Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Stop rc until this gm can solve bot [Print this page]

Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 00:57
Title: Stop rc until this gm can solve bot
Edited by Kaywee63 at 2016-9-2 00:59

It is time, to stop rc until this game can stop this bot problem.
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:01
If cannot our gm Chen cannot stop bot rc for what.
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:09
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:01
If cannot our gm Chen cannot stop bot rc for what.

I really think is time for all to show this gm Chen it is time for you to do something for us.
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:11
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:09
I really think is time for all to show this gm Chen it is time for you to do something for us.

I world 1st 8 times, but our gm Chen cannot solve problems. How to trust this game.
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:13
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:11
I world 1st 8 times, but our gm Chen cannot solve problems. How to trust this game.

To all Shu, we can lose tourney, we can lose event, but we want to lose it fair
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:15
Edited by Kaywee63 at 2016-9-2 01:17
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:13
To all Shu, we can lose tourney, we can lose event, but we want to lose it fair

If you gm Chen cannot solve anything please tell all playing this game, sorry bot is here, I cannot do anything, please rc more so we will try to but cannot solve the problem.
Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-9-2 01:31
yeah GM you must took action for those who play with BOT, dont just sit and take our money
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:35
JChanZ replied at 2016-9-2 01:31
yeah GM you must took action for those who play with BOT, dont just sit and take our money

All Shu, please help, this cannot go on
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:36
Why must we Shu always be the ones that have to face bot
Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-9-2 01:37
if cant solve then BANNED player who use BOT !!!
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:39
Why must it always Shu have to face bot, rc to bot, omg
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:40
Maybe Our RW have no problem with bot
Author: Kaywee63    Time: 2016-9-2 01:41
RW you are 1 of the most I respect in this game
Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-9-2 01:41
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:35
All Shu, please help, this cannot go on

im SHU too and sick with BOT & CLONES
Author: LimeLion    Time: 2016-9-2 02:46
lol. but shu are the ones who started the bots/clones. those forums post are still there. or maybe ur country didnt rc as much, country that rc alot always get favoured by gm, like s12 shu, s32 shu
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-9-2 10:05
Edited by Aris3479 at 2016-9-2 10:13
LimeLion replied at 2016-9-2 02:46
lol. but shu are the ones who started the bots/clones. those forums post are still there. or maybe u ...

do you know who is kaywee63? Doesnt matter shu/wu/wei, rc/free, GM should remove bot or ppl who using it.

Dear GM,
Please do more often to clean up bot. I really dont understand why you seem to let bot & clone keep reborn. Didnt you realize bot & clone consuming your bandwidth and server resource and not mention so many of your high vip left.

To all player who love this game, doesnt matter you are shu/wu/wei, rc/free players. Maybe you feel it wasnt your business. Maybe you only care abt your server. Just wait until bot coming to your front door.

When i started play this game, only old server shouting abt clones. But hey no one cares. Now clones is everywhere. Pls wake up and dont do the same mistakes.

Author: BacotLoeGede    Time: 2016-9-2 10:16
That's you the one that use it to post in this forum

You're so noisy even it's really world no. 1

RW not accept your respect for crying baby
Author: Daryll    Time: 2016-9-2 10:35
BacotLoeGede replied at 2016-9-2 10:16
That's you the one that use it to post in this forum

You're so noisy even it's really world no. 1

are you RW ? i bet u arent..then who the heck are u , said such thing under his name ?
Author: macho    Time: 2016-9-2 13:08
Like or not bot rule this game and we already complaint many times and GM does not do a thing.
For bots I do agree with hakil every elite tourney the server become so lagged and we can barely jump to other cities when the bot engine is on. The auto off during elite tourney also a nightmare with bot auto off ur 5 heroes. Hopefully GM has a solution with the reigning world 8 times complaining
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-9-2 13:22
will hakilmilo end up like sima s7?
the previous champion on personal contest and got title from GM who is who..
legendary warrior killed by zhou cang bot army..
Author: macho    Time: 2016-9-2 16:25
Maybe hakil will buy a bot also to counter hahaha then it will be battle of bots and soon all will leave this game. Its just matter of time. Gm need to act!
Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-9-2 17:50
Author: ibiza    Time: 2016-9-2 17:56
JChanZ replied at 2016-9-2 17:50


Author: ibiza    Time: 2016-9-2 17:57
Its same like coruptors
Author: ibiza    Time: 2016-9-2 17:57
Author: LeeShee    Time: 2016-9-2 18:10
The bot came from the original china version. If they can't stop it, then don't expect the international version can too. I don't think they have enough knowledge to do so lolz.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-2 18:41
Thx for your feedback, we're so sorry that make you uncomfortable.
In fact, we have been working on this issue all the time, and keep optimizing our system gradually, but it seems that the bot issue is more tough than we thought, they just came again and again.
Bot is really anoying that we know, its existing bothered either you and us;
And everytime we banned those who use bot, they were all caming like flood and saying that we were banned the real player.
This maybe a dilemma for both players and GM.
Anyway, we will do our utmost to solve this problem thoroughly, and protect the interest of our real players.
We welcome any good suggestion about this issue, pls feel free to share your idea with us.
Thx for your patience and support.

Author: JChanZ    Time: 2016-9-2 19:06
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-2 18:41
Thx for your feedback, we're so sorry that make you uncomfortable.
In fact, we have been working on  ...

We can help you to check which is real player and which is use bot and when they complain just ignore it can already.
Also u dont have to believe for our reports first before u try to login the server which have been reported and see with your own eyes is that true or false report.
Author: DrowZ    Time: 2016-9-2 20:34
Yeah Stop BOT and Clones !
Author: millertime    Time: 2016-9-5 14:11
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-2 18:41
Thx for your feedback, we're so sorry that make you uncomfortable.
In fact, we have been working on  ...

Many times heyshell copy and paste responses. Glad to see you leave a candid real response. It is not only the gm's job to stop bots but players as well. Stop cheating guys, this is a game always remember that fellow players.
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-9-5 21:51
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-2 18:41
Thx for your feedback, we're so sorry that make you uncomfortable.
In fact, we have been working on  ...

please disable auto off temporary Chen.. until you solve this bot problem... Please Chen.. auto off bot make alot people retire... i almost give up tooo.. almost reach the limit..  please Chen.. take it seriously.. i request for S7, we give up with bot now.. only hope u can disable auto off..  please do a favor for us Chen.. please

Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-6 02:20
Bot,clones,multi accounts, auto off jamming all parts of the strategy. It is suited well since clash 3 kingdoms also a strategy game, isn't it?
Author: NoShells    Time: 2016-9-9 21:13
Are u talking about the s1 wei bot during tourney/server quest? When numbers turned to hundreds in 1sec?
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-9-9 21:20
s29 still got bots? Isnt wei a piece of shit left?
Author: Rinni    Time: 2016-9-10 16:07
S32 Shu players really shameless. You (especially Aris and Owen Lee) are the biggest cheats previously in S32 with the multiple accounts. You got no right to complain here about clones! Orang yang tidak jujur.
Author: testas    Time: 2016-9-11 23:32
in server7 yunfei xzel simaa and kenarok still recharge becuase we are allow to bots and clones 24/7.. with help from yonkao wumin sounds cauphan etc we running bots to jam shu mainly and wu.. make sure they are all leaving the game.. no one on shu recharge anymore anyway..
Author: gooneo    Time: 2016-12-18 15:48
Edited by gooneo at 2016-12-18 15:57
Kaywee63 replied at 2016-9-2 01:11
I world 1st 8 times, but our gm Chen cannot solve problems. How to trust this game.

LOL Kaywee63 talk as if some champion athlete. Come on..... you think you are Joseph Schooling? You are just an old man with too much money and free time. Plus the fact you colluded with cheats like Pajio & Aris, you do not deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as the greats like RW or HHH.

Your time and money are finite. You should have used them wisely.  
Author: Megantropus    Time: 2016-12-22 03:07
COTK-Chen replied at 2016-9-2 18:41
Thx for your feedback, we're so sorry that make you uncomfortable.
In fact, we have been working on  ...

Each city in the world map has a code and the bot needs these codes to reach into certain place in the map.
If you have no idea what I am talking about then you can refer to the tech department to make sure.
I am suggesting to randomized these codes as often as possible. By doing so probably the programme cannot execute the given order since the codes had changed and the programmer need to find the new cities codes which take time to do so. I stated to randomized as often as possible because when they successfully find all these codes, the new random codes already applied again and therefore they need to repeat the process again and again till they are exhausted and I believe they are not only working on 1 game programme to make the living while the tech staff is hired to do this job by heyshell and they can focus on this matter.

A suggestion will be meaningless without a willingness act to turn it into a reality.

For Bot and clones users whoever you are !!!! you are big cowards !!!

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-12-22 08:34
Om telolet om
Author: chelumser    Time: 2016-12-23 13:28
GM chen..we need u
Author: chelumser    Time: 2016-12-23 13:28
Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-12-24 00:42
Bot disappearance will be the same as this game disappearance

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