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Title: merge s12 with s7 [Print this page]

Author: youyou    Time: 2016-9-27 19:05
Title: merge s12 with s7
Edited by youyou at 2016-9-27 19:31

GM since u cant merge s1 anymore , y not merge s7 again?

Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-9-27 21:29
S7 Shu strong?
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-9-28 08:53
very weak.. not more than 8 active player
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-9-28 12:35
Merger with s7? Lol..wei bot server again..haiz.. better u ask merger s1 with s7 ..lol same bot server
Author: Prhunk    Time: 2016-9-28 13:57
s1and s7 cant merger anymore.
Author: Prhunk    Time: 2016-9-28 14:01
s1 and s7 cant merger anymore bro.

Prhunk wei s59
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2016-9-28 14:19
Wei you has no balls eh ?
From s19-20, 12-15 always cry for merger
3 times merger, 3 times crying, even both of wei - wu always made stupid alliance, eh lord and dog mutualisme
What a looser, just go fuck with wu you stupid idiotic moronic
Voted no for merger with bot server
Author: chelumser    Time: 2016-9-28 14:21
Cant merger server elite with server elite
Author: HuGet    Time: 2016-9-28 15:30
Why they always have good actor ???
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-9-28 15:40
Merge s12 with s7 or s1. Then s7 or s1 wei clones can fight the hundreds of s12 Shu clones. Scum.
Author: whoknowu    Time: 2016-9-28 15:47
Afrooo replied at 2016-9-28 15:40
Merge s12 with s7 or s1. Then s7 or s1 wei clones can fight the hundreds of s12 Shu clones. Scum.

s7 or s1 wei clones?
kiddin me dude....
the real 1 is BOT not clones
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-9-28 18:49
S12 shu have bots too lol
Author: MaChau    Time: 2016-9-28 23:17
Come Come .. merge with S7. i wonder how RW fight auto off bot
Author: whoknowu    Time: 2016-9-29 09:52
Afrooo replied at 2016-9-28 18:49
S12 shu have bots too lol

I know some of weihv spy id on shu, u need to borrow from them,and check on our country chat, are we using bots or not?
admit it bro, shu hv so many player and still active, different than your country
our country chat always noisy
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-9-29 10:05
whoknowu replied at 2016-9-29 09:52
I know some of weihv spy id on shu, u need to borrow from them,and check on our country chat, are  ...

You think we could tell if you're running bot programs just by looking at your chat? Are you that dumb?
Author: whoknowu    Time: 2016-9-29 11:22
Afrooo replied at 2016-9-29 10:05
You think we could tell if you're running bot programs just by looking at your chat? Are you that  ...

noob still noob...tsktsktsk....
i thought u never fight with bot. just bcos your level higher than me, doesn't mean u're pro than me.

Author: HuGet    Time: 2016-9-29 13:01
Let he to join our group to see how many shu active player.
if u dunno the true dont ask anymore dude.
u crying even when play game, i cant imagine how to be like if i hit u .. hahahaha
stupid shit head.
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-9-29 14:15
You're lack of knowledge reflgarding the English language is preventing me from replying. Whoknowu, what are you even saying? I didn't say I was more pro than you?

HuGet: learn English then get back to me. You're just a GreenAdolph clone.
Author: HuGet    Time: 2016-9-29 18:35
okay .. xixixixi
such a loser.
are u already said this problem to your mom ??? i suggest to say your mom.. she'll on your side, dont worry.
Author: SunCe    Time: 2016-10-5 05:20
Kaya direspon aja lo bangsat huget,,,!! banyak bacot..!!! shu 12 pade ketakutan tuh!! akun sampah aja
Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-10-6 07:57
SunCe replied at 2016-10-5 05:20
Kaya direspon aja lo bangsat huget,,,!! banyak bacot..!!! shu 12 pade ketakutan tuh!! akun sampah aj ...

Loe yang bangsat.. pake popok dolo sana..

Author: Happyman    Time: 2016-10-6 07:57
SunCe replied at 2016-10-5 05:20
Kaya direspon aja lo bangsat huget,,,!! banyak bacot..!!! shu 12 pade ketakutan tuh!! akun sampah aj ...

Loe yang bangsat.. pake popok dolo sana..
Author: XuhexXuhex    Time: 2016-10-11 11:36
S7 Wei players wear menstruation pads. Hey sissy Xzel. how many clones you need to bring along whenever you move your gens? you are very pity. To play a simple game, you need to arrange so many things. Though you are fagot, for once in a while, play like a man.
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-10-11 20:22
SunCe replied at 2016-10-5 05:20
Kaya direspon aja lo bangsat huget,,,!! banyak bacot..!!! shu 12 pade ketakutan tuh!! akun sampah aj ...

Alah main ngandalin bot...lo yg smpah..lo pikir emamg klian aja yg bsa pke bot goblok.
Klo kmi mau bsa pke tpi buat apa s12 server clear from bot but not sure clone.
Wei,wu,shu ada aja id lvl rendah.

Author: danz69    Time: 2016-10-11 23:52
Better S1 merger S7.wkwkwk...
And then super bots vs Guards..
Author: feicia    Time: 2016-12-15 13:21
why for every threads like this, ALWAYS end up anti climax? please continue, this debate is not over yet,  i wanna read more, this helping me to kill time on maintenance moment like this.

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