Heyshell Games Forum

Title: The Fourth match day is coming!Let us vote for June 16 [Print this page]

Author: sittree    Time: 2014-6-13 18:32
Title: The Fourth match day is coming!Let us vote for June 16
The 2014 FIFA World Cup is coming. For many countries, it's similar to a national holiday. We will not miss this very grand FIFA World Cup and we will bring a series of World Cup Events.
Here it goes:

Event: Which team do you support? Vote now!
Servers: All the servers of COTK
- Two days before the competition begins, we will make poll in the forum. Everyone can choose a country to support. The poll will end before the competition begins.
- When the competition ends, we will choose 10 players from the winning country supporters and send them a gift.
- If the competition goes in a tie, we will choose 5 players from each country supporters and send them a gift.
50 Gold, 100K Food, 100K Wood and 100K Silver
How to get the gift?
We will send the gift codes to players though the forum messages.
1. If there are 3 competitions, there will only be one poll and players can only choose one country to support. We will choose 10 players from each competition.
2. Every player can only vote once in one poll which means you can only be rewarded once in one poll.
3. When the winning country supporters are less than 10, we will only send those supporters the gifts.

On June 16th,we will vote on three games! Choose your Favorite team to support!
The three game are   Switzerland VS Ecuador
                               France VS Honduras
Argentina VS Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author: jpkurdi    Time: 2014-6-13 19:35
France Win
S13 Weiladalah
Author: BrainChann    Time: 2014-6-13 21:44
S5 BrainChann
Author: DaleMatt    Time: 2014-6-13 22:15
France winnnn...
Author: Caocibai    Time: 2014-6-13 23:20

Shu s3&4
Author: bondalat    Time: 2014-6-13 23:25
S11 bondalat
Author: gustnancy    Time: 2014-6-14 00:18
Author: akuadi    Time: 2014-6-14 07:44
Author: 李敖    Time: 2014-6-14 08:45
France Win.  s1.IGN 李敖

Author: 李敖    Time: 2014-6-14 09:01
France Win.s1.IGN 李喆
Author: เอ็ม    Time: 2014-6-14 09:44
อาร์เจนติน่า win
Author: akvums3    Time: 2014-6-14 10:00
Author: Leront    Time: 2014-6-14 19:12
Argentina win
S5 Leront
Author: wirilicious    Time: 2014-6-14 19:19
Shu S5
ign : wirilicious
Author: son-huang    Time: 2014-6-14 20:31
Honduras Win
Author: syad    Time: 2014-6-14 20:31
Argentina win

Syad on s15
Author: ZYREX    Time: 2014-6-14 20:55
argentina win
s14 nick Zyrex
Author: Iceberg    Time: 2014-6-14 22:52

Iceberg S1
Author: foxxavie    Time: 2014-6-15 10:53

Author: tl5086    Time: 2014-6-15 13:17
argentina  leetodd(shu s3)
Author: momocha    Time: 2014-6-15 17:53
server 14
Author: neqwa    Time: 2014-6-16 01:57
France win S5 Neqwa

Author: AriefNewbie    Time: 2014-6-16 13:05
Dear Admin COTK's,
I Already Vote the fourth match day . But i didn't received those code on forum message .
In the Fourth match i vote Switzerland which that country is the winner today . I'm still waiting . And yet the voters just only 10 ppl , which that mean all the voters switzerland can received the code .

Admin COTK's
Author: Nicole    Time: 2014-6-18 08:34
Edited by Nicole at 2014-6-18 08:44

Argentina Win

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