Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [Forum Event] My In-game Friends and Me~ [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-3-2 18:04
Title: [Forum Event] My In-game Friends and Me~
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2017-3-2 18:04

Hi, everybody! Hot News! It has been 3 years since COTK come up to you. Thank you for being with us. Now in order to enrich players' activities, and meanwhile to celebrate the coming COTK Anniversary Celebration, we prepared a special and warm Forum event named " My In-game Friends and Me" for you. Let's think about something interesting. Do you remember who is your best in-game friend for COTK? Have you ever went through some unforgettable or interesting things with your in-game friends? Now, write down the most impressive story or thing between your in-game friends and you and you will have the chance to win the big rewards! It is the time to celebrate our Anniversary Party and share your story! Hurry up to join! Let's find out which stories are the best!
Time: Ends on March.11th
1. IGN and Server
2. Write down the most impressive story or thing between your in-game friends and you.
20 Players who gave best answers will be selected to be rewarded 100 gold.
1. The rewards will be sent to you on March.13th.
2. If you do not post your information under forum event page, rewards will not be sent to your account.
3. Please read the requirements carefully or else you'll lose the chance to be rewarded
4. No abusive or rude remarks allowed in this event
5. The final explanation is reserved by COTK

Author: LeeOdele    Time: 2017-3-2 18:11
Theres a time when one of my friend in weis66 named Chunwei fought against shus66 named Nami, and the fight lasted like an hour or so and he (chunwei) insisted no one disturb their fight. And we all watched and laughed at their battle at nothern side of Tongguan..... untill now i still remember the fight and the fun.

Ign: Buyan
Server: s66
Country: Wei
Author: Pylus    Time: 2017-3-2 18:37
Edited by Pylus at 2017-3-2 18:41

Its story from s.68 when me and friend ( espermorto wu s.68 ) battle in 5 round to get a tittle in yellow castle. Im still remember where asmara ( wu s.68 ) give him castle to end my battle with esper

IGN : Pylus
Server : 68
Author: 叶尚    Time: 2017-3-2 19:41
IGN : 叶尚
Server : Shu44

Alright, so there is 2 person i like to tell about them, 1. id Goaaal, 2nd id 阿修罗, me and them are one of those long members of Shu44, we had moments, good and bad times in games or real life, more things is goaal did help us with his knowledge of the game since he is more expert with it, whole things is shu44 members did help each others without conditions, there is moment when i got tired with game and decided to throw the game up,  阿修罗 always calling me back to game, well we do communicate outside the game tho, we do share about our real life matters, i even talked to her kiddos on phone lol, well i can say she was the one who most influenced me to comeback to your game after all (you know when woman keep pushing you around, they just don't know when to stop for Christ sake, LOL), and this call Goaal (LMAO), my long time friend game did help me crawling back when anyone already have great generals, but i'm survive, and yeah we did make communication via phone about this game, ahh there is 1 more friend of mine id : Capcaycoy...this fat xuchu seems were my friend on Mafia Wars (zynga), we were on different clan...anyhow..we have met here and play on the same side.
Overall, Shu44 are very "warm" place to stay, because we do anything, fooling around, communication with adult way, we do joking around always.

Now that's my story, nail it and give me my reward.
Author: Warprince    Time: 2017-3-2 19:45
Me and 7 shu friends. Wait for midnight to launch country upgrade trial and fight for whole night.during these hours,we chat nonsense matters for ensuring no one fall asleep lol.finally we finish 15 minutes prior to deadtime.
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2017-3-2 19:50
My best in-game friend in COTK are CIUPE and PIZZA... CIUPE is very friendly person, humble and seems a nice guy. We have many things in equation such as same mother tongue, playing since lowest level and fight together since s.17 until now merger with s.16. PIZZA?? OH MY DEAR... Everyone know who pizza is.. some like him but others hate him so much.. btw Pizza is a nice person, straight type talk active person although you like it or not. They're very busy nowdays; it's rarely seen them online but they kept playing to show their love with friend and this game...HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY COTK AND GOD BLESS WE ALL..

SHU / S.16

Author: Franco    Time: 2017-3-2 20:02
I come from Shu S 45, since S 45 launched.
Many memories that i had with friends of the country because they call me Zhuge Liang as master strategy, but is a special friend Maritimus because he always call me uncle.
Originally our country very weak and i give him to be King, so that he play more and keep RC ( that my politic lol, sory Mari). Then our friendship continues to give phone number, we can communicated
each other even though different countries.
Thanks Heyshell, you are not just a place to play for me, but a place to add a lot of friends defifrent country.
IGN, Kaesar
Shu S 45.
Author: artons    Time: 2017-3-2 20:20
Me from wei s25 n my friends is all wei me always fight until no food wht  all ashu n its more fun if big ashu lose event n wei win
Ign Indodjava wei s25
Author: Ah-B    Time: 2017-3-2 20:45
This is my 1st time playing cotk and i learned a lot of things. Basically i was so noob that i spend like more than 500 gold refining those non epic equipments just to pass some NPC as whenever i lost, there will be this lady saying recruit high quality generals, refine equipments and so on. And i really learned a hard and long way, through many players in S69, and i wont termed them as good or bad friends as they also taught me humans nature and egoism.
But i would like to express my thanks to 2 country mates, namely Travis992 and kashyapa. I treat them like my ingame best friends (but i no think they will regard me as one as i always the one disturbing them ) as they always guide me along whenever i pm or message them, despite Travis having a timezone totally opposite of mine. Basically in S69, Wu is the weakest among the 3 countries, and every fight we engaged were challenging and a story teller and we held our heads proud. We lost with honor and dignity, but we never gave up. There will be much more losses than wins, but i still login everyday with travis and kashyapa. But i may soon lose a good ingame mate due to some reasons but nevertheless, we can still contact each other through fb messenger.
This game let me see the both sides of a human, and i grateful that there is this platform for me to learn and play. I can continue to pen on and on but i will be wasting a lot of bandwidth. So for the benefits of GMs eyes, i shall end here with a thanks for reading.

Server: S69 Storm Zone

Author: bullophel    Time: 2017-3-2 21:52
pleasant memories in shu 54 how king shu54 mustard and highly appreciated in shu, and also for the event that there is a special event organized jointly m.huo king, and all the people shu respect, a very nice country setting and good cooperation in shu 54 right now. cotk thanks to the game we could understand people though did not meet with the other players. happy birthday to 3 years. game fun

ing : Audyana
Server :s54
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2017-3-2 21:55
Edited by Elizabeth2000 at 2017-3-2 21:59

My best friends are of course my ingame papa zlzKai,brother Judz and his gf Redfury.

Basically most from s46 to s48 are my good friends which keep us going strong in the game.

The most unforgettable history happened last year when Wei is flooded with clones controlled by a mastermind.These clones only target Shu and not Wu. Server was lagging and most shu people were in despair as the furthest Shu players can go is Tongguan during events and harvest. We lose events after events and have our resources snatched. However Shu was still blessed with quite a ton of quick thinking players who decide enough is enough we must work together. We started to win events thru patience,teamwork and perseverance. The mastermind was caught too offguard and decided to up the game;made more clones and off autofight. That makes the victory even sweeter. The clones will disappear when there are roses event or menghuo events. In the end I tink our stubborness kills off the mastermind' boredness.

It is because of memories like this that make people stay loyal to the game.

Although the game strategy may be "the more players u have in ur country,the better chance u win" but what I have learnt are

1)Good things come to those who wait.
2)Size of the fight may overcome size of army.Teamwork is important.
3)Only thru bad times,u can see the true colour of people.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-3-2 22:14
Dear players, thanks for your answers. Wish you good luck!
Author: Magician    Time: 2017-3-2 22:44
Edited by Magician at 2017-3-4 21:58

I already played this games for a years, already merged several times and because of that I got many friends. Back to first time, know nothing and don't have any friend that's why I play in some servers to choose the best environment that suitable with me. At the beginning I played in 5-6 servers, but some servers environment really did not fit with me although all my id are quite high at that time until I have chat with some people in S11. Its funny to admit that i never did country chat and world event or interact with other players until lvl 84. Because I really don't understand and can't find any guide how to play this game. I found this forum later after some cotk friends told me. I met some players that make me feel comfortable to play this game in S11 and make unforgettable memory: changed thousand vouchers to silver in level 80++, don't know the meaning of gold castle, use od just for fun in the wrong city, meaning of auto on /off, etc. Although some of them already retired, sometimes its funny to remember that moment and because of that i have a game to play and it's become the longest android game i ever played. The main reason i still play in this game because I realized "At least once for a life time I want to be the best, do the best, have the best and strive for excellence.....I'm not the best,but together with my country ."


Author: MehhElton    Time: 2017-3-2 23:40
I always fun when playing with my friend, everysingle time, bca friendship is for fun, and game is for fun..i just fun when playing cotk with my all friend.

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2017-3-2 23:58

My best in-game friend would be yongda. Well our story is very simple.
He pulled me into this game and once I started to know about this game, we argue about almost everything about the game.
We would always compare whose theory and progress stages would be better.
Argument is always the best way to know each other fast and gain knowlegde even faster.

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-3-3 01:12
I play in shu 44 . I don t have a best friend . But I m glad to play along those crazy ppl. In one  year I learned to hail porn, and of course all the Indonesian food . ( cumi rendang etc) what s fascinating it s the chemistry we got when we play . We got the back of each other and nothing seems insurmontable. We laugh a lot together , got great teamwork , play 24/24 hours.  thanks to all shu 44 who have tried desperately to teach me how to play this game that I still don't understand. But they still tried and that's how is it. cause stone cold say so ( private joke). Idn TcottUlysse. I play in well you know it
Author: donjuan    Time: 2017-3-3 03:19

I have good in-game friend called bedegug.

I have been friends with him when i played at s38,
Then i decided to start fresh at s40, but somehow s40 got merged to s38 again.
So i'm ex s38 but rejoining s38 again. Life is somewhat irony.

Well bedegug of s40 (now s38) was once wawan of s38 (before merge),
We fought together and i learn a lot from him.

The memorable of our friendship is we love to sing.
So we literally sang in country chat.
He typed his lyrics line, i typed mine, we responding each other forming complete lyrics of song, and the unique part was we both fond of old classic songs.

So the singing gave fresh energy for us to battle and finish each country mission.

I have never met bedegug in real life, but we sure form a good friendship through this game.
We can say that this game brought us new community of fun.

Thank you.
Author: juiboy    Time: 2017-3-3 04:43
My Wei fellows and I from s69 came to coin the term "Shuskies" and "Wuskies" to designate opponent players.
And of course we are the proud Weiskies!

ing: iwannapoup
serv: 69
Author: ClarkAvery    Time: 2017-3-3 05:12
Since I joined the COTK game back in 2014 server 11 was launched and since then I met a lot of friends, some are still playing some are already left, but thememories still present. Back then our king was WhiteCleme and was my best friends and to all other WU server 11, with AMIMO, Rwin, jimi, InkuLeona and some others hope they forgive me if i miss to mention them. after the merger with server 12 our family grown bigger with Benny, f3arless. After that we merger with s3 and our WU family grown bigger and stronger with our bigger brothers PLCV, and Wildgeese.
I wish you good luck to all players from different servers and countries, and I hope for our family WU s3 to stay tight and continue to play for fun and keep winning.

server 3
Author: Audemars    Time: 2017-3-3 11:06
Edited by Audemars at 2017-3-3 11:15

Wei S26 are many good friend. guide me to get a better in game. Such a nice person, Yonngupton, Liesan, George. God bless you all.

Audemars S26
Author: gradino2    Time: 2017-3-3 11:15
Shu 47 Qzer0 , he help me to got Sun Ce he try to guide me and when have the new event he always let me know to join and we always ask each other online together. Qzer0 is my in game best friend.

Ing: Myth
Server : S47
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2017-3-3 11:17
IGN : baixue
server : 12

well, because it is anniversary edition, let me roll back when i played at first server s19
back then shu under trio Lie Aw, Red Rose and GM Green are very superior, we bullied wei everyday until they are give up,one and another are retired or move to new server and the rest crying for merger.
now only a few survivor friends that still playing in s12, so far i remember Lie Aw, Lukav, Red225, ArbarFrank, EsperElroy and especially our gm til now GreenAdolph.
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2017-3-3 12:07
Edited by saangAnwar at 2017-3-3 12:09

I have many good friend in game in Wei S25. We share so many great moments here. They all are my best friend in game. Even we never meet in real life. But i have one moment with one of them, Devil. When we both compete to reach lvl 95. Since he has more experience in this game, he challenge me if i beat him then he will recharge for me. What he dont know is i still have bonus exp from siege rank. So i win easily

AvatarAang S25
Author: Hendry    Time: 2017-3-3 12:33
I have many friend in this game, but only a few of them can understands me and can support me to keep playing this game.. especially i give my special thanks to Wakatobi, Mazpaijo, Hakilmilo.., we have set targets to keep playing this, and it has been running for 2 years since my server open (s.32), there is struggle during playing this game such lack of irons, foods, and we keep have fun eventhough it happened.. such an happiness can play this game with these buddies.. hope we will play this for last long forever..

IGN : Andromeda s32

Author: Daryll    Time: 2017-3-3 14:41
Let me tell a tale about my journey on this game .. i met many friends on many servers , very friendly ppls but we cant ask everyone to sync with us, right ? .hahaha
so i will give my honour to 2 servers i ever or still playing at ,  my team on old s32 shu ( Wakatobi, Mazpaijo,Hakilmilo ) .. and current server s51 ( Jacegg88,Sakurahime,Tony,Deadly,Onie,Huggle,Cutie,Mei, Nuno,Guan and many more that i cant write it all ..must be a long lists lol ..
bad and happy things we been through together and make a such solid team not just a friendgame but more than tiny family that we take care for and stand fighting for em , many people seek for sensation, but in end family is the most precoius thing on your life

IGN : HakilDaryl s51
Author: H2H    Time: 2017-3-3 15:25
My story played this game... i played at s66 more late than others ppl about 10 lv above me , but because i love this game and i never give up leveling... now i can catch my friend level and also good story from me when event catch menghuo my food always under 2m but yeah still done until catch 7

IGN: SimaYi
Server: Wei S66
Author: LuckTazza    Time: 2017-3-3 23:52
Edited by LuckTazza at 2017-3-3 23:55

IGN: GomuGomuNo
server: 72 Shu

I remember about a year ago in the server 42, we  play on the new server and new to my friends who were there. Until one day when we started familiar with each other, we (I=KongBeng, and My friend are cocoh, NagaKecil, and the other) made a promise to meet directly at the cafe belonging to one player. Oh that's the fondest memories of our fellow players cotk.
Author: Fraltz    Time: 2017-3-4 10:26
Edited by Fraltz at 2017-3-4 10:29

There was one time when we are having smash eggs event, then this our friend wa.tere got a x.qiao fragment from s.egg which is not the s.hero. but everyone congratulates him which is pretty sarcastic and coincidentally he didnt online untill late night. so during the day we keep blaming off their sarcastic "GRATZ" claiming that he was angry at everyone, it was funny and fun lol. Sadly wa.tere no longer playing due to his career so we'll just wish a him good luck.  

IGN : Fraltz
Server S66 Wei
Author: On3    Time: 2017-3-4 19:59
Hii..All COTK bros..

It's also an anniversary for Us as COTK players as well...We have been through all the happiness, laugh, fun, angry, frustration together in many years. It is a mix feeling which We all get as "daily bonus" in playing COTK game.

As time pass by it's also make Us to be a better frenz with knowing more bout each other & try to be understand in what they are doing

Lastly, some of Our frenz might already retire or jump server but We never forget bout them..Show must go on... We still have to make a new frenz from the server merge or in facing another new game environment...

Just Keep fight with pride and compete fairly. But Not to forget make more frenz even We are not in the same country or server...

Wish everyone the best..& more successful in what we all do...Cheers all COTK bros..  

S21 - Wa0n3

Author: shadow    Time: 2017-3-4 22:08
ClarkAvery replied at 2017-3-3 05:12
Since I joined the COTK game back in 2014 server 11 was launched and since then I met a lot of frien ...

Wu S3 still solid team and i am joined almost 3 years with Wu S11
and now more strong with combine team work no take bot and clearly good Played..

Author: shadow    Time: 2017-3-4 22:11
ClarkAvery replied at 2017-3-3 05:12
Since I joined the COTK game back in 2014 server 11 was launched and since then I met a lot of frien ...

i am here....

Author: Lukav    Time: 2017-3-4 23:25
I played at shu s19 then i meet my in game friend GreenAdolph...he was my right hand man at my reign as the shu king at s19 ..he helped me a lot when shu s19 at chaos, that time many shu friend became enemy inside...yes that right....our internal got problem..shu fight shu ..every day ..our castle got attacked ..every castle in chaos because we under attacked ...many shu 19 friend left us and many of them migrate to Wu s21 or s22 (if i not mistaken..long time ago) and that time we are vulnerable..from dominant shu s19 superior from wu and wei..we became less player ..many losses from event but with the help GreenAdolph we gathered all the remaining shu player like LieAW, baixue, Red225, KamGoanswe, EsperElroy, redrose, peterjose, arbarfrank and other shu friend..we still survive until now..wkwkwkwk....until s19 merged with s20 ..then merged with s12-s14 then we merged with s18...now we are the the strongest shu at this server...xixixi
I have meet some my in game friend in real life like greenadolph, baixue and LieAW...i know this is just a game..but from this game i know much that controling other player very difficult..wkwkwk...this war game cotk tasted real like war strategy a lot xixixi....Nice to play with all of you guys...we are enemy with wu and wei only at game...but in real life, all of us are friend...wkwkwkw

Ign : Lukav
Shu s12
Author: ghazyg    Time: 2017-3-4 23:37
The most memorable moment is, when my country mate guide me to get sunce at rebels repress instance, so i got faster than another.. he is the most best mate in my country.

Wu 58.
Author: Wisely    Time: 2017-3-6 18:34
IGN : KingWar
Server : S70

COTK make me found best friend on game. his ID, Death88 and darko my team mates. lol. every 1 am . we like three musketeer clearing area Shu from Wei and Wu. Ah ... not forget lovely Syasa, ShuAegis, Smoke, ZijatGary....and other. like heroes fight without fear. Amazing team Shu S70. I love you

Author: mars0808    Time: 2017-3-6 19:15
saangAnwar replied at 2017-3-3 12:07
I have many good friend in game in Wei S25. We share so many great moments here. They all are my bes ...

And that is a cheating...but it's oke...you are one of my best friend in S25...
No, since S21...
Author: espermorto    Time: 2017-3-6 22:14
Thank u heyshell , i'm espermorto from wu s68 in this server i'm playing at the first time in game strategy, with the universe language and country we get more experience and playing with stay fokus step by step the important initiative planning. In this game we also study how to study to get reality in the game same as the business. I'm also only a poor player with lack of financial thank u also too bakerkenne that was give me id in s29. Thank u also too in my friend billiard from wu that always support me.  Thank too for the other friend in wu s68 asmara, fox and etc . if not wrong may be i have one request to heyshell to more respective the player that also have poor financial but have a good fighting spirit same as with me . in the future may be i want to become the king in wu s68 that have more care with other player in wu s68.
Author: Putraaditya    Time: 2017-3-6 22:25
IGN : lordqueen
Server : s72
Author: anakedian    Time: 2017-3-7 01:53
i played in Shu S45 when i reached lvl 105 the whole shu S 45 branded me as a spy and kicked me out of line chat which was for shu S45 players to share strategy , after felling very sad i left S45 , i started to hate this game .  i log in to S54 to spend my credit points - in S54 i found many friends who really are good and a lot more funny . i decided to stay and play  the game only because of all my friends in Shu S54 - thank you friends  [one day this game will add a new version  giving opportunity to players to attack other players in other server whom they wish to attack on that day Shu S45 be ready  ]

thank you COT team
Shu S54   
Author: MayZacha_D_M    Time: 2017-3-7 13:41
My in game friends in S43 are davorclash and Kongming.
Davorclash as a rival,  and Kongming as an advisor.
But i want to tell a story about davorclash now.
Davorclash and me, as both of us VIP0.  We were compete each other on leveling and instance.  But we also sharing our experience in this game,  how to get our id stronger even we were only VIP0. We passed instances by sharing line up, try different possibilities, till we got those heroes
Later on he become VIP2 and i still VIP0
He awake ZFei,  and i still not awaken any heroes
We are still keep in contact,  even we never see each other

Author: Kingthea    Time: 2017-3-7 17:35
When the War not join a lot of hero ....... the War is finish by failed

Author: Billiard    Time: 2017-3-7 21:36
Yeah a have lot of friend at s68 wu
asmara™ and EsperMorto i always ask for sugestion to them
Thanks a lot friend
And for wu s.68 king's Grimm "we have a good tem work"
Author: tl5086    Time: 2017-3-7 21:39
to the first generation of s3shu friends, although you guys have already quit, I just want to say that you are all good

Author: Jeff888loh    Time: 2017-3-7 23:19
Best birthday gifts from all the Bros and Sis at Wu S68!! That was 2 days before my birthday! February 17th 2017. In-game friends FoxStanl, GreenJames, Pylus, Espermorto, demonking, LadyQQ, asmara and the whole Wu bros help me win the level 5 Country Upgrade with not much strong Heroes! That was the Joy and Fun with my Teammates!!
Best ever gifts for me in COTK!!
Happy birthday COTK

IGN : Grimm
Server : WU S68

Author: Sodarith    Time: 2017-3-9 08:20
Hahaha it's so funny when brother aceang come to join Wei S55 in the first time, I though he is the spy from shu. Because he always driving us crazy in daily even and he never help us. I remember one day he attack palace and use od for killing guard everybody angry with him so much
Author: bulljoann    Time: 2017-3-9 08:57
have a friend best for server44 that i really enjoyed to remain in this server, sangarrr, baliboys, teguhjr, zold, jagur, ex, kow, yandi, and all contry we are weak since marge

IGN : BullJoann
Author: Raavan    Time: 2017-3-9 15:40
My In-Game friend and mentor is nuge. His mentorship is really a blessing not only for me but also for many others in S1. Even Suwandi, Dada, revos, bluehare, Hehemhem, Hakil Milo, Royal, Sima such biggies used to take his guidance. He is a [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]Gandalf of COTK. GM chen stays in his neighbourhood. So he is very informative and kind enough to guide us.  If you are going on vacation or travelling overseas, he is very kind enough to play on behalf of us. He is like a nanny for us. Thank you sir nuge.

IGN: Raavan
Server: S1 Wu

Author: LeeGrace    Time: 2017-3-10 01:11
Is it worth to awaken gan ning
Author: JaceGG88    Time: 2017-3-10 07:22
Edited by JaceGG88 at 2017-3-10 07:23

My real life best friends and family have been replaced by aliases from all countries in server 51 but mostly from Shu. I see these people almost everyday, I can't say that I do that with my real life friends and family. Some are still around, some have left. Starting in no particular order, HakilDaryl, SakuraHime, Tony, Onieda78, Mei, Ixon, Guan, Nuno, Huggle, Tiggle, WilyJr, HanXin, khifa, unfriendly, cowboy, AnakBeliti, zeroluck, AmikTim, LeiYin, DianWei, chrisitian, roque, Dash4all, Welllsido, SL (his stupid name in chinese cannot cut n paste), AmikJared, Doktor, Stryker, LeeTiffa, dragster, Dogknt, Wellington, Fire, UnCoSame, twg04, HakilRose, Dikk, BackBone, c.Zhen, Tito, Orion, Jantje, Zerolord, Deadly, maroon5, CrisSabio, iamgod, Minotauros, Gwynivir, cutie44, Shinrei, teror.53, KyawGyi, KimYuSin, ZueyangYi, susie, Jagujay, bentang, Gaean, wundra, ChronosW, ZooZ, shady, Sean, Aznable, liew, CecilWayne, and dragoon. Sorry if I have missed anyone.

No matter if we fight with or against you are still someone I need to have a daily little dose of in my life.

IGN - jacegg88
Server - 51
Author: LeiYin    Time: 2017-3-10 07:30
I hate Jacegg88 of s51 for putting me rank 19 in his list of people he loves. This is why he is now and forever will be a  kangaroo/llama cunt. <3 rest of s51

IGN LeiYin
Server 51
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-3-10 11:09
I love Aceang, Henhemhem, HakilMilo, GM chen . Just cause i say so i deserve to win wkwkkwkw
Author: Tatipang    Time: 2017-3-11 10:14
My IG friend would be ceciltheo s34, ceciltheo s41,leoric s41, revaille s41, real Eleven s41, real icH4 s41, Luffy s41, Brotherhoo s60, zhaochebye s60, skywalker s60, DuoDuoLiap s60.
They brought me back to game when i stopped playing. Hahahaha

IGN: Bellatrix
Server: 60 Shu
Author: ecstacy    Time: 2017-3-11 10:47
All in S16 COTK is my best online gaming friends. Cheers to S16

ING: ecstacy
Server: S16
Author: vingoh    Time: 2017-3-11 17:30
Ign : vingoh
Server :s16

Long Long time ago, we were struggling to clear guojia stage Cao Cao. Only 1 player had it back then and he is Clubtina. Started talking to him and he share advice. From there started chatting in the country and met similar minded friends in game like Zenithdk,esctacy,limkiangi,Yonngderri,seyla,pinkypiggy and many moreShare tips to get to Guojia and even met some of them in real. Although many have left the game it is still a very memorable journey. Hope the friendship & gameship remain and happy fighting   s16 is a real fun server that's why we only merge once  
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2017-3-11 23:42
All my fellow shu players from server 12 are my great friends for providing good advices on the game.

IGN : DarkKaiser
Setver : 12
Author: Goropa    Time: 2017-3-11 23:44
A little funniest story happen when I meet with friend who we use to fight together.....we lose contact for months n now we meet again cause of server merge....I comes from s61 n him from s58... but now we can't fight together cause I'm in Wei n him in shu. but it doesn't make we become enemy ....we just fight for fun n some times in middle of war we still chatt ....that is my story

IGN goropa
Server s58
Author: Blackjo    Time: 2017-3-12 12:39
LeeOdele replied at 2017-3-2 18:11
Theres a time when one of my friend in weis66 named Chunwei fought against shus66 named Nami, and th ...

You win...  Take your reward from vort
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2017-3-26 19:18
mars0808 replied at 2017-3-6 19:15
And that is a cheating...but it's oke...you are one of my best friend in S25...
No, since S21... ...

Sori masbro hahaa

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