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Title: Faulty wheel s31 [Print this page]

Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-29 14:44
Title: Faulty wheel s31
hi GM, my server mate has reported issue with wheel of fortune. He has mylu in he wheel but can't claim. He has reported the issue to the GM since last wheel event but till now also no reply.extremely bad customer service

Author: clark    Time: 2016-3-29 14:49
oh my goodness!! poor that fella. I felt Heyshell is a big scammer. pity those spending thousand of golds to play and what they get in return is hell shit... if i were your server mate, tell them not to RC anymore and dont support this bad game..
Author: KentY    Time: 2016-3-29 15:07
poor customer service and yet delay to response to the issue even with evidence provided!!!
Author: LumLum    Time: 2016-3-29 15:21
I was made to understand this issue happened last month.. Players are definitely going to lose trust in this game if this issue keeps dragging... No reply? What a poor response from the game master..
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2016-3-29 15:23
shitty customer service.. You want to check the issue, then either give him MYLU or REFUND him the gold spent on the wheel and you can TAKE YOUR OWN SWEET TIME TO CHECK TILL YOU FEEL LIKE IT!!!

Author: 118    Time: 2016-3-29 15:33
it is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE not to get it resolve after 1 MONTH. Please do some work GM after sucking all the hard earned monies from us. I used to be a high VIP player but have stop RC already after witnessing this kind of mistreatment. The whole server S31 aware of this issue and if still not resolved, you will not see any RC from S31. i will campaign aggressively and put comments on apps store too.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-3-29 15:50
When your server mate clicked on the Claim,what did the screen show?or the icon of the claim cannot be clicked?
Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-29 16:04
He has already answered them. Don't try stall time tactics. I can post every single screenshot of coversation here if needed. Everyone in the server is  restless
Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-29 16:25
Here is sample of the screen shot
Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-29 16:29

Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-29 16:31
See how long ur wonderful GM will reply urgent critical issue like this

Author: COTK-Keena    Time: 2016-3-29 16:56
DP777 replied at 2016-3-29 16:29

Dear player,I know your mood,for your first screenshot about wheel,I want to know after you click the icon of claim,what did the screen show?THX~
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2016-3-29 17:02
Instead of keep asking the player the same question over and over again, can't you check your FB chat log?
Or the log is no longer there, just simply delete the chat hoping the player will forget the issue?
Author: KentY    Time: 2016-3-29 17:09
Hi GM Chen and Gm Keena why u all didn't read thru the pict posted be4 u post and ask the question again??? The answer u all asking and want it can be find at the pict...
Author: zfirez    Time: 2016-3-29 17:29
Disappointed with heyshell, it has been many weeks since the issue reported and yet all the reply my server mate was a standard reply. He has been very patient and trying to be polite when reported the issue yet nothing is being done.

We understand from him that he rolled mylu the first time and did not get it, and there was no screenshot to prove it. Subsequently he manage to rolled mylu again but still did not get it. This time round have evidence but why nothing has been done?

Saw another thread with a fellow cotk user on the lantern wheel issue. What is happening?

Heyshell, pls investigate and make the necessary compensation to these affected users...  lost of gold, loss of money, lost of game time to level up the heroes... do not delay again.

Author: Chantt    Time: 2016-3-29 18:20
Edited by Chantt at 2016-3-29 18:26

It has been 2 weeks .. Stop delaying it

Enough is enough. I had enough. seriously
Author: Clipcrisis    Time: 2016-3-29 19:16
Dear GM,

I can understand that there may be technical error..
I can also understand that you may be overload with stressful work..
I can too understand that you need time to check and revert...

Now.. the thing i CANT understand is that you guys clearly understand English, and there is sufficient screenshot of the problem communicated, why cant u read and settle the issue asap? Cos seating on problem is more fun and u show your bosses that u are working?

That being said, pls also understand that the gamers are very understanding and patient ppl but there is a threshold to everyone's tolerance level.
Author: Kiffy    Time: 2016-3-30 02:52
"You can buy a person's time; you can buy their physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of their skilled muscular motions per hour. But you can not buy enthusiasm . . . You can not buy loyalty . . . You can not buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these. "

I am sure this is not the first time a player complains about your game. And I am sure this is not the first time you guys handle issues pertaining to bugs and glitches. In such cases, it is fair to say that some or most players just want to pull a fast one to get something in return, these I agree.

However, this is not the first time when issues appear, you guys just hide behind the screen and hope people will forget about it. Me too had my fair share when Pang Tong first appear on event. Always very enthusiastic about special hero, I recharged 2300g to try my luck but I couldn't get it. So I recharged another 2300g and the gold didn't came in. I recharged again with screen shot this time but same thing no gold came in. Feeling frustrated that the 4600g was charged by iTunes and I couldn't get my Pang Tong because I had no gold, I reported to GM with screen shots. Time was 11.35pm.

Next morning when I woke up, 4600g was in my account but event had ended. I did not get any reply from GM. My Facebook message was conveniently forgotten by GM. One month later, still unable to accept such service, I messaged GM again. After spamming for few hours I finally got an apology saying that my message was overlooked. Now you tell me, how can more than 10 long messages be overlooked for one month?

To cut long story short, reply from you guys was that record shows I didn't recharge during 11.35pm. After I send the screen shot again, you guys changed your words and said record shows that gold successfully received in my account so there is nothing you guys can do. From then on, I stopped recharging. I am close to VIP 10, and I don't mind spending to VIP 12 but such actions from "responsible, customer service oriented GM" make me feel that you guys don't value your customers.

For ChanTT, he was a retired high spender who came back after he stopped for few months. Ever since he has been recharging regularly and giving all his support for this game. First time he told us he gotten Mylu but could not claim, GM ask him to produce screen shot and even pasted what is shown on record the whole list of rewards he get. Feeling cheated yet still having faith in this game, he spend more golds to ensure he get his Mylu. Even during the second time it landed on Mylu, he screen shot to ensure that he had all evidence before he press claim. Now look at all the replies you guys are giving. Beating around the bush, going in circles asking the same old questions after being answered.

To be honest, I can't be bothered initially but when I see the way you guys are handling the situation, I can't help but to type this post. Every single player here that spend money earn them through sweat and hardwork. It can be a father using these money to bring his family for a good meal, it can be a son bringing his parents for a holiday, or anyone using this money to donate to charity to help the less fortunate. Even placing a bet in casino still gives us a chance to get something back in return. But when we made our choice to trust Heyshell, please make sure Heyshell give us the same amount of trust by providing a better service.

End of the day, we are paying for your salary.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-3-30 11:12
Chantt replied at 2016-3-29 18:20
It has been 2 weeks .. Stop delaying it

Enough is enough. I had enough. seriously

We really appreciate your help in this issue. Our IT ppl are looking into it. You will get a satisfying answer and compensation after this. Thank you for your patience.
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2016-3-30 13:57
Hi Chen, 2 weeks to look into it still not enough? What if the company delay your pay for 2 weeks and still tell u to wait while they checking their accounts? Can you still be patience? Ridiculuos right?

Why dont you give us a date when can you give him an answer instead of ask him to keep waiting till God knows when? I think that should be fair for both parties.

Or you can just refund him the gold spent on wheel and both parties can move on..
Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-30 14:23
Agreed with PM. Imagine u owed me sgd2.2k for a month then everyday I tell u to be patience. Our accounting dept is looking into it. For those reading this, this could happen to you. Totally unprofessional GM. I pledge not to RC till chanTT has satisfactory answer and not just wait and patience. If you are with me, please pledge here
Author: 118    Time: 2016-3-30 14:27
Hi DP thanks for fighting for ChanTT. I am from S31, VIP9 and i pledged not to recharge anymore or fund them until i see a proper response and not "please be patience"
Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-30 14:29
Look at this GM u r making my server mate nervous breakdown... Stop playing delay tactics.

Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-30 14:34
Thanks for the pledge 118. If you guys are reading this pls help me pledge

Author: DP777    Time: 2016-3-31 07:44
Looking through the thread these are few observations:-

1) Evidence provided are very clear and well captured
2) This is the 3rd week and is still investigating???
3) Obvious there is a bugs in the software and GM is trying hard to find an excuse
4) There should be log sheet recorded on our activities and GM not able to produce also prove that the bugs exist
5) The intention to address this problem is not there, instead GM is applying a delay tactics in hoping that the player will forget it
6) Shows there is an integrity issues with the GM and looks like the trust has been bleached. This could also means that all the game formula could be error but have been brushed off by them without a valid explanations

With the above I would strongly suggest that Chan should not waste his time going through this agony and report this to apple as "SCAM" by providing all the evidence. For the rest if you are sharing the same sentiments then report as well so that justice can be done.
Author: zfirez    Time: 2016-3-31 16:49
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-3 16:01
DP777 replied at 2016-3-31 07:44
Looking through the thread these are few observations:-

1) Evidence provided are very clear and wel ...

We did not try to find excuses. We are trying to fix it. Thank you for your patience.
Author: Lime    Time: 2016-4-5 22:50
Chen u dont do shit. This game should be banned from appstore.
Stop recharging guys!!!!!!!!
This game is a scam, they never refund when they do wrong.
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-4-29 14:52
It also happened at our server s39 last time, 3of our playees got mylu but after claimed it jump to ro. They use golds to spin. Huh

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