Heyshell Games Forum


Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-29 12:23
IGN : Mr.doel server from 36 merge 32 then merge 29
Question: 2x times merge 3 time server why now u banned my id???????????



Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-29 13:47
I agree many guys came to our s29 and moment hakilmilo has to defend Mianzhu most got ban.

I also request refund For at least past month.
1. Heyshell toss us s32
2. Then ban s29 wei only Many are real Players grumbling on my chats
3. Shu clones coming non stop

I am fine but return my money for recent purchase as u changed the terms of the game i did not
Author: COTX-Gǒu    Time: 2016-5-29 16:05
We're deeply sorry, because we can't let our biggest asset (a.k.a HakilMilo ) stop Recharged to us.

Maybe you can play in new server, we will opening new one next week.
Hope you all can join us and become our biggest recharged ID so we can backup your country.

We will give bonus recharge 100%, with condition 100 gold bonus 100 gold only.


Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-29 16:20
GM is absolutely blinded by the filthy money stashed to their faces! Can't they see, only shu players have many multiple ids with extension .s30/.s32/.36... And so many shu s32 created new ids at s29/30 the night before merger!! You have to unlift the ban on our all active players, imbecile dudes!
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-29 17:01
Yes u can play at other server la with great bonus, hahahaha
Author: Declan    Time: 2016-5-29 17:06
i want refund my money on googleplay.. this GM banned account without reason.   
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-5-29 18:17
wow mr.doel comment here, maybe u can stop controlling more than 2 id's
how about mr.cupu ,doel?? is he got banned too??
Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-5-29 18:35
Hendry replied at 2016-5-29 18:17
wow mr.doel comment here, maybe u can stop controlling more than 2 id's
how about mr.cupu ,doel?? is ...

So...u mean no one in shu controlled 2 id's or more?? U r funny...very very FUNNY..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA...

I will say hi to Andromeda..not Andromeda.s32 LOL
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-5-29 19:01
Lol u offend me with clones??
u think Andromeda.s32 is the new ID?? and u think i have ID in s29?? or s36??
lets make this straight ngis,
1. I will not say shu totally clean from clones because IM not GM
2. as i see last few days after merging this wei completely different with today, u want to see the difference?? lets see
3. if u offend me about controlling 2 ID's, u done a big mistake, u mess up with the wrong guy, and u can try me im full of love but u can the dark side on me.

Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-5-29 19:47
Lol...relax bro..im not offend u as a clones..dun be panic like that..
I just wanna laugh with ur post before..if shu not totally cleans from controlling 2 id's then y u say like that to mr.doel n mr.cupu??better u say it to ur friends at shu..

Btw..I dun have any problem with all of u at shu n i dont care shu use clones or not..
Goodluck too...hahahahahahhaa..
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-29 19:55
Come guys please fight each other please
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-5-29 19:57
Edited by Hendry at 2016-5-29 19:59
Ongis replied at 2016-5-29 19:47
Lol...relax bro..im not offend u as a clones..dun be panic like that..
I just wanna laugh with  ...

oh im not panic at all
u know im just tired reading all trashtalks about clones,
because mr doel complaint cornering HM, and HM is my friend, and i must care about it so tell it to ur WEI fellows
as u can see in my SS, why is so different with today?? where is ur others fellows?? back to own graveyards??
i dun care who u are or ur friends, as long u mess up and accusing my friends, u can try me
i think this is the time ur fellows think why they got banned at all

Author: Ongis    Time: 2016-5-29 21:03
If u tired..go for rest lahh..dun waste ur energy n time to replied all post..hahahahaa..
I dun have time to try u..
Goodluck too bro..
Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-29 22:55
hei kawan shu ... tidak usah komen tak perlu . Saya tak butuh jawaban kau andro. Saya butuh recharge uang saya kembali.i dont need my id ..charge back u thief game developer.
dont steal our money .....gm

Author: lionman    Time: 2016-5-29 23:00
GM, why u guys so fast to make decision to banned wei friends, and why so dificult to make decision when all evidences show shu using many clones.

Please make good game environment, not bias to shu.

Author: Declan    Time: 2016-5-30 09:28
IN 1 HOUR CHEN BAN ALMOST 50++ ACC AFTER MERGER WITH S32 , FROM our prince wei s29, king of wei s32, and another active player , from vip 0 til vip 10. and most of them is vip 1-5
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-5-30 11:00
Declan replied at 2016-5-30 09:28
IN 1 HOUR CHEN BAN ALMOST 50++ ACC AFTER MERGER WITH S32 , FROM our prince wei s29, king of wei s32, ...

Wow...this is so absurb....banned wei lighting fast but leave HM untouched even after hard evidence submitted to GM.

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D6
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-30 12:17
I am not from S32 but I have to agree GM will step in to help the country or player that rc the most because GM is afraid to lose another high vip player.

All along S29 Wei flood shu gates but the moment is merged with S32 with the world no. 1 player in it, one complaint from him probably with threat to stop rc lead to GM to act & ban.

Reason being GM cannot afford to lose another 'sima' again. S7 Wei started all these nonsense & GM was slow to react losing sima & losing a source of income. Now HakilMilo is the new number 1 & they cannot afford another income machine

Believe me S26 Wu is another under GM protection so is S1 Wei.

Sad but truth.

Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-30 12:48
Thats the think s29 wei RC a lot more as a combine group. So now S29 wei will not rc. and the current hakilmilo is not even the original, how long you think the rc will continue.

so far reports only show only wei got ban no one else.

All old shu account now all suddenly active when hakil is online.

I take an anti clone stance, i myself have no clones. But many ban are active players who i chat with, and the reason I still play.

Like I told heyshell, unbanned the active accounts or life will be hard for them to explain money refunds to appstore and playstore as well as credit processor companies.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-30 12:56
Heyshell policy is a cyber crime. They make people recharge and ban accounts without any reasons, same as stealing money from people.

Heyshell Co is using false marketing strategies as 30% exp bonus people pay for is not 30% in fact.

Heyshell is a biased towards shu and money, they sold their dignity.

I am contacting my bank to cancel the latest transactions to Heyshell.

They cannot simply banned real players and walk away give some stupid excuses.
Author: Laselle    Time: 2016-5-30 13:26
Until GMs decide to wake up their idea that they have indeed been banning real players, I will be calling in to my credit card companies too, to dispute all transactions made to Heyshell for the past couple of months. Probably peanuts to Heyshell, as compared with what HM had "contributed" into their bonuses, but at least it's time to take a stand.

You guys (GMs) claim that there is hard evidence of Shu, Wei and Wu clones in the newly merged S29. Why is it that only Wei accounts had been seen banned up till to date and all the previous clones form S29/S30 merger re-surfaced with no action taken?

If auto-off during a battle = clones, then is it a must for me to video how Shu are also playing to "verify" that they are clones too, just because they do auto-off in battles? What is the rationale behind it when you people developed the game and provided that option for us and yet now, you people are using it back against us players then?

Until GMs decide to act on it, you can definitely be prepared to see my money being refunded back to me.
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 13:39
Im furious with how the GMs handled it and Im getting no response from them either. Would be calling in to my banks and google play and apple store to get this sorted out too.

Ita our time and money and collective effort, I doubt a competent customer service would be offering no response and treat customers badly. This isnt the first time i guess, i wouldnt be too trusting of this company if it can happen so many times to different people from different servers.

Looking forward to get my money refunded back to me too.

Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-30 14:18
If you rc with itunes, Itunes will do the refund & NOT heyshell.

If you rc with google playstores, they will verify with Heyshell then google decide whether to refund you.

If you rc on Heyshell website, chances are very slim unless you file a dispute with the channel you paid with & process is lengthy.
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-30 14:22
not true.

Apple will refund and deduct THAT amount out of payment to heyshell. Trust me Apple do that to me on refunds all the time.
Google has already started refunds.

We have start with refunds on  wei s29 accounts.  Heyshell acted too slow and too late and wants to cater to one customer. Good luck.

Also as massive refunds occur usually games manager on google and apple will have a long harsh call with the company and sometimes will pull the game down. They did that with DeNA for ther tactics which they stop doing.

Heyshell GOOD LUCK getting otu of this one.
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-30 14:29
Thank you Google for your refund upon my investments in this stupid game. Won't bother RC anymore from now untill you unlift the bans on all our players! Better i go to Bangkok and bang 3 chicks daily for a month! "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" ~ MY MONEY!!!!
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-30 14:33
Heyshell go ahead and keep banning wei, we stuck it out with you even if you didnt take any action when we complain.

So FU for gonna make this a PR nightmare for you. SEE YA

You think its ok, MOST OF US STUCK WITH YOU HEYSHELL FOR about 2 YEARS AND THIS IS THE WAY YOU TREAT US AT THE END. So do not blame us on this. This is on you, all on you.
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 14:47
Im just a lowly VIP 10. Nothing to see here, just got refunded back from google playstore not everything but this is only the beginning until everything gets sorted out.
Author: alto    Time: 2016-5-30 14:48
Going to get my refunds too.... will join Liandy to Bangkok
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-30 14:53
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-30 15:11
Sorry for the many post, just after years of playing and sucking up to how they cater to Shu, most forum posters also notice this trend. But this was too much for me.

I just wanted to add. Any server that played against s29 Wei knows exactly how we do it. We hit fast and hard. We jump, and clear fast. Thats why servers with heavy clones lose to us as we are much faster than a few people controlling many accounts. A heavy clone army cannot do what we do. Those who spy during servers (some of you do ) know we chatter orders all the time and even yelling at our new players to withdraw and jump. During regular times on server you see our members keep remnding people to save shadows. Barr threaten to quit cause some aren't. That is not behavior of a clone heavy army. Just more active players.
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 15:18
Its not hard to do if you use some math and built your gens correctly and used tye correct gens to counteract stronger 1 man armies and also rely on timing, but if this is how it is, I really need all of my refunds. Felt cheated and wasted my time on a game that treated customers poorly. I have never posted in the forums before, this is a disgrace that i ever had to do this refund thing.. first time ever i asked for a refund on a game. I support game devs and all they do but this is getting out of hand. Really.
Author: kelvin_wei    Time: 2016-5-30 15:32
Wasted all my time and money on this game.
Used to feel bad for you, GM when I see players swearing at you but now I feel for the players.

i'll seek refund and wait for Liandy's visit to my hometown.
Author: Laselle    Time: 2016-5-30 15:36
Congratulations, Heyshell! For a job "well done"!
I have proceeded to request for refunds for my purchases for the past 6 months.
Since you folks decide to adopt a sit-and-wait approach, we, Wei S29 players, are adopting a act-and-say-bye approach.
Good luck in looking out for more suckers to drain money out from.
Note that it had never been cheap to maintain the game.
Not to mention me spending at least 12hrs a day in this game, whenever I'm at work, and more than 18hrs when it's my off day.
Seems like this would still justify as an act of "cloning" or "botting", whatever you guys like to term it.
So until then, I am continuing to request for my refunds. Seems like I had done quite a lot for the past couple of months.
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-30 15:41
Edited by liandyvu at 2016-5-30 15:42
Laselle replied at 2016-5-30 15:36
Congratulations, Heyshell! For a job "well done"!
I have proceeded to request for refunds for my pur ...

Looking for ticket to Bangkok with alto now. Kelvin, please draft us recommendation places for Soapy massages, brothel or any other sexual thingy activites there, thank u!
Author: kelvin_wei    Time: 2016-5-30 15:42
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-30 15:43
kelvin_wei replied at 2016-5-30 15:32
Wasted all my time and money on this game.
Used to feel bad for you, GM when I see players swearing  ...

Looking for ticket to Bangkok with alto now. Kelvin, please draft us recommendation places for Soapy massages, brothel or any other sexual thingy activites there, thank u!
Author: COTX-Gǒu    Time: 2016-5-30 16:51
Please rate our game in Google Playstore or Apps Store for 50 gold. ( 5 stars = 50 gold, 1 star = 0 gold )

We will send it directly to your account.

We can't let our highest recharge to quit this game, he happy, we happy, we don't care about your bullshit in here
Author: artons    Time: 2016-5-30 17:13
Loo lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol craying wht auto off wkwkwkwk
Author: Laselle    Time: 2016-5-30 17:41
COTX-Gǒu replied at 2016-5-30 16:51
Please rate our game in Google Playstore or Apps Store for 50 gold. ( 5 stars = 50 gold, 1 star = 0  ...

What you said is true!
"Small" amounts like ours mean nothing to Heyshell! LoL
Author: Yorin    Time: 2016-5-30 17:51
where are u GM.. Did u think keep silent can clear the problem..
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-30 18:03
Author: R2DB    Time: 2016-5-30 18:30
Dear GM,

Im fully support u to make decision banned clone from Wei S29/30..

Cause for 1.5 years im fight clone from wei S29/S30, we meet 150 - 200 surrounded our capital, until im tired to fight auto off clone and retired.
cmon wei S29/30 dont be cry when u not at top again, if u not use clone than server S29/30 will be fun like S38/40

me now already at S38 and meet wei 29/30 clone again when elite tourney, if u all said that not clone..than im really sad cause u all always hide in back of ur pop

just suggestion if u cant accept thats ur cloned banned and cant go to 50% city again..just retired like me, don be cried..
be gentelment dont like gay (half man/woman) :

tq GM
Author: R2DB    Time: 2016-5-30 18:35
SteelBarr replied at 2016-5-30 12:56
Heyshell policy is a cyber crime. They make people recharge and ban accounts without any reasons, sa ...

hi barr,

u to much talk, like the rich people in the world..
if u really rich just RC and make ur id more strongger than beat Hakilmilo..

1.5 years i keep silent and not event talk about wei S29/30..
but im really happy when all of ur clone was banned..

u ruin server that already balance with dirty clone..

than shut up ur fucking comment and dont said anything about money..
we all also so many rich people that just burn money like throw a sand..

Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 18:38
R2DB replied at 2016-5-30 18:30
Dear GM,

Im fully support u to make decision banned clone from Wei S29/30..

Maybe you want to try spending time and effort and brain juice to think of tactics and strategy. Rather then having help and you see your money and effort go down the drain. This is from a VIP 10 player. And havent you noticed the communication from hey shell is very lacking and fradulent to omit features explanation from all patches from the game. This is a plead on behalf of all gamers to greedy companies. Not a who vs who., who win who. Think about it..
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-30 18:48
Don't worry...we will help even shu & wu players to ask for their refunds, if you need guide for refund, you know where to find us!
Author: R2DB    Time: 2016-5-30 18:50
vOnElith replied at 2016-5-30 18:38
Maybe you want to try spending time and effort and brain juice to think of tactics and strategy. R ...


i really support GM to block any clone S29/30 wei..
cause u all make me retired due to fight ur fucking clone, u know what VIP me?? im VIP 11 half to VIP 12..
if u said money, i more RC than u all that using clone to fight me , am i crying and write in this forum..no and never crying and keep fight until bored and move on..

but 1.5 years fight clone + auto off make me bored ..
also i never send any comment to Heyshell, i just accept i lose cause clone and fight enemy without pride like u all..

Author: Cecillcin    Time: 2016-5-30 18:51
HuanWen replied at 2016-5-30 14:22
not true.

Apple will refund and deduct THAT amount out of payment to heyshell. Trust me Apple do th ...

Crying wolf....
Author: COTX-Gǒu    Time: 2016-5-30 18:52
Sorry for the late response.

We have data that showed Wei not have the highest recharged in S29.

We must did what we've done, without HakilMilo this heyshell will bankrupt soon.
Please understand us.

Rate us in Google Playstore and Apps Store. Get 50 gold free.
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 19:06
R2DB replied at 2016-5-30 18:50

i really support GM to block any clone S29/30 wei..

Maybe you want to read the content of the reply again and don't get so caught up with yourself. See the problem here, maybe you want to read aloud what you're typing and reply again? I haven't touched the game since 1 month ago, look at it objectively and look at the new updates, you'll realise its "thanks for supporting and rcing last time... Now rc even more with the new features we applied to even have fun, thanks." Vip 10 11 12 not important, you just have to rc 3x more to get the same power increase. Maybe spare a thought about it before replying?
Hope you see the greed in this, go check out other games and see how this game is and how they treat their customer base. It's not about how rich you are, it's about the sustainability of playing. It's nice and dandy how you're so easy with your hard earned money, maybe heyshell need people like you to keep the game going, I suggest don't use us as an excuse that you retired, elite tourney or tourney is like a once a month event, fighting your own server is an all day thing.

Clones? Think about the ordinary guys who spent money to play and then stopped because of family commitments or job load increasing, these people I am personally in contact with in real life via messengers available.

Think hard eh?
Author: avalanche    Time: 2016-5-30 19:51
if all of you f**king wei s30 not using bot, no one will get banned. it is your own fault. dont complain when get banned. sucker
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 20:27
avalanche replied at 2016-5-30 19:51
if all of you f**king wei s30 not using bot, no one will get banned. it is your own fault. dont comp ...

Botting is available and in built into the game aka auto fight. Botting basically means automation, you get banned for using auto fight? I don't understand bro.
Author: avalanche    Time: 2016-5-30 20:33
vOnElith replied at 2016-5-30 20:27
Botting is available and in built into the game aka auto fight. Botting basically means automation ...

you dumb or idiot. clearly ur f**king jockey using 3rd party script aka bot script. do you think any human can online 24 hours everyday.
Author: xmen    Time: 2016-5-30 20:42

WEI s29
Author: vOnElith    Time: 2016-5-30 20:59
avalanche replied at 2016-5-30 20:33
you dumb or idiot. clearly ur f**king jockey using 3rd party script aka bot script. do you think a ...

Why are you so angry and crude? Is there some form of anger or grudge you're currently managing? I know it's tough bro, just hang in there tight and get some help, nobody would blame you for your outrage or outburst, it's cool dude, it's cool.

All you need is teamwork to keep online around 18 hours a day. And parking your gens correctly allows u to reap max benefits without being online 24/7, just like the other factions would come 1 by 1 instead of coming in a group to rip the gate Defence apart. They just don't kill the Gen to send them back to capital. Instead my Gen stays in defensive zones and starts to recruit troops until opponent comes again.

Don't diss what you don't understand, I just perfectly explained it to you. Go try and see if it works. All you need is math to count how many gens opponent can send and how Long  u need to login to send your gens again to defensive positions. A strategy you cannot beat doesn't necessary makes your opponent cheating, keep that in mind.

If you need some help, go read war tactics books. We may be dumb but we not stupid and refuse to go to your level to insult you, just calm those titties and take a deep breath.
Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-5-30 21:00
susuw09 replied at 2016-5-29 22:55
hei kawan shu ... tidak usah komen tak perlu . Saya tak butuh jawaban kau andro. Saya butuh recharge ...

siapa suruh kau rc ke heyshell bodoh
saya komen karena ente ngomong HM. apa hubunganya HM sama wei dibanned??
jelas wei dibanned karena banjir clone di gates, gak percaya???
nih ane kasih buktiny , mikir lagi ya bro mo post thread :v

Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-30 21:18
Edited by susuw09 at 2016-5-30 21:21

HAI kawan last warning yah loe maki g bodoh g gak butuh komen elo mau adu maki? Kau bikin thread sendiri
satu jari nunjuk orang 4 jari ngarah diri sendiri

Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-5-30 21:23


Author: Hendry    Time: 2016-5-30 21:27
Edited by Hendry at 2016-5-30 21:37
susuw09 replied at 2016-5-30 21:18
HAI kawan last warning yah loe maki g bodoh g gak butuh komen elo mau adu maki? Kau bikin thread sen ...

kesian kali hidupmu nak, udah kebanned sok jago pula @_@
makanya jadi orang tau diri bro, bikin thread yang gak bermutu bgini cm bkin tambah menunjukan ente bloon bro
bkin thread mendingan strategy guide bro bkn thread bginian
Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-30 22:34
Hendry replied at 2016-5-30 21:27
kesian kali hidupmu nak, udah kebanned sok jago pula @_@
makanya jadi orang tau diri bro, bikin thr ...


Author: COTX-Gǒu    Time: 2016-5-30 23:17
It's so fun watching you all players accusing each others, Hate each others, become enemies just because this game, and you all just give our Heyshell all the money.

You think we gonna care ?
With our silent treatment, we can still get much money.

We can't let our highest investment quit this game like sima (a.k.a HakilMilo ), we don't care about players in this game.

This game is design to make people hate each others and use your emotion to getting stronger by using real money.
This game only for rich guy to conquer, free player and low vip just for cheering them. ( like in s contest ? )

Come vote 5 stars for this game, you all get 50 gold free. ( $2,5 from your vote can give us $25000 )

Thank you for your 5 stars vote.

Author: Ethan    Time: 2016-5-31 07:15
always be drama
Author: kelinciterbang    Time: 2016-5-31 09:37
Hi wei s29,

Can name Real player IGN that got banned from s29 Wei? I can see you all in game HuanWen, Kelvin, vOn, barr. Why you all protest like that if you not banned? Why not the real players who got banned complain? I can only conclude that they are bot and no real player.

Just except the fact of our server and keep on playing lah bro.. Shu s29 did the same when u all swarm us with 200+ yellow gens. If not u can all just retire for all i care.

Author: Ethan    Time: 2016-5-31 10:27
cause clone cant complain bro wkkwkwkwkwkwkwk
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-5-31 11:02
Dear player,

I am afraid we can not refund in this case. For recently there are many players reported S29 have lots of clones, and we checked and banned them including Wei, Shu and Wu in order to balance the game and make a suitable environment for all the players in S29. Indeed, we have conclusive evidence and data to prove these IDs are clones, we are not doing this for no reason. Hope you could understand.

Author: hark    Time: 2016-5-31 11:04
Author: alto    Time: 2016-5-31 11:34
hark replied at 2016-5-31 11:04

COTK Chen: "Sorry, we are unable to provide the list because only Wei and Wu is banned and Shu is safe. Please RC more to avoid ban from us".
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-31 12:15
Definition of clones has been widen by GM!  COTK Chen : "Any player playing auto off against World no. 1 (COTK world i meant), auto off & park at gates, will be considered as clones. Need to unlift your bans? Have to RC 2300G as ransom, good luck"
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-31 12:25
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 11:02
Dear player,

I am afraid we can not refund in this case. For recently there are many players repor ...

A lot of players complain S1 Wei , S3 Wu, S7 Wei have alot of clones but GM did nothing since you can obtain conclusive evidence & data that you can prove.

This statement can be use against Heyshell to claim back refund from these servers.

Bunch of bullshit
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2016-5-31 12:40
Edited by HuanWen at 2016-5-31 12:41
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 11:02
Dear player,

I am afraid we can not refund in this case. For recently there are many players repor ...

That is interesting.

Since merger, I have killed and still killing shu folks with dwei and machao. Those shu who were reported as clones are now back in waves.

Meanwhile our accounts with zhao yuns and awaken gjias are all banned.

Shu wants readers to think it was all red and yellow accounts. They weren't, for example the yellow gen posted in these threads in pictures ie Shigagi(spelling) wasn't even ban. he just logged in to taunt us just yesterday. He is someones clone from another faction. WHY ISNT HE BAN?

The accounts ban are real players who have leveled to zhaoyun and awaken gjias that are banned! Because we all thought blocking hakilmilo with luxun, zhaoyuns and awaken gjia was a good idea. Guess not they are a bannable offense.

Looks like you unbanned the s32 king, but he decided to continue to quit as many are already turn off, by this action.

We are also vip players, we sat by as we complain about clones. Check old messages. we s29 has been complain about clones but yet it is our high accounts that got banned.

So what Shu has been ban? Don't tell me deleting old inactive accounts who are vip0 is considered part of this list.

Again Heyshell how you handled this situation is all on you. Our complains is direct result of your actions. You took a too heavy handed approached to appease your best customer. But guess what? You alienate many other customers as well. We also invested our time and money into this game.

Many of us are VIP 8 to 10. To get disregarded like trash, goes to show WHY most of your games failed. And how you keep losing players. You cannot build a community of loyal customers by catering to one or two customers. Keeping your current stance just tells the rest of the paying base you have remaining to maybe rethink their next recharge.

Yet I still see same amount of shu coming to the gates.
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-5-31 12:55
The action GM did against the clones in S29 have actually favour other servers to ask for refund.

The statement by GM Chen have given a benchmark for other servers infested by clones to make a complain for refund.
Author: SmithMarsh    Time: 2016-5-31 13:09
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 11:02
Dear player,

I am afraid we can not refund in this case. For recently there are many players repor ...

Including shu wu ... ? Are u fair about banned mr.cotk  , im just affraid get banned if i face king of cotk world no.1 with auto off play
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-31 13:09
ChrisLim replied at 2016-5-31 12:55
The action GM did against the clones in S29 have actually favour other servers to ask for refund. :l ...

I have successfully claimed 8 refunds of my last transactions. I think i could help blurguy to get some amount of refund as well. Remember, Google can help you refund and they responded faster than these shitty GMs

Author: artons    Time: 2016-5-31 14:31
Gm u should make auto fight wht auto on batlle n not banned id just make sistem anti bot lol
Author: alto    Time: 2016-5-31 15:05
liandyvu replied at 2016-5-31 13:09
I have successfully claimed 8 refunds of my last transactions. I think i could help blurguy to get ...

Liandy, help my account for full refund too... we will celebrate heyshell falls into bankruptcy in BKK...
Author: Declan    Time: 2016-5-31 15:24
Author: Declan    Time: 2016-5-31 16:10
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2016-5-31 16:28
alto replied at 2016-5-31 15:05
Liandy, help my account for full refund too... we will celebrate heyshell falls into bankruptcy in ...

Simply PM me bro...khop khun krab
Author: COTX-Gǒu    Time: 2016-5-31 17:09
Based on our Data, that ID is HakilMilo clones, so it's safe.

Sorry to dissappointed you all once again.
Shu will never die. Sorry, we mean HakilMilo will never die.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 17:27
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 11:02
Dear player,

I am afraid we can not refund in this case. For recently there are many players repor ...

Chen, reveal the evidence you have against ALL the accounts you have banned. You banned real players otherwise I would not receive pm from my team mates asking why they cannot login their account.

You keep saying you have evidence, then show it to us. If you banned only clones, then how does it happen that after being banned throughout the weekend you opened some accounts again? Do you have any explanation for this, Chen? First you say all Wei are clones then you start unlocking some accounts.

You cannot ban players without evidence. If you have it, post it on the forum. Evidence regarding each account you banned.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-31 18:28
Let party at lebua sirroco club
Author: s.o.b    Time: 2016-5-31 18:31
Funny to see how wei 29 Cant stop crying

Author: lionman    Time: 2016-5-31 19:03
funny to see how HM can instruct GM what to do. My suggestion to all new players, if u want to win this game, log in as SHU, coz when WU/WEI stronger than SHU, then GM surely will do something.  
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-5-31 19:33
SteelBarr replied at 2016-5-31 17:27
Chen, reveal the evidence you have against ALL the accounts you have banned. You banned real playe ...

Dear player, if your friends want their accounts back, they can find us and prove that they are the real player and not clone. We need evidence too. Thanks for your cooperation.
Author: hark    Time: 2016-5-31 19:50
Author: goodboy    Time: 2016-5-31 20:16
Edited by goodboy at 2016-5-31 20:20

Spoiler for the answer from GM

Good luck guys. If you not a vip or low VIP, just forget your ID, it will never release.


Anything you say may be used against you in a PM with this money-oriented company. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to this fucking GM and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.

Whatever you said, if you just below vip 10, it will be useless.

Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-31 20:24
Edited by susuw09 at 2016-5-31 20:29
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 19:33
Dear player, if your friends want their accounts back, they can find us and prove that they are th ...

dear SILLy GM u say me as clone , please prove it . i appretiate ur answer but its funny i play almost one year when i rc to get my wenji  i am not clone , when i am king s36 i am not clone , when merge s32 i am not clone , when  i am merge withs s29 i am clone ?????????????
show u prove ?????????? u asking one year prove??? when u have all data u still need prove?????????and here i am complain that not prove?? really u want heyshell known at thief in game developer?????
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 20:28
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 19:33
Dear player, if your friends want their accounts back, they can find us and prove that they are th ...

Find where? They pm you on forum but ignore their requests! How do you explain this?
I keep getting messages from my players saying that they still cannot login their accounts although they pm GMs.
Reveal evidence and proof they are clones or abundant accounts as you refer to them.

There has never been such a requirement to find GMs when you registered so that you could play this game, so why do you ban them now and ask them to find you?

Maybe you could explain why I get messages from WooW, LakeFanny, LinFongLee, Hashirama asking why their accounts got banned and GM does not reply to them? Why do you ignore your customers Chen?
Maybe you could explain why you banned liecariven who is playing on 2 servers or is it not allowed anymore?

Post the evidence on the forum Chen or remove the ban, you cannot simply take money from people and then ban them for no reason, this is a crime.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 20:31
goodboy replied at 2016-5-31 20:16
Spoiler for the answer from GM

Good luck guys. If you not a vip or low VIP, just forget your ID, it ...

This is a shitty reply from Chen. I asked him many times whether players can login each other account and he said its ok. He even gave an example: say a player leaves on vacation and cannot play, it is fine if someone is using your account. So wtf did he reply to you?
Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-31 20:32
Edited by susuw09 at 2016-5-31 20:33

Post the evidence on the forum Chen or remove the ban, you cannot simply take money from people and then ban them for no reason, this is a crime.

show u prove  !!!!! open all id that u have banned !!!!!  , if not u are a girl bro GM


Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 20:38
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 19:33
Dear player, if your friends want their accounts back, they can find us and prove that they are th ...

Seems like you forgot your own words, Chen, refering to what player above shared with us.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-5-31 20:42
SteelBarr replied at 2016-5-31 20:28
Find where? They pm you on forum but ignore their requests! How do you explain this?
I keep gettin ...

Pls state your opinion briefly, and stop acting like you are innocent.
Author: susuw09    Time: 2016-5-31 20:45
Edited by susuw09 at 2016-5-31 20:47

How to get a refund for apps purchased from the Google Play Store
Have you ever purchased a shiny new app, perhaps with positive reviews, from Google Play Store but came to realize that the app doesn’t deliver on its promises? That feeling just sucks, doesn’t it?
Get an easy refund from Google Play Store
The easiest way to get a refund on a recently purchased app or game is to request for a refund directly on the Play Store. The process is extremely simple, with no questions asked about why you want to get a refund, but there’s a catch. You have to act quickly, in fact, you will have to submit a refund request within two hours of purchasing the app or game( DAMN ALMOST ONE YEARS ) BUTS IT OK
But what if you missed the two-hour Play Store refund window? Read on to find out what to do.

Contact the app or game developers requesting for a refund (OH GM CHEN ALREADY SAYS CAN NOT REFUND IT OK STILL HAVE WAY)

Get a refund for in-app purchases in apps and games
For apps and games that are free to download and play, developers have to look towards other avenues for monetising their products. In-app purchases is one such avenue for them, and when used well can help developers earn a lot of money.

Getting a refund for an in-app purchase may be difficult, but it isn’t an impossible task for sure. There’s no two-hour magic refund button that would sweep away your problems. Instead, you will have to contact the developers of the concerned app or game and explain why you would like a refund for the in-app purchase that you made recently. It is then entirely up to the developers to decide whether they want to accept your request and give you a refund, or not.

Contact Google’s support team for help with refund
In case the developers don’t reply to your emails or disagree that you should receive a refund but you still feel that you are entitled to getting your money back, there is one last option for you to try. Google’s support page says that you can contact their support team asking for help solving your problem.

Before you go ahead with this route, read the conditions satisfying which Google says you should contact their support team: “If the developer doesn’t have contact information listed, hasn’t responded to your request, or their response was unsatisfactory, contact our support team to see if we can help.”

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 20:47
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 20:42
Pls state your opinion briefly, and stop acting like you are innocent.

Since you are unable to comprehend written text, as brief as I can:

- You banned real players for no reason.
- You banned real vip players, this is a cyber crime.
- If you have evidence they are not real, post it on the forum.

I am not acting if you have anything against me, share it with everyone, they should know what a bad person I am and not an innocent and greedy heyshell.
Author: goodboy    Time: 2016-5-31 20:48
SteelBarr replied at 2016-5-31 20:31
This is a shitty reply from Chen. I asked him many times whether players can login each other acco ...

Different VIP different answer
different question different answer

all depend on how much money you already spent on this game

and also that chen id is use by many people, that's also they always give different answer
Author: R2DB    Time: 2016-5-31 21:08
if GM give u refund, i will asked refund too for fight 1.5 years clone wei..
cause of clone of wei make me bored than i make decision not asked a refund..

so dont cry when u lost ur money cause of clone or banned..

oya, if u asked what VIP am i, i will tell u all fucking wei..im VIP 10 and retired cause of some one fucking asshole from wei use clone to fight us.
but me never crying like all wei now, cause me now the risk when i use my money for this game

if wanna get refund than make ur game online by ur self than when u get banned again u can take refund back

im really so HAPPY wkwkkwkwkwkwk
Author: Yorin    Time: 2016-5-31 21:29
Dear COTK-Chen,

S29 have lots of clones you say??
Tell us names off clones, event VIP players are clones too
I am real player and my acc still banned
did u lose your mind
Author: R2DB    Time: 2016-5-31 21:44
Yorin replied at 2016-5-31 21:29
Dear COTK-Chen,

S29 have lots of clones you say??

hohohohoho what id u have at S29..
u dont know the stories than silent ur fucking mouth..

i need to clean 200 clone with red and yellow gen + auto off for 1.5 years when merger..
u said dont have clone..

also wei S29 have id too at S29 wu, i know this cause exotic tell me..thats why he also retired..
wei S29 played without respect and pride cause affraid to lose..

and now wei S29/30 crying like baby

actually if u all not use clone, i will talk with chen too..
cause of ur fucking clone, than i will said GM doing the right job..

but i asked for GM clear all clone for all sercer..for fair method and learned for some one that use clone or third parties.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2016-5-31 21:45
Yorin replied at 2016-5-31 21:29
Dear COTK-Chen,

S29 have lots of clones you say??

Please, pm GM Chen or their fb forum and give them your IGN
Author: Yorin    Time: 2016-5-31 21:51
SteelBarr replied at 2016-5-31 21:45
Please, pm GM Chen or their fb forum and give them your IGN

Thanks Barr..
Everyday pm GM Chen but no respon :3
poor baby like me
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-5-31 21:51
Wow great fight . Keep fighting please

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