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Title: S50 SHU CLONES [Print this page]

Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-22 13:00
GM, seems like you are able to ban clones in s50 wei. How about doing it in s50 Shu?
Author: jujuju    Time: 2016-4-22 13:07
few names I can help u with: RazilZora, MillRuby, HaskaHelen, StelumXenia, HenryPhoeb, MehhUna, GustPatri, BullHedda.s52, PanerMeroy, LakeMurra, LagetJo, BellRita.s52, TcottJane, OwenJessi, RazilJulie, ButikNaomi, HallLisa, OwenJessi. just to name a few I can remember.
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-4-22 13:22
Agre with you Juju, im Shu playe, but strongle feel corcerned on the presence of the BOT. they just make a good name Shu polluted, please GM banned all the name above.
Author: jujuju    Time: 2016-4-22 14:10
yup agree totally franco.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-4-22 15:44
Dear player, we banned clones according to the data of the game, and it's not concerning with the country. And we banned clones in all the countries.
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-22 16:15
Hi gm, if u have banned clones, why is it that i still see them this morning?
Those were the names i saw this morning. Kindly do check again. Thanks.
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-22 16:38
Edited by Jucjuc at 2016-4-22 17:24

Hi gm, those clones appeared again. With addition of saistelva. Please do something about it. Or would you prefer pictures to prove overwhelming of gold n red heroes???
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-23 01:20
Hi gm, updates to another clone id: chentang.
Author: elang    Time: 2016-4-23 12:15

the PangFeng Clones Trooper certainly not real ppl!! do not hesitate to kill them..

look they very very very very annoying!!
See how they prevent us to win the 4th round Suppression event..

2gens barb lv80 vs 70+ yellows auto off (10sc x 4 x 70) = 2800sec = 46mnts = FAIL

its happen fr s52.. when they block Tongguan

i hope u can do something..

former shu s52
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-23 12:44
Hi gm, what abt the banning of clones in all countries??? Saw the evidence??? Able to act already???
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-23 13:37
Hi gm, i forgot to formally introduce myself. Id: juccas server:s50. Pls do see my vip lvl for credibility to my words. Tyvm.
Author: B.A.D    Time: 2016-4-23 15:56
Shu and BrownJosep from wu afraid of fair fight ? now u outnumber us at least 3 times , ofc only wei was banned, was not expect anything after u cried like babies losing few events,  from now on play events only with wu, i give order we not take part any event against you or wu, u have iron and siege free now , happy ? u did what u did and unbalance server again in your favour.  
wei king s50 BAD-SZ
Author: Jucjuc    Time: 2016-4-23 16:59
Edited by Jucjuc at 2016-4-23 17:01

Hi gm, new development. Even the almighty wu have clones in s50. Please do what you need to do. Tyvm.
Author: hoho    Time: 2016-4-25 10:17
lol, panic guys?
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-4-25 10:18
So Wei! Shu has 70 colon generals and Wu has 1. Ozai banned cause he used 1000 colon generals. Do the math before crying!
Author: hoho    Time: 2016-4-25 11:51
well, everyone know shu's clone made by wei master clone to distract attention from wei clone. lol
shu's player want them to be banned, not like wei, crying over their banned clone

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