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Title: Liegemen most important attributes [Print this page]

Author: CC07    Time: 2016-4-7 14:54
Title: Liegemen most important attributes
Can any1 help me out to understand the most important attributes. I know try to get the combos of liegemen but what is the most important combos? I'm working for skill att, att nd troops. Idk if I'm on the right path should I be looking for absolute damage. Wait what is absolute damage?
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-7 15:02
When you are choosing combo, you are advised to take the hero into consideration. For example, the skill att has no effect for a hero without skill.
Absolute damage means damage caused with no regard to your opponent's defense attributes.
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-4-7 15:07
Yeah absolute damage is the amount of damage you deal regardless of the enemy's defense. The best combos are mostly centered around the three kings but there are a fair few combos that only require 3-4 gens that are really good, E.g P.Tong, Wei Yan, H.Zhong and Z.Ren. That gives you +110 Skill attack, +115 attack and +3 lead and force.  
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-7 15:46
The most important from liege is lead + force.
After that is skill att & skill def..

For att/def/troops, there is so many other ways.
arma, gems, chariot, etc..
Author: CC07    Time: 2016-4-8 12:38
Aris3479 replied at 2016-4-7 15:46
The most important from liege is lead + force.
After that is skill att & skill def..

Ok. I have 1 lantern nd rest are jades. Who would suit the lantern
Awaken hzong
Zheng Ji
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-8 12:42
usually always give lantern to gen that have highest lead first.
eventhough for special case, u need to give lantern to ur low lead gen in order to make him block
Author: CC07    Time: 2016-4-8 12:58
Ok I think I get u. Because I have 3 gens with high lead I've have good chance of block. As for bigger guys with the three Kings there force is higher with all most all heroes they have so they need to up the lead of there highest lead hero
Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-4-10 06:32
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-4-7 15:02
When you are choosing combo, you are advised to take the hero into consideration. For example, the s ...

I guess this means absolute damage is one of the best.

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