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Title: Getting z liao [Print this page]

Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-1-2 11:09
Title: Getting z liao
should I keep my ganning, xhdun and tschi? Or replace one of them with z liao? Then who?
Author: donjuan    Time: 2017-1-2 11:29
Zliao has a very low force, useless to recruit him
Author: gx66    Time: 2017-1-2 11:29
observe in world map battle scenes, z.liao is rarely deploy by player, need not waste resources to train him.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2017-1-2 11:30
If you got no special hero use ZLiao and replace Ganning
Z.Yu to replace TSChi
M.Chao to replace XHDun
I believe you got DWei and Jia..
Awake Jia it can be your perm gen till lvl143
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-1-2 12:55
Tks all. I ll probably skip this hero .... And wait for mchao. Tks bros
Author: Anti-COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-1-3 08:51
ZhugeJedi replied at 2017-1-2 12:55
Tks all. I ll probably skip this hero .... And wait for mchao. Tks bros

Skip machao also better get sunce

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2017-1-3 20:54
Edited by Corvinus at 2017-1-3 20:56

Well well, the use of Zhang Liao depends on few parameters.

First, what is average level of oponents. If you are surrounded by same levels as you (presume you are level on which you got zhang liao) it is very useful, but not as melee damage dealer. I used ZL quite long as missile and superb blocker. If there is lot of people with your level and you´ll equip ZL with Trick, Tactic and Attack, you will sweep oponents with ZL. And as he is good blocker you can save heroes like X.H.Dun or Ma Chao from being skilled. The truth is, Zhang Liao is very bad melee damage dealer and is very fragile.  

Second what do you use him for. ZL is lame for Trial Tower and Special Instances, good for Arena and Tourney (again if the oponent is not let´s say 10 lvl higher or with good skill defense or defense) and useful for some lower Biographies and Star atlas inst.

Third, how long do you wanna use him. If I remember correctly I used Zhang Liao until I got Zhang Fei, but note, this was time when Chariot system was released which means there were not so good defended generals. If memory serves me well, I used Zhang Liao, Guo Jia, Zhou Yu, Ma Chao and Dian Wei, then replaced Dian Wei with Lu Xun and Zhang Liao with Zhang Fei.

Fourth, which hero you want to awake. Zhang Liao awaken is waste of tokens. But in broader sense think whom you wanna awake so you can train him more. For example if you wanna awake Xu Chu, then it´s useless to train Zhang Liao and better use Xu Chu. The same goes for X.H. Dun. As I specialized on Guo Jia and use him until getting Sun Jian (lvl. 143) I never thought of awaken other hero than him and I could use Zhang Liao, bcs not using Xu Chu or Xia Ho Dun.

So these are things you should consider before say you will not use Zhang Liao.
Author: DevilsKing    Time: 2017-1-4 00:53
Dont use zhang liao,really useless gen only wasting time.. except if his skill couldnot be rebounded lol
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-1-12 22:50
Corvinus replied at 2017-1-3 20:54
Well well, the use of Zhang Liao depends on few parameters.

First, what is average level of oponen ...

Tks. This is so useful for my decision. I want to kill more in country wars and I'm lacking in special instances. I can't beat Guojia at level 103.
Author: ZhugeJedi    Time: 2017-1-12 22:51
Anti-COTK-Chen replied at 2017-1-3 08:51
Skip machao also better get sunce

I don't think I can skip another hero.

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