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Title: Skill Block Rate Effects [Print this page]

Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2016-5-29 00:30
Title: Skill Block Rate Effects
Hi GM/Expert Players,

Need your information. What skill block rate (From Trinket and Patron Suit) do? Does it raise chance to block. Enemy skill or reduce skill taken?

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2016-5-29 02:57
It raised the chance on blocking enemy's skill by 12% on super lantern/hersbit trinket and 10% on Patron suit.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-5-30 10:14
I thought block rate only depend on lead.
R u sure its not like regular block (equip) which decrease damage by skill attack?
Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2016-5-30 11:17
yah, thats why im asking this question. Cause i remember GM ever mentioned that block rate only depend on lead. GM, please confirm.

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2016-5-30 14:35
Edited by BlueFire at 2016-5-30 14:39
donjuan replied at 2016-5-30 10:14
I thought block rate only depend on lead.
R u sure its not like regular block (equip) which decrease ...

Hi donjuan,

Blocking ability doesn't depend on lead (trinket/suit/card/star atlas buff) only but i strongly believed there are also other hidden factor that GM won't reveal to us. Our understanding, higher lead gonna block lower lead but there are some occasion other lower lead gen surprisingly blocking higher lead gen. Even gen wearing flame suit can get blocked as well. So in short, whether getting blocked or blocking enemies skill are totally random, just the higher success rate are on your side if you have better lead via trinket/suit/card/star atlas buff.

I have seen gen blocking more often while getting blocked less than before. This is what i experienced with few other buddies account who have unlocked this skill set. Of course i stand corrected if this is not the case.

@H.Y.Cen, I PM him as well yet still no reply. Believed his hand are tied with those account banning dispute with latest server merger.
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-30 14:55
Patron suit is Skill resist rate +10% means take lesser skill damage by 10%.

Skill block rate +12% is higher chance to block by 12% but basically is useless cos is still random & require luck to block.
Under Hero Details, is indicated that Lead affect skill block rate. Higher lead, higher chance.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2016-5-30 15:06
Patron suit via Suit Works tab written Skill Block Rate +10%. If typos and actually Skill Resist Rate +10%, then they should correct this translation.

Exactly, I would go after terrain talent +10% instead of depending on "luck" factor as its fixed effect.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-5-31 12:27
BlueFire replied at 2016-5-30 14:35
Hi donjuan,

Blocking ability doesn't depend on lead (trinket/suit/card/star atlas buff) only but i ...

Yes Bluefire,
I agree that there may be some hidden attribute not disclosed to us.

eg, Dchan has lead 47 but her blocking chance maybe lower than Xuchu with lead only 30ish.
Or Hzhong with force 55 gives more attacking damage than red general Zhanghe with force 70ish.

Author: AndreaERockett    Time: 2021-5-26 15:52
Thank you for sharing the Skill Block Rate Effects in detail for us. When I do Australian Writings I found great people to work with and resolve the issues.

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