: Wisely    Time: 2016-3-25 20:49
i suggest each country have own hero ..... as a country hero. as example..Wu haavehero like Gan ning, Zhou Yu, sunjian sn ce, wei have xiodun, xio yuan, dian wei shu have his general....so that more interesting than if same hero even dif country

Author: ans    Time: 2016-3-25 21:15
ign : JuliaPerez/s3

hey cotk... nice to see this event again i would like to suggest:
1. can u upgrade at least salary in title cotk and give more food or raise the silver, because this day a lot of high okayer need some food
2. just some suggest i think the staff should put Deng Ai as a hero tavern/ special cz deng Ai  is jiangwei rival and lubu fiction daughter lulinqqi just like M.Y.Lu
3.i think u should put some of advance coin in rolling wheel event and hit eggs event. because it will give free player little help
4. hmm just suggestion i think the stafg should put some super iron at event or daily mission
5. for bot system i will not complaint anything, i know u all will do the best to give solution.. because if all gen using bot all u banned most of them u will lose massive player, but if using bot is legal, i think cotk will be not intersting any longer,  can u imagine when at midnight people wake up to play cotk and clear their country, but the bot player just sleep in happiness dream and in the morning when he wake up their gen already lvl up, i know u can decide better .

Author: asdqweryjnbbbb    Time: 2016-3-25 21:24
IGN / Server : MaMengqi / S25|S28

My suggestions :
1. Open an auction house for players from all over the server to sell/buy their item using their resources like Silver, Wood, Food not to mentioned by using gold too.
2. New ways to gain Food and S.Iron.
3. Background effects for each season instead of the old and boring one (eg. Winter season with snows covered on the floor).

Hope GM would take them into serious consideration.

Author: Holmez    Time: 2016-3-25 22:04
Tipum.boyce.s30 shu

1. Erase all bots,clones
2.got a lot food everyday so can hunt non stop
3. Please get summon to 2 hours and more rare summon use rather than use gold

Author: Delvin123345    Time: 2016-3-25 22:44
IGN: delvin
Server: S21

My humble suggestion to bring this game to even more enjoyable

1. Ever since there are new resource addition e.g. repair order/wine FOOD supplies are greatly reduced
   Lots of players are parking their heroes in the camp because of the lack of food.

Suggest: to increase feat and kill chest by 50% more

2. SUMMON is a major roadblock as we keep getting REPEATED iron/gem/souls which built up frustration.
    Imagine every 4 hours you get the above how will you feel?

Suggest: free summon once every 2 hours

3. Event rewards are damn pathetic/stingy
    Imagine what can you with the rewards

Suggest to increase rewards significantly


Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-3-25 23:01
Edited by FanofBabes at 2016-3-26 10:20


1) Able to recharge to any VIP at 1 go, even for 1st recharge
2) Able to vote to use OD of specific castle in case of emergency when the OD holder is not around
Criteria to activate the OD-The % vote must be over 70% to use the OD when OD holder is not around
E.g. 10 players are online and 7 voted Yes to use OD of the castle holder on a city, OD activated as 70% of the players agreed to use.
3) 700 events(Banner/Watermelon/Etc...). Make the possibility to 100% when killing last row.
Always kill last row and falls to the 30% most of the time.
Now the "awakened" guards/defenders/etc.. does tactic collision rebound made it tougher so make 100% killing the last row should be fair.
4) Able to convert unwanted trinkets to bowlder instantly.
Make option to convert certain type of trinkets to bowlders altogether.
E.g. make an option "convert all mirrors/sachets/jades to bowlders" respectively
This will speed up the converting instead of clicking 1 by 1 which take up too much time.

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2016-3-25 23:11
Edited by Dyolox at 2016-3-26 07:03



1)An in game clock that  shows server timezone. Make it easier than running a conversion, especially for some of us North American players.
2)Access to regular item refines, through Daily rewards or market for silver.
3)and omg more food please!

4)In Generals control tab, create 2 seperate buttons. An Assemble button and a Recruit button for those times you dont wish to spend RO but you're fighting so far away from capital by the time you arrive you're full troops.

Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-3-25 23:50
Edited by NoShells at 2016-3-26 00:04

IGN : 3.08pm
Server: S45

1: Auto fight is a heavily reliant tool to play this game , pls consider the following:
- Select whether to use RO , if not until all troops die then fill RO.
- Select whether to use ro when troops fall below 70% / 50% / 30%.
- Select paths to go through by clicking on the city , maximum select 5. The default path is very inefficient and sometimes we do not want to go through those cities.

2: Convert excess kills to food ; 10,000 kills = 1000 food
3: Replace ranking kill silver to food
4: Add trinket special skill : Negates enemy immune to chaos
5: Put shadow auto lure to barb trial and country upgrade too
6: Convert excess feat to food ; 1 feat = 1000 food
7: Reclamation remaining slaves after steal time finish distribute to random players in the country , wu slaves distribute to wu country and same for shu wei.
8: Palace position if players more than 14days not online auto kick out.

Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-26 06:18
Edited by Xixi778 at 2016-3-26 06:23

IGN: Xixi
Server wu43

1. Enable each country to create group in chat and select who to invite to talk privately about strategy without spies eavesdroping.
2. Give KING special function like penalize or holding certain player for certain amount of time from attacking.
3. Enable player to exchange unused trinkets for gold with commission to GM eq. 50 - 100gold per transaction.
4. More rewards for grade 1 officials.
5. This is a harder one...please modified the map in terms of looks and layout to refreshened our playing experience. Keep looking at same map for years is pretty bored.
Author: JWKY    Time: 2016-3-26 09:36
Ign:JWKY, Server: S40/38

1) New option for easy to unwear all equipments and liegemens by one click.
2) Optimise the cross server competition by adding cooling down period of 15-30 minutes between each rounds.
3) VIP 'Badge' to differentiate players and give different vip privilege like exp boost or resources boost.
4) Increase minimum bag size 5-10.
5) Special 'Duel' arena for players to battle and test power with friends with limited daily chances and gold to buy additional duel chances. (can add some rewards like food & etc for this friendship battle)
6) Daily boost rotated given for 4 type resources despite of seasonal boost.
7) One free chance given for each Elite instant without costing soul every day.
8) Increase Feat and Killing chest.
9) Instead for introduce more awaken hero, try modify and improve current heroes' skills & talents.
(like add a new 'Evolution' instant to get items pieces of different skills & talents piece and gold buy remaining uncompleted skill & talent pieces which can add on any heroes)
10) Increase best deal items with more need lower gold buying items.
11) Workship accumulated can exceed max chance so extra earn will not disappeared.
12) More skills for chariots.
13) Add an option to choose which row of chariot to put beside first row and no need full troops.
Also, add an option to manual use of chariot skill.
14) Improve the 'Alliance' system by adding 15% fighting power, 15% all resources boost, 15% recruit speed boost, moving speed boost,... so more useful the alliance system
15) Reduce 50% the soul cost after first pass at Biography.

Author: CC07    Time: 2016-3-26 10:33
Edited by CC07 at 2016-3-26 14:04

My suggestion would be that if Wei have Wei heroes they would get a bonus. Same as shu nd Wu.
Eg if I play as Wei and have all Wei heroes get bonus 5 lead and force each hero or raise attacking force increase troops stuff like that. Will make it a lot more interesting and we wouldn't be fighting the same heroes all the time.

Dawnstar S51 Wei
Author: kelinci    Time: 2016-3-26 11:07
Please UP GRADE the number of Kills ( maybe up to 30m kill or 50m kill ) and of course add more chest box also.
Author: YiPing    Time: 2016-3-26 11:51
IGN: YiPing
Server: S47

1) Auto Fight has option (like checkbox) waiting to recruit until in just need 1 RO.
2) Auto Fight has option (like checkbox) to choose auto lure/strike or not.
3) Auto Fight has option (like checkbox) to auto assault when meet the condition to assault.
4) An Event like betting voucher or other resources(food/wood/iron/s.iron) so we can doubled our voucher or resources(food/wood/iron/s.iron) quickly .
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-3-26 12:48
Ign: s1 birdwarne sugestion: killing chest upgrade.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-26 13:08
IGN: Corvinus S12 SHU

I posted this already to suggestions but will ask for it once more.

As many players constantly complain about food and RO shortage, it should be fine if you think over new function in game, I named it Transformation.

The point is to use unused killings and feat (e.g.the killings and feat which are over limit of 12 million kills and 800 feat) during the day to transform it into food, RO, wood, exp and whatever else GM find acceptable, based on player´s choice.

It could be incorporated as some Technology as it should be accessible only for players of higher levels (let´s say above lvl.120) and you can divide it into more than one Technology levels, like lvl. 1 transformation will be transform unused kills into food, lvl. two transform feat into food, lvl. 3 transform kills into RO and so on.

Now GM can also set some ratio of transformation to make it a little more difficult and also can set some paid ultimate ratio (1:1) for gold transformation. GM can set paid transformation for some other stuff (like shadow order or gems).

The consequences of implementing of this proposal should be end of food shortage, which is critical in times such events as server competition, drop and MoH run at the same time or closely one after another.

I believe this feature could bring peace to these players and more recharge to the game as a lot of people would be willing to have ultimate transformation ratio or paid transformation into shadows or gems.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-3-26 14:15
S38 DonJuan suggestion: new special hero Hua Tuo with ability to negate enemy's harm.
Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-3-26 15:30
Edited by Hendy_wizard at 2016-3-26 15:58

id : hendywizar
S7 United Front

My humble suggestions are :

1. increase the number of babarian plunders as our server has a lot of ids, and it is also will be helpful for new server players for levelling so they also can catch up with older server id.
2. for killing chest, what abaout killing chest reward for certain level id example if the id above level 100 or 105 (let the GM deceide what level is better), better does not reward the player with sachet and mirror, it will be useful if we will be rewarded with food or iron
3. if possible plz provide new way to earn super iron.
4. for server quest event plz make it possible for players to double the voucher we earn by using gold. so it will help heyshell also to encourage players to spend gold.
5. for assiege booty, plz make the system in points, for example convert the killing number of the players in point. points can be achieved by killing number and the amount of gold players spend. so it is somekind like auction. so this suggestion will encourage players to be active in assiege event to kill and encourage them to spend for bid for booty reward. win win solutions also for heyshell.com. for example 5 gold = 1 points. 10 gold = 10 points.


Author: roxii    Time: 2016-3-26 15:30
Edited by roxii at 2016-3-26 16:52

S44 JarumLiz

1. Liege Summon system need serious change. Currently Liege Summon takes 4 Hours, and it give us significant low amount of Iron and Gem. My Suggestion is remove those iron and gem or can liege add numbers for the times that haven't summon? (Like if  I didn't summon for 24 hours, when I want to summon, I can summon 6 times in a row). That way people don't need to set alarm for middle of night just for liege summon.

2. In hero Liege Combo arrange, there should be a button, which can remove all the Liegeman from targeted hero. That way liege arrange will be more effective.

3. Trinkets like Sachets are very annoying. Nobody use it from day one and its a waste of Chests. Can you make Jade (maybe different Lead Force) as the minimum trinket?

4. In equip bag, One Equip place = 100 Gold. Very expensive. If you want more gold, you should make like 6 Equip place for 100G. So, people will RC or save gold for it.

5. COTK need fund to run the game smoothly. We understand that and we RC even though this game is expensive compare to other becoz we love it
But I think you should remove Gold Traps. For example, we players Understand that "1 Gold = 10 Voucher" as basic rate. Currently the discount in Best Deal is 600Gold = 3000 Voucher. Which is no player would buy. If you make it 350 Gold = 3000 Voucher. I believe many people will buy it. And this include for Vendor shop also. Please note that, the regular RC players make most profit to the game. Not the one that would fall into gold trap.

6. The Discount event is NOT really a discount. May be you should fix the prices as I mentioned above. Discounted event should be more exciting that way instead of gold trap.

7. There should be a way to get more Star Lights. Even for VIPs, current Star Light are not enough. Maybe the easiest way is Double the current amounts.

8. For Non-Vip players, S-Iron is very rare. Since you introduced Chariot and Star Atlas system, there should be more way of S-Iron. Current update with Wine visit give S-iron and it is good but still not enough.

9. Food of course is a problem. You should double the Kill/Feat Chests or give Food rewards for those who kill more.

10. Auto Fight consume RO need adjustment. For example, if I want to use only 1 RO for auto fight, the hero should await at Capital and use RO when only 1 RO needed. If player choose consume RO max, it will be same like current auto and consume 2-3 RO as required. That way, players would have more play time. You may choose VIP level to activate it.

11. Add Redeem system to Trinket convert to boulder. Last time, my friend MISTAKE and convert his Lantern into Bowlder which is a great loss for a player. Just like Equip sell, Trinkets should be able to Redeem.

12. Another suggestion for food problem is you can make a quest chain of 25 stages and give Food as reward each time they pass the stage. That way more in-game time.

13. I know GMs may not like this but currently the SWOP for food to Silver is 16k. (Which is a joke actually.). Can you make it 1.6M for one time SWOP? Or maybe at least 320K per SWOP? That way people will fight over SWOP Limit city aggressively.

14. EGG Event should give non RC players at least one time smash of Golden Egg. Because in Wheel, everyone has equal chance, but not in Egg.

15. Can remove Silver in Explorer? We have enough silver.

16. King should have a Authority to disband Legions. Legions are very annoying and made by enemy spies in early stages and very frustrating thing that make people quit.

17. Last minute attack in Arena is making frustration. Maybe you should give a player Shield of (2:30 Min) after they got attacked? That way stronger player can get a chance to fight back.

18. More Special Heros.

19. More Food Reward for Hourly Reward. Should atleast 100K Food as minimum.

20. Last BUT not LEAST, AWAKEN Heros. Honestly speaking they are for VIPs, not for non-vips. And what I belived is this system is made to give non-vip players help to get Elite Instances easy. Current Awaken heros are not worthly to awaken. According to my post in forum about Awaken Heros, the only one awaken heros start from Zfei. GJ Awaken is good but not that good. Other awakens seem like a Joke. (And I didn't test it, I just talk from my opinions and share from other.) GMs make Xchu need 12000 Atoken to awaken Xchu at Level 135. Level 135, nobody, I mean NOBODY would use Xchu. I haven't reach that level to awaken Xchu yet so I don't know if he is deadly strong or not. But I'm sure if GM could make Awaken heros that can help players to get Luxun or Sunce, that would be more effective.  If this system is intended for non-vips to help pass Elite Instances, GMs should take suggestions from Players and Look closely into there. Because, currently, only HIGH VIPs can get advantage from the Awaken System.

I hope some of my suggestions would be helpful to the game and players. Long Live Shu44!
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-26 19:20
My suggestion
1.please dont make new awaken again so many hero like in liege but u always make awaken.what happen in team cotk?
Missing idea we need new fresh hero not awaken. Dont  put in spesial hero.

2.please rise number of killimg chest and feat coz we need more food in new version i domt look cotk team make clear issue food.

3.next updte please add new castle

4.rise power of turret tower in gate so easy crush tower gate(tower in 50% only give damage arround 2k haha if u have troop 20k shott 10 times u died so weak tower.

5.vendor shop i hope u male 3 time free to refresh and cost refresh vendor shop from 20 gold to 5 gold if still not odea for issue food.

Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2016-3-26 19:50
S16 - SHU

Short Term Suggestions:
1). Change Landscape or view in war map. Adding new items such as new trees, new mountains, plains, waters and cities in War Map will make COTK looks "FRESH and COLORFUL".
2). Make Special Clothes or Suit For SHU/WU/WEI. For Examples all players in SHU will use Green's Color on their gens, WU with Orange and WEI with Blue. So the battles will look more 'real and exiting'.

Long Term Suggestions:
1). TAG TEAM CONTEST. 2 Players from same country combine their gen gens together againts other 2 players from same or different country on the same/different server. The term based on player level and init. i think the contest will be 'brutal, dangerous, tricky, and wonderful.
2). SERVER'S BIOGRAPHY CONTEST. Each players from every sever can try to join the contest by sending their server biography from emperor until kirk. The list including Name in game, Level, Gens or VIP / Non VIP. So, we can share informations from other server and knowledge especially for tourney. GM can also know their player or at least can become reference to find bot or clone.
Author: artons    Time: 2016-3-27 02:20
Ign IndoDjava s25
1.equip suit add up init
2.merger s25 wht s29&26
3.more chest in hg lv
4.Rc wht pulsa
5.play n enjoi this game thks to Gm n all player
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-3-27 06:33
HuanWen S29

1. Revisit Gold Cost per Item. You been around over a year. It is a good time to output all data and examine which item that cost gold are people buying and which aren't. For those aren't maybe too expensive, cut it down in half and evaluate and if not do it again. You might net 30% increase. I for one would like extra storage but not at the price you have it at. Or increase the training xp from copper to silver. Currently its not even giving close to enough to be worth anything. Same goes to certain vendors and using vouchers. Your goal is to try to get people to spend more but like any retail online or brick or mortar you need to run sales better to engage customers more.

2. VIP Levels Change World Map walking boost to VIP 2. Again you want people to keep playing not bore them until they shell out like 50 dollars. Having to walk in the world so slow is a pain,  Also need to check your VIP bonus, what would entice me to go from VIP 9 to 10. Currently nothing. I didn't even want 9. Why should I want to buy crusade for 200g for the resource it gives? Spending is a habit, better bread crumbs.

3. Events - Do a poll and get players to see which events they want to keep, eliminate, and create. There are events like expand that takes 2 full hours to commit. You are making commit a lot of time which isnt bad but it is time to let us tell you which ones we want to keep doing.

4. Terminology - it is time to start making terminology the same or let us know what each thing is. After one year people still debating what common attack is!

5. World Chat free for Rank 1 and above officers.

6. Get rid of the glowing vendor shop each time we log in. We know its there, its not gonna get me to buy more if you dont make better deails!

7. Change asseige name. You can't name something your chat filters removes!
Author: thienliang    Time: 2016-3-27 10:04
Id : ThienLiang . Wu S45
1. Have resource for s iron..like iron..cause high level need alot of it and only voucher can buy s iron.
2. About assiege system..better GM have decide about rank and what the present cos become problem if need king to allocated
3. Please check about clone..and delete the id if GM found
4. More event for food...many of us always getting trouble about food
Author: Laselle    Time: 2016-3-27 12:52

1) If you decide that it will get players to be more committed to the game by having back-to-back events, you should seriously look into more food options for us. VIP8s can also run out of silver and ROs.
2) You created a thing called "Assiege" but filter it out because the first 3 alphabets is A S S? Kinda ridiculous.
3) Reduce the timing for long-winded events. 2hrs to defend 2 cities is utterly time-consuming
4) Increase the number of kills and feats chests with more resources. Including s-iron is even better. Rather than us relying only on crusades.
5) Welcome Expedition as one of the regular events though.
Author: Guantai    Time: 2016-3-27 15:02
Edited by Guantai at 2016-3-27 15:03

IGN: Guan-Tai
Server: s51

1. Create in-game riddle or trivia system related to the Three Kingdoms era, with questions appearing once per hour, to a max of 10 stored, and 24 daily.   Each question answered correctly gets a small prize (500 iron, 50 s. iron, or 5 voucher).   Larger rewards could be provided based on streaks, or number of correct responses each day. Example:

Which Character Slew Hua Xiong?
A. Zhang Fei
B. Lu Bu
C. Guan Yu
D. Cao Cao

Correct answer of C would receive the reward.  

Once 10 questions are answered correctly each day 100 vouchers are rewarded

Once 20 questions are answered correctly each day 250 vouchers are rewarded

Once 50 questions are answered correctly each day 1000 vouchers are rewarded (purchase via gold required to achieve)

Additional questions can be purchased for 5g each
Author: dylan    Time: 2016-3-27 17:31
IGN:: Nagato
1 please more hero exchange by voucher like all terrain and plain ass ! hard to get from wheel event !
2 more feat chest or killing chest !
Author: narazayna    Time: 2016-3-27 18:43
IGN narazayna
Server 7 United Front
Please more voucher and more token. And more card in summon. Thanks.
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-3-28 00:52
HuanWen S29

Commas in exp bar and upgrade event clearer in how much xp needed
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-28 09:53
Dear GM,

My suggestion for new version will be as follows:-

1. Increase our daily foods rewards. This could be achieved in increasing our KC and Feats because KC and feats are too little for high level players. Increasing production will be only little help since we only get less than 1m a day.

2. Reducing recruit time. It takes way too long (and too boring) to wait for recruit using 1 RO. I boost 150% recruit still not enough. If you can achieve this, players can play longer, wont get bored, and wont be running out of RO too easily. If foods and RO problems can be solved players can be more active in the game.

3. Make crusade less difficult. By this I mean rather than giving full 5 gens of monster players, system should instead give me 5 randomly picked gens from different players so that we all can finish crusade daily. No point to fight monster players in crusade cos i know i cant pass them even 3 gens!

4. Create a system whereby players can enjoy more siron. If you take a look at chariot, horcrux system you can clearly see that players need plenty of siron to unlock these features. Perhaps you can make siron production system at city tab. Just like iron, we can collect siron daily or boost its production using gold.

5. Server quest is too long to play. Please make it simple just like a siege in country event. Once the city was sieged (occupied) it is over and no country should be defending it for 2 hours.

6. Personal contest should be split from elite and normal server. It really exciting to see elite players fight at personal contest and cheer for them. But, I think it will be equally exciting to have a system where new servers compete each other for top 16 just like elite one. And make all players can cheer in both systems.

Thx gm.

IGN: Kongming (S41/Shu - The best country ever!)

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-28 12:24
Suggestion  possibility to undispatch slave before time up
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-28 12:27
suggestion 2 becarefull that exp barbs doesn t go on path of Wuyang

Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-28 15:43
Edited by HouseVT89 at 2016-3-28 15:45

make a double day , double exp , food ,silver , iron, vc's, super iron . x2 every thing . could even charge 100 gold for double up day . 1 day a month would be great . if event lands on double up day then double vc for that event . ow and double tokens to .


almost all players would play for a day such as this
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-3-28 18:12
-New Chariot after Thunder
-Awaken Zhou Yu
-Change the graphic for Zhang Jiao
-3 lords can put in battalion reserve & still get the additional talent for all heroes (attack,troops,skill attack)
-Country invest to upgrade turret, troops power, resources swop, hero exp, event reward
-Whack Meng Huo 7 times to get extra resources or vouchers

Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2016-3-29 05:17
Make a new servidor only for the top 100
That will make the game more balanced for no vips and new players and will resolve the problem of lvl up and food...
Lets make a elite Servidor for top players
Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-3-29 10:28
Edited by DirtyShu.v2 at 2016-3-29 10:30

I suggest Fire GM-CHEN and not just change his name.

He's not understand his job must fair without thinking about money oriented.

Right now he supply Shu S7 a real BOT that can run 24/7 and their numbers can reach 300 and he do nothing.

What's more this Wu s3 never banned their zhurong ID.  I don't know why he want to make SHU s7 and WU s3 the strongest server?
Pretend like nothing happen.

Incapable GM

Author: DirtyShu.v2    Time: 2016-3-29 10:33

GM CHEN really want ruin this game.  

Author: XiangYing    Time: 2016-3-29 11:51

1. Gold consume history.
2. more feat and killing chest
3. remove woods and intelligence from feat chest

XiangYing s12
Author: darkcaesar    Time: 2016-3-30 02:04
1. Auto off not getting exp in battle.
2. Less time consume event.
3. More options to get food
4. Revamp the liegemen interface. It's hard to search liege and compare each liege.

S41. DarkCaesar
Author: millertime    Time: 2016-3-30 06:22
Edited by millertime at 2016-3-30 09:52

Suggestions would be

1. New tech allowing increased feats and kill chest and obviously increase how many feat/kills you need.
2. Easier access to more heroes. Create new heroes and distribute them amongst all levels dependent on power. Special heroes are hard to get so if you have more heroes unlocked based on level that will keep the excitement going for players and less will quit due to the long wait between new generals.
3. Auto battle needs a lot of work even though it is a great tool now. Options for selecting lure, ro usage and some pathing options would be great. With the pathing option maybe allow us to choose a city to direct our generals to then once the generals arrive at the city they begin their automatic pathing to the city selected for autobattle.
4. Stop the clones
5. More water stages in key locations. There seems to be a real lack of water areas and most are out of hotly contested spots.
7. This goes along with number 1 on my list but increase rewards from the killing/feat chest for higher level players. Make it locked behind certain levels to increase rewards because giving a level 120 player 100 iron and a couple 20000 food is terrible. Increased kill/feat chest alone will not help solve the issue.

MillerAus S25

Author: rafli    Time: 2016-3-30 12:46
Edited by rafli at 2016-3-30 12:54


Author: Yandi    Time: 2016-3-30 14:45
1. Security Question at login & ingame to prevent BOT
2. New Food balance, farm isn't adequate to support daily playing
3. Reset button on arma/horcrux/chariot
4. New screen explain awaken gn change status / skill / etc
5. Revert 4 star equipt into different status but still 4 star
6. Winning / overpopulate nation has ability to change nation within a server

Yandi S44

Author: Imadude    Time: 2016-4-1 06:01
S38 imadude

1.  Experience ranking like feat and kills.  Rewards of food ro starlight super iron, a token,  will help lower vip players get more of these items.
2. No more duplicate liege men after 5*
3.  Update foster system so it stays relevant.   Full refunds would be nice.   Anything would help.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-4-1 12:46
Hi GMs, did you get a chance to read suggestions and send rewards? Coz I am wondering if anyone get a prize for it
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-4-1 14:23
roxii replied at 2016-4-1 12:46
Hi GMs, did you get a chance to read suggestions and send rewards? Coz I am wondering if anyone get  ...

Yes i get it . thanks guys to have try ...
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-4-10 17:18
Anyone receive reward yet?
Author: ramboo    Time: 2016-4-10 22:46
FanofBabes replied at 2016-4-10 17:18
Anyone receive reward yet?

Does "thank you" words not enough?
Author: ramboo    Time: 2016-4-10 22:47
My suggestion is simple : delete all players account, then close the game
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-4-11 01:25
ramboo replied at 2016-4-10 22:46
Does "thank you" words not enough?

Very good..
When you start working and your boss only say "thank you" without giving you your salary I'll be lmao

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