Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Opinion to make skill that imune to auto off [Print this page]

Author: Sbs    Time: 2016-10-16 22:59
Title: Opinion to make skill that imune to auto off
Dear gm since you are useless !!!!!! Ha ha ha . Can not solve bot program , clone and event fake rc.

I suggest you make skill or arm or star or anything that have ability to immune or remove auto off.

If you have this i believe that alot player want to get this even rc again
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-10-17 02:10
Edited by Xixi778 at 2016-10-17 02:15

Auto off has been a pain in the neck for such a long time. So Chen, why didnt you want to remove that button until now? Just get rid of it and you solve clones and bots problems. Or is this your company's strategy to get rid of old server so you dont have to waste too much on server maintenance costs since old servers are recharging lesser now  or even no longer recharge? I suspect the bots are made by Heyshell to get rid off older server? I might be wrong but its highly possible and logic right?
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-10-17 09:21
What we are facing here is also faced by the Chinese server. Complain also no use.

Heyshell can't do a SHIT for any game mechanism change.

Best is merge all servers into one & create chaos to make the game interesting.
Author: BURLLL    Time: 2016-10-17 15:37
first of all , auto on/off are part of in game war tactics and I don't think gm gonna read this unnecessary forum/msg  at all...
What a waste of time.
I hope next time if u peeps wanna complain something. Please make it worth to read and to reply.
Thank You
Author: McDohl    Time: 2016-10-17 16:21
Another way is to put a limitation on the Auto Off per day (Max 10).
If more then use GOLD (20G per 1 time use)

Think this is better... haha

P.S. Heyshell want to employ me? I can think of other ways to squeeze gold. Haha
Author: Sbs    Time: 2016-10-17 17:57
BURLLL replied at 2016-10-17 15:37
first of all , auto on/off are part of in game war tactics and I don't think gm gonna read this unne ...

This is forum every one is free to give opinion bro

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