Heyshell Games Forum

Title: all server become lack of player !!! [Print this page]

Author: Rico19816    Time: 2016-12-27 01:06
Title: all server become lack of player !!!
Dear Management Heyshell or admin,

just go to the point, Admin n Management this game need to check all server..
cause i see so many ppl retired from this game, even at new server every country just active 4 - 6 ppl to play now....and u need to take action if u wanna get more money..
so much event not make all ppl keep recharge, thats not solution for player like us..

i love this game but need to leave this game now, cause so many ppl already retired and move to new game..
why they all retired  cause  "Clone / Bot problem never solve" and for "illegal gold" i dont care about that cause they still used money to buy gold..

for all my friend from S7, S29/32, S38/40, i wanna said tq so much for played and laugh together even we always fight bot and illegal gold..

cya all..


Author: Ethan    Time: 2016-12-27 01:16
i agree with u bro..
cya bro, we waiting u at "throne of King - For fredom server"..

join our league, u can be 1 of good VIP hahahhaha....
some of high VIP already join us bro, they waiting u..

and for some one who hate bot, this game just can play using handphone not PC..
than u all not need to worry about bot n clone..

Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-12-27 17:33
Lack of player but more than sufficient bots and clones
Author: Franco    Time: 2016-12-27 21:24
Agree bro, u right, this game really fvcking now, kenot manage old server, some server never merger, then always created new server, only 6 ppl active everyday.

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