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Title: Complain to GM CoTK [Print this page]

Author: XeTaN    Time: 2016-7-16 01:34
Title: Complain to GM CoTK
Dear GM,
I want complain now.. How can i spent many gold on wheel but not got zuo ci or Lanterns? Please check immediately..  I dont want listen u said is depend on my luck.. So i use my money for bad luck hah? Now i need u explain to me.. If u said it depend on luck and i no use money is no matter..

Sorry if any wrong language.. But i can not accept it..
Author: XeTaN    Time: 2016-7-16 01:46
How can happen to me?

Author: Sixx    Time: 2016-7-16 06:41
People spend thousands more for Zuo Ci. If they made Zuo easy to get then it would be a pointless hero to have. I along with other of my countrymen have spent over 10k gold to get Z Ci. You deal with the hand you are dealt.
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-7-16 10:25
XeTaN replied at 2016-7-16 01:46
How can happen to me?

Boro, people in our server spend around 16k gold to get zouci bro..
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-16 10:37
Got ppl spend 60k gold on 2 wheels just to get 4 special heroes and 2 lantern..
Your 1 small case.
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-7-16 16:49
Tony s29 shu spend 30k gold for elite rank but also nv get zci
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-7-16 18:46
The prize not zuoci bro, spend 30k get hersbit lol, u try again la
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-16 19:19
youyou replied at 2016-7-16 16:49
Tony s29 shu spend 30k gold for elite rank but also nv get zci

He got all the special heroes but with 60k on both the wheels.
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-7-16 23:03
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-16 19:19
He got all the special heroes but with 60k on both the wheels.

ok , im not updated lol
Author: Micpi    Time: 2016-7-16 23:08
3k is only small amount. try again. good luck

ps. need 12k to 16k for zci
Author: Frosty    Time: 2016-7-17 04:16
better for king or suit and upgrade chariot. dont waste ur gold.
Author: Lime    Time: 2016-7-17 05:28
I spent 11k gold to get zuo. They say its avout luck but that just not right. There is not luck on this. Cotk is a non legit game. Report to itunes or where u recharge. If that dont work contact ur bank and say u got scammed.
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-7-17 21:19
Marlboro, 3K is too little to get zuoci... i also gave up after spinning for more than 3k. Better play normally and get sunjian.
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-7-18 10:10
Maybe put it this way:

Ur luck depends on how much u spend: More u spend, more u got lucky.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-7-18 10:14
Dear player, there’s certain probability on the wheel event. But everyone got the same chance on winning the special hero. Thanks for your understating and sincerely hope you can get what you want.
Author: MengYi    Time: 2016-7-18 10:43
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-7-18 10:14
Dear player, there’s certain probability on the wheel event. But everyone got the same chance on wi ...

Chen, Don't give us false Information, or maybe you should ask your programmers not to fool you too.  
Probability with prerequisite is not probability. I think you should revised your statement :
"everyone got the same chance on winning the special hero if they spend the same amount of gold"
Author: WangLieHom    Time: 2016-7-18 16:09
Its luck. In s38 both wei got zci only spend 1k, 3-4people got only at around 1k gold. But the fact i until 4-5k no even lantern. Ccb this gm
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-7-18 16:22
If you want to get Zuoci, you need to spend without complaining, even if it means to spend 50k gold to get him.

If you like to compare how much gold others have spent to get Zuoci, then don't waste your money to get him cos if you don't, you will whine & complain.

COTK is a rich man game means you rc (no matter how much it is) to get what you want. If you like to compare & complain then better be a VIP 0 player.
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-7-19 10:32
zuo ci is that valuable?ahhh i exchange that for 100k food
Author: Dash24-5    Time: 2016-7-31 00:01
Um..i do understand your frustration, but I did get Zuo Ci at just after spending 800 gold in s56 , as well as obtained S.Xiang/ X.Qiao through free silver egg in s51. So I wouldn't say that there is a prerequisite, but the probability of obtaining him is very low.  
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2016-8-2 22:48
Forget about zuo ci... I prefer spend anything for the Legendary hero ever after from s12 (ex s14)... and she is......babyg...... #eeeeaaaa

Author: Lime    Time: 2016-8-4 22:56
Ther is no luck in this game!!! Dont listen to the peeps that say they got him for 800 gold.
U dont get more luck if u spend money!
If the game was about luck i wouldnt get the lowest price everytime i spin my free chance on slot or wheel.
Every wheel is wrong! If there is 23 prices and three s.hero u shouldnt have to spends 1000 and 1000 of gold to get one of the special heroes. This game is so corupt and false! So luck is not the what it based on! They really trick and cheat u spend money! They never put up the real odds to get certain heroe!
This game shoukd not be legal at itunes or any sales!

Author: Jiang_Wei    Time: 2016-8-5 01:09
I get Zuo Ci with 1800 gold or something like that, even my companions get suprised cause the others needed more than me for get it. is a game and they make it for get money, lame? yes, but like every game. More you spend more close you are untill get the full price.
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-8-5 01:23
save your money to buy an xbox or ps4...

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