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Title: [FB Event] Happy Fool's Day [Print this page]

Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2016-4-1 20:03
Title: [FB Event] Happy Fool's Day
Edited by COTK-LA at 2016-4-1 20:56

Fooled or not! Share your ever funny stories or photos in Fool's Day! More bonus is waiting for you!
[Duration] Ends on Apr. 3rd
[Servers] All Servers
1. ign and server
2. Either funny Photos or stories you've ever experienced in April Fools' Day
1st prize:  Based on your replies,  1 player will be selected to get 100 gold
2nd prize:  another 15 players will be selected to get 30 gold
1. If the stories or photos are same, the first one posted in the first time will be adopted.
2. The final explanation will be reserved by COTK team

More info can be found on our FB which is the only platform to join:[url]https://www.facebook.com/ClashofThreeKingdoms/[/url]
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-1 20:33
Today.. i just experienced funny and probably dumb thing
In the morning my brother going to some places and he left the computer with downloaded files.. thats about 2 files, he waiting for it for days.
But incidently my sister dont know bout it, and she pressed cancel download.. its about 90%. Then my brother get angry because of it. And she says happy fools day.. then my brother laugh both crying

Hope its funny enough.
Ign,server: andromeda,s32
Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2016-4-1 22:14
Ign GaryLewis.s11,  server s3
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-4-2 17:49
Last year's April fools, my boyfriend bought me Ferrero Rocher chocolate in a very beautiful case. He said he will give me a surprise gift if I could finish 5 in 1 minute. And since he was very generous in giving surprise gifts, I took the challenge and finished 5 in under a minute. Then suddenly a feeling of burning in my mouth and i found out that he put bird eye chilly inside each chocolate. I was so mad yet he laughed so hard. But in the end, I still got the special gift from him...

IGN: Xixi S43
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-4-3 14:33
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D2

my goal is not to win, i have no motive to be the best. my mission is not the impossible...the mighty shu had underestimated the few wu n wei...most had moved on or became semi-active...long months of endurance and absorbing the impact of no chance for sunlight to dry the blood stain from cutting the artificial green grass. Sacraficed the rare chance to harvest the wildly available iron, that can be seen, but not to touch. Better dare not to dispatch a working slave, due to the fact that the mighty morphin shu rangers will rob without hesitation, just because they can. There is still hope, nothing a 12oz cold can of pepsi cant do, i am the sexy known as IGN: MuShuWuWu on s48. I am a nobody (nobody in shu can take down). Im not alone, I have a partner in crime, known as FieldKitty. We are active with 1 purpose in common. is to get a kick watching how the overcrowded babies get mad...Revenge is a biotch for shu. Priceless, entertainment doesnt always inviolve a winning. I have no shame, no intention of any gain, its a game of strategy...which  half of the game is 69% strategy. I can go on about this to waste precious time of your life reading the non scense. my story is the link above. im done for now....im so sexy!.

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