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Title: Wu S37 so many ID comeback again or bot system?? [Print this page]

Author: Vaynard    Time: 2016-4-14 17:57
Title: Wu S37 so many ID comeback again or bot system??
GM please monitoring wu in S37 .. so many id that long long time ago didnt play anymore or quit, but suddenly they are on even red gens are on too !!! amazing.. s37 cant create any ID in there.. why there is still red gens? LOL program system...
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-4-14 21:31
Wu or shu s37? Am i wrong read? I just saw an id "goku" with zcang, not green or red or even purple, but yellow. Stop crying there, shu wei ally n still need gm help again? Keep crying n slap ur s37shu proud by yourself.
Author: Vaynard    Time: 2016-4-15 11:50
thats ur spy ID? LOL too many unknown account disturb us like auto off barbs, using empty preventing us to coming? .. well zcang is green btw... are u beginner? does , hey wu if u want to beat us with no alliance go without bot programming , spy and clones dude.. u scared? so u using clone and spy to us? pff go slap ur country first.. when i tell to world there was red gens.. suddenly they gone .. yess i'm proud bcoz my ppl lack of clones but too many spy
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-4-15 12:15
Spy need to attk us till liyang when we r defend? So u think kiong is wu spy too? Think it clearly, before judge Anyone. Why not judge Becuz ur s37 seniority keep judging others as spy thats why ur players defend for us. Its more make sense. WE ARE NOT USING BOT, TEAMWORK DID IT!!!
Author: Vaynard    Time: 2016-4-16 23:47
why u notice kiong only? xD, teamwork of bots? xD, u must see the mirror who is judging.. should i call all of ur clones? well i meet red gens clones in ur country now, kiong is wei.. i dont see kiong as spy lol, bcoz kiong already high lvl players from old s37 wei and still on till now? but ur gens.. look , RED GENS LOL , is that u not seeing ur ppl clearly.. maybe u should buy telescope to see ur ppl correctly
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-4-17 03:10
U talk like ur country have no red gens, i can give the screenshot too. Pls respect our low level players! Im tiring talking with a sstubborn, no bot at wu s37.
Author: Vaynard    Time: 2016-4-17 17:13
please do... if can please tell to GM for deleting all red gens player lol, i dont need clones in my country too.. so what? just shared ur SS here please.. i respect them if they playing in newest server.. tired of talking? so dont talk.. i want to make cleaning all low lvl gens in shu wei wu already.. sick enough of auto off

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