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Title: List of Winners of Forum Event [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-8-1 16:54
Title: List of Winners of Forum Event
Dear players,
Forum Event has ended. First of all, thanks for your active participation and wonderful answers. Now, we announce the winners and share the best answer with you, as follows.
[Dave.s39  S37] I want to be same as ZhaoYun who is my favourite in three kingdoms
The most noble and heroic of all the heroes was Zhao Yun, because he of all the best generals (knights) never betrayed his principals. He also sacrificed and risked his own life many times in the cause of his heroism something even the mighty Lu Bu, though a tough fighter proved he lacked the same conviction of to bravery. Lu Bu would likely not have risked his life for others the way Zhao Yun did time and again.
Zhao Yun - heroic and brave beyond and above all heroes in the novel. Many times put himself in danger for the sake of honor, integrity, or the safety of others. Remarkably not only did he not get killed in the extreme battle conditions he often found himself in but he rose well above normal expected outcomes. It was not unusual he would be in the thickest part of the biggest battles surrounded by enemies all around with no reinforcements forthcoming. Yet he still carried on no matter what the situation.
It depends on what you consider to be a hero? A good fighter? A good strategist? A good leader? Respect and integrity in leadership? Intelligence? Strength? Heroic deeds? Exceptional bravery by risking death?
  -A good fighter: Lubu, Guanyu..
  -A good strategist: Zhugeliang, Simayi, Pang Tong..
  -A good leader: Caocao, Sunquan, Liubei..
Well, above all, ZhaoYun simply has all of them.

[hendywizar S7] The favourite character of course is Liu Bei. One of his plus point I admire most is his humble heart. I am impressed the way he acted to recruit advisor like Zhu Ge Liang. I am impressed also with the way he acted to win Pang Tong's heart by waiting for Pang Tong for long time and even bought him the wine Pang Tong wanted he wanted (according to the story from Romance of Three Kingdoms movie). Such a humble Lord. Compare to Cao Cao, I feel he is inferior in war strategy. But he's better in the way treat and people's heart. Even he gave his best horse to send off Pang Tong whenever he wanted to leave. Only very humble and true gentleman can do it. The other reason I admire him most is, even after he passed away, his son, Liu San was uncapable one to carry on his job, with Zhu Ge Liang's capabilities, if he wanted to rebel, it was easier than to turn his palm. But the fact is Zhu Ge Liang even fought Wei until his death stopped him. He knew how to make people around him to be loyal to him, to be loyal to Shu.
What I wanted to be is Zhu Ge Liang. No words can describe him. He's the best strategist at his time and even thousand years later. He is known not only of his military strategy but also his inventions. His inventions how to transport the provisions whenever in north campaign is unbelieveable at that time. He is a true gentleman, even he had uncountable tricks but he's damn loyal to his lord. A rare talent and rare man to be found exist nowaday.
Both of them live in my heart and always take them as mentor on my daily.

[KomandanWu S3] Like John F.Kennedy , the former President of United states said: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. From the very beginning when the story of three kingdom begin. Many wonderful general and civilain want to give everything they have for their country. All of people in 3 kingdom history are the legendary person that want to give the best for the one they love, their country, their lord and their citizen. If we discuss about loyalty, not many leaders have a very loyal generals.
First time read about three kingdom history I realized that Z.jiao, D.Zhou're not the typical leader that suitable with me.
Depend on Dwight D. Eisenhower: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Liu Bei,C.Cao and S.Quan is a very good example for it. They had so many loyal and amazing general around him althoughthey're in a hard situation.
About Liu Bei When he ran away from C.Cao always care with his citizens and made him lost almost all of his family.
"A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together."(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)
He never tell people how to do things, Tell them what to do and alwayas surprise him with their ingenuity.(General George Patton)
C.Cao's a very generous leader that threat everyone around him nicely.
"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.(Rosalynn Carter)
That's why D.wei want to sacrifice himself to save C.Cao. Although we know D.Wei can still alive if he ran away and let C.Cao alone.
S.Quan a very mature leader that can take care all general around him after the death of his father and his brother.
"There are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage."(Fuchan Yuan) and S.Quan has all of it.
It's not easy choice which one is the best because all of them are great, but the most impressive for me is the one that can make a plan to divide the country into 3 kingdom.
Z.G.Liang. He is a very unique person that can make other general show their best ability.
A competent leader that can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops.(John J Pershing)
And for me myself, I want to serve my country, the dynasty without care who's the leader. With intelligent and talent can change the world.
Z.G.Liang is one of few intelligent advisors that serve more than 1 generation.
That's why Z.G.Liang is the most suitable for me.

[Cihuy S51] Cao Cao is my favorite because he was a master of sword and pen. As a warrior and strategist, he excelled in wars and in politics. His strategies and battles are well known to COTK fans. Unknown to many are Cao Cao poetic works.
Cao Cao together with his two sons and other poets of his time, created 建安 Jian An style poetry, developed Han 乐府 Yue fu poems and contributed to the creation of Tang Dynasty’s regular five-character line shi 诗 poetry (五言绝句 Wu yan jue ju). Here is a sample. Take note of the 4X4 (4 words per sentence, 4 sentences) format.
对酒当歌 singing as I stare at my wine
人生几何 thinking about the fragility of mortals
譬如朝露 are they not like morning dew
去日苦多 evaporates as the day pass by
This poem was written before the Batlle of Chi Bi. Cao Cao drowned his sorrows as he drinks lamenting for the loss of lives he forsee in the coming bloodshed. The poem reflects Cao Cao's human side. Was Cao Cao the ruthless person who said, “I would rather betray the world, than let the world betray me (宁我负人,休教人负我)?” Perhaps it was Luo Guanzhong (author of Romance of Three Kingdoms) putting words in Cao Cao's mouth.
A great warrior and statesman is a rare quality to be found in one person. That is the reason I want to be like Cao Cao and I believe anyone who live in those time would want that. I think GM Chen would agree. He used Cao Cao for his profile picture.

[DonJuan S38] I wish to be Liu Bei.
If i could go back in time, I would have accept Zhuge Liang's advice and took Liu Biao's offering of Jing region.
Liu Biao already dying of sickness. As brother, he wished to offer Jing region's administration to Liu Bei, but the latter refused. Liu Bei refused cos he did not wanna be seen as ambitious and opportunist person.
He was self righteous at the time, denying to see future consequences although Zhuge Liang reminded him and begged him to accept.
Thus, Liu Biao passed Jing administration to his favorite son Liu Zong. Liu Zong opened the gate widely and surrendered Jing rule to Cao Cao.
Cao Cao then estranged Liu Zong, assumed full leadersip over Jing region. From there, he drove away Liu Bei and tried to occupy Jiang Dong.
Liu Bei self righteousness cost him his second wife's life and lives of some civilian that followed him on exodus.
At the future, Guan Yu lost his life in defending this region against Lu Meng (Wu claimed this region as theirs) and his death lead to Zhang Fei and Liu Bei's own death.
If Liu Bei had accepted Jing region from Liu Biao, Shu Kingdom would have had firm establishment to attack Wei teritory and restore Han dynasty.

Author: +美人计+    Time: 2016-8-4 15:43
Nice to see so many s51 win this.

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