Heyshell Games Forum

Title: SAVE SHU S1 MERGE US WITH S12!!! [Print this page]

Author: geheheth    Time: 2016-5-24 17:26

Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-24 18:37
You have my sympathy but apparently S1 Wei is untouchable & seem to be under GM protection.

Either quit completely or move to other server.
Author: WhiteRoder    Time: 2016-5-24 23:22
Wah me agree about this one thread i stop rc because unbalanced server
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-5-24 23:38
WhiteRoder replied at 2016-5-24 23:22
Wah me agree about this one thread i stop rc because unbalanced server

Unbalance? Really ?Wei and wu lock down SHU s12 everyday ..almost everyday shu s12 burn so many food to fight Wei clones to def dispatch and harvest.. Event country Wei and wu share siege.. Wei so coward just do reclamation under wu
protection. So they no worries bout they reclamation..
Author: WhiteRoder    Time: 2016-5-24 23:47
do you think we no burn much food fight RoyalWrath and shu clone?? many wei vip player stop rc and retire like guan,etc
btw this thread not talk about s12 this thread talk about shu s1 i think s1 really need the strongest shu in all servers
Author: TheGunners    Time: 2016-5-24 23:51
Agree marger s1 with s12 .........
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-5-24 23:55
Edited by Happyman at 2016-5-24 23:58
WhiteRoder replied at 2016-5-24 23:47
do you think we no burn much food fight RoyalWrath and shu clone?? many wei vip player stop rc and r ...

Really? From my sight seeing Wei s12 purpose only to make all SHU quiting.. Come on dunt be coward give East reclamation to wu ..u like war for reclamation.. Come on do fair match...
Author: M0nkey    Time: 2016-5-25 00:07
Dear GM,
Im from S12 Shu,
and MOST of us DONT want to be merged with s1,

everyone who ever fought s1 wei in tourney,
know s1 wei full of hundreds auto off clones.
some even says they use bot.

shu, wu and wei are fine in s12,
eventhou its not 100% balanced,
but at least its more balanced than other servers.

please dont breakup our Harmony in s12.
we dont want our cities flooded with thousands auto off clones.

best regards,
shu s12

Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-5-25 00:13
Edited by Shurikendo at 2016-5-25 00:22

Ehem then what is this? Shu s12 win wei s1
Author: M0nkey    Time: 2016-5-25 00:25
Edited by M0nkey at 2016-5-25 00:28
Shurikendo replied at 2016-5-25 00:13
Ehem then what is this?
kendo, please dont provoked by some shu that act like children.

what i mean,
there are times when wei farming in shu,
there are times shu farming in wei or wu
there are times wu farming in shu

thats what i mean quite balanced at s12.
at least each of the country have chances to go to another country's 50%
its not 24 hours locked up in Capital because your 50% cities being spammed by hundreds of auto off clones.
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-5-25 00:39
This call farming? Do you know how many wei s12 vip players retire even them vip 9 - 10 - 11?
Author: macho    Time: 2016-5-25 00:41
S1 Wei is the most difficult server to play against as it has hundreds auto off players or bots or ghost or maybe Chen playing as I players have complaints but GM didn't seems to care.
Yes, we won vs Wei s1 in the tourney coz we used so many shadows.
It will be nightmares to fight auto off bots on daily basis. I have my sympathy to all the player in shu n wu s1   but you are all welcome to quit s1 n play in s12
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-5-25 00:55
Shurikendo replied at 2016-5-25 00:13
Ehem then what is this? Shu s12 win wei s1

Haha ..if we merger to s1 Wei..maybe most SHU s12 will quit.. Maybe u s1 server don't know if SHU s12 being bullied so hard try  login at 05.00 server time till 16.00 server time..all map is blue and red.. We fight and Mianzhu and Wooyang.. Being lockdown by wu and wei and do u know shu using od to def dispatvh and harvest bro ..not to party
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-5-25 01:04
dont to be greedy la look shu s1 always get bullied everyday, everytime only s12 can save them
1 more do u think wei s12 will not quit too? if fight 500 shu gen and wei only have few players
how long our players like  Leony, LakeEsthe, RegumBisho, WhiteRoder can survive?? we also have vip 12 retire player like guan
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2016-5-25 01:33
wait a second....
GreenAdolph who most of u all wei - wu s12 known as GM Green, says that shu s12 always been bullied everyday from 05.00 am until 16.00 pm by both of your suck alliance (actually i think dog and master relationship)

Author: Catheryne    Time: 2016-5-25 01:41
Kendo, and all wei s12,
Like monkey said,
We all hv our time to farm.
This noon around dispatch time until harvest time,
you all farming in shu right?
No need pic to prove this because we all know la.
The pic you post can't tell all the truth.
It is tonight pic when most shu player playing,
So we can party at wei.
I can also post pic when wu and wei farming at shu,
Act like so pitiful like being bullied by wu and wei.
But for what?

Maybe wei s12 players think if merged with s1 wei,
You all finally can eat the whole map.
24 hours farming in shu's 50%
Maybe now that looks like a great idea.
But if you hv friend in s3 shu,
You will know a fact : s3 shu players now lazy to play eventhou Handan open 24  hours a day.

Farming 24 hours fighting guard is not fun at all.
Even jacko retired because he "sian" / fed up with this situation.

In s12, at least each of shu, wu, and wei have chance to go to each other 50%
If most of shu s12 retired,
You will only fight guards.
Sooner or later you will fed up with this situation too.

Lets just keep  our server as it is now.

Sorry for shu s1.
We know it is hard to play there because of the clones and bots.
But we dont want to merged and kenna invested by those s1 wei clones and bots.
Its better if you quit from s1 and come to s12.
That way the bots and clones wont follow you here.

We welcome you and will help with any means possible if you want to quit s1 and play in shu s12.
best regards,
Shu s12
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-5-25 02:14
Catheryne replied at 2016-5-25 01:41
Kendo, and all wei s12,
Like monkey said,
We all hv our time to farm.

do u talk about fun??
easy to say because u are shu how about wei or wu??
we must share share 3 3 point for event lucky if shu not stolen siege city and shu can deff 2 city siege wow so strong ya for invest haha better wei and wu no spend anyhing because useless we know shu will win at all
how can shu everyday steal our exp barbar did wu and wei can steal shu barbar is never even once
dispact on middle only shu can have it wei or wu never have it even once
sometime wei and wu war too and when some wu snatch our slave what we do? we only deff no attack wu back because respect our ally and our friendly
do you think fun spend much gold but get nothing??
oh 1 more shu have player have acc in wei is jackteong played by cookcedri he use that gen only for steal our barb and hold wei players lvl up
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-5-25 02:54
Shurikendo replied at 2016-5-25 02:14
do u talk about fun??
easy to say because u are shu how about wei or wu??
we must share share 3 3  ...

Jackteong is cookcedri? Lol so funny.. Shu steal ur siege really?  So shu can't take ur city while u got def side? And btw LET ALL PPL NOW ur dirty trick divide middle map blue and red while u and wu atk WooXian together so shu can't jump when each of u got def siege just sharing...when got invading barb u ask wu to steal our Barb so u can won event..make SHU can't dispatch.. So we have to snatch wu..make SHUy can't harvest..block WooYang and Mianzhu when SHU got exp Barb so wu can steal..still not enough bully shu s12? Maybe if all SHU quit ..then u happy play cotk
Author: WhiteRoder    Time: 2016-5-25 04:59
no need argue here for wei s12 ppl dont wasting you're time to this happyman i even dont know who him
i let GM make decision for GM just think about it u save 2 servers if merge s1 and s12 u merger us with most all shu dominations already so i only ask for this
thanks before GM
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-5-25 10:03
merge with s7 lah, lets die together.. wkwkwk
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-5-25 11:13
Yeah please merge us GM many my friend already leave the game now only few still play i dont wanna lost them specially babyg and ella the beauty players our have
Author: 贝海泥    Time: 2016-5-25 16:37
Ya GM please merge s1 and s12

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-25 17:48
Gm only thinking new player who can rc, s1 is dead
Author: Andy8877876    Time: 2016-5-25 20:22
ok i  MERGER S1 for you and give hikimilo,hehemhem to s12 wei ok
Author: yudis20    Time: 2016-5-25 22:12
u can see S 34,
Author: ginbiui    Time: 2016-5-25 22:14
Dear GM,
Please just see s.1 and s.12 condition..after that its your decision going to merge or not.
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2016-5-26 00:04
Edited by Dhafe at 2016-5-26 01:19

GM.. please dont ruin our happiness... s12 doesn't need any merger or else. We can control our server. I repeat.. do not merge us with another server anymore. Shu have RW, Ryan, LieAw, etc... Wei have Leony, Lake, Regumbisho, Roder, Kendo, etc... and we have Blurguy, Ltj, Aloofz, Xiang, etc.  Those people can control server 12 i believe.. And last but not least... we have bekicot... dont ever make him angry. If he angry... my advice just close your a.s.* hole with Scotch tape or it gonna be soek soek... P
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2016-5-26 01:26
Happyman replied at 2016-5-25 00:55
Haha ..if we merger to s1 Wei..maybe most SHU s12 will quit.. Maybe u s1 server don't know if SHU  ...

Ni Happyman anak baru maen apa gimana nih??? eeettt daaaahh... ampe curhat... ahahahah
Author: sebastiane12    Time: 2016-5-26 01:33
All have money,,seems hard to buy some brain?? Fool,,get trick by GM,, lolx

Author: Epsilonk    Time: 2016-5-26 01:34
Dhafe si kuontol laknat,,,,,
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-5-26 02:25
lol...server 1 shu is dead..all thanks to Lord GM..bot and auto off make shu 90%retire..now only wu n wei fighting in mianzhu,wu of go to wei fighting low lvl bot n auto off,now they forced to invade shu,but shu is ard gone only fighting shu guard most of the time,but i am happy as shu s1 player becoz to gain very fast exp just only set autorun every 30hour for vip 2,or 1hour for vip 9...better other server avoid merger us..u dont want to experience like s7..got trapped in hundred of auto off bot..Lets server 1 shu rotten to the hell...or if u want to plan to force retiring royalwarth like sima s7,please merger us,so shu s12 can taste our pain.hehehe
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-5-26 02:28
or maybe GM ard rich need not money from heavy spender on shu other server,please merge them to server 1..soon shu strongest will follow sima path save money to charity or other fair game...hahahaha
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-26 05:03
Yes put shu player who dont rc anymore then merger to us for retire.
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-26 12:47
Post up for debate
Author: bladur    Time: 2016-5-26 13:21
Gm please considerate if you want merger with s1..everyday shu bully our country
Author: chelumser    Time: 2016-5-26 13:29
Horee....begitu aza kq repot...
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-5-26 14:04
Anyone who want retire?or forced your enemy to retire??? Join us merge into server 1will solve all ur problem ....
Author: booboo    Time: 2016-5-26 14:30
better retire lar this gm only care about money especially those who rc their clones to vip like wei s 7 lol
Author: booboo    Time: 2016-5-26 14:31
PS. more clones more money for gm that's why they did nothing right mr GM?

Author: redz225    Time: 2016-5-26 14:34
Wu have bekicot...ckck only 1 person shu have more bekicot than u know dhafe.
But better dont merge again with s1(many many clone id we win use more shadow in last tourney) s12 now one of balance server.
Why wei affraid with condition now? They still can party in mianzhu,jiameng guan and bla bla...so where is not balance? Wu party in wooyang shu zhaoge,weexian .
For wei if u cant reach mianzhu and only fight in u 15,30,50% city maybe u can this server s12 not balance.
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-5-26 15:05
All depend on royalwarth,if he rc small amount ,maybe GM will merge to s1 hahaha...the server that not give big tribute to GM will join to s1...
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-26 15:23
S12 have 6 servers merged already so very highly unlikely will merge again.
The record for now is 6 servers.
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-5-26 15:30
Maybe we should rename server 1 heroes rise into blackhole rise...once suck in u cant get out and dead inside..even creator of game afraid of this server
Author: jagoan    Time: 2016-5-26 15:58
S1 wei bots really kick azzezz, auto assault auto lure, hundreds of them
Cant imagine how many shadows needed to hold them.

Luckily only meet them once on server tourney

Author: LimeLion    Time: 2016-5-26 16:07
merger or not, we have no say at all. gm make the decision. he wants to merge, nothing we can do.
Author: LimeLion    Time: 2016-5-26 17:06
sebastiane12 replied at 2016-5-26 01:33
All have money,,seems hard to buy some brain?? Fool,,get trick by GM,, lolx

hard? its impossible to buy a brain, dont say some. who will sell anyway?
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-26 17:50
Dont put s12 merger to s1, royal will cry cant go out from baxi jiamenguan and nanan, finally he will retire. Merger us with s 54 la
Author: macho    Time: 2016-5-26 18:15
Wow Dhafe speaking like a true King.....maybe someday u can command ur army across Langya hahahaha
Author: FearlessMe    Time: 2016-5-28 17:49
so when is the merger happening? cant wait to see it happen.. best merge with s3 wu too. then lets all play clones together

Author: FearlessMe    Time: 2016-5-28 18:34
macho replied at 2016-5-25 00:41
S1 Wei is the most difficult server to play against as it has hundreds auto off players or bots or g ...

dont worry, u see after gm merge s29 and s32, gm post on fb saying they will clear out the clones. if merger, s1 clones will get cleared.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-28 18:53
Wow this game very interesting, so many player to play then need keep open new server, that not clones la that new player
Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2016-5-30 23:31
please stop crying like a baby
this is only game, in a game merger with s1 or s3 or s7 or maybe we merger with all server we already played.
we are born to fighting with honour, :

S12 wei S 12 Wu i am waiting you in the game
muaacchhhhh lope you wei and wu s12
Milladela s12 shu
Author: FearlessMe    Time: 2016-5-31 00:39
just a game only but need to use alot of clones.
just a game only but need to bully ppl with ur clones.
born to be fighting with honour? didnt know a clones country have much honour.
what a hypocrite you are!
dont need to wait for us. just for for guards since u love them so much.
and lastly keep ur love elsewhere. nobody wants to gay with you.
Author: Kucrut    Time: 2016-5-31 03:06
Funny to see how shu s12 react when someone throw an idea to merge with s1. I dont see this reaction when they acted weak and made gm merged with s15. Dont cry? All i can remember shu s12 cried a lot, loose or win, even cried for food. Anyway, s12 already crowded with 6 servers merge and shu keep making clones almost everyday. At the end, this is only a game, dont take it seriously.
Author: damtank    Time: 2016-6-5 13:10
Pump pump....
Author: damtank    Time: 2016-6-16 15:26
Any news GM??
Author: reinaldog    Time: 2016-6-16 19:59
There is no server in this game, where 3 country had balance power. There must be 1 country stronger than other country

Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-16 21:47
in other servers Shu empire is really strong even in my server but in s1 Wei empire is the strongest.....wu empire got SINGER12 and Wei got Suwandi ......and besides s1 shu lose to many players, some players move to another server and many are banned becuz they are not that active....I wish I can still online s1 so I can still see what's happening there
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-16 21:51
M0nkey replied at 2016-5-25 00:07
Dear GM,
Im from S12 Shu,
and MOST of us DONT want to be merged with s1,

how can you all say Wei s1 got many bots?.....to think of it they r just really strong  -_-

Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-16 21:53
Birdwarne replied at 2016-5-28 18:53
Wow this game very interesting, so many player to play then need keep open new server, that not clon ...

Ur from s1 Wu ......right?
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-6-17 09:22
No la i shu la
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-6-17 09:58
I have a Shu acc long time ago to look at EjICk lineup. Guojia was a dream to get to at that time.
Surprisingly I still can log into S1.
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2016-6-17 13:52
Edited by Antonsetya at 2016-6-17 13:53

Lets merge s1,,s7 and s12,,,,
And then,,we quit together.
Author: Weibot    Time: 2016-6-18 19:10
Sorry system error can't respon..
Author: ryo    Time: 2016-6-25 06:50
This one is a good idea GM...maybe you guys can think about s.12 merge with s.1...cant wait you guys make it happen ;)
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-6-25 06:57
Better s58,59,60 etc put in at s1
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-26 13:52
S1 Wei don't have bots!!!!
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-26 14:20
And many of shu 1 players was banned(like me) and some of them move to other server maybe
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-26 14:30
Xguan replied at 2016-5-26 15:30
Maybe we should rename server 1 heroes rise into blackhole rise...once suck in u cant get out and de ...

Each servers was titled depends on china's history.... and for some reason s1 was titled "Rise of the Heroes" becuz it was the first server in this game.... if you read the history of the three kingdoms.... you'll know that the title of each servers was being mentioned in each Era like "Golden age"
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-26 14:43
Birdwarne replied at 2016-6-17 09:22
No la i shu la

I'm an s1 shu player dear -_-
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-6-26 14:47
I'm the most talkative player on s1 Wei,wu and even shu......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA lol

Author: damtank    Time: 2016-6-30 14:18
Pump pump..
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-6-30 14:21
Merge S1 to S12 will be cool.
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-2 08:15
Yeah and real war will start hahahahahaaha
Author: Haruka    Time: 2016-7-2 09:42
Still want to merge s1 let this server die

Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-3 08:52
Haruka replied at 2016-7-2 09:42
Still want to merge s1 let this server die

Do you mean let server 1 die?....
You can't let a server die because  there are still players who are playing there

Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-7-8 11:44
up up up... merge with s7 lah..
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-7-8 12:53
Don't forget S3
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-7-8 13:58
yup yup.. merge 1,3,7 and 12. will bcome fantastic 4..
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-8 15:27

Author: DonKing    Time: 2016-7-14 14:06
Merge all server LOL
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-15 19:11
Hahahahahaha as possible s53 would be happy if they merge with s1 hahahahaha.....there is no player there anymore

Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2016-7-15 20:38
Soon all server will have no players with these kind of environment happy everyday for all and cheers

Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-23 18:50
To tell it.... it's true
Author: Raavan    Time: 2016-7-25 14:55
Edited by Raavan at 2016-7-25 15:20
Chiyo22 replied at 2016-6-16 21:47
in other servers Shu empire is really strong even in my server but in s1 Wei empire is the strongest ...

Many got Banned becoz of using "Fake Gold" ...

After that incident GM announced some cautioned messages in the Forum. Old players knows about that incident.

After that S1 Shu had civil war (LOL). basically between Gary, Xguan and Ben

Fight between Xguan and Ben
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-7-25 15:27
dont merge untill i got lubu n awaken zhaoyun...too many player too crowd to take asiege bounty and easy to get killed..since singer n dada at our doorstep
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-30 18:42
Raavan replied at 2016-7-25 14:55
Many got Banned becoz of using "Fake Gold" ...

After that incident GM announced some cautioned mes ...

Awww ok..... but why many acc was involved in that?
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-30 18:47
Well those two are s1 active warriors
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2016-7-30 18:51
It looks like I should go back to s1 bacuz i'm being op here hahahahaha
Author: killamoves    Time: 2016-11-23 13:21
im waiting this happen
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-11-23 16:22
Raavan replied at 2016-7-25 14:55
Many got Banned becoz of using "Fake Gold" ...

After that incident GM announced some cautioned mes ...

now u know who win the fight...
Author: bejo    Time: 2016-11-23 21:45
just merger s1 until s32, and s33 until s66, so there r only 2 old server active and start new server with new system upgrade.....tq
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-11-23 21:54
bejo replied at 2016-11-23 21:45
just merger s1 until s32, and s33 until s66, so there r only 2 old server active and start new serve ...

Hahaha...that fun bro.
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2017-1-5 19:21
Xguan replied at 2016-11-23 16:22
now u know who win the fight...

Did you win?.... ur from s1 shu right?
Author: Xguan    Time: 2017-1-8 15:55
Chiyo22 replied at 2017-1-5 19:21
Did you win?.... ur from s1 shu right?

at least 3ppl oppose me choose to retire..lol
Author: TeguhJr    Time: 2017-1-8 21:22
How abou s1 to merge with s44 hihihi we can help each other dude
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2017-1-19 17:53
Xguan replied at 2017-1-8 15:55
at least 3ppl oppose me choose to retire..lol

You are sure one of those people hard too argue with in here.... like dada and MayJill  -_-
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2017-1-19 18:04
TeguhJr replied at 2017-1-8 21:22
How abou s1 to merge with s44 hihihi we can help each other dude

Nah S1 is fine....HAHAHAHA no offense.... merge it to s29 or s7 or to the newts server so they can gain new players... and  shu should have new strong players...i think they need it...wu and Wei is always advancing
Author: feicia    Time: 2017-1-19 18:21
why every threads of merger, wei44 always stop by, get ur self a new thread for u la haizzzz
Author: Chiyo22    Time: 2017-1-19 18:23
feicia replied at 2017-1-19 18:21
why every threads of merger, wei44 always stop by, get ur self a new thread for u la haizzzz

Who me?.... don't get mad at me

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