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Title: Please Merge S45 [Print this page]

Author: limits    Time: 2016-5-30 01:52
Title: Please Merge S45
Dear GM,

Please merge S45 as the server is getting boring and many has left.

It is obviously unfair when during Tourney or personal contest we are up against servers that was merged before.

If you have all the stats, you will have notice that the average dispatch slaves for every country in S45 is only =<200

This actually means that we have very few players in S45.


Maritimus Shu45

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-5-30 10:47
S45 should merge with s44 or s 46

Author: Angels    Time: 2016-5-30 15:16
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-5-30 10:47
S45 should merge with s44 or s 46

Dont merge s44..s45 shu already make s45 unbalance.

Author: 5ty    Time: 2016-5-30 15:20
does shu really need merge?? if wu or wei ask for merge its understandable. with big players in shu who single handedly take on a certain nation without problem and all those clone accounts that come out only during iron snatching i really think shu dont need any merge
Author: limits    Time: 2016-5-31 01:59
5ty replied at 2016-5-30 15:20
does shu really need merge?? if wu or wei ask for merge its understandable. with big players in shu  ...

I suggest merger for the sake of our server, not for Shu.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-5-31 10:14
Merge s45 with s41
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-5-31 13:49
Lol, the guys doesnt even mentioned a single word about shu, yet that 5ty guy already reacted like a that, sigh.....
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-5-31 13:55
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging servers. please don't worry.
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-6-1 01:31
s41 already merged twice mate, don't involve my server in this please

Sugar Wei41
Author: CelumKing    Time: 2016-6-1 09:30
S.45 Wish merger S.3 Please Cotk Chen!
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-1 10:44
CelumKing replied at 2016-6-1 09:30
S.45 Wish merger S.3 Please Cotk Chen!

U must be out of your mind. Merge s3 we all ready to quit. Go play your own game
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-6-2 08:52
Merge S.50. We will keep S.45 cuddle and warm!
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-6-2 11:35
yeah, S 50 with S 45 still balance power if merger.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-2 16:58
Why not S50, S44, S45 merge together ? Wu needs more players in S44.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-2 17:51
Fuhh maritimus shu45 9.5k init..really make s45 unbalance
Author: Styp    Time: 2016-6-2 19:36
Edited by Styp at 2016-6-8 12:43

Merge with us mr chen
Author: Styp    Time: 2016-6-8 12:45
Edited by Styp at 2016-6-8 23:04
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 13:55
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging server ...

If GM notice. Maybe it will great if merge with S.47. Cause we have not really big gap bout average player in this server. BUT when harvest time or event it will be different. Cause 3 monster wu will arrive, and they have agreement with wei bout ally. So we just need 1-2 powerfull ppl for make 3 monster wu bussy, and we take the rest. Wei maybe need more ppl and strong id. And wu i think they don't need anything.

Nb: its happend cause many ppl with high lvl and high vip retire. And leaves us against them.

Styp Shu S.47
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-6-8 17:05
MErge s 50 s 44 s 45 together and let s have a fun server
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-8 18:59
Y need merge with 44? I am king wei GreenBeast 45. U have no idea wats going on with s45. Wei n wu have trouble fighting with shu. So many wu and wei players retire. Shu always gm favorite. Gm chen u play at shu 45? Dont involve us s45 with s44.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-8 19:14
Few players still stay at 45 becos our server have peace for assiege and exp squad. Im inviting more new players to join our wei 45. Grow with us together. Other servers not as lucky as ours. Lets fight our powerful enemy shu together.
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-6-9 03:45
S.45 merger S.32. We need more GM Shu!
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-6-9 03:45
oops no more s.32 now. S.45 merger S.29 hahaha!
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-10 00:54
If you are drunk, go bed please Doe aka Muqua aka BrownJoseph,
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-6-14 10:08
If s45 wants to merge with s41 then we will welcome players to server!
Author: ceciltheo3    Time: 2016-6-14 14:59
Haiz it's a war game ....fight n fight ....get better exp against stronger players anyway
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-6-14 16:12
Yeah merger with s41 plz..
Author: Newvie    Time: 2016-6-15 00:51
Better merge with 44 hihihi
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-6-15 02:05
If merged with s41 then this will be third time GM come to help out shu crying for help.. anyways we always welcome fellow players to our server.. drama is sure to ensue so grab your popcorns people!
Sugar s41
Author: Muzty    Time: 2016-6-15 04:16
Did s.41 merger twice already? Be fair to other server that has not merged yet.
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-6-16 12:39
More and more clone master of shu if merged to s41...but its ok as long as you dont do auto off...we will fight till the last drop of our grains.

Xixi s41
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-16 12:48
Merge with s50 plz. Wei 45 ready to challenge u doe @ Joseph
Author: Kudahitam    Time: 2016-6-16 21:34
With 44 lah better, uhuiiii, wekekekek
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-16 22:34
With s1 even better wkwkwk
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-6-16 22:41
Bring it on
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-16 23:26
Please merge merge merge... Any server will do
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-20 20:57

Author: Franco    Time: 2016-6-20 22:50
Merge with S 50 please Mr.Chen, still balance power and more interesting. My thanks.
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-22 12:22
GM sleeping???  Dont care??  Lazy??
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-22 14:49
Haha..gm let me decide for u..merge s50..dun worry be hapi
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-22 17:06
Angels replied at 2016-6-22 14:49
Haha..gm let me decide for u..merge s50..dun worry be hapi

Any server as long not dead server... More peoples more fun
Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-6-22 17:44
if wan more ppl then s41
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-22 19:34
S-Man replied at 2016-6-22 17:06
Any server as long not dead server... More peoples more fun

44 would be fun server for you Let's merge!
Author: OMIEKU    Time: 2016-6-22 20:06
41 has been merged 2 times, 44 better choice lol wkaakakaka
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-22 20:23
My favourite server s1..more fun
Author: Anyun    Time: 2016-6-22 20:34
Come s44. Many players here.
Sorry2 clones armies

Author: Anyun    Time: 2016-6-22 20:35
Come s44. Many players here.
Sorry2 clones armies

Star Wars

Author: Dantes    Time: 2016-6-23 14:38
Merge for more player please....
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-24 11:58
Dantes replied at 2016-6-23 14:38
Merge for more player please....

Join 44, we have over 40+ active players everyday.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-24 12:02
Anyun replied at 2016-6-22 20:35
Come s44. Many players here.
Sorry2 clones armies

Yes we do see wei have many clones namely *boyo* Anyun InitialEx JohnCena Baliboyz and many more.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 12:12
S45 no need merge..shu make 45 unbalance server..merge only make shu more players. Doesnt matter if we less players for tourney n sq.

Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 12:24
For wat u merge only becos of tourney n sq..shu rich players can get 3 kings n no limit shadows. Well u dun need little vc from sq n tourney rite.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 12:37
I saw shu 44 overpopulation.. y u begging to merge with s45. No need. Merging only make more players quit.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-24 15:12
Angels replied at 2016-6-24 12:37
I saw shu 44 overpopulation.. y u begging to merge with s45. No need. Merging only make more players ...

Shu44 need more ppl compare to older servers. And Angel are you even from S45 for talking not need merge? Players quit only becoz they don't have strong will to fight against stronger enemy. Quitters will always quit if they can't bully anymore and that's not what we do.
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 15:54
I have acc at 44..i luv watching shu 44 bully wei n wu
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 15:55
Yup im GreenBeast s45
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-24 16:13
Go merge s38..600 plus irons dispatch everday. I saw 453 irons shu 44 disp like tat u call less players? Please larrr dun involve s45 with s44. We only need more wei n wu for merge. Else no need merge. We can still play if cant win sq n tourney.. dun really need tat little vc.
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-6-24 18:50
Shu44 and Shu45 should be merge since new arms craft is only design for old server

Author: youyou    Time: 2016-6-24 21:53
If ur thinking of s44 and s45 merge , i tell u now , in ur dreams for those shu ppl . If it really happens , it just shows that GM is corrupted
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-24 22:07
youyou replied at 2016-6-24 21:53
If ur thinking of s44 and s45 merge , i tell u now , in ur dreams for those shu ppl . If it really h ...

It is OK for Shu44 not to merge with 45, do you have any server that has Wu strong near 44? We are happy to merge that server too.
Author: roxii    Time: 2016-6-24 22:09
roxii replied at 2016-6-24 22:07
It is OK for Shu44 not to merge with 45, do you have any server that has Wu strong near 44? We are ...

And for the word Corrupt GM, there is nothing to do with GM, it's just you can't control your players and they quit and you guys weakened. End of story, not GM problem.
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-25 00:32
Author: Djroopkund    Time: 2016-6-25 04:04
Guys i hear a lot of whining from all about s45 wanting a merger. What makes u think that you are entitled to one while we aren't? I wud like GM to take a look into our dispatch per day. If all of us ol it's still less than 200. What that indicates is a max of 13 players at 15 slaves apiece playing. Yes we do have a few very high ranking players but for the rest of us this is unplayable or at the very least boring as hell. Not once in this thread has a shu player asked for any specific server to merge with. We want a merger period to keep this game entertaining for all of us. And for those who dont want a merge with us shame on u. Is ur server so fulfilling that u cannot find space for maybe a total of 50 players. Well maybe we wudnt want to be with u either. What we want is a healthy fun server to merge with(ASAP GM it's about time!!) before we lose players who until now have been holding on to the hope of a merge.
Author: Dantes    Time: 2016-6-27 00:02
Well said bro Dj. Maybe king wei greenbeast afraid losing his throne after merge. Hahaha
Author: Djroopkund    Time: 2016-6-27 07:04
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-5-31 13:55
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging server ...

Mr gm i dont understand ur reasoning behind not giving S 45 a merger.. We have proven ourselves to be reasonably decent players. Why shud we have to fight against servers who have merged 2 or 3 times???? Does that make sense to u? Take some action and give us a merge ASAP so i dont have to resort to chatting on a group forum. I wud appreciate ur Immediate response!!! Djroopkund S45
Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-27 08:20
Hohoho u cant handle sq n tourney? Ok Merge lohhh
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-6-27 19:08
Author: Djroopkund    Time: 2016-6-29 08:32
Angel u sound like a dumbass.. Don't put ur two cents in an adult conversation. Stay under ur shell and stfu!  
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-6-29 08:55
Edited by Franco at 2016-6-29 13:52

S 45 need merge, Shu boring, Wu sluggish and Wei going nowhere, we make war game become peace. We need more ppl, more friends and interesting, essential elements of art or entertain remain for us, PLEASE Mr.Chen merge us...

Author: Angels    Time: 2016-6-29 09:27
Gm djroop use bad words..pls take action hoho
Author: Dery    Time: 2016-6-29 09:38
Please merge S45, GM Chen......
Author: thienliang    Time: 2016-6-30 14:24
i suggest to merger s45 with s50. thanks
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-6-30 23:53
thienliang replied at 2016-6-30 14:24
i suggest to merger s45 with s50. thanks

Suggestion is noted!
Author: Dantes    Time: 2016-7-12 18:14
Merge merge. Merge with any server will do
Author: Mercury    Time: 2016-7-19 12:54
Hi GM,

Please merge s45. Its getting boring n stale for us... . We will appreciate some form of feedback on the possibility please.

JV S45
Author: Shu_Nobles    Time: 2016-7-19 16:06
I support merge. It is getting boring facing same players, same tactic, same patterns every day.

If continue to delay merge, more players will quit.

S45 ShuNobles
Author: limits    Time: 2016-7-19 16:32
Dear GM,

It's been almost 2 months and there is still no news?

Please merge us GM


Maritimus Shu45
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-7-19 16:45
I think this game gonna close down, like in other thread said. Dont RC first Mari
Author: .XVT.    Time: 2016-7-20 13:31
merge s45 with s44 and s7..
Author: KILLERZ    Time: 2016-7-22 16:52
dear maritimus,
i think better to merge with s50.
Author: thienliang    Time: 2016-7-29 13:02
Gm please merge S45 with others...waiting until no human than merge???????
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-7-29 18:00
S41 please.. Sugar waiting for a new challenge with maritimus..
Author: limits    Time: 2016-8-25 22:34
Bring it on

Maritimus Shu45
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-8-25 23:08
Quick merger before im retire, S 45 realy need merge before more player quit. please Mr Chen merger, any server will do.

Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-8-26 16:07
Merge with S38 will be interesting..
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-27 19:34
Nakan replied at 2016-7-29 18:00
S41 please.. Sugar waiting for a new challenge with maritimus..

After i read previous comments, S44 , S46 or S50 would be better  

Don't be like Nakan (AsShu41-43) who always runs a FAKE LIAR DRAMA to trick GM
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-9-11 19:41
GM , when S45 merge?
Author: Mercury    Time: 2016-9-11 19:56
GM,   Please reply leh.... Merging? Not merging? Soon? Never?  I think we deserve at least respond.  Tks.
Author: Kafuliciouz    Time: 2016-9-11 22:51
limits replied at 2016-8-25 22:34
Bring it on

Maritimus Shu45

Nice tourney war shu-45 bro maritimus, bro S-Man, and bro Suigintou
hope can meet again sometimes hehe, nice war tonight damn your z.fei so good haha
Author: S-Man    Time: 2016-9-14 10:48
GM??? U alive or dead??  Dont be coward, tell us S45 goin to merge or will never merge?
Author: LordLemoe    Time: 2016-9-14 11:57

Author: gohdai    Time: 2016-9-14 12:45
Merge merge merge. Hahaha
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-9-14 16:43
Franco replied at 2016-8-25 23:08
Quick merger before im retire, S 45 realy need merge before more player quit. please Mr Chen merger, ...

any server will do, lets merger.
Author: 5ty    Time: 2016-9-14 17:40
atleast give a reply that u give normally when u dont want to help at all. "Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging servers. please don't worry".
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-9-21 12:52
Still no merge, so sad.
Author: Siajojo    Time: 2016-9-22 12:28
Agree. Im ajojo from shu 50

Author: lexx48    Time: 2016-10-14 22:27
Yup merge with us in s47&48 wu dominant in here and we shu only left a few ppl to stand against them with a lot high vip ppl plus they had ally with wei..

Author: Otit    Time: 2016-10-14 23:07
Yess merge with us s 47&48 shu need help to stand against 2 great country
Author: Vug    Time: 2016-10-26 02:59
Otit replied at 2016-10-14 23:07
Yess merge with us s 47&48 shu need help to stand against 2 great country

It's funny to see in every server wu and wei always ally. Maybe wu and wei want to make clash of two kingdoms or they have no balls to fight shu alone? lol. Keep fight my shu brothers. We have the balls here lol.
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-10-26 06:54
lexx48 replied at 2016-10-14 22:27
Yup merge with us in s47&48 wu dominant in here and we shu only left a few ppl to stand against them ...

Nice merger, make server balance, please Mr Chen merger 45,47,48.
Author: sup    Time: 2016-10-28 06:14
please merge with other server, S45 getting boring............


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