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Title: [Forum Event]Who is your most admired player [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-8-12 18:05
Title: [Forum Event]Who is your most admired player
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2016-8-16 13:48

Dear all, Forum Event is coming once again. It has been long time since you played COTK. Do you have the most admired player in game? Maybe he/she has powerful troops and equipments or outstanding leadership, or maybe someone you get along with in your server. Now, write his/her IGN and the reason why you admire him/her under the post to win these huge rewards.
Duration: Ends on Aug.14th
Servers: All Servers
1. Write down a person who you most admired in game and the reason why you admire him/her
2. Offer us your IGN and server
What's your prize:
A player who has highest support rate and players who vote him/her will be rewarded with 100 gold.
1. The rewards will be released on Aug.15th
2. In order to ensure that our event more fair, we will hide players’ answers during the event. When event finished, these answers will be opened.
3. Please read the requirements carefully or else you'll lose the chance to be rewarded
4. No abusive or rude remarks allowed in this event
5. The final explanation is reserved by COTK

Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2016-8-12 18:44
The person that i admired the most in game is Thaddy/lvl 149/SHU S16..
My reasons are he's a humble king, excellent leadership, great personality, and being respect by teammates and opponents.. he's always see thing from good's side and take defeat as a step to move on into better condition. he's popular word is HEAD UP GUYS AND GIRLS" before and after events. Nice to know you my king "RESPECT".

IGN : StelumVict
Author: oyama    Time: 2016-8-12 18:51
The person that i admired the most in game is IGN : Milo lvl. 145. Srever : Wei S29
My reasons are he's a humble king, excellent leadership, great personality, and being respect by teammates and opponents.. he's always see thing from good's side and take defeat as a step to move on into better condition. he's popular word is HEAD UP GUYS AND GIRLS" before and after events. Nice to know you my king "RESPECT".

IGN : Mrs.Riska
Author: feicia    Time: 2016-8-12 19:07
a person who you most admired?
is 阿修罗 from Shu44, why?because of boobies, i am a simple man, i saw boobs, i press like.

IGN : 叶尚
Author: 阿修罗    Time: 2016-8-12 19:19
Its not a person that I admire and salute, but 3. Thanks to them shu44 has become famous because their marketing campaign is strong. But if need to pick one, I will said its GrandMaster Porn 叶尚. Thanks to him, shu44 has established Porn Academy as well as Porn Trio.  Keep up the good work.

IGN: 阿修罗
Author: katyaluna    Time: 2016-8-12 19:24
hy. wkwkwkkwkwkwkw
Author: artons    Time: 2016-8-12 19:29
RoyalWarth in s18 his smart player n stil play even wei n wu ally after merger.  ign s25 Indodjava
Author: Lukav    Time: 2016-8-12 19:37
The person that i admired the most in the game is Royalwrath from shu s12.
The reason is not because we are from the same Server but his consistency in the game, when all the big player retired and wanna sell his id like the first living legend id "sima"  and the new champion "hakilmilo"  (the prove..you can read it at forum because my self witness it and read it my self,  so sad).. Royalwrath still consistent in the game,  and i can tell u guys that royalwrath is enjoying the game, example he awakened xu chu to finished obstacle at biograph not because he want to be the best in tournament, but he try to finish every pleasure that clash of three kingdom to offer and that is so inspiring to me. Royalwrath is the first person who defeat our first living legend "sima"  and i believe he will win tournament again as predicted. Thank you royalwrath for every creativity you shared with us,  you amazed us from time to time. Such a role model to every player to enjoy playing clash of three kingdom.  I hope my story can inspire everyone.

IGN lukav from shu s12
Author: wellsido    Time: 2016-8-12 19:44

I highly respect the king of Wu S51/S53
IGN: rogue s51

I would not respect him cause have powerfull hero (special for S51 / S53). I respect him because he can lead us very well. He gave the order that smart so that we could win the event server.

and the most important
We have merged and there is no conflict in our country happened because everything is set so that all players Wu S51 / S53 are satisfied (although we were always on a bully Shu). Wu S51 / S53 is very dominant with players from Indonesia but we never clashed with players from other countries (often occur in various server) because our king does not discriminate player weak-strong, high VIP-low VIP all the same WU S51 / S53 ,
Evidence of our king very wise is the first officer made up of players of various countries not only Indonesia, which is where the king Wu S51 / 53 are Indonesian. Success for roque...:):)

IGN : WellIsido
server : 51

Author: Pone    Time: 2016-8-12 19:51
I admire RoyalWarth

Although his in I not highest in tournament but he can win higher in I many time

He is very smart player

iGN : Superdry / S28
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-8-12 19:58

I admire most after 1yr of playing this game is, Sima.
He was good, fair and was respected by many.
He offered to share 50% guards for all 3 countries but some just got big ego and declined instead.
He was the most powerful player before he retired. He was able to win suwandi all the time either as a defender or attacker.
I really respect and admire Sima a lot for his proposal even if he was the best at that time.

Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2016-8-12 20:17
I admired to hehemhem from s26 because of his/her heroes level are highest and no one can compare..wonder how he/she did it.

Ign:GaryLewis.s11 server:s3
Author: andanchezter    Time: 2016-8-12 20:22
RoyalWrath is the best.. playing with him from new server s18.. always lead us to 50% never take lvl80 guards.. even wu wei like him too coz never got crazy to distrub them lol.. royal is our hero
小老板 s.12
Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-8-12 20:43
The id I admire most is Xzel in s7 united front. According to my view, he's kind of genius in this game. According to info I gathered he help Wei s7 a lot especially dealing with elite instance. 2nd is I heard he's only VIP 3 but now around top 10-15 in arena. Even his level now is above other ids which recharge more gold than him, like ferocius. I am so sorry if I mentioned other ids but just wanna make sure the admin who read this get my point. 3rd one is I think he has passion in this game. If the info I got were true (which he is only vip 3) but now he's so close with other s7 united front top players, it means he is genius and he is talented. The other thing is the timing, it seems he has examined very carefully the COTK game, like he's akways there whenever there are barbarians plunder. Only the one with such passion to the game could do that. So proud of him.
Author: Dash24-5    Time: 2016-8-12 21:06
Server : S51, IGN : Dash4all

The person whom I admired while playing this game in no doubt our s51 Wu king and the de Facto Leader (IGN) :roque .
Ever since the beginning of S51, the server had been dominated by Shu, giving a very little room for either Wu or Wei. We had a hard time to win events or defend our iron mines, but no doubt the only player who stood in their way in those days was roque. Later, he successfully negotiated with Wei , so that Wu and Wei combined were able to outsmart and overpower Dominant Shu. Even still, he kept amiable relationship to both Wei and Shu kings, which prevented hate from being generated among players.(well..most players)

Even after a merger, which again tipped the scale towards Shu, he was able to keep the morale of the countrymen of Wu(both servers), and things have started to improve for us after the merger.
Be it Sharing Assiege booty or hitting Barbarian plunder, he has shown excellent resource distribution among players, and has not forgotten to allocate goodies to those who block rival countries while Assiege. We have heard a lot of problems arising from difference of opinions in other countries(with factions forming and players leaving), but never ever had such issues in Wu, thanks to the top leadership skills of our king, roque.

All in all, S51(now s51+s53) Wu is a tight group,who have been through ups and down past few months, but were never broken under the leadership of our King : roque

NB: I would like end things with saying that even though Shu s51 is dominant, they are a very reasonable bunch of players now, under leadership of IGN :Jacegg88( again there are some exceptions), and if not for roque, I would have personally chosen Jacegg88, for maintaining such a fair policy.( The central resource is shared among Wu, Shu and Wei.. I dare ask how many servers do that!!!)
Author: Chimenk    Time: 2016-8-12 21:42
1. He is anang. I'm very admire on him.bcoz he was never give up and always fight hard in game...and he always had some smart ideas to solve the problem.motivate ppl. That's why im very admire on him.

2. IGN : Chimenk
    Server : 37/39 Shu

Thx for ur attention

Author: macho    Time: 2016-8-12 22:13
Edited by macho at 2016-8-13 19:04

No doubt Royalwrath s12 shu because he always try something new like Zliao before any awaken to beat sima when sima is simply no 1 player and now trying xuchu awaken. He is the pioneer in this game.

PanerKen s12 shu
Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2016-8-12 22:17
Myself, make my answer visible please

Author: fury123    Time: 2016-8-12 23:48
Hello Clash of Three Kingdoms Official Great Team..
Yeah.. we have admidred player from our server.. He is GreenGem from s34 .. we call him profesor.. He has so many formula to help us pass spesial instance, trial tower, atlas challange any many more, he can arrange setting equip than buy suit, He is genius guy. He is good friend good mentor and good leader. You can see,we can join at Tourney Elite team 1, because of him leadership to command our players. Our server (s34) will grow strong and solid as long as we have GreenGem.

[size=46.1842px]ign: fury
Server: s34

Author: MayZacha_D_M    Time: 2016-8-13 00:08
Edited by MayZacha_D_M at 2016-8-16 15:26

The most admired player in game?

Author: GHJFFS    Time: 2016-8-13 03:02
As COTK player, I admire Suwandi because he is a player who is still active today. Many COTK senior players who retired to play but Suwandi from the first server of COTK still playing until now. Suwandi playful spirit inspired me to keep playing this game. I love it!

IGN : ZhaoZiLong
Server : 61
Author: JWKY    Time: 2016-8-13 11:13
1. Write down a person who you most admired in game and the reason why you admire him/her
A= Server: S38, IGN: fighter, Reason: He is a good king, well coordinating of Wu players for Country best benefits.

2. Offer us your IGN and server
A= Server:S38/40, My IGN: JWKY

Author: Trisabdacom    Time: 2016-8-13 12:26
I admire Nagakecil from s41... He is a good & nice humorous player, quite strong & good tactician.... He often teach me how to pass special instance, trial tower, etc....

Empress S41
Author: 5ty    Time: 2016-8-13 12:40
king Zfeng of wei, i admire him cause of many reasons. He is a good king always supports the smaller guys, leads with an example. He is one of the most least greedy people i have met here. Always cool and composed never act rashly or abuse anyone. even though he is very strong and high vip compared to most he very shows attitude and behaves just like one of us.
Author: khaje    Time: 2016-8-13 16:07
IGN khaje S38
Author: Rust    Time: 2016-8-13 17:37
The player who i admired the most is

Kantha from s31.

The reason i admired him the most is because he is willing to help in country wars and he is one of the strongest player in the game. He is always online and fights off strong monster for us weaklings to farm. He is our idol in shu s33. Please reward him 100g for his work in the country.

s33 weak
Author: Magician    Time: 2016-8-13 17:40
At the end of the day, history will only remember the Champion not the runner up and other participant .

Some people already won the contest several time.
But at this time only 1 person is the strongest from all server.
All of us know that to reach the top you must sacrifice alot and better than the other.
That's why i admire the winner in PC: "Hakilmilo"

Best regard,
Author: LimeLion    Time: 2016-8-13 18:22
the most i admired the most is STAR.s20.  he is very good at refining his equipment (he only need vouchers only to complete his suits.)  he always help the s20 wu players with elite instance. not on did he help us, he even help a s20 shu member into top 10 at the expense of himself. ( at that time , we have a bad relationship with shu cos despite they having more players, they allied with wei to bully us in events.)

too bad. this event can be rigged. most shu country have the highest number of players. if they all vote the same guy, that guy would have won.

id: 雄霸
server: 16 (quit playing in s12, formerly s20)

Author: sebastiane12    Time: 2016-8-13 21:59
Im Admire :
Bladur Wu s20
Because he is genious & fast..mean fast decision maker..know what to do in seconds & decide for our country victorious..back then our country powerfull before wei n shu ally..then slowly make our team retired one by one..lol
Good leadership, strongest in our s20 times at wu..yet still wise, humble...like our father

IGN : BackGemma
Svr : 20
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-8-13 23:08
Edited by Daryll at 2016-8-14 20:27

i always admired Andromeda.s32 and his determined to become one of powerfull warrior, wise and humble..he isnt only my lit.brother  but also my best friend in game n real life ..
IGN : Andromeda.s32
server : s32

from :
IGn :Hakildaryl
server : s51

Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-8-14 00:49
RoyalWrath, he loves to testing every heroes n his trick is brilliant. When he meet HakilMilo, he even not afraid or down. And now his trick by putting all star Atlas on the best heroes (eg. A. Zhaoyun) is used by every top players like hehemhem n hakil.

Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-8-14 09:14

I will put my vote on RoyalWrath.
With much lower init, he still fought seriously with both much higher init opponent such as hakilmilo or much lower init player. He arranged his best generals and not underestimated nor surrendered easily.
He gave a hard clash and good tactics on every battle, thus doesnt disappoint those who put their cheers in him and gives insight for other players.

I hope every player learn to play fair game like him.

This post is dedicated to him and hope you'll reward him accordingly.

Author: Joxt    Time: 2016-8-14 11:04
1. RoyalWrath Shu s15
2. His strategy is awesome, and he always give us surprise and good game

Joxt shu s7
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-8-14 14:39
The most admired player is RoyalWrath from my server (server 12). Even though he is strong, he is not arrogant and always gave his best in helping out the other players in daily and special events.

IGN: DarkKaiser
server: 12

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