Heyshell Games Forum

Title: S41 NEED MERGER GM [Print this page]

Author: kyyuna    Time: 2016-8-9 03:11
Dear GM

please merger s41, we wei are overwhelming by shu and wu everyday need Merger please and lot of our player is retired because we lack of player now


Author: 아득한저편    Time: 2016-8-9 10:49
holy... this is so sad lol
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-8-9 20:58
Dear player, thanks for your info, we had checked this server and found the situation is not as bad as your screenshot, and this situation is rarely seen in your server.
Anyway, we will continue to pay more attention to S41, thx for your support.
Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-8-9 21:34
how about checking s45 and telling us the situation GM?
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-8-9 22:44
Edited by soindigo at 2016-8-9 22:45

and how about this
or everyday ill post like that?

Author: KM™    Time: 2016-8-10 09:23
Post something when wei n wu not active does show something about urself as a man and a warrior in the game. Why dont you post something which show wei and wu attack shu 50% areas? I dont have hard feelings towards u wei and wu now since i am not online often anymore, but dont you think that at least you guys should maintain some honesty and preserve some self-creditability after all those years fighting each other? Shu has been fighting you wei n wu for more than 6 months ALONE. At certain time of the day we cant even move out of the capital just because we r under attack by wei n wu. On certain occassions, Shu can only dispatch but can never harvest and u guys know the reasons why. But, have you ever seen us Shu complain about ur gangs in forum asking for merge or help? We just keep quiet and accept that it's part of the game where we sometimes lose and other times win. I have no objection if GM decided to merge s41 again and perhaps giving you strong wei country where you all can eliminate shu from the map and give u a sense of IN-GAME happiness and victory.  

You should try other strategies to attack shu cos all of these tactics are old and useless. I know this doesnt happen often and so do you. The facts that GM chen has confirmed the situation is conclusive enough to support my points. Move on Wei or join ur friendly team mates at s60 for better fun and total dominance if that's what you dearly seek for.

Just a piece of my mind, and PEACE!

Author: Deddyyan    Time: 2016-8-10 11:21
Really sure wei s41 is badly situation after higher vip gone no where, i dont blame shu because they stand alone with a lot member and stronger about wei situation more less player gone or retired so hope is merger with some server have balance can make s41 in balance again
Author: 3tn4    Time: 2016-8-10 15:48
wtf, with 2 - 5 player online in wei now, can u gm give us more food,without food we cant play n fight lol

we need food very badly

s41 wei ,53T4N
Author: Tatipang    Time: 2016-8-10 18:42
gm cant merge since sugar still on top arena.
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-11 13:15
Lol this is so funny...GM pls merge us with S60 so we can fight with ex-wei players who have migrated there. Sure it will be lots of fun...
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-11 13:16
Tatipang replied at 2016-8-10 18:42
gm cant merge since sugar still on top arena.

I think Bruiser of wu had defeated sugar...
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-11 13:17
soindigo replied at 2016-8-9 22:44
and how about this
or everyday ill post like that?

Yet you still managed to kill almost 62m...good job
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-8-11 18:53
KM™ replied at 2016-8-10 09:23
Post something when wei n wu not active does show something about urself as a man and a warrior in t ...

ok , now what u wanna say
Author: Tinuxx    Time: 2016-8-18 23:56
That STUPID IDIOT Kongming Shu41 is full of BULLSHIT BEWARE
Author: ceciltheo3    Time: 2016-8-19 19:13
Wakakaka...merger merger merger ...then we can have a wei wu and shu alliance and fight gm wakaakakakak
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-19 20:38
Tinuxx replied at 2016-8-18 23:56
That STUPID IDIOT Kongming Shu41 is full of BULLSHIT  BEWARE


Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-19 20:41
ceciltheo3 replied at 2016-8-19 19:13
Wakakaka...merger merger merger ...then we can have a wei wu and shu alliance and fight gm wakaakaka ...

LOL Kick and Slap Chen's butt
Author: Tinuxx    Time: 2016-8-19 23:02
Don't do that You are so mean
Author: lancelot1901    Time: 2016-8-20 09:03
Skuele replied at 2016-8-19 20:38


Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-21 23:18
lancelot1901 replied at 2016-8-20 09:03

Boss, give me a free voucher for full services at Geylang please
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-22 02:56
Skuele replied at 2016-8-21 23:18
Boss, give me a free voucher for full services at Geylang please

Boss I have connection...lets go...lol
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-24 22:19
Xixi replied at 2016-8-22 02:56
Boss I have connection...lets go...lol

Wait for meeeeee
Author: Sbs    Time: 2016-8-24 23:47
Merge with s7 wkwkwk then you will have super wei bot
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-8-27 19:13
Merge with S1 or S7 ?  

All AsShu41-43 can feel the pain and struggling just like when we (Wu and Wei 41-43) fight their clones

Soon they will retire one by one because they are STUPID IDIOT LAZY PIG
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-8-28 03:09
Skuele replied at 2016-8-27 19:13
Merge with S1 or S7 ?   

All AsShu41-43 can feel the pain and struggling just like when we (W ...

Dont make them quit boss...later we dont have clones to fight to anymore
Author: Tinuxx    Time: 2016-8-28 13:21
Skuele replied at 2016-8-27 19:13
Merge with S1 or S7 ?   

All AsShu41-43 can feel the pain and struggling just like when we (W ...

Merge with S26 la
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-1 22:52
Tinuxx replied at 2016-8-28 13:21
Merge with S26 la

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-3 00:47
see GM, Skuele always use bad words "ass" . ban him GM. he's bad guy. this forum is for discuss not for flaming around with bad words. huh !!
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-3 22:01
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-3 00:47
see GM, Skuele always use bad words "ass" . ban him GM. he's bad guy. this forum is for discuss not  ...

Badmouth and Trashtalk for a GOOD REASON is the best way to prevent your BuLLSH!T comments or thread on this forum

Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-4 01:03
Another idiot thread that begging S41 for merging
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-6 02:21
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-4 01:03
Another idiot thread that begging S41 for merging

No more comment needed...haha
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-7 01:40
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-4 01:03
Another idiot thread that begging S41 for merging

lol who is this guy? GM's fan. just ban him GM. his name is insulting you. you're not from s41 just go away
Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-7 03:13
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-7 01:40
lol who is this guy? GM's fan. just ban him GM. his name is insulting you. you're not from s41 jus ...

I am GM fans? Very funny hahaha
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-8 21:37
Xixi778 replied at 2016-9-6 02:21
No more comment needed...haha

100% TRUE
Author: LeaveIt    Time: 2016-9-8 21:53
Skuele replied at 2016-9-8 21:37
100% TRUE

Deep....very very deep...
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-8 21:55
LeaveIt replied at 2016-9-8 21:53
Deep....very very deep...

One of My Fans has arrived
Author: LeaveIt    Time: 2016-9-8 22:02
Skuele replied at 2016-9-8 21:55
One of My Fans has arrived

Hey, im Shu

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-9 01:10
Skuele replied at 2016-9-8 21:37
100% TRUE

even wu admit that wei, their ally as an idiot? What kind of ally is that? wu stabbing wei from behind !! lol
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-9 21:42
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-9 01:10
even wu admit that wei, their ally as an idiot? What kind of ally is that? wu stabbing wei from be ...

I was agree with statement that no need to merge
You just predicted it on your own
Author: DrowZ    Time: 2016-9-10 18:59
Yes, no need to merging again but atleast please ban those clones account.
Thank You admin
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-10 23:29

But there is someone (Clones Master) who really desperate to fulfill his ambitions

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