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Title: New Awaken & Special Heroes Information [Print this page]

Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-11-28 16:16
Title: New Awaken & Special Heroes Information
Edited by ChrisLim at 2016-11-28 17:04

Got the information from Chinese server.
Have tried to translate them as accurate as possible.

Jiaxu obtain from event.
Water terrain capacity +25%
No talent
Skill 4 rows which release a formation on the ground that affect 5 times (like Jiangwei) which slay the enemy troops if less than or equal to 40% from a fully recruited size, otherwise reduce 30% damage from a fully recruited size (like Luxun).

Awaken Sunjian obtain at lvl 173
City terrain (only for attacker) +45%
Talent: Rebound enemy skill with a protection shield that absorb enemy skill & common attack damage by 45%. Can absorb up to 3 times.
Skill 2 rows.

Awaken Lubu obtain at lvl 179
All terrain (except city) capacity +25%
Talent: Common attack 2 rows that causes 50% damage to second row. Kill first row will have 1.5 Crit* on next attack.
Killed/Died 1 row receive 1 rage, 3 rage will turn into God of War that increase 20% fighting power.
Every row first common attack will have additional 50% blood sucking effect.
Skill 3 rows.

Suijing obtain from event.
All terrain (except city) capacity +20%
Talent: Blessed with 4 mythical creatures - every row will release a creature with special skill
- Dragon: reduce enemy 3 rows -25% attack and -25% defend
- Tiger: slay the first row
- Phoenix: comon attack 3 rows, every row receive 30% damage from a fully recruited size troops
- Tortoise: first row receive immune ability to attack/skill damage up to 2 times
Advantage: every row equipped with a special skill, interchangeable , unpredictable, can attack/defend, full function of a killing machine
No skill.

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-11-28 16:51
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-11-28 16:58

Thanx a lot Chris,

what exactly does "Talent: Rebound enemy skill with a protection shield that absorb enemy skill & common attack damage by 45%." mean? Does that mean that after rebound all enemy´s units hit by skill will have their common attack damage inflicted upon Sun Jian lowered by 45% ? If so, that´s awesome for my new tank.

Once more, thank you.
Author: Archlavie    Time: 2016-11-28 19:41
Well done Chris and Thank you for the info ..
Author: ody    Time: 2016-12-3 18:15
Good Job Chris

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