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Title: S41 [Print this page]

Author: sdasx    Time: 2016-8-29 02:38
Title: S41
Gak tao malu s41 wu , dulu mereka hancur kita Bela belain  .. sekarang mereka Barengan ashu leveling di tempat kita.
Bakal aja high vip kita gak main , kalo gak da kita hancur kan juga tu WU sialan.. sama2 Satu produksi sama ashu anjing tu kalian.. fackkkk

Author: sdasx    Time: 2016-8-29 03:24

Author: Prhunk    Time: 2016-8-29 09:06

Gw wei s.59 .. apapun yg terjadi jgn aliansi sama wu .. di s.59 juga gitu .. kita bela2in nutup WooXian biar wu bisa dispatch sama harvest besok2nya kita uc di close path
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-8-29 09:54
Makanya jangan ally segala, wong game perang kok di bikin damai lol.
Author: limits    Time: 2016-8-29 11:11
Merge with S45 will balance the game.

Maritimus Shu45
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-8-29 11:13
He lied GM. At the normal day shu always surrounded by wei and wu together. Please merger with s45 GM to help make this server balance
Author: .XVT.    Time: 2016-8-29 12:34
merge s45 with s7. thanks
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2016-8-29 13:20
Merger with s21 ja
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-8-29 19:03
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-8-29 19:04
Help me to translate plz..
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-8-31 16:44
Edited by Nakan at 2016-8-31 16:48

No one willing help me to translate  
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-8-31 16:52
Nakan replied at 2016-8-31 16:44
No one willing help me to translate


Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-1 23:07
After using translator machine to translate this text, now i know what he is trying to say

You blame Wu41-43 for making your high vip members seldom to online ??? WooWww
Ask them clearly their reason why before judging something
If you don't know , then stop your bullsh!T
Because the high vip members from Wei is also friends of mine

by the way, From your pictures that you edited,
Why must cut your nicknames and killing points ?

i am curious if you really a high level player of Wei
just another clones ID that AsShu41-43 made

Last but not least, English Please
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-1 23:09
TorqZhao replied at 2016-8-29 11:13
He lied GM. At the normal day shu always surrounded by wei and wu together. Please merger with s45 G ...


Go To HeLL

i already sick with all your BULLSH!T #puke
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-3 00:48
see GM. This is a prove that wu is overpowered and greedy because too strong. wu even attack wei their ally to make them more powerful. please merger to s45 GM. shu can't fight strong wu that ally with wei
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-3 02:41
Drop the act shu...you just making yourself look more stupid each time with each stupid comment you made...i know the reason you guys keep asking for merger because you are tired that you need to play 5-10 ids in same time just to take our mine or farm us. Drop the retired high vip id and play your own. It will be more enjoyable that way.
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-3 09:02
we play on our own and can't fight wu-wei ally. drop the wei-wu ally and make your country standup by your country own, It will be more enjoyable that way.
Author: Riboet    Time: 2016-9-3 14:25
cengeng amat,,tibang begitu doang minta merger..
Author: Karina    Time: 2016-9-3 14:34
Well... The monkey skuele talk to much again... What an idiot player...
Author: Tomy3    Time: 2016-9-3 17:51
The most important event in game is mine event,who is controling midlle in that time,wu - wei alliance or just shu?
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-3 21:57
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-3 00:48
see GM. This is a prove that wu is overpowered and greedy because too strong. wu even attack wei the ...

OMG This Bastard
Never Give Up for Lying Everday
Also never SATISFIED for farming wei+wu everday, conquer all iron mines everyday and also always snatch our resources  
Vugtis+Drow+Kafulicius+Kongming+All Clones ID = STUPID IDIOT LAZY PIG that can't be cured

For Karina:
Here i give you a mirror too
Look at yourself carefully and realize it
Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-4 01:04
STFU faggot use english
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-7 01:43
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-4 01:04
STFU faggot use english

just ban him GM. his name insulting you lol
Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-7 03:11
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-7 01:43
just ban him GM. his name insulting you lol

What the hell are you blabbering about?
Do you mean only 1 Chen allowed ?
Fucking stupid retarded lady boy, just go die and rot in  hell please
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-8 21:20
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-7 03:11
What the hell are you blabbering about?
Do you mean only 1 Chen allowed ?
Fucking stupid retarded  ...

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-9 01:14
Tomy3 replied at 2016-9-3 17:51
The most important event in game is mine event,who is controling midlle in that time,wu - wei allian ...

wu-wei always overwhelming the map when harvest and snatch time. they block WooXian 24 hours bro. shu can't do anything since wei-wu close our Mianyang and WooXian. huft..
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-9 13:18
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-9 01:14
wu-wei always overwhelming the map when harvest and snatch time. they block WooXian 24 hours bro.  ...

talk, talk and talk...that is the only thing you can do. You can see nobody from shu 41 is defending you? Because even they are ashamed of having you as a shu41 because you are just a bag full of lies...go log in to other account and pretend to be others and defend yourself. Cheesy actor...
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-9 21:43
Xixi778 replied at 2016-9-9 13:18
talk, talk and talk...that is the only thing you can do. You can see nobody from shu 41 is defendi ...

100% TRUE
Author: Tomy3    Time: 2016-9-10 16:15
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-9 01:14
wu-wei always overwhelming the map when harvest and snatch time. they block WooXian 24 hours bro.  ...

Are you hearing yourself... dude you clearly dont know what you talking about,post picture during that time and you will see that you lie... Why you doing this,lieing? you have obligation or your mother told you to whine and lie,but I am sure that your mother is good person and you just strand your way,but dont wory my son mother told me that I help you find your way back from lie and decive!!! now first you need to do is pray 3 Hello Marry and 1 god on heaven,then we can talk after that!!!
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-10 16:38
Tomy3 replied at 2016-9-10 16:15
Are you hearing yourself... dude you clearly dont know what you talking about,post picture during  ...

I dont know the intention of his lies. Is he really doing it just as a part of the strategy of the game OR he simply just enjoy lying? I think he should have realised it now that everybody is mocking at him. May his soul be saved from hell...
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-10 18:37
Tomy3 replied at 2016-9-10 16:15
Are you hearing yourself... dude you clearly dont know what you talking about,post picture during  ...

GM please ban him, he is bring mom in forum. not wise man
Author: DrowZ    Time: 2016-9-10 19:05
Mr admin, please ban that TorqZhao and the other clones account
He just make this forum so messy with his lies.
Thank You
Author: Tomy3    Time: 2016-9-10 21:54
Xixi778 replied at 2016-9-10 16:38
I dont know the intention of his lies. Is he really doing it just as a part of the strategy of the  ...

Today lie is so obvious,because picture say tousand words... word mean nothing...
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-10 23:32
Just ban all those Clones Accounts , already got sick of it everyday

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