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Title: [New Version]Preview [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-2-27 09:53
Title: [New Version]Preview
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2017-2-27 09:53

The new version is approaching, which will bring you wonderful gaming experience with new functions and optimization! Now is the time to take a quick look at it! Never miss it!
What's New :
1.Awakened Heroes: C.W.Ji, Z.Ci, D.Chan
2.Supremacy: a new system to power the heroes
3.Newposition available in Battalion
1.Targets upgraded both in Kill and Feat  
2.Shadow unused in Barbarian Trial and Journey to Conquer will return to you as EXP not free chances

Author: Franco    Time: 2017-2-27 15:49
asem ketahuan free shadow sama GM lol
Author: superstar70    Time: 2017-2-27 16:12
MR CHEN, I think u forgot  drop cokelat in Valentine's day
Author: artons    Time: 2017-2-27 18:23
Lol gm beter make we shdw auto figth in trial n not be just retrn by exp lah

Author: Xixi778    Time: 2017-2-27 21:59
superstar70 replied at 2017-2-27 16:12
MR CHEN, I think u forgot  drop cokelat in Valentine's day

There was drop rose insteadof choco
Author: Tatipang    Time: 2017-2-27 22:06
New version, no more lag during server quest? Better dont launch if heyshell cant fix
Author: Stellar    Time: 2017-2-27 22:08
shadow kill tetap dihitung ga ?
shadow still auto lure?
Author: Armweak    Time: 2017-2-28 06:32
yeah GM...please make our shadow auto lure...not only in trial, but in asiege also....

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