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Title: merger s26 with s32 [Print this page]

Author: 12jk    Time: 2016-4-11 20:54
Title: merger s26 with s32
more fun if merger both server

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-4-13 12:17
lol..... s32 shu will never agree......
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-4-13 12:58
Just visited S32 & was shock to see that HakilMilo totally no challenger at all in S32.
That fellow from rank 2 arena totally no match & the gap is far too huge.
Probably Milo need to meet Hem & Gordan regularly to test his strength via versa.

S26 Shu need S32 Shu help in world map as well.
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-13 14:51
loe baru tau yah !!!!!
Author: ZHAUYUN    Time: 2016-4-13 16:37
And lol s26 will never agree too
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-4-13 19:15
Poor Milo no one want to play with him ... he might feel alone
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-13 19:23

lol..... s32 shu will never agree......

loe baru tau yah !!!!!

funny for this guys, so speechless seen u both posted about
and the main reason why s32 is very quite because wu and wei stop fight, bcause they think its useless to play the game on.. and make any bluffs, excuses for merging..
like i said before, shu only takes what gm given, if merged with another server, we never get any benefits, as s36 merged with s32 now.

for any consideration just leave it to GM, so GM could take care about it than u open poll like this
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-14 10:10
Suatu hari di shu   GAK TAU MALU
uncle Wxxxxxi : dulu shu 36 tertindas masih ada harga diri (harganya di mana?)
kayak gakk ada kerjaan saja wu dan wei ( uncle Wxxxxxi saja buka beberapa id apalagi kuvan lady soon soon ,kalau sususapi.36 keluar ini tar di bilang clone lagi coba tengok di rank 58 ,  type banyak kerjaan salute !!!! )
kita donk shu ada martabak eh martabat !!!! di pingir jalan loh ....kalau beli martabat eh martabak yah di pinggir jalan
MIRIS!!!!!!! gak berkaca hahahhahahahahah
Dont judge book from its cover
FxxxxxSky untung g gak main di wei 32 (kau main pun low level gunanya cuma buka id join od )
bangganya King ARIS .........yg keluar low id padahal dah hampir 1 tahun 4 bulan yg keluar low id 100
up up up up biar berkaca shu 32 sok suci sok alim , sok ........pokoknya gak ada malunya katanya ada harganya , ada martabaknya eh martabat  hahahhahahahha  udah kebaca gak adashu yg komen ????

gak ngaku ??? g gampar tujuh turunan sial loe ????apa mau g kirim lo mi karet?????

funny for this guys, so speechless seen u both posted about
and the main reason why s32 is very quite because wu and wei stop fight, bcause they think its useless to play the game on.. and make any bluffs, excuses for merging..
like i said before, shu only takes what gm given, if merged with another server, we never get any benefits, as s36 merged with s32 now.

seems we got same trouble, they have no enough proof to accuse someone..
sometimes mouth to mouth cant be believed just like that, but they wont understand

jawabanya thread orang lain ???
Author: lionman    Time: 2016-4-14 18:00

u talk too much...better faster upgrade ur level before merger...with Milo help and WU/WEI many retired, u still use gjia lol....
Author: slavian    Time: 2016-4-14 19:47
Title: RE: merger s26 with s32
,if milo think he good, just agree with this marger

Author: 12jk    Time: 2016-4-14 19:59
Yea... Hakilmilo n Hemhem will felt more fun.... after merger,  i thought all will more rc n rc....
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-4-14 20:15
Merger with s1 wei is unbeatable
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-4-14 20:16
After milo get rainbow hero then he will cryyy cryyyyyy
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-14 20:59
lionman replied at 2016-4-14 18:00

u talk too much...better faster upgrade ur level before merger...with Milo help and WU/WEI m ...

if i talk too much im sorry, im felt so scared now.. maybe u aldy use kings??
i know my gjia very weak, even could fight all ur gens by himself
Author: lionman    Time: 2016-4-14 22:32
yes....u are very weak...if I were u, for sure I will be at top 10. Everyday got free iron, free exp, fight at 50%...even new player also can be in top 10.
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-14 22:35
lionman replied at 2016-4-14 22:32
yes....u are very weak...if I were u, for sure I will be at top 10. Everyday got free iron, free exp ...

wow u must be very strong, may u give me ur nick in game?? maybe we can compare.. bcause im non vip player
oh i forgot, u are cowards, sorry
Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-4-15 14:46
Ya... Ya... Yaa..
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-4-15 18:52
Tengkar mulu. Bubar bubar. Malam jumatan iki
Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-4-15 22:23
Au ahh..maen game suram aj sampe rame..
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2016-4-15 23:00
Wu S26 disagree cause we less player than shu right now
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-4-15 23:04
s29 more likely to merge since s26 looks more balanced than 29
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-16 10:20
Edited by tehsusu at 2016-4-16 10:23

Suatu hari di shu   sundulll gan biar pada baca!!!!!!!!!! GAK TAU MALU
uncle Wxxxxxi : dulu shu 36 tertindas masih ada harga diri (harganya di mana?)
kayak gakk ada kerjaan saja wu dan wei ( uncle Wxxxxxi saja buka beberapa id apalagi kuvan lady soon soon ,kalau sususapi.36 keluar ini tar di bilang clone lagi coba tengok di rank 58 ,  type banyak kerjaan salute !!!! )
kita donk shu ada martabak eh martabat !!!! di pingir jalan loh ....kalau beli martabat eh martabak yah di pinggir jalan
MIRIS!!!!!!! gak berkaca hahahhahahahahah
Dont judge book from its cover
FxxxxxSky untung g gak main di wei 32 (kau main pun low level gunanya cuma buka id join od )
bangganya King ARIS .........yg keluar low id padahal dah hampir 1 tahun 4 bulan yg keluar low id 100
up up up up biar berkaca shu 32 sok suci sok alim , sok ........pokoknya gak ada malunya katanya ada harganya , ada martabaknya eh martabat  hahahhahahahha  udah kebaca gak adashu yg komen ????

gak ngaku ??? g gampar tujuh turunan sial loe ????apa mau g kirim lo mi karet?????
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-16 10:41
Edited by Aris3479 at 2016-4-16 10:56

Bos, ini peringatan terakhir yah..
Gw bisa buang duit ratusan juta hanya utk iseng maen game ini..
Jgn sampe bikin gw emosi dan menjadikan ini masalah personal yah..
Krn gw jg bisa buang duit utk nyari diri elo..
Tololnya elo tuh pake bahasa indo jadi gw tau elo cm haters dari indo..
dan nyari elo di indo tuh gampang asal mau keluarin duit.

Mgkn elo mrs jago atau lucu, kalu jagoan ga pernah takut ksh nama/alamat bos... atau kl elo takut gw samperin, maen lah ke tempat gw bos. gw di cokro, menteng, jkt pusat.. mau gampar 7 turunan gw? sini dtg.. gampar..

dan buat yg baca, sorry yah.. ga ada maksud utk sok atau apapun.. cuma ini org udh mulai maen personal..

Hey tehsusu,
i dont have to proof anything to you, why u keep mention my name?
u want to proof something to me & make it personal? u dont even dare mention ur IGN.

I have spent a few dollars to this game just for fun..
what makes u think i can't spent a few dollars to place bounty on u?

just dont push ur luck bro..

i aldy said, i dont mind if u mock or scold me in this game, just dont make it personal..

many ppl for wu36 or wei36 scold or mock me like youyou, lionman, shahin, etc.. i dont mind, because they only spoke what related to the game..

Final warning bro, dont do something that u will regret in the near future.

for all who read this post, do apology if my words insulting.. this man really want to make it personal..

Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-16 11:02
Edited by tehsusu at 2016-4-16 11:13

Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-4-16 12:20
Kalau bicara begini kan enak bro

Ini cuma game utk fun, ga ush bawa2 gampar2 keluarga lah..

Soal clone, semenjak eve bikin thread soal s32, di shu S32 byk sekali new id yg ga jelas.. ada yg ngaku2 sbg jackooo from s3, ada yg ngaku2 sebagai whitegeese, bahkan ada pula yg pake id aris & HakilMiIo..

Selain itu ada pula id2 ga jelas yg srg kali nongol, dan tentunya id elo juga yg rutin mantau chat shu32.
Andro ada sebut tuh id2 yg shu32 sendiri curigai sebagai clone

Kalau gw sbg king punya akses/tools utk banned mereka, pasti udh gw banned mereka..

Soal retired id, FYI byk pula org2 dari server lain yg minta retired id utk mereka mainin. Ada yg gw kasih, ada pula yg gw tolak.. dan akhirnya mrk yg gw tolak mungkin mainin retired id dari wu32 & wei32..

Soal low player dari Shu36, mereka ada yg mainin id shu32 yg lbh gede, adapula yg tetep setia maenin id sendiri dari s36 dan cm nongol saat reclam utk gedein arma..

Soal double id, elo kan spy, elo sendiri bisa tau owen/bach itu maen pake gadget.. jadi mustahil mrk bisa maen 2 id bersamaan.. mgkn ada saat double id itu nongol dlm 1 battle, itu krn harus antri.. dan mrk maenin id36 itu cuma karena ga ckp food/ro utk id utamanya..

Soal komen gw mengenai bangga using clone, itu ga ada kaitannya dgn kalian di wei.. itu gw tujuin utk wu36.. kalu elo inget2 jaman2 baru merge dgn s36, shu32 abis2an dibully.. jangan kan gw, even hakilmilo sendiri ga mau taroh slave karena pasti diuber abis2an sama mereka..
Dan mereka bisa dgn konyolnya pake clones utk occ city shu32.. dan selalu ngatain di world chat saat mereka win..

Sedari awal perang di forum, gw sll blg gw ga ada komen utk wei.. cm wu36 aja yg diincer sm shu32. Dan ga semua anak2 wu36 pula.. byk low lv id dari wu36 yg pm gw nanya2 soal cara lwtin gjia/zyu/luxun.. gw bantu..

Soal byk player yg retired, iya gw akui byk yg pindah.. tapi hi lv wu36 tuh cuma ngumpet dan biarin low lv/clone aja yg maju utk def.. boong aja mrk blg retired, krn mrk masih maen & sll online. gw tau krn mrk attck gw trs di arena..

Elo bisa liat lah tadi pagi rank arena gw berubah2 trs, padahal wu ampir ijo semua.. kl mrk retired, gmn cara mrk bisa attck gw balik di arena?

Jujur gw udh malas bgt komen mengenai S32 lah.. Mau blg shu32 pake clone, curang, dsb.. silahkan aja.. mau minta merge.. silahkan lah..

Krn semua cuma berpusat ke beberapa org aja di wu36. Siapa orgnya, ga ush gw sebut lah.. elo jg tau.. Mereka cuma bisa ngata2in dan sandiwara diforum, pas di attck, ngumpet.. yg dikeluarin cm low lv id aja utk def..

Apes lah tuh yg merge sama mereka
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-16 12:27
GITU DONK NONGGOL......JADI KING ADA TANGGUNG JAWAB ................clone tetap clone jangan alasan
Author: shahin    Time: 2016-4-16 13:33
should not be personal... it's a game... just a game end of the day...
Author: lionman    Time: 2016-4-16 15:27
GM who destroyed s32...reason :
1. Never reply this thread, make many wu/wei retired, no spirit to play
2. Created many awaken heroes...especially zyun awaken...make unbalance server. Befor zyun awaken, s32 is competitive server.
3. Created reclamation, plunder...make the gaps wider

Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-16 19:56
@ tehsusu
sorry ya bos, gw harus bicara kalau lu udah conerning personal gini karena didiamkan menjadi2.
gw bkn sok suci, sok pinter atau sbagainya tetapi gw ngikutin server ini dari lahir.
seperti yg diceritakan bro aris diatas, wu 36 dan wei 36 bawa2 masalah clone, atau double id sebagai patokan clone.. tapi id spy loe diitung gak sebagai clone?
terserah apapun asumsi loe, mau blg cheat, clone dsb.
jadi loe gak perlu bawa2 keluarga ke forum, cuma bkin malu indonesia aja bos.

bisa dilihat kalau wu dan wei berjaya di 36, tapi mendadak hancur ketemu 32 karena shu kuat namun masih bisa kalah karena dikepung 2 country, kalah player dsb.

idk who you are, but you much talking than i am, and seems u know everything happened in s32 server
1st, shu strong because together playing to fight back
2nd, if u going to beat milo, just rc much than him, surely u can win
3rd, just cut the clone thing out and stop whining about merging using clones issue or others.
i would like to compare my id with u, but seems u scared and hiding in ur cave.
no offense but u are cowards doing like this
Author: Dracoo    Time: 2016-4-17 01:56
merge s26 + 29 + 31 + 32 + 34.++++ s3.
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-17 11:01
@ tehsusu
sorry ya bos, gw harus bicara kalau lu udah conerning personal gini karena didiamkan menjadi2.
gw bkn sok suci, sok pinter atau sbagainya tetapi gw ngikutin server ini dari lahir.


BTW aris mana alamat lengkap elo????
Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-4-17 12:56
Aris3479 replied at 2016-4-16 10:41
Bos, ini peringatan terakhir yah..
Gw bisa buang duit ratusan juta hanya utk iseng maen game ini..
J ...

Ooo..loe anak jakarta ris..yaudah ntr lebaran gw maen k rmh loe..
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-17 17:19

siapa yang buka low id?? hebat sekali saya bisa buka multi id low level pula.
gan ane pnya life, id 1 aja susah ngurusnya, mau maen multi???
dan gak kepikiran kalo LOW ID, itu bagian dari ID spy loe??

kalo berucap, pakai nalar dan akal jernih bos, jangan cm bisa berkoar tapi no PROOF.
have a nice day

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-4-17 18:11
Wah seru main game aja bisa tengkar, mustie kumpul makan makan drpd tengkar.
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-4-17 18:21
wah ide bagus bang, ente bayarin boleh tuh
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-18 10:21
Hendry replied at 2016-4-17 17:19

siapa yang buka low id?? hebat sekali saya bisa  ...

Suatu hari di shu   sundulll gan biar pada baca!!!!!!!!!! GAK TAU MALU
uncle Wxxxxxi : dulu shu 36 tertindas masih ada harga diri (harganya di mana?)
kayak gakk ada kerjaan saja wu dan wei ( uncle Wxxxxxi saja buka beberapa id apalagi kuvan lady soon soon ,kalau sususapi.36 keluar ini tar di bilang clone lagi coba tengok di rank 58 ,  type banyak kerjaan salute !!!! )
kita donk shu ada martabak eh martabat !!!! di pingir jalan loh ....kalau beli martabat eh martabak yah di pinggir jalan
MIRIS!!!!!!! gak berkaca hahahhahahahahah
Dont judge book from its cover
FxxxxxSky untung g gak main di wei 32 (kau main pun low level gunanya cuma buka id join od )
bangganya King ARIS .........yg keluar low id padahal dah hampir 1 tahun 4 bulan yg keluar low id 100
up up up up biar berkaca shu 32 sok suci sok alim , sok ........pokoknya gak ada malunya katanya ada harganya , ada martabaknya eh martabat  hahahhahahahha ini biar ingat
Author: artons    Time: 2016-4-19 00:01
Makanya bagi yg vvip jgn blagu kalau main game pake duit lo tu kagak ad artinya kalau kagak ada temennya
Author: Benk    Time: 2016-4-19 04:01
Betul betul betul........
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-4-19 09:18
tehsusu replied at 2016-4-18 10:21
Suatu hari di shu   sundulll gan biar pada baca!!!!!!!!!! GAK TAU MALU
uncle Wxxxxxi : dulu shu 36  ...

gan kalo dendem ama shu ga usa terlalu diumbar2 ..keliatan banget kyk orang alay
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-19 11:06
Daryll replied at 2016-4-19 09:18
gan kalo dendem ama shu ga usa terlalu diumbar2 ..keliatan banget kyk orang alay

widih satu lagi orang IDIOT balas komen idiot
Author: affanz    Time: 2016-4-19 12:21
tehsusu replied at 2016-4-19 11:06
widih satu lagi orang IDIOT balas komen idiot

berarti lu yang idiot khan banyak cingcong kalo kalah hahahahaha...
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-19 16:50
affanz replied at 2016-4-19 12:21
berarti lu yang idiot khan  banyak cingcong kalo kalah hahahahaha...

Author: Evangeline    Time: 2016-4-20 09:39
i think s32 is scared lol
Author: ZHAUYUN    Time: 2016-4-21 06:51
Hus hus berantem di forum di private aja
Author: azzzz    Time: 2016-4-21 07:31
lol kasihan banget shu s32 dari awal sampai sekarang di tuduh make clone terus sabar ya. buat anak shu s32 salam buat mazpaijo dan Z.Fei klo masih ada.
Author: orangurus    Time: 2016-4-21 11:57
Lol......if want defeated milo...buy gold like him...dont cry like baby
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-4-21 12:54
tehsusu replied at 2016-4-19 11:06
widih satu lagi orang IDIOT balas komen idiot

ente ga ada kemampuan lain selain mencaci orang ? blg gua idiot ? situ pinter ? wkwk

gua ga peduli u mau caci maki ini game itu urusan u , tapi klo uda urusan ke individu apalgi sama adik gua ..u berurusan sama gua !
jangan cuma cocot dsini !ketemu langsung sama gua ! gak punya malu jadi hater alay ?  

Author: redz225    Time: 2016-4-22 18:31
S32 ktanya clone banyak kok ktmu di elit server yg ada shadownya yg banyk....
salam red225 shu s12
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-4-25 00:20
S32 team,

aku juga bingung, kalian dituduh banyak clone..ketemu kalian gak ada 1 pun yg clone cman gila shadow nya..
kecuali S29 wei baru aku akuiin pakai clone masih ada zhurong, wei yan dan Huang zhong walau lvl udah 100..

klo mau bilang clone tuh yg kayak gtu, klo gen udah ada zyu dan luxun masa di bilang clone..

bukan ikut2an cman seru baca thread nya

ayolah ini game, buat fun aja..
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2016-4-25 15:51
wah rame nih perang coment s32.. hehe
s32 drpd merger ma s26.. s32 mending merger sama kita s16..
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-26 11:15
Rico19816 replied at 2016-4-25 00:20
S32 team,

aku juga bingung, kalian dituduh banyak clone..ketemu kalian gak ada 1 pun yg clone cman  ...

kalian belum liat pasukan kuning dan merah , low level . coba lihat di tourney ada nama no 1 dunia?????
kalian liat maritimus .....shu 45 ...namanya masih sering masuk

tau donk artinya ?????kenapa nama hakilmilo gak masuk????lah banyak clone low level gimana mau menang
Author: zhugezaige    Time: 2016-4-26 12:06
Kesian amat loe. Keliatan begonya.
Elo ga bisa liat namanya karena elo maennya di tourney biasa, bukannya elite ;p

Gue sering liat nama hakilmilo & aris masuk top kill di elite tourney.
Kalau punya otak tapi ga kepake, jual aja di tokopedia.
Minimal bisa dijadiin duit buat rc.
Daripada elo kaya begini, bikin semua orang jadi bete baca forum.

Gue bukan anak shu32, cuma gue puyeng liat bacot elo.
Udah maen gratis, mintanya macem-macem.

Kalau elo ga puas sama anak shu32, bikin aja thread sendiri, elo bacot deh di sono. moga moga elo bisa ngerti
Author: tehsusu    Time: 2016-4-26 13:42
zhugezaige replied at 2016-4-26 12:06
Kesian amat loe. Keliatan begonya.
Elo ga bisa liat namanya karena elo maennya di tourney biasa, buk ...

hahhahahahah salah satu orang idiot, bukan shu 32 tapi bisa liat hakil milo hebat
Author: zhugezaige    Time: 2016-4-26 14:19
Gue maen di s12 & s16
sering ketemu sama shu32 di elite tourney
hakilmilo itu s.tourney champ, semua org di cotk juga tau

maksud gue cuma kasih tau elo aja kalau elite tourney dan reguler tourney itu beda

beneran, mending elo jual otak elo di tokopedia
sama elo cari dah di tokopedia, ada ga tuh seller yang jual rasa malu

udah ketauan begonya, masih aja ga malu
kesian amat hidup elo

buat shu32 team,
kalian apain sih ini orang? sampe otaknya pea gitu
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-4-29 15:21
zhugezaige replied at 2016-4-26 14:19
Gue maen di s12 & s16
sering ketemu sama shu32 di elite tourney

sentimentil negatif ya gtu..apapun tetap jelek n salah..ckup ketawa aja
Author: Styp    Time: 2016-4-29 15:42
Ngebacot mulu. Ketemuan berantemnya kapan?
Author: Boothe    Time: 2016-5-2 22:14
Iya ditunggu Youtube berantemnya nih ... penasaran gw

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