Heyshell Games Forum

Title: GM Chen I have opinion s41 [Print this page]

Author: Roshamb0    Time: 2016-9-10 22:10
Title: GM Chen I have opinion s41
Please GM Chen consider s41 merge to make them quiet!!!!!!!!
Not sure what is going on in that server  but sick of logging in here to see many spamming forum for merger or talking bad about each other.. Been going on too long.
Merge anywhere but s38 cause we don't need the drama.

s38 Roshambo

Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-9-10 22:15
hi all big bro,

lol thats bad, talk rude each other..
please merger them..


Moon S38
Author: fighter.s38    Time: 2016-9-10 22:17

Do consider their req.. In here we need good environment

Fighter s38
Author: millertime    Time: 2016-9-10 22:17
I will agree I have never seen a server argue and spam merge threads like s41. Clean up your act s41!
Author: Vhevhe    Time: 2016-9-10 22:19
Yes Chen,
tired to see forum with many cry babies.
quick give them merger,, but not with s38 please.

s38 Ming22
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-10 23:50
Now he even disguise as a member of S38 to make his plot success
Nice try

TorqZhao + All his disguise Account started those lame stupid drama so they must be the one who clear all those mess

Just BAN all those Clones Accounts is enough
But that Clones Master really urge to merge by using all kinds of lies and tricks behind his sleeves
Even now he still trying

What a pity
Author: Roshamb0    Time: 2016-9-11 00:14
I don't know TorqZhao... Don't know you.. Don't know s41 environment and kindly don't want to..
Seeing s41 crap here doesn't look good to new players or maybe those thinking of returning.
GM this is a great game - just afraid those who don't know it read their complaints and turn away.

Merge... Ban... Doesn't really matter to me but help the honest players in s41

S38 Roshambo
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-11 00:40
If you don't know anything then why are you begging for a merging (first comment) when we DON'T NEED it ?
Stop your stupid acting and STFU

There is a lot of new server for new players
If they want to take consequences by playing on old server, they must be tough mentally   and accept the consequences
For those who wants to return, it is depends on their own

But i like your last comment : "Help the honest players in s41"
I hope GM can see the truth
Author: Roshamb0    Time: 2016-9-11 02:26
Whatever - you don't get my post and to tell me to SFTU is telling me a lot and other people about the type of person you are..
I'm sick of reading about all s41 complaining - period end of story and you know what? I could debate with you but as stated above about the type of person you are.. You just aren't intelligent enough for me to even bother.
Good luck in s41

Author: Franco    Time: 2016-9-11 12:18
S 45 masih jomblo loh dan masih perawan, lamar aja lol.
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-11 13:26
Edited by Skuele at 2016-9-11 13:28
Roshamb0 replied at 2016-9-11 02:26
Whatever - you don't get my post and to tell me to SFTU is telling me a lot and other people about t ...

WOW you said you are an Intelligent Person
Then why you denied what you wrote on the first comment ?

"Becareful, another LIAR spotted"

Read carefully and understand well before replying
Don't forget to change your manner of writing
It's so messed up to read
Author: Stmpn    Time: 2016-9-11 13:57
S41 people are just bunch of drama queens, i think the one who needs to STFU are them. If you can't manage to lose and easily provoked just like what u have stated above then please don't play this game play barbie doll instead.
And calling others as liars are not cool too. It can be seen easily you are the unintelligent ones not good ol' roshambo.
Author: Ethan    Time: 2016-9-11 19:00
Skuele replied at 2016-9-11 13:26
WOW you said you are an Intelligent Person
Then why you denied what you wrote on the f ...

as u know skuele, rosh is our king at S38..
we all tired see off crying baby and doing drama..

we need more postive game played..

Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-12 00:40
Do you think i am playing a drama???  
I just prevent those AsShu41-43 from their stupid liar drama to trick the GM
Check the real situation before comment or act like someone who knows better

By the way,
Someone holds a grudge againts me
He just took the bait but sorry pal i already escape to another one

Author: Roshamb0    Time: 2016-9-12 01:45
I only see you run like a little girl lmfao
You're just lucky you find easy square to take
Too bad it wasn't TorqZhao's resources ;-p

See you in RW next week
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-12 10:50

Easy Square ? pppfffttt #sofunny #selfproclaimedintelligentperson #LOL
TorqZhao ?
What is that clones doing on RW ?

Yeay a predator is coming for me
Good Luck
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-9-12 17:30
Dear Roshamb0, thx for your feedback, we will check that server and see what's going on there.
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-13 01:17
Forum Rules :
⑴We forbid posts that jeopardize country security, social stability or break laws.
⑵We forbid posts concerning politics, nations and ethnics.
⑶We forbid posts concerning feudalism, reactionary or lack or morality.
⑷We forbid posts with text, pictures or video links concerning violence, sex and other uncivil contents.
⑸We forbid posts concerning any kind of discrimination such as ethnics, nation, region or gender discrimination.
⑹ We forbid posts that include advertisements of BOT, Trojan, virus, private server, bugs.
⑺We forbid posts that have links, contact information, elements of other game or commercial contents.
⑻We forbid posts of personal attack.
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⑾We forbid posts that attack or insult forum staff or GM.
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⒀We forbid posts that include any impermissible advertisements.
⒁We forbid meaningless posts and comments.
⒂We forbid posts that have been sent for numerous times.
⒃We forbid posts that attack the COTK.
⒄We forbid posts using insulting language.

Number 17 that GM forbid posts using insulting languange, please check on every skuele's posts ( comments ) always insulting. Please take action of this. Thanks GM
Author: limits    Time: 2016-9-13 02:27
Gm Chen pls merge S41 with S45 i guess that will balanced out.

Maritimus Shu45
Author: feicia    Time: 2016-9-13 20:12

S 45 masih jomblo loh dan masih perawan, lamar aja lol.

gak ah, perawan mah ribet, banyak maunya, ntar minta dikawinin lagi la wkwkwkwkw

shu44 (someone)
Author: stocksprint    Time: 2016-9-13 22:14
numpang ketawa ja lha hahahaha lucu ....
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-14 13:22
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-13 01:17
Forum Rules :
⑴We forbid posts that jeopardize country security, social stability or break l ...

herecomes the cry baby who uses every kind of despicable tricks just to make his plan go smooth. Who are you TorqZhao in s41 beside an auto off clones that still use Pangde in a lvl 7 country.

And Roshambo, thanks for your concern although we dont really need one. We know that this s41 merging thing is really a pain in the neck. We fight back because this punk had been doing lots of drama to fool GM. Chen you can come an check especially on reclamation time. Look how far is the gap between slaves of 3 countries. They have more than 3 times of ours. And look at the amount of shu defenders to our attackers.

#TruthReveals #TorqZhaoLameDramaQueen

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-14 16:30
Edited by TorqZhao at 2016-9-14 16:37

Thanks for the concern Roshambo s38. You can see here xixi is skuele's friend.
You see skuele's behaviour already. Now you know what we feel fight all lies from wu 41 everyday
Denial Denial Denial even stab wei's back.
No matter what we do, wu are hiding the topic about their clones and their winning to deviate the topic
If they really not doing clones, and losing to shu etc as they accuse me lying why they keep bothering and panic?
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-9-14 20:56
Edited by Skuele at 2016-9-14 21:25

Wu has a Clones ???
I think it's your own Clones who always spies our chatting (For Example: Rosel)   and you told it was ours ?
OMG still a LIAR BASTARD you are TorqZhao aka Master of CLones
And still call me and other WU41 a Liar ??? ppppfffftttt   Here i give you another mirrors again and don't run away from reality

Shu Clones = 65++ gens
Wu Clones / Maybe Your own Clones = 20 gens
Wei Clones = 15 gens
See The Difference TorqZhao/ Master of Clones / Liar Actor  
Read it carefully forum rules No:14 and 15 Master of Clones You always break it too

By the way,
I read someone said that merge with S45 will make it balance ???
Hahahahaha A Strong Ingame Player but the real player's mind is poor ;P

Author: jameson1974    Time: 2016-9-15 16:43
Actually the rest of shu 41 is quiet except for the tadpole torq who still doesn't want to reveal his game name....he's a one man shu41 lol....
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-16 03:03
jameson1974 replied at 2016-9-15 16:43
Actually the rest of shu 41 is quiet except for the tadpole torq who still doesn't want to reveal hi ...

A tadpole indeed. As I said again and again, nobody fro. Shu41 is supporting this toad except himself and his clone id. So torqi, boy, STFU and ask your fellow shu to support your childish acts.
Author: XeTaN    Time: 2016-9-18 13:10
@Roshambo s38

My brother u dont too smart with your words.. U can loggin in 41 daily to see the truth.. See when harvest dispatch snatch time.. Before u do that dont tell that u know everything.

@GM Chen
Hoooo.. Finally u came out boss.. Where u hiding for a long time boss??
All we s41 need is ban all of clones (wei - wu - shu) we dont need about merger anymore

Ple be quite f*cker dam* clone !!!
Author: Araleigh    Time: 2016-9-18 22:43
I hope GM Chen can help all you s41 honest players.

Good luck
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-9-20 22:32
Edited by TorqZhao at 2016-9-20 22:39

GM, you must see this
Server 41 condition (

Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-9-22 12:47
Edited by Xixi778 at 2016-9-22 12:50
TorqZhao replied at 2016-9-20 22:32
GM, you must see this
Server 41 condition (

This only happens usually after midnight at around 2 - 3am. When most of shu players are sleeping. I think Chen had already checked the server and know that this condition dont happen often. During the dispatching and harvesting time, shu is domiinating mid city. Hence, stop your BS and play the game like a man.
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-10-12 03:53
wu-wei always surrounding shu. stop the act xixi. GM knew the truth

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-10-12 12:04
MERGE S41 with S 7 . I like to see there thread
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-10-13 14:17
Tcottulysse replied at 2016-10-12 12:04
MERGE S41 with S 7 . I like to see there thread

I agree
Author: devilingtz    Time: 2016-10-13 20:39
Perawan kata kata lhu, uda jebol smua tuh,, ( pantatx ) lol...
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-10-14 06:52
@Roshambo: I haven't heard other servers saying anything about our server except the almighty s38.. There's plenty of threads about s7 and s12 as well, do you want to complain on these servers as well?  Second, one guys from Shu does not speak for the entirety of Shu s41, he can complain all he wants but back when server first initial merge with s43 it was Shu s43 that talked dirty and made fun of the other two country, think of it as payback yea? Lastly, I see people post and complain on forum all the time, do I single them out?
So my point is King of Shu s38 or whatever you are, go back to your pretend throne and stop acting almighty please.

@GM I'm sure GM busy with problems from other servers like s60 s54 s55 that's Romance of One kingdom now so we already merged twice to save Shu, so if you want to merge and save these crybabies again then be my guest, I'm indifferent about merge.

@Shus41 I would feel bad for you guys but you have more clones than both countries combined so you should feel honored instead of crying all day like TorqZhao (whoever the f*** you are...)

@To the rest, welcome to Heyshell, land of clones and crybabies, there will never be a balance server so play with the cards you've been dealt with.  If you want to come to s41 and check us out, make sure to bring popcorn and Kleenex for Shu s41

Sugar s41
Author: ColdLess    Time: 2016-10-14 21:07
STFU s41 wu skuele  you son of b !!. S41 Wei and wu always bully shu
Author: ThickFace    Time: 2016-10-14 21:27
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-10-14 06:52
@Roshambo: I haven't heard other servers saying anything about our server except the almighty s38..  ...

Well written sugar. I'm at s60 n we've been asking for a merger becos we r too strong . I think cos s41 shu has always had it easy ..so when it gets just a little tough they cry out . Just fight hard n play hard
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-10-15 21:17
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-10-14 06:52
@Roshambo: I haven't heard other servers saying anything about our server except the almighty s38..  ...

Sugar, I would waste even a second to these f@€"ers. They are not worth of our time, especially the crybaby TorqSh1t. Until now, not 1 shu come to this forum to back him up. If there is, it's guaranteed to be another cloned id of his. STFU you TorqSh1t...
Author: -ZHAOYUN-    Time: 2016-10-17 18:49
Are There Any ID Want To Share At S41? At Least VIP5 Please... Thanks

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-10-19 01:37
What is this GM? wu s41 breeding red gens
ban all wu 41 clones GM. so unfair country, yuck..

Author: ukZ-    Time: 2016-10-20 14:00
merger cuman bisa nambah clone doank di pihak shu:

Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-10-20 14:22
ukZ- replied at 2016-10-20 14:00
merger cuman bisa nambah clone doank di pihak shu:

english please

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