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Title: How do you guys manage save resources and RO for events? [Print this page]

Author: Chantt    Time: 2016-12-3 00:28
Title: How do you guys manage save resources and RO for events?
Share some tips Many will benefit..

Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-12-3 01:08
Do not online too often
Author: Chantt    Time: 2016-12-3 08:37
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2016-12-3 01:08
Do not online too often

why so???
Author: Xixi    Time: 2016-12-5 04:11
There are several ways from my point of view...

1. Use RO boost 200%/300% to save on your recruitment if you have large troops.
2. Play manually instead of auto fight.
3. Only auto your strongest gens or those you wanted to keep the longest.
4. Kill only at barbies event to gain the most exp point, to save food and ro.
Author: millertime    Time: 2016-12-5 04:15
RO's will probably not be a problem for long if you play manually enough. At this point I will never run out of RO even though I exclusively play with auto battle. Food is the problem I'm not sure how people save enough food for these events all the time
Author: EweBau    Time: 2016-12-5 20:50
dont push too hard if there's no events like meng huo/MOH. at non-event days just play for daily tasks. try to online every 1 hour to swap silver for food. claim resource war regularly. Some coleagues say spend 1 gold everyday for food.
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-12-5 21:23
Rc become vip 12 is solved
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-12-5 23:06
1. @MoH buy 200% faster recruit + 30% exp bonus, you should save RO and have lvl 6-8 in 24 hours, next day buy only faster recruit as exp bonus from MoH should be enough for fast finish of MoH
2.@ MengHuo use Tech Kill bonus wisely - especially while doing Barbarian Trial or Assiege, if you wanna finish 6-7 catch, use 200% faster recruit.

It is impossible to save food other way than through Tech Kill bonus (MengHuo event) and exp bonus (MoH).

If there are none events for getting vouchers, do just daily tasks for max kill chest and feat.

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