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Title: Food shortage poll - pls all vote [Print this page]

Author: backevan    Time: 2016-8-25 00:44
Title: Food shortage poll - pls all vote
Edited by backevan at 2016-8-26 19:56

Sooo many events & tourney and sooo little food

Game is awesome and more events always welcome.

GM, Our generals need more food to participate actively. Situation actually drastic now.

Pls help.
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-8-25 11:46
foods are low ..even bought from market n wishin well also not enough ,  gives us more food please ! we're excited attend events u held GM ..but no food no play means many ppls will upset , especially very active players..thanks

Author: ganan    Time: 2016-8-25 12:31
foods now rarer than s.iron..we are grateful with vouchers related events.but if u got only 1m foods left for fights it will be a waste.
or maybe GM wants us to use vouchers to buy foods?
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-8-25 17:50
gm gives u vouchers to buy food
Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-8-26 17:23
haha...vouchers for food..that's totally joke if GM done that to us
Author: backevan    Time: 2016-8-26 19:52
Title: RE: Food shortage poll - pls all vote
Elizabeth2000 replied at 2016-8-25 17:50
gm gives u vouchers to buy food

Dear Elisabeth,

I dont know wht lvl u r at.

Also, i respect your opinion.

However, pls do appreciate the fact that voucher is key aspect of this game at present.
1. Siron u get in good qty only through vchrs
2. Many other things u get only thru vchr like kings, many scrolls, suits etc

My friendly advice - never use vchr for common items like food or wood.

Tc, bali s29
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-8-26 23:47
backevan replied at 2016-8-26 19:52
Dear Elisabeth,

I dont know wht lvl u r at.

Agreed especially if some one suggest to exchange vouchers for coins it's totally moronic dumbhead retarded trash

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2016-8-26 23:50
I choose number 3 probably you never read my post how to make your id low level and weak . After folllwing my suggestion you can have overflowed foods
Author: frizka    Time: 2016-8-27 19:05
yeah...for high lvl, food is main problem and for low lv a.k.a newbie, iron and siron is main target

Author: backevan    Time: 2016-8-28 21:48
Dear Gm Chen,

Hope u r listening.

Everyone think its good game but food is major problem. Especially high lvl players.

Hope to see answer from you.

Author: millertime    Time: 2016-8-29 04:29
Gm I can eat through 20 million food in hours against awaken hero. High level id's with many troops can eat all your food in no time. How come you want people to spend big money on game and then not be able to play game because we have no food?

Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-8-29 19:16
Yes we lack of food
Author: backevan    Time: 2016-8-30 01:05
FockYerDodder replied at 2016-8-26 23:50
I choose number 3 probably you never read my post how to make your id low level and weak . After fol ...

Pls provide link
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-8-30 09:46
Food ration in the kill rank is taken letter tech work, food ration at FEAT captured by wine, so it is not strange we are now shortages of food.

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