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Title: Dear GM Chen [Print this page]

Author: Dagelan    Time: 2016-7-3 01:19
Title: Dear GM Chen
Please look at s47. Unbalance of power is there. Some ppl of shu has retire. And verry unlucky for us cause they are who retire is big lvl and high vip and leave us to figh against monster wu. Not stop in there, wu declare to ally with wei. And now u just check at that server. Everyday is 'conquest wu and wei'. We dont need exp 15%. Cause its useless when we always hold in near our capital. Just look gm chem. And please merge us.

Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-7-3 10:07
Haiz before merging,please solve the server performance issues...s47 so laggy with wei clones which means when you merge,there will be more players and the whole game will be laggy.

Please upgrade or allocate more memory and cpu to s47.Thank you!
Author: Otit    Time: 2016-7-3 17:44
I want to fight with real ppl not with bot
s..clear all the bots chen i dont care if they ally im enjoying fight them but when bots coming its really boring
Author: Dagelan    Time: 2016-7-4 17:51
May i told u some story..??


When S48 opened. Shu is a great country, every time all map is green even till Donxing and Handan.

Cause that reasons many strong ppl in shu have highly confident, then they start act arrogant, big mouth, and trash talk. Not just to wu and wei player. Even to shu member they will show they arrogant if shu ppl dont agree with their decision.

"Judgement day"

And then S.48 merge with S.47. Arrogant ppl in shu S.48 starting be nice with all shu ppl. Cause they know cant do fight with they self. It look balance when merge start with team work shu ppl. But punishment came to them when Wu and Wei make decision to ally. Its start hard to fight against 2country with goal always attack shu everytime. And many of wu wei ppl in top 20 rank.

"The end of story"

Dont know why Highly lvl and strong id in shu be a silent player, they dont talk to much, just lvling without big mouth. And now they dissapear, and leave us to fight against 2great ally country i've ever seen. When highly lvl and strong id shu fight with us, we still lose aginst them. How bout if they dissapear. U can know the answer by ur self. And now every time map also red and blue. But we still fight with or without them. Even everyday in world map always conquest wu-wei.
Author: Otit    Time: 2016-7-4 23:31
Nope you wrong only wu are a great country in s47 with a lot high lvl ppl..we can survive and map are still red  green and blue..only blue is a looser they cant fight us so they ally and they still cannot fight us and then using bots..if you from s 47 and 48 you must know it..

Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-7-4 23:52
Lol, Dagelan, big mouth is not good bro. Actually just some big mouth but went out. Just some true warriors still fight to the end, but that YunFei ( the master of bots ) is the problem here. We can't fight against over 100 gens can jump, can lure, can do everything . Haha. Poor GM still cant do anything to handle the bot problem, this game will end soon if that dirty cheat still exist.
Author: dante0905    Time: 2016-7-5 00:04
Dear All,
please visit Wei S3 and learn to them.
they never complaining eventhough Shu and Wu always bullying them.
Wei S3 knew the essence of this game....learnt from them.
Ask to Wu Shu S3.... both are agree with me, I believe so.
Enjoy this Fucking Game and You will be happy at the end.
Wei S3 is a Trully WARRIOR.

Wei S3

Author: Dagelan    Time: 2016-7-5 07:39
dante0905 replied at 2016-7-5 00:04
Dear All,
please visit Wei S3 and learn to them.
they never complaining eventhough Shu and Wu always ...

Dear mate
How can we visit ur server. We cannot create new account in older server.

Btw thanks a lot bout ur advice.
Im post this thread just hopping GM would check bout what happend in our server. Be or dont to be bout merge i request, decision is in they hand
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-7-5 11:51
Haha, dear Dante
We Shu s47 48 just complain about the bots, we said nothing when Wu and Wei made the ally, but when one guy fro Wei used bots to fight us, we can't accept it, it's the worst trick in game bro,
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-7-5 12:14
the worst is not about having bots

the worst is these bots went missing during Drop Fish and Killing Event!
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-7-5 14:55
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging servers. please don't worry
Author: Dagelan    Time: 2016-7-5 19:52
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-7-5 14:55
Thanks for your info, we will take your server situation into full consideration when merging server ...

Dear GM

thans a lot for your attention
Author: crusader    Time: 2016-7-5 20:06
Yes Dagelan....you seems reasonable...Yes ppl in S47 ally coz they hate some Shu's arrogance...Yes Wei couldn't beat Shu...but that doesn't mean they are losers...it's just Wei doesn't have many active players....for me ask a Wei...I called it Diplomacy...only the smart know how to use it...Fight a War where you can't win Is a Walk into the death...You didn't know that it was Shu who offered Wei the ally by LionLie...but Wei rejected...Coz Wei doesn't like what they saw on world chat...Big mouthing and Arrogance as you said....and Wu yes they are strong...they don't need Wei helps...but the fact is that Wu saw Wei's players were dying one by one...so Wu decided to help Wei as an old friends and foes from s47...We Wei are not arrogant and big mouthing...We just play the way we have to play!
Author: Nightwise    Time: 2016-7-5 20:20
Edited by Nightwise at 2016-7-5 20:23
Dagelan replied at 2016-7-4 17:51
May i told u some story..??

Dagelan you spoke the true! As a gamer, we are not here to be one's enemy. We just enjoy the game and play as it's meant for us to be played. But it turned out Shu always swearing people, first Wu's players, even Hakiyu ( Wu ) got very angry sometimes and as I know many players in Wu too. And when Wei ally with Wu, Shu turned their attention and insult Wei's players for their decision to look for the better for their Wei. Eventhough Shu keep insulting them still they never insult Shu back and I personally ( LV ) one of the people who got insulted by Shu but still I kept myself calm...and one more thing, if we are to merge yes I want GM to balance the game not to solely favor Shu...all of us want Balancing...If GM favor Shu then I swear nobody will trust this game any more...Dagelan is a good person...and you are the first Shu to talk reason...Peace bro!
Author: Dagelan    Time: 2016-7-5 21:27
Dear Crusader and Nightwise.

Thanks a lot for ur attention in my thread. lets we hope our merge will combine us with 'a lot of Wei active player, 1-2 Stronger ign Shu, and no one wu." lol. i said like this not cause i hate wu, just hoping balance in our Server.

STYP Shu S.47
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-7-5 21:33
@Crusader and Nightwise,
Some over confident and big mouth Shu players has quitted from S48, then left the other guys, but we still face the allies from Wu and Wei, 24/24, we still didn't say anything, it's the price we must pay back cos some of stupid players. And when Wei used bots, it's unacceptable, u're Wei players, cannot know the feeling what we feel when faced that bots, just wanna a fair game, bros.
Author: crusader    Time: 2016-7-5 21:39
Yes I agree too bro...those bots destroying our game! I really don't know what to do to them too but Lord-Visal is trying to convince the bots user to stop...hope it can work out
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-7-5 22:28
Yeah bro, hope that GM can handle that bots, and of course block the bot master forever . That's the worst trick ever in this game.
Author: Spl45h    Time: 2016-7-6 03:32
dieucay555 replied at 2016-7-5 22:28
Yeah bro, hope that GM can handle that bots, and of course block the bot master forever . That's t ...

Totally agree
Author: Redfury    Time: 2016-7-6 04:41
Edited by Redfury at 2016-7-6 04:45
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-7-5 12:14
the worst is not about having bots

the worst is these bots went missing during Drop Fish and Killin ...

Author: Otit    Time: 2016-7-7 10:58
Yup lets enjoy the game and fair play
Author: MaChao-10    Time: 2016-7-17 08:19
crusader replied at 2016-7-5 20:06
Yes Dagelan....you seems reasonable...Yes ppl in S47 ally coz they hate some Shu's arrogance...Yes W ...


MaChao777 here, I agree with everything you said, although someone in wu under the name belljim, is saying he is me and talking trash to Chode.  Plus Wei people art telling Chode that the Wei bots from 48 is me also.  I know that not to be true and the GM and check my accounts and IP address all day everyday.  SHU 48 old leaders are now gone, mostly due to the fact that most ppl in SHU got tired of them too.  I can not help what happened in 48.  But this needs to be resolved now.  Tell Visal not to run his mouth about me if he can't even talk to me.
Author: crusader    Time: 2016-7-17 08:51
You are wrong about him bro, LV never says anything bad about you nor anyone but in fact he regarded you as a good person until the day you went insulting Wei on world chat as guard dogs if I'm not wrong and still he blamed some Shu in s48 that turned you into a hater. I respect LV as he's a good person. Shu might put all the blame and accuse LV of being bad. But I tell you bro, only him trying to help you back then remember? but he alone couldn't decide for the final cut coz of mutiny. For BellJim and bots...yes I believe you are innocent. If you are the one who use that things, it should have happened in s47 not when merged.
Author: MaChao-10    Time: 2016-7-17 09:36
crusader replied at 2016-7-17 08:51
You are wrong about him bro, LV never says anything bad about you nor anyone but in fact he regarded ...

Yeah that day you mentioned hating on world chat I apologize I had been drinking a lot that day.  But I keep getting reports of him talking about me.  As for me being a hater, I'm not I play the game no matter what's going on at the time. Plus I like a challenge and good competition, and the wu Wei alliance provided both.  It's the bots that I don't like and would love to see it stop..  As for belljim, Chode and most of wu would believe me no matter what, and how could someone prove them I'm not doing it.  Man life was so much better in 47 alone, but we did need merger for game and players to grow.  Thank you crusader for being good and honest competition.
Author: Lord-Visal    Time: 2016-7-17 18:28
Bro Machao....I never done that to you bro...I knew they polluted your mind and we are the victims to their game. I believe you totally that you are not the person who responsible for those bots because we've been playing together since s47. Until we were merged that these chaotic things emerged. There's no way you are using those bots...no way...and for those bots in Wei, I have no idea how to stop them bro...I tried to tell the person who responsible for that but still they continue to do that...I'm not happy with that either bro...Diplomacy with Wu already put Shu in too much trouble but for more bots...that's ridiculous. I hope these things will resolved soon bro...Peace to you bro

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