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Title: Server Quest. Believe Yourself, Try Your Best to Fight! [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-2-27 20:45
Title: Server Quest. Believe Yourself, Try Your Best to Fight!
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2017-2-27 20:45

Event. Server Quest
Let’s start the new cross server war: Server Quest! Here is a chance to fight with other two countries on world map. It is time to show your wisdom and bravery. We stand together!
Time: Feb.28th (GMT+8)
Server: S1 - S72
Pre-Notice: 9:00-19:00
Groups: 19:00-20:00
Battle time: 20:00-22:00
Claim time: 22:00-23:59
How to Group
The world map is divided into 7 parts. Besides the central part(Xuchang-Wooxian-Jiangxia), other 3 parts are occupied by Yellow Rebellion, including Luoyang-Tongguan,  Langya-Guangling,  Wuyang-Guiyang.
Countries joined in the Expedition will be grouped according to the Rank and then will be dispatched to one of the three camps randomly on world map(HeBei, Shu, J.Dong)
How to Play
Stage 1: Annihilation
1) Fight against Yellow Rebellion and siege Two cities in Central part of the map(randomly selected by system).
2) Stage 1 will end when the two cities are occupied.
Stage 2 : Siege City
1) Owner of the Task City will be regarded as Defender.
2) Rules are the same as the Siege Event.
3) If the Task City is still not occupied till 22:00, the Defender will be taken as the winner.
Task Rewards
Stage 1: Annihilation
1) Same rewards will be delivered to all participants
2) Rewards will be auto-sent after one of Task Cities being occupied
Stage 2: Siege City
1) Basic rewards depend on the killing rank. Higher rank, More rewards.
2) Countries successfully occupying or defending the Task City will receive extra rewards. Other participating countries receive basic rewards.
3) Rewards can be claimed from the time when Expedition's over to 23:59.  
4) Unclaimed rewards will be auto-sent to you.

Details: http://www.heyshell.com/cot/zhongxin_info/786.html
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ClashofThreeKingdoms

Author: Tatipang    Time: 2017-2-27 22:10
Press now, the hero will respond next year.
Do nothing suddenly win/lost.
Did we pay for a poor service like that? Thank you GM and developer ( for ignoring )
Author: secrettask    Time: 2017-2-28 20:15
So lag.
Author: Ah-B    Time: 2017-3-1 08:53
GMs, S69 Wu yesterday server contest won 1 city. And we received a mail saying 25kx2 iron and 800 vouchers were send to us, but we never received anything. I still got screenshots of what i have before the contest. Please check and revert, thanks and have a nice day.
Author: Tatipang    Time: 2017-3-1 14:15
Ah-B replied at 2017-3-1 08:53
GMs, S69 Wu yesterday server contest won 1 city. And we received a mail saying 25kx2 iron and 800 vo ...

Won 1 city at 1st round vs YL, ask the player who occupied that city, i think he received 800voc already

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